Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 250: Pichu's Tribulation

"You mean all the Pichus are there?"


The Pikachus nodded one after another, their faces full of worry.

Before they could react, the Pichus all ran away from them and gathered together.

Before the Pikachus could catch up, a huge lightning bolt fell and struck the group of Pichus.

The scene scared the Pikachus so much that they immediately shook off all the sleepiness they had in the early morning, and they almost ran straight into the lightning.

However, after the first lightning bolt disappeared, the Pichus not only did nothing, but became more lively.

Pikachu, who didn't know what happened, didn't act rashly, but just watched the Pichus gather together and get struck by lightning...

Although the Pichus were still unharmed by the lightning bolts, the Pikachus still couldn't help worrying, so when Xiaoli came over, they hurriedly asked Xiaoli to call Akimoto.

This is the current situation.

Qiu Yuan didn't quite understand it, but when he used the power of life to sense the power of elements, he found that when lightning fell and brought a large amount of electric power, there was an arc-shaped distribution of elemental power that offset the violent nature of the electric power and made it mild.

And after the lightning ended, the Pichus would quickly absorb the rapidly dissipating electric power.

Qiu Yuan looked at this magical operation and couldn't help sighing in his heart: Is this the tribulation? I didn't expect that it not only exists in the fantasy world, but also in the Pokémon world.

Qiu Yuan could clearly feel that after each lightning strike, the energy in the Pichus' bodies would be more abundant, and the elemental power in their bodies would be more active.

It seems to have stimulated the evolutionary factors in their bodies?

Because they are far away, the perception of life force is also relatively low, and there is a risk of being dispersed by the power of electric elements, so it is not possible to clearly feel the activity of the elemental power in the Pichus' bodies like a close-up internal examination. It can only be known that their current state is very good, so good that there may be energy overflow!

Energy overflow? ! !


Akimoto suddenly realized that something was going to happen!

There was no problem before because the nine Pichus in the breeding house shared the electric elemental power brought by the lightning, and 90% of the energy was dissipated, and they absorbed only a small part.

In this way, the Pichus were fine.

But it’s not okay now!

Akimoto could feel that the elemental power in the Pichu’s body was no longer under their control and began to become active.

And when the activity exceeded the limit, it was agitation!

Once the elemental power began to be agitated and was not controlled by the Pokémon, and the Pokémon’s physique was not enough to accommodate so much elemental power, it would evolve into an elemental power riot, and conflicts would break out in the Pokémon’s body, generating enough energy to tear the Pokémon from the inside.

Akimoto shouted desperately, but the Pichus never responded and still stood there waiting for the next lightning.

At this time, Akimoto suddenly realized that the ecological park should not be protected by the zenith?

Why can lightning strike in?

The light of lightning in the sky was too dazzling. He could not see the situation of the ceiling in this area, so he could only enter the ecological park system to check.

As expected, the system showed that the ceiling of the lightning-struck area of ​​the ecological park had been opened, exposing this area to the continuous lightning without reservation.

"System, close the ceiling, close the ceiling!"


[Unable to close temporarily, please try again later]

"Retry, retry, retry, I retry you hammer retry! Close the ceiling! Close, close!!"

Akimoto issued instructions to the system in his mind, but after hearing the prompt that it could not be closed temporarily, his whole mind was almost blank.

Akimoto, who reacted, did not care that he was talking in his mind, and even roared. The veins on his neck bulged, and he kept repeating the command to close the ceiling, and kept receiving the prompt information that it could not be closed.

Even the Pokémon who rushed here at this moment realized that something was wrong. They all took action and released their long-range moves over Pichu to try to block the lightning.

At this time, Pikachu is the most helpless. Their only long-range skill is electric shock, but once the electric shock is released and contacts lightning, it is very likely that lightning will strike them along their attack trajectory.

At that time, it will not be a matter of sharing the damage, but a concentrated and targeted attack. Even if Pikachu is an electric Pokémon, it will not be able to resist.

Just as Akimoto was in a state of panic and kept closing the Zenith, the intensity of lightning in the sky seemed to be weakening.

At this time, the Pokémon's attack ability to intercept lightning has increased even more, and the energy that can be intercepted by many Pokémon skills to fall on Pikachu has become less.

Finally, after the command was repeated for countless times, the sound of the ecological park system machinery finally had a slight difference.


[Closing the Zenith...]

[The Zenith has been closed and is under attack. Attack attribute judgment: Electricity, less threatening...]

The Zenith was finally closed, and the lightning, which was no longer so dense and fierce, all fell on the Zenith and could no longer cross a distance.

Akimoto quickly asked the Pikachus to go to Pichu and guide the excess electric elemental power from Pichu to them and store it, otherwise Pichu would really be in trouble if it continued like this.

And during this process, Akimoto also found that Pichu and the others did not move at all, and even Pikachu could not be heard talking, like abandoned puppets.

