Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 240 Magikarp Evolution

Geng Gui still couldn't be sure of Sano's identity, but in its memory, Sano's familiar breath told it that she was not a bad person.

So the Pokémon finally put their minds at ease.

It was only when Jigglypuff and the others were preparing to return to the flower sea that Akimoto discovered that there were two more Jigglypuffs.

That should be the two baby Jigglypuffs that evolved into Jigglypuffs. Akimoto didn't notice when they evolved. He was too busy a while ago and didn't even notice this. It was indeed his mistake.

But it doesn't matter. The monitoring system of the ecological park system can be called.

A quick look in the monitoring system showed that it really evolved when he went out to participate in the breeding competition.

And just when Akimoto was checking the monitoring system, a system reminder suddenly came.

[Hello, there are four Pokémon eggs (Pichu) waiting to be collected in the grassland (area), please deal with it in time]

This system is not a system that thinks about grabbing Akimoto's points every day, but a semi-independent ecological park intelligent system that specializes in managing the intelligent operation of various departments in the ecological park.

At the beginning of the day, although Gengar and the others had caused a false alarm, the good news that four Pichu eggs were born soon still made Akimoto very happy.

After collecting four Pichu eggs from the grassland area, Akimoto put two white Pichu eggs in an incubator and put them in the display cabinet at the front desk.

Two of the four Pichu eggs are white and two are yellow. Akimoto plans to hatch the yellow Pichu.

After all, the Pichu and Pikachu family grow and reproduce very fast. The yellow Pichu has a shorter incubation period and growth period, and can quickly enter the breeding period.

Isn't this a bit unfriendly to children?

Anyway, the meaning is that unlike other Pokémon, yellow Pichu eggs can be used to hatch Pichu, gradually increasing the proportion of yellow in the entire Pikachu population.

In this way, the probability of Pichu eggs being yellow is also higher in the future.

After all, if there is no human intervention, white-qualified Pichus will still be born in the group, then evolve into Pikachus, and continue to breed, and the quality of the group will never improve.

As for who the white-qualified Pichu eggs are sold to...

This is a profound question.

Although everyone says that Pikachus are as numerous as stray dogs on the roadside, in terms of quantity, Pikachus are still much less than coyotes, and the difficulty of catching them is also higher than that of coyotes.

But white-qualified Pichus, to be honest, are useless and can only be raised as pets.

Akimoto has been thinking about what level of qualifications Xiaozhi's Pikachu has recently, which can withstand the attacks of legendary beasts and beat legendary beasts.

It can also lose to the three starter Pokémons just brought out from the research institute.

Don't think about such distant things. The gap between animation and reality is still quite large. Although there may be various special cases, at least Pikachu's power should not be that strong.

Akimoto plans to sell these two Pichu Pokémon eggs, as well as the white-qualified Pokémon eggs that may be available in the future, to residents near the town at a relatively affordable price.

Bug Catcher is not included.

It’s not that Akimoto looks down on Bug Catchers, but their ability to take care of Pokémon is really worrying. Akimoto is afraid that they will raise Pichu to death.

After all, Pichu is very difficult to raise and is prone to minor problems. Even the cheating Pikachu can’t escape Pikachu’s easy disease constitution.

Unless it is a bug catcher like Kongwu who has really studied the basic knowledge of Pokémon cultivation.

Speaking of Kongwu, Akimoto hasn’t seen the itinerary report he sent recently.

After placing the Pokémon eggs, Akimoto turned on the computer in the living room, logged into his email account, and checked the emails sent by Kongwu.

In the more than ten days since the start of the breeding house competition, Kongwu has sent 15 itinerary emails alone, and three of them are itinerary planning.

This guy is really a bit of a workaholic.

Akimoto looked at the emails he sent. Although Akimoto didn't reply to any of them because he was busy, Kongwu insisted on sending reports almost every day.

At least Kongwu felt that Akimoto should not think that he was just wasting his time.

However, Akimoto looked at it and found that Kongwu was running between several primary gyms in Kalos every day, except for physical and skill training of Pokémon.

