Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 241 Becoming Ugly When Growing Up

After finishing the matter of Gyarados, Akimoto will start to prepare a website that belongs exclusively to Akiba Breeding House.

In fact, this website is relatively easy to build. After all, when it was still an old house, I did a lot of things on the Internet. I even rented a server to build a strategy website for a game.

The main thing is to build a simple website. Although the breeding website has templates for each breeding house to display business projects, it cannot be displayed in detail due to limited sections.

Mengli came and went quickly. Before leaving, he shared his server with Akimoto.

In this way, Akimoto doesn’t even have to think about where to rent a server. Just use Mengli’s server.

What a good person! Mengli!

The first thing is to divide the main site of the website into several simple navigation lists, mainly fostering business, Pokémon egg purchase business, young Pokémon purchase business, and the last Pokémon prop purchase.

Except for the young Pokémon purchase column, which is currently only a gray decoration column, the rest of Akimoto can operate normally.

In addition to the main business, there are all kinds of miscellaneous things.

For example, skill teaching and the Magikarp evolution fostering business listed by Akimoto.

It has not yet been determined how long it will take for a Magikarp to reach the evolution level in the Dragon Bone Spring, but it is certain that the qualifications of the Magikarp do not affect the evolution time. The qualifications of the six Magikarp of Akimoto range from white to green, and the evolution time is almost the same.

In Akimoto's speculation, the body size of the Magikarp should affect the evolution-promoting effect of the Dragon Bone Spring. After all, the biggest change of the Magikarp in these two months is the change in body size.

When several Magikarp were brought back, their body sizes were similar, and their levels were slightly lower. If someone is willing to use Magikarp to try the business later, Akimoto can also determine whether it is the influence of body size.

By the way, if the level of Magikarp reaches level 20 or above, the evolution time should be shorter.

Of course, the process of Magikarp upgrading its level is ridiculously painful.

As for pricing, Akimoto does not intend to charge by time, but to pay again when the Magikarp evolves into Gyarados.

In other words, in addition to paying the daily basic fostering fee, the trainer who fosters Magikarp in the Akiba Breeding House only needs to pay to take the Gyarados away when Gyarados successfully evolves.

The fostering fee for Magikarp is also very cheap, basically only two or three hundred a day. They charge money for the sake of appearance, but they don’t actually need to touch them at all.

However, if the trainer fails to take the Gyarados back from the Akiba Breeding House in time after Magikarp evolves into Gyarados, the fostering fee for Gyarados will be very high.

Gyarados’s appetite…

But with its size, Akimoto was so scared that he felt his wallet was shrinking.

A Gyarados can improve the trainer a lot. The reason why few people reuse Gyarados is because Magikarp is too difficult to evolve into Gyarados. The probability is only two or three times higher than that of a Clownish evolving into Milotic, which is equally low.

This does not mean that Gyarados is not strong. With such a large body, it is destined to be a bullshit, and it can also learn the ultimate move of killing 1,000 enemies and injuring 800 of itself - Destruction and Death.

If you can't beat it, then take your strongest Pokémon with you.

This is the tactic of using Gyarados to fight.

Considering the value of a Gyarados, Akimoto decided to set the price at 800,000.

This price is easy to understand. Trainers who can afford Gyarados will definitely have no problem paying for Gyarados' food expenses, and spending 800,000 to get a Gyarados for free is a good deal.

However, no one has experienced Akimoto's Magikarp fostering business at the moment, so Akimoto decided to give the first three customers a 50% discount.

Anyway, it's the same. Akimoto is also free. Just throw the Magikarp into the Dragon Bone Spring and let the Magikarp stay for a month or two.

In addition to the Magikarp business, Akimoto also plans to sell some nutritional potions and various balls, which should be easier to sell.

First, there is a guarantee of excellent actual effect, and second, Akimoto can bring in Mickley and Daigo to advertise, and I believe they will agree.

After all, no one can refuse after using the balls.

The cost of nutrient potions is relatively high. This high refers to the difficulty of obtaining wish powder, which consumes a lot of points, and points are what Akimoto needs to accumulate at present.

At present, the only way is to sell nutrient potions and Pokémon eggs together. Buying Pokémon eggs will give you the right to buy nutrient potions.

And it has to be purchased in limited quantities, with a maximum of ten per person.

Ten is enough for them. Akimoto mainly wants to get more people to the breeding house to expand his reputation.

At present, Akimoto can't sell many Pokémon props, and the Tears of the Ocean cannot be made public for the time being. Akimoto can only release it after the progress of the alliance is a little deeper, otherwise he will definitely be targeted by the evil organization.

After all, the Tears of the Ocean is a good thing for the evil organization to produce powerful Pokémon at a low price and in large quantities.

Without the alliance as a shield, Akimoto could not put this good way of making money on the table.

"Ding ding ding..."

Just as Akimoto was typeset the new webpage, a small speaker on the front desk suddenly sounded a prompt, someone was calling the front desk.

After the call was connected, Akimoto received a message from Serena, saying that the Eevee eggs in the incubator seemed to be about to hatch.

