Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 249 Chapter 249 Natsume Lingyi

Qiu Yuan woke up from hunger.

Looking out through the window of the tree house, it was still dark and the time was only a little after four o'clock.

Yesterday afternoon, I encountered the Steel Cannon Arm Shrimp in the channel at the bottom of Fairy Lake. After a life-and-death experience, I rushed back to treat the frog. Akimoto felt physically and mentally exhausted and couldn't even lift his eyelids, so he fell asleep. Go down.

With such a huge physical exertion and no energy replenishment, Qiu Yuan's stomach naturally protested and woke him up in the early morning.

Still feeling a little tired, Qiu Yuan got up, rinsed his mouth, used the hot water bottle in the room to make himself a bowl of instant noodles, and prepared to go back to sleep after eating.

But while he was waiting for the instant noodles to be brewed, he walked to the window and took a look, and saw four fast and agile figures. Under the thin moonlight, they disappeared from Akimoto's sight in a short while.

After eating instant noodles, Qiu Yuan gave up the idea of ​​sleeping again, washed his face, woke up, and went out to see which four Pokémon were not sleeping at four in the morning.


Just as Qiu Yuan got downstairs, he met the frogs who were passing by the old tree again. He quickly called out to stop and let them come over.

The four croak-headed frogs seemed to have been caught as thieves, each of them looked guilty and their eyes wandered from side to side.

"Why don't you four go to bed and play in circles in the ecological park early in the morning?"

"Quack, quack..."

The croak-headed frog scratched its head and hesitated.

Akimoto thought about it for a moment and realized that the frogs must have been stimulated by what happened yesterday, and they wanted to improve their strength one by one to make themselves stronger.

The characteristics of this type of Pokémon are like this. Even though their personalities may be different, the only thing they have in common is their refusal to admit defeat.

In the past, Pokémon who were bred in a breeding center did not have to do anything every day. They ate the food prepared by the breeding center on time, and the Pokémon they were bred with were arranged by the administrator of the breeding center...

Even the battles and discussions between them due to their technical skills will be stopped by the administrator on the grounds that they cannot do unplanned training.

So after arriving at the Akiba Breeding House, they cherished the opportunity to improve their strength and become stronger. Every time Akimoto saw them, they were basically fighting or training.

It would be fine if it were Pokémon like Jigglypuff and Pikachu who were relatively gentle in nature and didn't pursue power, but how could a Pokémon like Frogger not care about its own strength?

Therefore, being chased by the Steel Cannon Arm Shrimp is like a bereaved dog, and can only passively escape. If it fights back, its companion will suffer a broken body and end up in a coma, which makes the frogs very unwilling.

In their hearts, although they like the leisurely, free, and comfortable atmosphere of the Akiba Breeding House, they are still afraid that if they are too weak, Akimoto will treat them like the administrator of the breeding center in the future.

In the final analysis, it was the standardized management of the breeding center that left such a profound impact on the frogs.

If it weren't for such strict requirements, the frogs wouldn't be afraid of Qiu Yuan forcing them to restrict their actions.

Qiu Yuan could only shake his head helplessly.

"You don't have to think too much, it's just that the Steel Cannon Arm Shrimp is too strong. I won't blame you. Besides, it was you who successfully rescued me. Thank you before it's too late!"

Akimoto has also heard that many Pokémon who have been transferred from breeding centers to other breeding houses have such psychological conditions, and he is very concerned about this.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have thought of letting the forest lizards and frogs have fun by stepping on their feet and hitting the backs of their hands.

Although the Alliance Breeding Center has very advanced breeding technology, it can breed the best of the best and obtain the next generation with high qualifications.

However, the group of Pokémon that were used as breeding Pokémon suffered a lot of psychological depression and trauma.

Although the breeding center is much larger than the Autumn Leaves Breeding House and the Wind Chime Breeding House, the size of the breeding center is not necessarily a free space for Pokémon.

They implement standardized management, and Pokmon must do specified things within the specified time, and the food they eat is also highly nutritious prepared food.

Although Pokémon's physical fitness has improved and their qualifications have also improved a lot, their mental health is a big hidden danger.