Among them, he basically challenged the trainers he met on the road. He lost a lot, accounting for 80% of all the battles, but he also won at least 20%.

Being able to start with a Butterfree that can do three powders and a Scyther is basically a very favorable condition for someone like the Bug Catcher.

Scyther is really a Pokémon that is very friendly to new trainers. Of course, this friendliness does not mean that they have a friendly personality, but that they can bring high benefits to new trainers.

While having the characteristics of easy cultivation of insect Pokémon, Scyther is also strong. It even has the status of a big brother among the Pokémon that new trainers can have.

After all, it is rare for a rookie trainer to have a second evolutionary form of Pokémon.

As a Pokémon with a race value of 500 in its first evolutionary form, Scyther has strong physical abilities in all aspects, and can be greatly improved with a little planned training.

Race value does not represent everything, but it is indeed a very useful reference value in the early stage.

Now Kong Wu has defeated two junior gyms, namely the insect type and the grass type. His initial goal is to defeat all the junior gyms in Carlos and collect all the junior gym badges.

By the way, I also beat all the trainers I met on the road.

If he encounters an obviously unkind-looking trainer, Kong Wu will not just rush up and fight him.

Generally, trainers compete in friendly competitions in the wild, but some people have a twisted mentality and will seriously injure the Pokémon they are fighting against.

Akimoto didn't know everything about the junior gyms in the Kalos area. At this moment, the information collected by Kongwu made Akimoto gain more knowledge.

There are a total of 31 primary gyms with specialized attributes, and 7 primary gyms without specialized attributes. Akimoto only knows two or three of them, and they are relatively close to Chaoxiang Town.

Kong Wu planned to first become familiar with the fighting methods of all categories. Although they were all junior gyms, no one who could become a gym leader was really weak. Everyone had their own unique fighting methods.

Kongwu wanted to absorb more experience so that he would be able to challenge mid- to high-level gyms and collect the badges needed for the competition more quickly.

I also took the opportunity to level up my Pokémon on the way.

Qiu Yuan had no objection to this. Kong Wu had his own arrangements and he would not interfere too much.

But based on his training volume...

Akimoto has to make more meatballs, otherwise he won't be able to meet the food needs of his Pokémon.

There are currently only three Pokémon in Kong Wu's lineup, two of which are known to Akimoto, and one is Yucaoer who was conquered on the road.

Qiu Yuan also had nothing to say about Kongwu being able to prostitute a flying mantis for free at the insect-catching competition, and also subdue a knotted grass on the road.

Why does this world seem to be more than just him, Akimoto, having the protagonist template?

About me traveling to the world of Pokémon but it seems like I’m not the only protagonist?

Qiu Yuan turned off the computer with an unbalanced mind.

But it's just Qiu Yuan who makes fun of himself out of habit and has fun.

The Pokémon Knotso'er is indeed very useful, and its rarity is actually quite high. The most important thing is that Knotso'er has three evolved forms.

Others don't know, but Qiu Yuan knows a little secret.

It's a secret only for some trainers who don't understand this aspect, but it's relatively common for people who have read a few books.

The most easily discovered form of Jie Cao'er is usually the grass-clothed form. After evolution, it will have insect and grass attributes. However, in fact, Jie Cao'er's evolutionary form can be artificially controlled and directed evolution.

All you need is a special prop - straw-coated sugar.

Grass-coated candy is a Pokémon prop developed by a breeder who specializes in the cultivation of grass-type Pokémon. It allows the grass-coated Pokémon to take off its raincoat without damage, and then put on the raincoat corresponding to the required evolutionary form.

Without straw-coated sugar, the knotted grass cannot completely take off its coir raincoat without damage, making it impossible to control directed evolution.

It happened that Qiao Jing had straw-coated candies. This was when Qiu Yuan was talking to her about Kong Wu. She mentioned that if Kong Wu conquered Jie Cao'er, he could ask her for straw-coated candies.

It is still a very useful Pokémon for new trainers who aim to specialize in insects. Evolving it in advance can supplement the team's combat power. Delaying the evolution can determine the evolutionary form based on the team's strengths and weaknesses.

