Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 242 Good Luck of the Crown of God

The clever Gardevoir saw what Akimoto was wondering about, and quietly flew behind Akimoto who was distracted. The power in his body surged, and he once again covered the sea of ​​flowers with fairy power.

Akimoto thought that it was Xiaoli who was creating the mist field, but when he looked up, he found that Xiaoli and the others were chirping around Pokémon, so how could they have time to create a mist field.

Who is that...?

Suddenly, he felt someone tap his shoulder, and when Akimoto turned around, he saw the smiling Gardevoir.


Akimoto saw it and immediately knew why there were two energy jumps. It must be that Gardevoir also learned the mist field.

During the secret ritual, all Pokémon that have learned the corresponding attribute field will passively use the field skills to increase the content of the energy of the system in the secret ritual.

However, Akimoto took it for granted this time. After he threw a detection skill to Gardevoir, he found that his idea was completely wrong.

Gardevoir actually learned the fairy field that is more advanced than the mist field!

When did you learn this?

How did you learn this?

This is so strange!

Gardevoir was a little proud, and flew around Akimoto twice, dangling in front of him, and raised the power of the Fairy Field to a higher level.

From the cool girl when she first met Akimoto, she now smiles from time to time and can get along well with people and Pokémon she knows.

Gardevoir has really changed a lot.

The reason why she learned the Fairy Field was because she was with Jigglypuff day and night. Most of the time when she stayed in the breeding house, Gardevoir was in the sea of ​​flowers with Jigglypuff.

Originally, Gardevoir was teaching Jigglypuff to use skills, but later she learned the Mist Field with Xiaoli.

And Akimoto would routinely give Gardevoir some life force every few days to replenish her own life force consumption.

The life force carries the fairy essence, allowing Gardevoir to gradually absorb a lot of the fairy essence power.

After Akimoto brought back the Crown of God from Sano, the pure and unadulterated fairy power in the Crown of God helped Gardevoir successfully upgrade the Mist Field to the Fairy Field.

Perhaps the Crown of God really brings good luck to Akimoto as Sano said.

Even if everything seems so coincidental, it only takes one opportunity to happen.

But the coincidences happened after Akimoto brought back the Crown of God, which fully proves that Sano has a more mysterious power.

The starting town of each region has a hidden powerful energy!

It is still a happy thing that Gardevoir can learn the Fairy Field. At least in terms of slaying dragons, Gardevoir's ability has been enhanced a lot.

Akimoto has always believed that a foodie who doesn't want to be the fairy king is not a good breeder.

If Akimoto has the opportunity to strengthen his strength in the future, it is not impossible to go to the gym, brush badges, and challenge Dorasena again.

That dragon king beauty, the Countess, Dorasena.

It just happens to be the easiest fairy.

Before the Steel and Dragon type of Steel-Aluminum Dragon was discovered by the Alliance, basically Dragon-type specialized trainers had no good way to deal with Fairy-type Pokémon. They could only fight close to the opponent or use powerful non-Dragon-type skills to defeat the opponent.

But Fairy-type Pokémon generally have four or five status skills, which can restrict the actions of Dragon-type Pokémon and add a bonus effect to themselves.

It can only be said that with the same strength, Dragon-type Pokémon is about 20-80 against Fairy-type Pokémon, and this is only based on the premise that Fairy-type Pokémon does not have any powerful skills.

However, Akimoto's goal is that if he wants to take Pokémon to fight in the gym, every Pokémon must learn Elemental Shock.

Roughly estimated, the elemental ball released by Gardevoir after three seconds of charging and releasing Elemental Shock, converted into the system panel power, should be around 120 to 130.

With such power, Fairy-type Pokémon has finally turned over, and finally does not have to stack buffs for itself crazily and use other damage skills to fight.

The fighting power of the Fairy Spirit Pokémon is really not weak, but for some reason, most of the Fairy Spirit Pokémon tribes do not have powerful damaging fairy skills in their memories.

So they can only become the auxiliary in the team and defeat the opponent by constantly piling up buffs.

The damage is not high, but the insult is very strong, grinding the opponent to death bit by bit.

