Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 24 Evolutionary Therapy

Jiang Liye frowned and said, "Yes, this child has a bit of a stubborn temper and is not willing to listen to me. There is no bamboo in the ecological park for it to eat."

"Look at me." Qiu Yuan smiled confidently, condensed a little bit of life force in his hand, and waved to the naughty panda, "Little one, come here~"

The naughty panda smelled the extremely delicious aroma coming from Qiu Yuan's palm, walked over with his little nose raised, and pointed his head at Qiu Yuan's palm.

Seeing the opportunity, Qiu Yuan flipped his hand and put it on its head, pinching the two dull hairs on the naughty panda's head and rubbing it.

Seeing that the naughty panda who had ignored him just now did not hesitate to lick Qiu Yuan's dog, with an expression of enjoyment on his face, Jiang Liye asked in surprise: "What did you do?"

Qiu Yuan chuckled: "It's a secret, I can't tell you~"

Then Qiu Yuan lifted the naughty panda by its neck and brought it to Jiang Liye. He squinted his eyes like a strange worm and said, "If you cooperate well these days, little guy, I will give you something good."


The red panda was so frightened by Qiu Yuan's expression that he sat down on Jiang Liye's snow-white thighs. His little hands pulled her shoulders and pushed them inward.

"Giggle, don't make trouble." Jiang Liye hugged the naughty panda and sat it down, patting its head with a smile.

Qiu Yuan looked at the naughty panda with a look of jealousy.

"I didn't expect you to be so stubborn, but I'm still curious about what you did. It seems like you just waved to him, right?"

"Want to know?" Qiu Yuan approached and said mysteriously.

"I think." Jiang Liye blinked cutely.

"I won't tell you~" Qiu Yuan chuckled and immediately ran away with his mount Lamb.

Jiang Liye looked at Qiu Yuan's back and spat: "You are 17 years old and you still do such childish things."

The mount lamb can absorb sunlight as nutrients from the straw mat on its back to grow, so there is no need to prepare special Pokémon food. However, this mount lamb looks so thin, as if there is something wrong with the straw mat.

Akimoto looked at "205" on the Pokmon ball to find his room, and conducted a detailed inspection of the mount lamb.

It turned out that there was indeed something wrong with its straw mat. It seemed that it had been injured, which greatly reduced the ability of the straw mat to absorb sunlight and affected its development.

Akimoto also tried using the power of life to treat the injury, but the mount lamb had been injured for a long time, so the effect of the power of life on the injury was very weak.

"What should I do? Alas..."

Qiu Yuan frowned and looked at his mount Lamb from time to time.

"Theoretically, the defects can be corrected by improving the life level of evolution, but now the mount lamb is only level 12, which is still a long way from level 36. Alas, wait!"

Qiu Yuan, who was talking to himself, suddenly lit up and thought of a very likely method to succeed.

Superpowers that are lower than the Life Force can make the Super Pokémon evolve temporarily, so even your own primary Life Force should be able to achieve short-term evolution.

There is such a great match between the elemental power of grass and Qiu Yuan's life force. He can't think of any other way for the time being. Qiu Yuan decided to treat the mount lamb at noon tomorrow.

After learning about the situation of the mount lamb, Qiu Yuan roughly prepared Pokmon food suitable for it, but it could only ensure the nutrition of the mount lamb, and could not achieve the effect of increasing the elemental power.

After eating the dinner brought by the staff and walking around the ecological garden with him twice, Qiu Yuan went back to his room to sleep.

The mount lamb curled its legs and lay quietly beside Qiu Yuan, its breathing gently drifting in the room. Qiu Yuan and the mount lamb will spend seven days and nights here.

When Qiu Yuan opened his eyes in the morning, he saw the mount lamb leaning on his face blankly.

"I wonder why I feel so heavy." Qiu Yuan patted his mount, the lamb, and got up to wash up.

After eating a simple breakfast, Akimoto spent the morning formulating a feeding plan for his mount lamb.

