Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 25: Meatballs are here again

When it comes to the power of grass elements, it seems that a plant contains quite a lot.

This is a typical example of large quantity but low quality, so grass-type Pokémon are generally easier to cultivate, but difficult to cultivate to be powerful.

It is a better choice for Pokémon to carry Luo Ziguo, which can absorb the power of grass-type special moves. Luo Ziguo has the ability to passively store the power of grass-type elements in its cellular structure.

As long as Qiu Yuan injects a large amount of grass-type Pokémon power into Luoziguo, it can be used as the main material to configure Pokémon food.

But after all, this is artificially produced, and the effect is not as good as that of materials naturally rich in the power of grass elements. Akimoto still hopes to try to make blue-quality Pokémon food.

Seeing that it was almost night, Qiu Yuan went downstairs to the ecological park to find his mount lamb.

Qiu Yuan walked along the cobblestone path in the ecological park, and from time to time he looked at the figure of the mount lamb.

Suddenly Qiu Yuan's calf was hugged by something. He looked down and was happy.

"What are you doing, little one?"

The naughty panda grinned and pointed at Qiu Yuan's hand.

"You still want that thing?"

"Ouch! (Give it to me, give it to me!)"

"What if I don't give it?" Qiu Yuan teased it.

When the naughty panda heard this, he became anxious and crawled up along Qiu Yuan's legs. When Qiu Yuan wasn't paying attention, he pulled him on the head.


Qiu Yuan's eyes widened. Just now, the little thing's claws pulled his hair.

After plucking the naughty panda off its head, Qiu Yuan lifted it up in the air and slapped its butt hard.

"Ouch!!" The naughty panda felt pain and wanted to yell at Qiu Yuan, but he was afraid of offending Qiu Yuan and not being able to eat that day's delicious food in the future, so he softened again and stuck out his butt, "Woooo..."

Qiu Yuan held it funny with one hand, condensing the little life force he had just recovered in the afternoon in his hand.

Originally, Qiu Yuan could directly transfer the life force to the naughty panda, but it seemed to particularly like to absorb it by licking it.

Enduring the itching feeling in his palms, Qiu Yuan looked around, trying to find Jiang Liye.

Sure enough, Jiang Liye came out through the grass and saw the naughty panda leaning on Qiu Yuan.

"Naughty Panda! Don't run around!! Do you hear me!" Jiang Liye shouted angrily to Naughty Panda. She just went to the toilet, and Naughty Panda ran away without knowing where.

"Thank you again, Akimoto."

Qiu Yuan pinched the tail of the naughty panda and handed it back to Jiang Liye, making it grin.

"I just happened to meet it. It looked like it had eaten well and was plump."

"Of course, it eats my own special formula. In order to simulate the taste of bamboo leaves, I specially added mustard grass."

Jiang Liye took the naughty panda, scratched it on the head and said casually.

"Short mustard?"

Qiu Yuan was thoughtful.

Why didn't I think of it? Short mustard grass is also a good thing that is rich in the power of grass elements. The taste is similar to bamboo, but it is a bit more expensive.

So Jiang Liye was inexplicably thanked by Qiu Yuan, even though the two were separated.

When Akimoto found the mount lamb, it was having sex with Dorimia, a staff member responsible for maintaining the ecological park!

Qiu Yuan's lonely figure looked extremely lonely at dusk...

For the sake of Dolymia, Akimoto took away the mount lamb so that Dolymia would no longer be bewitched by the mount lamb.

This is definitely not jealousy, how could anyone be jealous of Pokémon? !

Ignoring the resentful eyes of the mount lamb, Qiu Yuan took it back to the room.

The poor mount, the lamb, was pulled away by Akimoto before it even had time to rub against Dolymia, and what awaited it would be the tragic experience of testing poison.

Fortunately, there are some materials that are not tree fruits in the fruit area of ​​the eco-park, so it seems that it should be called the materials area.

Taking back a large handful of mustard grass in one go, Akimoto ground it into powder and added it to the coarse food puree that he had mixed before.

Since the life force has been used up today, Qiu Yuan does not plan to add it. He plans to wait until the formula is formed before adding the life force.

As usual, Akimoto, who was too lazy to think of a name, just called it short mustard ball.

Looking at this green ball with a faint aroma of grass and bamboo, Qiu Yuan thought that it should be fine, so he gave it to the mount lamb to test the poison, oh no, taste it.

The horse lamb swallowed the short mustard ball without hesitation. He didn't feel anything when he held it in his mouth. When he bit it, the horse lamb's face was twisted together.

It's too sweet. It's like murdering a biological sheep. It makes the baby sick to death.

Seeing the expression on the mount lamb, Qiu Yuan knew that the production had failed, and he didn't even think of the system's beep.

Rubbing the head of the mount Lamb, Qiu Yuan said sheepishly: "Ah, haha, I'm sorry, it's my question."

The mount lamb responded with a resentful look.

"Did something feel strange just now?"

"Mea~ (It's so sweet, so sweet)"

"Too sweet?" Qiu Yuan frowned, "It's probably too sweet."

Qiu Yuan just thought of adding a little sweetness, which would be more in line with the taste of Mount Lamb, but unexpectedly he added too much.

After slightly adjusting the recipe, Akimoto made the second batch of mustard balls.

Before Qiu Yuan could give the mount lamb a try, the system's voice rang.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host for making short mustard balls (yellow)]

Then there was no follow-up.

It should be because of the lack of life force, so it is only yellow quality, but Akimoto can already be on par with many high-level breeders in that he can make yellow quality Pokémon food without relying on life force.

When I add some life force to the short mustard balls tomorrow, I should be able to improve the quality to green, so that the task of making five green Pokémon props is more than half completed.

After hesitating for a while, the mount lamb swallowed the new version of the short mustard balls, carefully scraped off the surface of the short mustard balls with his teeth, and felt that the taste seemed to be okay.

When the mount lamb completely ate this short mustard ball, it was already intoxicated by the wonderful taste.

Akimoto looked at its appearance, laughed, put the six short mustard balls left from the second experiment in front of the mount lamb, and went to wash and prepare for bed.

After a busy day, I finally have to give myself a comfortable rest.

With the short mustard balls, the grass mat of the lamb mount has also been restored. As long as there is no trouble, the first place in this assessment is a sure thing.

With the green-quality lamb mount and the green-quality short mustard balls that can be prepared tomorrow, Qiu Yuan doesn't know how to lose.

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