In this way, Gardevoir has become a super dragon slayer!

Except for some minor troubles when facing the Toxicodendron, there is basically no worry.

And the skills of the Toxicodendron are also difficult to hit.

Today's secret ritual has brought a great improvement to Jigglypuff and others. Originally, this group of little guys with a level of just over 20 are now almost level 27 or 28. The best aptitude Xiaoli is level 38, and the speed of strength improvement is catching up with Gardevoir.

Of course, the two Pokémon are the few purple-qualified Pokémon in the breeding house. The other purple-qualified Pokémon is the silly round land shark who tries every means to avoid Akimoto's sight and secretly takes Squirtle to dig a hole.

Speaking of Land Shark…

Akimoto didn’t seem to see it today. It’s already five o’clock, right?

It’s probably hiding in the forest and digging a hole with Squirtle. Akimoto is helpless. Although Land Shark does have the ground attribute, you are a dragon, not a mole!

And digging a hole with the water-type Squirtle, do you want to turn them into earth turtles?

Akimoto asked Gardevoir to help catch these troublemakers who were always thinking about digging holes, and he called Xiaoli and Jilidan to go to the kitchen to prepare for the bonfire party tonight.

It has been a long time since I last did it. Before, it was nothing more than a barbecue party and a hot pot party. I guess the Pokémon are tired of eating. Akimoto plans to change the taste today.

How about a fried chicken party? !

Not only fried chicken, but also fried fruit!

Although it sounds weird, like a lunatic, frying fruit.

But Akimoto really tried it himself. Soak the fruit in the flour slurry with the ingredients for one or two hours, then take it out and drain some of the water on the surface, and throw it directly into the oil pan to fry.

And the effect is really great. After the fruit of various flavors is fried at high temperature, the skin is all replaced with golden flour fried skin. Take a bite, there is both the juice of the fruit and the deliciousness of the seasoning.

Very suitable for Pokémon who don't eat meat.

As for fried meat, there are more things to do. Marinate the meat, mix it with your hands, and coat it with the seasoned flour.

In this way, you can fry it with your hands, and it will be flavored.

It is still the familiar Qiu-style self-entertainment method. When making food, he does not forget to make jokes about himself.

Qiu Yuan often walks alone and becomes happy. If someone sees him, he will definitely think he is a fool.

In addition to fried food, there are also dipping sauces and drinks.

Ketchup, sweet and spicy sauce, peanut butter and other things are all available in Qiu Yuan's kitchen. He bought all kinds of sauces that can be bought in the system store and visited the kitchen cabinet, which dazzled Xiaoli and Jilidan.

Usually, if they want to find a certain sauce, they have to search for three or four minutes, but for some reason, Xiaoli and Jilidan are particularly keen on searching in the kitchen.

Moo Moo Milk can help to relieve greasiness, so Akimoto used all the Moo Moo Milk that he had collected and was about to sell as drinks for today's fried chicken party.

In addition to Moo Moo Milk, there are also many fruit juices squeezed from trees.

All the eggs that Jigglypuff saved these days were used by it to make flour paste, and some were fried after being boiled.

All the meat to be marinated was marinated, and the fruits and other things were soaked in flour paste. Finally, the waiters, Forest Lizard and Frog, were brought from the kitchen to the ancient tree.

Every time there was a bonfire party, Forest Lizard and Frog would be called by Akimoto to bring things, and the waiter in the Akiba Breeding House was sure.

As for Gardevoir, when she came to the location that Akimoto said, she really found Squirtle waving a shovel and Round Land Shark hitting the wall with its claws in the cave.

Seeing how dirty they were, Gardevoir used telekinesis to grab them out, and took them all the way across half of the breeding house, from the mountainous forest area to the shallow sea area.

Throwing the round land sharks and Squirtle into the water, he used telekinesis to control the water flow to wash away the dirt on them.

The round land sharks resisted when they were first caught, and did not make any movements during the rest of the time when they were controlled by Gardevoir to wash their entire body with water. They completely gave up resistance and struggle.

No wonder, the round land sharks in the breeding house were afraid of Akimoto, Axetooth and Gardevoir, and they were not afraid of the others, even Gengar. Even when Gengar teased it, it would be tricked by this little guy.