Akimoto's original solution was to let the frogs participate more in group activities in the breeding house, so that they could interact and play more with other Pokémon instead of fighting against each other all day long.

It is best to let the croak frog act as a "daddy" to take care of the young Pokémon.

Taking care of a baby is a very demanding task, and it is also the easiest thing to do to create warm emotions in people or Pokémon.

Of course, it’s easy to accidentally blow up people.

Recalling that a few days ago, when Qiu Yuan was helping the cold water monkey take a bath, he was covered in water. By chance, the pocket where the pager was placed was wetted by a large amount of water, almost causing a short circuit.

But now, if Akimoto wants to get the frogs out of their psychological shadow, he may have to change the focus of his method.

Today's frogs are troubled by the feeling of being unable to resist when being chased by the Steel Cannon Arm Shrimp. Therefore, the only way to solve this problem is to give them the ability to defeat the Steel Cannon Arm Shrimp.

In Akimoto's opinion, this matter is not difficult to handle. The frogs' qualifications are not bad. Although a lot of training time was wasted in the breeding center, Akimoto has many good training techniques that can help them improve their strength in a targeted manner.

As long as the Steel Cannon Arm Shrimp can be defeated, it will be considered a successful achievement.

Qiu Yuan was too tired yesterday and didn't have time to say thank you to the frogs. At this time, he could just say thank you to them. Without them, he might have been overtaken by the steel cannon arm shrimp yesterday, and he might have been accidentally killed. die.

The other frog was still recovering from its injuries. Although it was not willing to be beaten to the point of being rendered incompetent by the Steel Cannon Arm Shrimp, according to Qiu Yuan's words, it still lay down to recover from its injuries.

With the frog's physique and Akimoto's treatment methods, it would be able to undergo simple training within two days.

I jogged a few laps in the ecological park with the frog, until Qiu Yuan couldn't run anymore, so he went back to take a bath.

When Qiu Yuan came out of the shower, he found three missed call reminders on his pager.

He took a closer look and saw that it was a number that he had no notes on, and the calls were made to him five minutes ago, ten minutes ago, and fifteen minutes ago.

Qiu Yuan was wondering if the other party would call again now, when the pager rang in his hand.

Qiu Yuan looked at the screen and smiled to himself.

I actually called, and it was not bad at all. I called every five minutes.

If he hadn't been afraid that the other party was in a hurry, he would have thought of not answering the call and seeing how many calls the other party could make.

Pick up the phone.

Akimoto spoke politely first: "Hello, this is the Akiye Breeding House. What can I do for you?"

A very sweet female voice came from the phone. Different from Serena's clear and melodious voice like a dulcimer, this female voice was rustling and sweet like mung bean smoothie in summer.

Akimoto found it quite strange. How come the girls he met in the Pokémon world were basically pretty and had nice voices?

"Are you the owner of the breeding house?"

The other party did not answer Qiu Yuan's words. Instead, he asked another question, asking whether Qiu Yuan was the owner of the breeding house.

Does it have anything to do with the call from the breeding house owner? Is there a rich woman who wants to invest in the Akiye Breeding House?

Qiu Yuan thought strangely.

"Yes, I am the boss."

In fact, he rarely calls himself the boss, which always feels strange. Usually he calls himself the owner of the Akiba Breeding House or the shop owner.

"Really? That's great!" The voice on the other end of the phone became surprised, with a little excitement in his tone, "I saw the information you posted on the website that there was a baby's egg for sale. , can I buy it?”

"Of course that's no problem, but you might have to come to the breeding house in person."

Qiu Yuan thought he would have to leave the information about the sale of Baobao Ding for a few more days before anyone would notice it. Unexpectedly, someone called him in just a few days.

In fact, he forgot to turn on the private message function of the breeding website, and the contact number was not in a conspicuous position, so no one called him until now.

Otherwise, the phone would keep ringing on the day he posted the baby's information.

"Well, can I make a reservation? I'm far away from your breeding house. It may take a few days before I can come."

"Reservation? Isn't there a reservation channel?"

"Where? Why didn't I find it?"