Of course, the premise is that the knotted grass is female.

Otherwise, the evolved creature would be a gentleman moth, and gentleman moths do not have multiple forms.

The one Kong Wu owned happened to be a female, so Qiu Yuan asked Qiu Jing for a straw-coated candy for him.

To ask Qiu Jing for something, Qiu Yuan only needs to spend five minutes on the Internet to find words to make women happy (especially women in their thirties and forties), copy them down and write them into his own words, and then say them to Qiu Jing. Just go out.

Basically there is no problem.

After reading the email, Qiu Yuan also replied a relatively long email to Kong Wu, and also asked him to stay in his current town for two or three days to relax. Qiu Yuan just happened to send some meatballs and other cultivation props.

At this moment, Xiao Li suddenly rushed in in a panic. When he saw Qiu Yuan still in front of the computer, he immediately took Qiu Yuan's hand and wanted to leave.

"What's wrong? You're in such a panic, what happened?"

Qiuyuan let go of Xiaoli's little hand, picked it up and walked to the ecological garden, asking what happened.

Xiaoli was so nervous that she didn't know what to say. She kept belching as if she was very worried. She just told Qiu Yuan to go to Dragon Bone Spring quickly.

Qiu Yuan wondered, could it be that the croaking frogs and the others got angry and fought, right?

That shouldn't be the case. With Gardevoir and Gengar around, no one can cause trouble in the zoo.

However, when Qiu Yuan gradually approached Longgu Spring, he found that things were gradually getting wrong, and he could clearly feel the vibration of the ground.

When he rushed to Dragon Bone Spring, the area was already surrounded by Pokémon.

The protagonists that Akimoto was thinking about before, the frogs, were watching the show with their arms folded. They were not fighting.

So what's going on, this earthquake?

That’s not right. The earthquake only shook the Dragon Bone Spring?

Qiu Yuan quickly pushed aside a few frogs blocking the way, and after squeezing in, he was surprised at first, then pleasantly surprised, and finally turned into fright.

Suddenly there were two huge Gyarados in the Dragon Bone Spring. Even if they almost touched the bottom of the spring, their heads that emerged were as big as a refrigerator.

And seeing two Magikarps glowing all over the spring is a sign of evolution.


This is still evolving, how can it destroy my Dragon Bone Spring?

Akimoto was so frightened that he quickly checked the situation of the two Magikarp that were still in the process of evolving, and found that they were still in the evolutionary preparation period and had not officially started to evolve.

Not to mention anything else, Qiu Yuan quickly took out the two Magikarp Pokémon balls from the system warehouse, put them into the ball, and paused their evolution.

Fortunately, Akimoto had labeled each Magikarp with a number in advance for easy identification. Otherwise, if something happened, if it were slower, the evolution would not be cancelled.

It's not that it can't be canceled, but then canceling the evolution will cause damage to Magikarp.

Originally, Dragon Bone Spring was said to be able to increase the chances of Magikarp's evolution, but Akimoto put the Magikarp there for more than two months, and they showed no signs of evolution except for growing in size.

A few days ago, it looked like he was still jumping up and down in the Dragon Bone Spring, doing nothing but spitting bubbles, but today he suddenly evolved.

It caught Qiu Yuan off guard.

The Gyarados that Akimoto wanted to evolve was of no use. It was just used to test how long it would take to evolve a Magikarp.

Now that the test has come out, it is estimated that the remaining few will be gone soon. How to deal with Gyarados is another problem.

Here, Qiu Yuan was still thinking about this problem, when Jiyu appeared and called Qiu Yuan.

"Hey! Qiu Yuan? I'm in Mingshui Town. How do I get to your breeding house? How about you pick me up at Mingshui Town Station?"

As soon as the call was connected, Meng Li's thick and thick voice came from the other end.

That's great, Meng Li, what a good person.

Just when I was thinking that there was nowhere to put the Gyarados, you came.

"Just wait, I'll be here in a minute."