The round land sharks did not like to take a bath, and Squirtle was also brought by it to be a little untidy, which was not acceptable.

Gardevoir let the round land sharks and Squirtle soak in the water for at least thirty or forty minutes before taking them out.

Seeing the clean Land Shark and Squirtle, Gardevoir was very satisfied, so she continued to use telekinesis to catch Land Shark and flew under the ancient tree.

But then Land Shark felt something was wrong, waving its little claws, opening its mouth and shouting "Wow, Wow, Wow" without any deterrence, asking Gardevoir to put it down.

Gardevoir really stopped and put Land Shark down.

"Garnai, Garnai?"

"Woo, Kakaka, Kakaka?"

"Garnai, Garnai, Garnai."

Gardevoir could tell what Land Shark was thinking with a telepathy, and after knowing what Land Shark was thinking, Gardevoir couldn't help laughing again.

This guy guessed where she was going to take it, so he asked her to put it down.

But every Pokémon had to attend the bonfire party in the breeding house, and Akimoto specifically asked Gardevoir to take Land Shark and Squirtle.

So the poor Shark was once again picked up by Gardevoir with telekinesis like a chicken, and flew all the way to the ancient tree.

When Akimoto followed the forest lizard and frog that were serving dishes to the ancient tree, he saw Shark and Squirtle with a frustrated look on their faces.

And the shovel that Squirtle still held.

Seeing the shovel held by Turtle, Akimoto suddenly thought of a fun idea.

But we have to wait until tomorrow, there are no props to use at the moment.

Seeing Akimoto coming over, Shark and Squirtle trembled, which made Akimoto laugh.

"Are you so afraid of me?"

"Ka Ka..."



Turtle was silent.

"Don't stand there stupidly, Shark go find Axetooth, and the three of you go find Jigglypuff and the others. I'll give you delicious food later, something new that you haven't eaten before." Akimoto said with a smile.

Then he gently kicked the Round Land Shark, and the Round Land Shark took advantage of the situation, curled up into a ball, and rolled towards the Axe-Tooth Dragon.

"Hey, little one, that's interesting."

Qiu Yuan laughed and directed the forest lizard to put down the big oil pan and let the frogs pour buckets of oil into it.

Mom sees the oil.

If Qiu Yuan lived on earth before, he wouldn't be able to afford this kind of fried food. The oil is really too expensive, and pouring down so much oil just to fry some meat is too luxurious.

But now Akimoto can have fun as much as he wants.

The oil used for frying food can be poured out for the next stir-fry, but since fried food often needs to be marinated with seasonings in advance, the oil will also have a strong aroma.

Half and half, it will be more fragrant when cooking, but the taste will become strange when cooking other dishes.

Today I have a lot of good luck and good things come one after another.

When he woke up early in the morning, he learned about the evolution of Magikarp, and then Togepi evolved, and then Akimoto learned about Gardevoir's control of the Fairy Field.

It can’t be said that I’m unhappy!

At this party, Qiu Yuan rarely drank some fruit wine made from tree fruits. He usually did not drink, but the atmosphere was particularly lively tonight.

Although the new batch of Pokémon are still in their infancy, it doesn't matter if they eat some fried food.

Moreover, the considerate Geely Egg took special care of them and made many things suitable for them to eat.

Baby Pokémon don’t eat much.

With the continuous development of the breeding house, it turns out that only Gardevoir, Lucky Egg, and Nine Tails accompany Akimoto, lighting a fire under the night, making delicious food, and sharing their feelings.

So far, there are nearly a hundred Pokémon living happily in this breeding house, interacting with each other and integrating into each other, making the entire bonfire night a lot more lively.

Akimoto would place several fires every time. Even though the eco-park system could automatically adjust the temperature and no fires were needed for heating, he would still place a few more fires to light.

Burning flames cause air density to vary, giving the space at the top of the flame a distorted effect.

People who stare at the flames can easily fall into a state of mental emptiness. In this state, Akimoto can hear the cheerful voices of Pokémon, which is very lively, but it seems that they are not in the same world as him.