After hearing the news, Akimoto paused his work and trotted back to the tree house incubator.

"Has it hatched yet?"

Akimoto asked impatiently as soon as the door opened.

"Not yet, but it should be soon, the egg is shaking."

Serena turned back and responded, then turned to look at the Eevee egg on the first floor of the incubator.

Judging from the current state, the little Eevee should still need three or four minutes to hatch, so Akimoto and Serena waited on the side and prepared the props for initial care.

The little Eevee is still so cute, and the little guy seems to be in good health. He can walk around for a few seconds after he hatches.

Prepare the care for the little Eevee and put it in the nursing room next to it so that it has a relatively warm environment. At the same time, Serena also went to deal with the debris left by the little Eevee after it hatched.

This Eevee looks really good. It was originally green like its father, but now its color has become darker after it hatched.

It's just that it's a male Eevee, and Akimoto is still a little regretful.

After the initial care of Eevee is done, it will soon be able to contact the outdoor air.

In fact, some people think that the newborn state of Pokémon should not be artificially intervened, and it is better to let them maintain the habits of the wild. Artificial intervention in the newborn state of Pokémon will make them too fragile.

But in fact, effective newborn care can well prevent Pokémon from being hurt and sick because of their weak bodies when they are born, and it will not only prevent them from being too fragile, but also improve their physique.

Little Eevee is the first Pokémon in Akiba Breeding House to drink Pokémon nutritional potions as soon as it is born, which is of great help to its future growth.

Although it is a pipe dream to upgrade to blue qualifications after the end of the larval period, it is completely possible to make the qualifications darker and stronger in all aspects.

Maybe today is a special good day, or maybe the God's Crown that Sano said can bring good luck really brought good luck to Akimoto.

When Akimoto took the newly born little Eevee to the grassland to find its parents, he found that the female Eevee was evolving.

When the dazzling evolutionary light dissipated, a purple-pink Pokémon with an elegant cat-like body appeared in front of Akimoto.


Akimoto had asked them what they wanted to evolve into before. The female wanted to evolve into Sol and the male wanted to evolve into Luna. Now one of them has succeeded.

As soon as the evolution was completed, Sol seemed very happy to see his newborn child. He kept gently rubbing the necks of Big Eevee and Little Eevee to express his joy.

Seeing that the atmosphere between them was so warm, Akimoto did not stay to disturb them. He still had to go and see the Tooth Egg.

Anyway, the initial care for Little Eevee was done. On the way back to the tree house, he would see a Milky Way and let it take care of Little Eevee.

With Milky Way, Little Eevee had no shortage of nutrition, and Sol and Milky Way got along well. Since Milky Way came, it was obvious that it was much more active.

Or it could be said that the Pokémon in the breeding house all got along well with Milky Way. Not only that, what Akimoto was most pleased about was that there had never been any quarrels between Pokémon in his breeding house.

Maybe it will happen in the future, but at least it won't happen now, which is already rare.

It's not because of the threat of Gardevoir and Gengar, but because everyone gets along well with each other sincerely, accepts each other, and can help each other when living in the breeding house.

The bonfire party that Akimoto has from time to time also played a lot of role. After all, the breeding house is quite large. Some Pokémon don't communicate much in daily life, and usually they get closer at the bonfire party.

It seems that there has been no party for a long time, and it has not been held for more than half a month.


Gardevoir nodded.

It scared Akimoto.

"Oh my god, when did you show up? I was scared to death."

Akimoto was walking and thinking on the way back to the tree house, and suddenly Gardevoir's voice rang in his ears.

When a person is fully focused on thinking about something and is suddenly interrupted and awakened, the degree of shock is no different from watching a horror movie, and the heart will suddenly beat sharply.

"Gana, Gana~"

Ganaduo seemed to be in a good mood. It flew around Akimoto twice, and then pulled him to go to the flower sea.

Akimoto didn't know what Ganaduo was going to do, but it was okay to let her go. There was nothing else to do. The matter of Yayadan would be discussed later.

"But didn't I tell you not to use telepathy on me?!"

Ganaduo smiled and flew in front of Akimoto, making a rare playful expression.

"Gana, Gana~ (You think too seriously~)"


When Akimoto and Ganaduo arrived at the flower sea, they found that everyone gathered together again. Akimoto asked Ganaduo in confusion: "Is this why you asked me to come? So what happened?"

But Ganaduo was also in a confused state. Didn't she go to Akimoto to take him to see the Jigglypuffs gathered together? And why were the Jigglypuffs gathered together?

Even Ganaduo didn't know...

"You don't know either?"

"Gana." Ganaduo nodded innocently.


Akimoto supported his forehead with his hand.

When the Jigglypuffs saw Akimoto coming, they moved their little feet to make room for him. Only then was Akimoto able to see Togepi who was surrounded by the Jigglypuffs.

At this time, Pokbi seemed to be a little uncomfortable, holding his eggshell tightly, with his eyes tightly closed, with a painful expression.

"What's wrong, Pokbi?"