The cheerful Qiu Yuan rode his small battery to Mingshui Town Station. When he arrived at the station, he could see Meng Li, who was still wearing big pants in December, from a distance.

Are men who live by the sea really not afraid of the cold?

Even Akimoto was wearing a sweatshirt, jacket and trousers, and he also put on his big pants and a short-sleeved T-shirt.

"Oh shit, isn't it? You just drove this car to pick me up?"

"What's wrong?" Qiu Yuan didn't think there was any problem at all. He looked at his beautiful car and said, "You can follow behind."

Meng Li: "..."

In the end, Meng Li sat in the back seat of Qiu Yuan's pink battery car with a full sense of shame. As he passed through Mingshui Town, he always felt that everyone was looking at him.

"Think too much. Who wants to see you, an uncle in shorts?"

"How did you know!?"


Qiu Yuan looked at Meng Li's narcissistic expression through the rearview mirror and resisted the desire to vomit.

"It's really no good for you to be narcissistic."

Soon we arrived at the breeding house, and it was almost eleven o'clock. Qiuyuan specially made a table of spicy dishes to welcome Mengli.

Hehe, let Mengli enjoy the hot feeling.

After eating, Qiu Yuan took Meng Li straight to Longgu Spring, leaving Monk Zhang Er confused.

"Where are you taking me? Why is this ecological park so big?"

"No matter what, I'll show you a big baby. I'm sure you'll like it."

You have to like it even if you don't like it.

Qiu Yuan took Meng Li to Dragon Bone Spring, and then Meng Li saw two big guys in the spring.

"You don't want to do this..."

"Hey, hey, that's right. Do you like it? If you like it, take it with you. I won't charge you any money."

Meng Li silently walked to the spring and looked at the Gyarados, which only had its head and a small body. He turned around and asked, "How tall are your two Gyarados?"

"It's not measured yet, it's just evolved."

"Huh?" Meng Li thought he heard wrongly, "You just evolved? You didn't lie to me, did you? Both of them?"

Qiu Yuan nodded, saying that he didn't know what the situation was, but that was it.


"And there are a few Magikarp that are fast evolving..."

Qiu Yuan could already vaguely see a few question marks on Meng Li's head, but the problem was not big, and this could be explained by force.

Anyway, Meng Li is one of Qiu Yuan's good friends. It doesn't matter if he tells him this kind of thing. It's of no use to Meng Li anyway.

The effect of Dragon Bone Spring is only useful for Magikarp and dragon-type Pokémon. Mengli is not a dragon-type trainer, and there is not much demand for Gyarados.

But after he heard about the magic of this spring water, he was still very curious, and even prepared to drink two sips of the spring water.

Fortunately, Akimoto stopped him in time, otherwise he would have drank the Pokémon's bath water.

"I have protected the spring, you drink the water from the spring."

"This thing is really interesting. It's quite sweet. I've been drinking seaside water for most of my life. No matter how it is purified, it still has a salty taste. Your water tastes really good."

After drinking two large glasses of water in a row, Meng Li even tasted the taste of the water and had to drink it until he was full.

He obviously just finished his meal.

"Come on, hurry up, take these two Gyarados away. By the way, Magikarp will also give them to you. I can't sell them anyway."

"For free?"

"It's really free. When you look back, remember to leave some good water-type Yusanjia for me." Qiu Yuan chuckled.

"That's a good idea, okay. Anyway, the gym has recruited a lot of apprentices. This Gyarados can be used as a reward or something."

After all, Mengli is a gym owner, and a large part of the income of gym trainers comes from those "apprentice gym trainers" who pay a high price to become apprentices in the gym.

The apprentices pay tuition, and the corresponding gym owner should teach them something real. After all, an apprentice in a gym also represents part of the gym's reputation.

But isn't it a bit too extravagant to reward the apprentice with a Gyarados?

Well, forget it, it has nothing to do with him anyway.

Later, Mengli also promised Akimoto that if there are Pokémon eggs of the three water-type starters, he will notify Akimoto as soon as possible.

A few free Magikarp plus two Gyarados, in exchange for the Pokémon eggs of the three water-type starters, it's not a loss.

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