Very interesting feeling.

In this state, Qiu Yuan feels more existence that is usually ignored, which also makes him cherish everything he has now and will not forget precious things.

Always keep a heart as sincere as a burning flame.


Xiaoli wore gloves and jumped up to Qiuyuan with a big chicken leg in his arms, waking him up from his daze.

"Thank you, Xiaoli."

Qiu Yuan took the chicken leg that Xiaoli had fried specially for him and rubbed its furry head.

"Porphyry, porridge! (You're welcome, hee hee!)"

Xiao Li's lovely big eyes narrowed into slits when she smiled, and she jumped on Qiu Yuan and thrust inward, making Qiu Yuan itch for a while.

Akimoto thinks that although people in this world love Pokémon, there are very few people who can really give pure emotions and sit down with Pokémon to share joy and emotion.

Trainers embark on the journey because of their love for Pokémon, but in fact many people have no skills and cannot find a regular job, so they have no choice but to embark on the journey of being a trainer.

They may really love Pokémon, but Pokémon's status in their hearts is not as high as they say. Pokémon is often just a method and tool for them to become famous.

Akimoto felt that he was very lucky at this time. He did not have to become a trainer because of livelihood issues. The system he was bound to was also a breeding system, not a trainer system.

Otherwise, one day his pure heart that loves Pokémon will be lost due to his constant desire for strength and the desire to prove himself.

Qiu Yuan never pursues anything deliberately, he just lets everything happen. He will strive for what he can, but if he can't win, it won't have much impact on him.

Aside from the fact that he will fight back ten times when being disgusted by certain people, Akimoto is really quite Buddhist.

After sitting with Xiaoli for a while, looking at the stars in the sky through the transparent roof above the ecological park, Qiuyuan fell asleep unknowingly.

That night he had a long dream. In the dream, he and his Pokémon would always have a harmonious relationship, and his life would always be full of joy and excitement.

The next morning, Akimoto woke up on the bed in the tree house room.

After sleeping for nearly twelve hours, Qiu Yuan felt refreshed and the aftereffects of drinking fruit wine yesterday had completely disappeared.

In fact, the effect of the little alcohol was not enough to make Qiu Yuan fall asleep sitting on the grass. What really hypnotized him was a group of Jigglypuffs who were having fun and couldn't help but sing songs.

It was probably Gardevoir who sent Akimoto back to the tree house.

After Qiu Yuan finished washing, as soon as he went out, he saw a group of Pokémon lying under the ancient tree, sleeping with their arms and legs spread out.

It’s past nine o’clock and I’m still sleeping.

The power of Jigglypuff's singing is so terrifying, so terrifying.

Especially when more than ten Jigglypuffs sing together, the power is not simply superimposed, but multiplied.

Qiu Yuan put away those things that were relatively clean on the surface and moved them back to the kitchen for cleaning using the space in the system warehouse.

As for the piles of plates, we can only wait until the forest lizards wake up.

Although Akimoto can also use the system warehouse to move them back to the kitchen, but in that case, the oil stains on the plates will remain in the system warehouse, and every time Akimoto opens the warehouse, he will see the oil stains.

After every bonfire party, we have to bring batches of plates and pots back to the kitchen for washing. The kitchen space is not big to begin with, and it is becoming more and more inconvenient as the number of Pokémon increases.

Akimoto plans to build a sink near the shallow sea area, where the pots and pans used in the bonfire party will be cleaned and moved back to the kitchen.

But that is a follow-up plan. Now Akimoto has to go to the workshop to tinker with the "little gifts" for Squirtle.

I found that I am much more natural when writing bonfire parties now. I won't be as embarrassed as before. I feel quite good when I read what I wrote. (You also know that you were embarrassed before!)

Um, cough.

I sincerely hope that everyone can always keep a sincere heart, whether it is towards people or things, keep the original intention, and do your best.

Life is always difficult. Don't deliberately pursue too much, which will change yourself and make you strange and scary.

There is a warm and cozy place in your heart, and your life will be warm and beautiful at least in your eyes.

I wish you all the good coincidences. People who are in a good mood have good luck.

(Indecent ending)

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