Akimoto tried to lower his voice and did not touch it first, because he didn't know what Pokbi was like now.

"Po, Po... Pok... Pok..."

The little Pokbi with his eyes closed was very uncomfortable, but he couldn't say how uncomfortable it was, so he could only mumble vaguely.

There was no way, Pokbi couldn't describe where it was uncomfortable, so Akimoto could only help it check.

The reason why he didn't check it at the first time was that Akimoto was afraid that physical contact would make Pokbi more uncomfortable, but he didn't consider this now.

The life force was transmitted from Akimoto's palm to Pokbi's body, flowing slowly and carefully in its body, combing the situation of each part.

But after checking all the way, Akimoto didn't find anything.

Suddenly, Akimoto felt the power being absorbed. After careful feeling, he found that it was the fairy origin power sandwiched in the life force that was absorbed by Togepi.

Moreover, the part that absorbed the fairy origin power was still sending out information that it wanted to absorb energy. Akimoto suddenly realized it. After quickly checking Togepi's information, he found that it had reached the level to evolve, and it was two levels higher.

This situation, right! It was exactly the same as when Gardevoir was in the starting place!

At that time, Gardevoir's qualification level was improved because of Xerneas, resulting in excessive demand for evolutionary energy, and insufficient energy to activate the evolution factor.

This is the situation of Togepi at this time, and it is more serious. The evolution factor in its body has been activated for some reason, and now it urgently needs a large amount of energy supply to make it evolve successfully.

There is no way to delay. Akimoto thought of what happened recently. It may be that the energy fluctuations emitted by the Crown of God activated the evolution factor in Togepi's body. Now Akimoto needs to provide Togepi with a lot of energy.

The amount of fairy power that Akimoto currently stored was not enough for Togepi to use, and Togepi's speed of absorbing fairy power was also very slow.

Then he had to use the secret technique of the starting place, which was the secret technique that Xerneas taught him before he left last time. It could resonate with Pokémon and gather a large amount of elemental power.

Although the elemental power was not as high in quality as the source power, it was enough for Togepi to use at present.

As soon as he said it, Akimoto immediately notified all the Jigglypuffs to get ready and let Gardevoir hold Togepi to perform the secret ritual.

After all, Togepi was too small, and was in a painful state. It was difficult for him to concentrate and use the secret technique to resonate with Akimoto. Gardevoir, who had stronger mental power, needed to help him perform the secret technique.

Since Akimoto got the secret technique, he had only used it twice in the breeding house. The frequency of using the secret technique itself should not be too high, and it consumed too much physical strength.

All the Jigglypuffs sat on the ground and formed a circle, surrounding Akimoto and Gardevoir.

Akimoto sat down, closed his eyes and recalled how to use the secret technique, and began to guide the fairy essence.

Gardevoir held Togepi and sat opposite Akimoto, allowing Togepi to feel the elemental power attracted by Akimoto's fairy essence at close range, and also used his own ability to comfort Togepi.

"Get ready, it's time to start!"

Akimoto closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and began to devote himself to the guidance of the secret technique.

As time went on, slowly, a pink mist floated in the air, covering Akimoto and the others. Then the mist gradually became thicker, and each Pokémon began to emit a faint light.

The Pokémon closest to Akimoto felt a large amount of elemental power gathering towards Akimoto. At this time, the elemental power in its body could not wait for the energy returned by Akimoto, and automatically began to absorb the elemental power gradually gathered in the air.

The initial secret technique needs to be guided by a person or Pokémon with the power of the origin. After using the secret technique, other Pokémon will provide energy to the caster, and the caster will then feedback more refined energy back.

During this period, a large amount of elemental power will flow in, mainly with the elemental power of the same origin power attribute, and all other elemental powers will be present, but they are relatively rare.

Just as the secret technique was performed, a pink dust light suddenly lit up on the grass, and the small mist field was automatically performed somehow.

Then, the brighter, darker and purer energy turned this area into a sea of ​​fairies, and even the flowers not far away were growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, blooming more and more brightly.

In such a rich energy environment, Togepi quickly absorbed enough energy for its evolution, and began to emit colorful evolutionary light.

Gardevoir put Togepi down and stepped aside.

Akimoto also ended the secret technique guidance, leaving the field to Togepi, and quietly waiting for its evolution.

But what he was thinking now was that Togepi had finally evolved, and we finally had Togepi's Pokémon egg.

Togepi did not have the ability to reproduce, but Pokkigu did!

As the light of evolution faded, the once cute Togepi was gone, leaving behind the ugly Togekigo.

But it doesn't matter, Togekigo will soon evolve into Togekiss, as long as Akimoto finds it a light stone.

Then its appearance will be online again.

However, the problem of Pokémon's evolution was solved, and Akimoto had a new problem.

Just now, when he was guiding the secret technique, he could clearly feel that the energy concentration in the environment had increased significantly twice.

The first time was understandable, because when guiding the secret technique before, Xiaoli had passively released the mist field, increasing the content of the fairy elemental power.

But the second time, what was it?

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