Qiu Yuan was stunned for a moment.

That’s right, I forgot to open a booking channel for the website!

Akimoto slapped himself in the face. When he was building the Akiye Breeding House website, he wrote a note and hung it next to his computer, reminding him to open the reservation channel...

In the end, he really forgot about it later!

"...Do you have anything going on over there?" The other party heard a snap on the phone and thought Qiu Yuan was in trouble right now.

"It's nothing. Please prepare your alliance card number and contact information. I will open the reservation channel in a while."

After Qiu Yuan finished saying this, he could clearly feel the pause of the other party...

"I thought it was my problem... Then hurry up and activate it. My name is Natsume Suzui, remember!"

"Okay, okay, I'll hang up first."

"Ok, bye."

After Qiu Yuan hung up the phone, he scratched his head in embarrassment and went straight to the living room.

Hurry up and open the booking channel! !

It was really embarrassing. If it hadn't been for the phone call just now, Qiu Yuan probably wouldn't have known that he hadn't opened the reservation channel at all, and he was just having fun.

The reservation channel is mainly for some relatively small numbers of Pokémon eggs or baby Pokémon in the breeding house. If the supply exceeds the demand, then the only way to buy them is to reserve them.

For example, Baobao Ding’s Pokémon eggs are obviously always in short supply.

It is not troublesome to open a reservation channel. You only need to submit an inquiry application for the alliance card system to the alliance.

This Akimoto has been submitted and received a reply. As long as you enter the pass code, you can connect the booking channel with the alliance information database and record the booker's information.

Not long after the channel was opened, just over a minute, the background prompted a message that someone had reserved a baby egg.

Akimoto opened it and found that she was Natsume Suzui who had just called. Judging from the appearance on the co-branded card, she was quite good-looking, with long curly brown hair and fair skin.

However, her alliance card information shows that she is from the Hoenn region, which is quite strange.

Why would a girl from the Hoenn region come to Kalos to buy Pokémon? There's quite a distance between them. Did you come all the way here just for a baby egg?

Although he was confused, Qiu Yuan would not do anything to turn down the business that came to his door.

Reservations require payment of 30% of the full order, which is 30% of the price of Baobao Dingdan's 400,000 yuan, which is 120,000 yuan.

A yellow-qualified baby egg can be sold for 400,000 yuan. You can imagine how expensive a green-qualified baby egg is.

Qiu Yuan then checked the information in the background of the breeding network account and found that he had blocked all the messages before because there were too many red dots and his obsessive-compulsive disorder made it uncomfortable to watch, but it has not been unlocked yet.

[Excuse me, why is the Pokémon food in your breeding house so expensive? It's even better than the premium Pokémon food from friendly stores. 】

“Because it’s good, it’s expensive.”

[I want to buy baby eggs. Don’t think that I don’t know the tricks of your breeding house. Who are you cheating with 400,000 yuan? I'll pay 300,000! 】

"I don't know who to deceive with four hundred thousand yuan, but I won't deceive fools, because it's pointless."

[Hello, where is your breeding house located? 】

"in the sky."

Qiu Yuan randomly selected a few messages to reply to. The most annoying one was the one who asked about the location of the breeding house. He clearly wrote it down under the account number, right?

Moreover, when you click on the website of Akiba Breeding House, you can see the address of the breeding house in the most eye-catching position.

The most outrageous thing is that the person who asked this question is also a breeder, and he is also a breeder in Kanto.

Qiu Yuan didn't even know what to say.

However, many people have expressed their desire to buy Pokémon eggs, and their desire for baby eggs is particularly prominent.

Akimoto also discovered a few interesting guys and sent him a photo, which showed a few muscular men playing a seesaw with some Eevee.

How can I put it, this one is very contrasting and cute.

It was Qiu Yuan who was more worried about whether the seesaw would break.

Suddenly, Akimoto heard an explosion, and the whole living room seemed to have been hit by a flash bomb. A bolt of lightning struck not far from the breeding house, turning the tree next to the entrance of the breeding house into charcoal.