In order to achieve the best effect, configuring grass-type Pokémon food is the best option at the moment. Unfortunately, Akimoto doesn't have a clue yet.

In fact, with the qualifications of riding a lamb, as long as the straw mat on the back is treated well, it can develop into a very good state on its own.

But the problem lies in the treatment. Pokémon breeders not only breed Pokémon, but also need to know certain medical knowledge.

Akimoto, who felt that he was going to be autistic due to the food provided with grass-type Pokémon, put down his obsession, looked at the increasingly strong sunlight, and brought his mount Lamb to the window sill.

"Now try your best to absorb the sunlight, and then I will help you treat it!"

The mount Xiaoyang nodded and stood on the table brought by Qiu Yuan, the straw mat on his back shining slightly.

Although I have never seen other mount lambs or mount goats, it is obvious at a glance that the ability of this mount lamb is flawed.

Putting his hand on the back of the mount lamb, Qiu Yuan silently poured the life force he had stored for two days into its body.

The power of life penetrates into the cells of the mount lamb, and the evolutionary factors are stimulated and become very active. At this time, the energy converted by the mount lamb's absorption of sunlight is also input into the cells.

When Qiu Yuan felt that his life force was about to dry up, the colorful light of evolution suddenly lit up on his mount Lamb.

Through the light of evolution, we can see that the size of the mount lamb is slowly getting bigger, but Qiu Yuan has gradually felt that his life force is exhausted.

Gnashing his teeth, Qiu Yuan immersed himself in his thoughts, and more carefully stimulated the evolution factor with his life force directly, without wasting it elsewhere.

Finally, after Qiu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, the lamb completed its evolution and became a goat, and Qiu Yuan's life force disappeared completely.

Qiu Yuan looked at the goat with joy and said, "Try to use photosynthesis quickly!"

The goat was also very excited. In the evolutionary process it had just experienced, it clearly felt that the grass mat on its back was getting stronger and stronger, and it was full of respect for Qiu Yuan who caused all this.

The goat let out a long cry, and a green light that was much stronger than before lit up on its back.

Seeing this, Qiu Yuan was also very happy. From the current point of view, his temporary evolution ability had no sequelae, and the ability of the goat was really improved.

Enjoying the sun bath, the goat jumped off the table excitedly and pounced on Qiu Yuan.

"Hey, don't make trouble, you are not the little guy before, you are very heavy."

Qiu Yuan smiled and caught it and pinched its ears.


The goat cried happily, and suddenly turned back into a lamb in a burst of white light.

He looked at his small body with a confused face, and the lamb turned around anxiously on the ground, tears almost falling.

"Okay, okay, it's okay, I just helped you evolve temporarily to solve the problem of the grass mat, and you will evolve through your own abilities in the future!"

Seeing it like this, Akimoto also hurried to comfort it.

After turning back into a lamb, Akimoto let it try photosynthesis again, and confirmed that the result was really successful. Akimoto was relieved.

The next thing is to take the lamb to slowly adapt to the restored ability and prepare suitable Pokémon food for him.

In fact, for Pokémon food, Akimoto's formula is generally a few basic fruits that improve the body's nutrient absorption and plants or fruits rich in elemental power. Sometimes, fruits that improve the appearance of Pokémon are added according to needs.

For example, the Setsu-ni balls for Dorimia have cranberries added to make the hair beautiful. This time, Akimoto is going to the ecological park to get some phoenix pears that can make the mount lamb stronger.

Although it is a tree fruit unique to the Hoenn region, Carlos also introduced it.

In the Hoenn region, tree fruits are generally used to make energy blocks. Compared with Pokémon food that satisfies the appetite and nutrition of Pokémon, energy blocks focus more on improving the appearance of Pokémon, but the satiety is also very high.

There are also many Pokémon coordination trainers in the Kalos region, so making energy blocks is also very popular in this area.

After going to the tree fruit area to get some tree fruits back, Akimoto let the mount lamb go down to run by himself, while he was looking for something rich in grass elemental power.

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