What happened?

Seeing that the energy on Pichu was gradually divided by Pikachu and the state gradually stabilized, Akimoto had time to question the system, why the zenith was opened without his knowledge.

"System, come out!"

[Which system are you looking for? ]

Akimoto currently has two systems, one is the main system, and the other is the ecological park system under the main system.

Of course, the main system is the one to be questioned. The ecological park system has no dialogue intelligence and cannot be communicated. It can only manage the ecological park according to the program settings.

"Looking for you! Why did the zenith open without my knowledge? And it was such a bad weather!"

[The opening of the zenith is a passive measure of the ecological park. Because the intensity of the initial lightning has exceeded the tolerance range of the ecological park's zenith, the ecological park automatically opened the zenith. ]

[The host can choose to turn off the automatic preservation measures. Turning off this measure will execute a fixed command and will not preserve the integrity of the ecological park. 】

【And remind the host that according to the system detection, the lightning was caused by a few legendary Pokémon. Please do not blame the ecological park and talk about any quality issues】

The system gave a series of formulaic answers again, leaving Akimoto completely confused.

And how come it became Akimoto's own fault in the end?

"Then why didn't you tell me this option at the beginning?"

The option to turn off the automatic preservation measures, Akimoto really didn't know there was such a thing, otherwise he would not have turned on the automatic preservation function.

Are you kidding, compared with the ecological park and Pokémon, who is more important?

It must be Pokémon!

Even if a group of white-qualified Pokémon were hurt, Akimoto would choose Pokémon between the two.

If the ecological park is broken, it is broken. If it can be repaired, it will be repaired. If it cannot be repaired, then so be it. It's nothing more than Akimoto will have more things to do and less leisure time.

The system was silent for a while, and then explained.

【This is a system error, and compensation will be given later】

Akimoto was a little relieved when he heard that the system actually admitted its mistake this time, and it also said that there would be compensation later.

[Compensation 1: The Pokémon that caused this thunderstorm are known to the Alliance civilization as Deoxys, Rayquaza, Arceus, and Xerneas. In addition: Pichu absorbed a large amount of electric source energy]

The first compensation of the system is about the cause of this thunderstorm.

I didn’t know until I heard it, and it was really shocking. There were actually four legendary Pokémon involved, and the system said that they were "known to the Alliance civilization" Pokémon!

In other words, there are other Pokémon as terrifying as Arceus?

You must know that these four Pokémon are all top-level combat forces!

And the system said that Pichu absorbed a large amount of electric source energy. Does it mean the energy contained in the lightning?

[Compensation 2: Qualification Advancement Potion (Green) x1]

"You're too stingy, aren't you? My nine Pichus were almost in trouble, and you gave me a green-quality item as compensation?"

[The system does not need to give compensation in this regard. This compensation is for the option of not reminding the automatic preservation function for the first time]

The implication is that your nine Pichus were almost in trouble, and it has nothing to do with the system. The system is just compensating for not notifying the function in time.

Akimoto couldn't tell the system, and he couldn't do anything about it. He could only accept this green-quality qualification advancement potion.

This potion is similar to the potion used for the mount goat last time, but the mount goat uses a blue-quality potion.

Akimoto plans to use this potion for Jigglypuff. First, there are no Pokémon in the breeding house that need a separate potion, and second, it is also a thank you to Jigglypuff, a Pokémon who can be said to be a founding father.

Putting aside the potion, the electric aura on the Pichu's body has stabilized at this time, and only the energy in a small area of ​​the body is still very active.

Just when Akimoto was about to take a closer look to see what kind of energy was so active, the Pichus suddenly collectively emitted a bright light. That was the light of evolution!

The light of evolution enveloped all nine Pichus. It was the first time for Akimoto to see Pokémon collectively evolve in such a long time, and it was the Pichu whose evolution required a mind bond.

Perhaps the bond of the Pichus was to Akimoto, or to the Pikachus. Of course, their bond was more likely to be formed with all the Pokémon in the breeding house, which had a significant impact.

Akimoto didn't know, but when the colorful light of evolution dissipated, Akimoto looked at the information of these "new Pikachus" again, but he was stunned.

The qualifications of all the Pichus were improved by a large stage compared to before. The white-qualified Pichus became yellow-qualified, and the yellow-qualified Pichus became green-qualified.

And the most outrageous thing was that they all had electric beads!

What is the operation of evolving with electric beads?

In other words, these Pichus just evolved into Pikachus, and condensed the electric beads in such a short time?

After the evolution, Pichu's movements returned to normal, and his eyes were no longer so dull.

Seeing Akimoto, the group of Pikachus happily ran towards him, jumped onto him with a light jump, threw him to the ground, and kept tickling him and licking his face.