Qiu Yuan was concentrating on playing with the computer just now. He ate a sonic bomb and a flash bomb, and his head was buzzing.

If it thunders, it’s better not to play on the computer. The weather in the Pokémon world is really unpredictable. If there is a special lightning today, it will break the circuit of the breeding house and it will be over.

【Ding! The breeding house system has a disaster prevention function and is not afraid of lightning strikes]

"...Yes, I understand."

This system…

What else could Akimoto say.

At this moment, Xiaoli suddenly ran in in a panic. Seeing Qiu Yuan in front of the computer, he immediately jumped on the table and took Qiu Yuan's hand to run to the ecological park.

"卍卟卍卍! 卍卟卟卟卟!"

This is the forty-eighth time that Qiu Yuan has been dragged into the ecological garden by Xiao Li who suddenly broke in. On average, every day Xiao Li rushes into the living room in a panic like this and drags Qiu Yuan into the ecological garden who is playing on the computer. to deal with various things.

Qiu Yuan also told him not to be so flustered every time. Even Lotus Leaf Boy made it look like the end of the world when he pooped.

But every time Xiao Li would just jump on Qiu Yuan's shoulder and rub him like a baby, saying that he just wanted Qiu Yuan to feel that the matter was serious and to act quickly.

So this time, Qiu Yuan grabbed its round neck (maybe it didn't have this thing), first put it steady on the table, and then asked: "What happened again?"


Xiaoli's expression was still the same anxious this time, but Qiu Yuan happened to not want to continue playing on the computer. When he was bored, he just teased Xiaoli who came to his door.

He pinched Xiaoli's cute face, kneaded it clockwise, and finally picked it up and rubbed it with his forehead.

Normally, if Qiu Yuan does this, Xiaoli will not continue to pretend to be anxious, but will take advantage of the situation and play with Qiu Yuan for a while.

But this time Xiaoli was really in a hurry and didn't even think about playing around with Qiu Yuan. He relied on the characteristics of the Balloon Pokémon to escape from Qiu Yuan's clutches.

Xiao Li fell to the table with a puff of air, jumped up again, stretched out his little hand and gave Qiu Yuan a hammer.

"Porphyris! Porphyris!"

After saying that, Xiao Li ran to the entrance of the ecological park and looked back at Qiu Yuan.

"Okay, okay, here I come."

Qiu Yuan said with a smile, then turned off the computer and entered the ecological park with Xiaoli.

Xiao Li led the way, his pair of super short legs moving at a very high frequency, leading Qiu Yuan towards the Flower Sea District without stopping for a moment.

Seeing its appearance, Qiu Yuan guessed that there was really an important problem this time, so he quickened his pace, caught up with Xiaoli, picked it up in his arms, and ran towards the flower sea area.

Along the way, Akimoto saw some Pokémon who had woken up a little late and had just been awakened by the thunder.

There are also several large milk cans, rushing towards the flower sea area like Qiu Yuan.

Qiu Yuan was very curious as to why they were all running there, so he used surveillance authority to view the pictures of the Huahai District on the way.

You won’t know if you don’t look at it, but you will be shocked when you look at it.

What the hell, transcending tribulation?

Several electric currents as thick as buckets of water came down straight, attacking the same place and point in the Huahai District.

And it seems that there is a Pokémon in the spot where it was attacked, but I don’t know what Pokémon it is.

But judging from Akimoto's body shape, he should be Pikachu.

Why did Pikachu get hit by lightning? ! ?

This is what Akimoto is thinking now.

After passing the old tree, I immediately saw the lightning I had just seen on the surveillance screen, and it was still hitting the same place, and the number of lightning was increasing.

Akimoto was a little worried, so he took bigger steps and ran faster.

His speed was comparable to the speed at which he ran away when he was chased for stealing pheasant eggs.

"What's going on? Who can tell me?"

Akimoto came over breathlessly, put Xiaoli down, and asked the Pikachu who was gathered nearby.

Pikachu also looked confused and worried, and they didn't know what was going on.

Friends! The title of the book may be changed in a few days, and the cover of the book will also be changed, so don't get lost! (It is recommended to put it on the top of the bookshelf)

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