The other Pokémon in the breeding house were equally happy. To be honest, when they felt the violent breath of Pichu, they almost thought that Pichu was a wild Pichu that broke in from outside!

Akimoto hugged a Pikachu, rubbed its eyebrows with his fingers, and gently asked: "Do you feel uncomfortable?"


Pikachu tilted his head, shook his heart-shaped tail, and laughed.

"Pika Pikachu, Pikachu, Chu Pikachu~"

They were very happy and full of energy.

"Can you show me your electric ball?"

Pikachu's electric ball does not have to be taken down after death, but it will make Pikachu, who is extremely dependent on the electric ball, lose its combat ability for a short time. Of course, it only means that it cannot release attack skills.

After getting Pikachu's electric ball, Akimoto took out the yellow and green quality electric balls from the last lottery and compared them with the electric balls made quickly by Pikachu.

The result is that the electric ball of the new Pikachu is even stronger than the electric ball that has been repeatedly bred from generation to generation!

Although the strength is not great.

But it is at least a little stronger!

And this is only the electric ball made in a short time!

This is probably the benefit of the electric origin baptism. Originally, Pikachus could receive a little baptism, but in the end, no one could directly resist the thunder.

Akimoto suddenly had an idea that needed to be realized.

After thinking about it, he chose four of the nine Pikachus and asked them to take down the electric ball to test whether the bonus of the electric origin could allow Pikachu to break through the curse of condensing an electric ball in his entire life.

It is because the electric ball is too difficult to find, so many newcomers who can catch Pikachu obviously don't catch it, because if they don't find the electric ball, they will waste a Pokémon Ball.

Pokémon Balls are very expensive as consumables, right? !

And Pikachu may not be caught with one ball.

After the storm, the communication function of the pager returned to normal. The first person to call Akimoto was Serena, who was less than a few hundred meters away from his home.

"Brother Akimoto, how are you doing?"

As soon as Serena opened her mouth, she was concerned about Akimoto's situation.

But Akimoto knew that this girl was only thinking about her Pikachu and Smelt.

"Fortunately, there wasn't much damage, and Pichu evolved successfully."

"Eh? Really? Are all the videos online real?"

Akimoto was confused, "What videos?"

"Everyone posts their daily life with Pokémon, but just now, almost every trainer with a first-stage evolved electric Pokémon posted a video saying that they witnessed the electric Pokémon absorbing energy and said that they are the future champion Pokémon."

"So fierce?"

"Yes, I also find it incredible! There are really a lot of electric Pokémon. Now almost all of Kalos is going to become an electric region."

"Come over first, I need to study it. Pichu was struck by lightning just now, and now it has evolved into Pikachu and has an electric ball."

"Okay, I'll be there right away!"

Serena couldn't wait. She got up early this morning and was ready to go to the breeding house to play with her Pikachu, but a thunderstorm started just as she was getting dressed, and lightning flashed in the sky from time to time.

And it seems...

Combined with what Akimoto said, the lightning is really aimed at the Akiba Breeding House!

"But listening to my brother, it shouldn't be too tragic!"

Almost at the same time as I hung up the phone, Qiao Yijing called.

She is still in the Kalos area, not far from here, and knows the news firsthand.

Just now, the entire Kalos area was hit by lightning, and even the Joey family had Pokémon controlled by lightning actively moving towards the lightning area.

Akimoto only said that his Pichu was electrocuted, but he didn't say that Pichu evolved soon after being struck by lightning, and he didn't say anything about the electric ball.

This time, the thunder array made Akimoto feel tired again.

Almost, the nine cute little Pichus were torn apart by the manic energy because they couldn't bear such a large amount of energy, and they died just like that.

Fortunately, the aftermath of the post-immortal war weakened, which allowed Akimoto to close the zenith.

Pichu also gained a lot, at least the qualifications were improved.

Originally there were five white-qualified and four yellow-qualified Pokémon, but now each has been upgraded by one level.

The green-qualified Pokémon of the Pikachu family has truly achieved a breakthrough from zero to four.

Akimoto escaped from the encirclement of Pikachu and cleaned up the messy scene destroyed by the electric shock.

It happened in a flower field, and there were so many flowers blooming, so it would take a lot of time to replenish.

"Garve, use the Fairy Field. And Xiaoli, you use the Mist Field."

Akimoto let the two Pokémon use their respective field skills, and he used life force and fairy essence to revive the dead flowers affected by the aftermath of the electric shock.

Fairy essence and life force are most effective only when facing plants.

Akimoto really wanted to complain about Xerneas at this point. As compensation for losing the life essence, Xerneas gave him life force and fairy essence.

It turns out that the life force is the ultimate Indian castrated version of the origin of life. Apart from replenishing energy to the life force and making flowers bloom more brightly, the fairy origin is basically useless.

That's fine, it's not impossible to plant flowers with it.

The hardworking gardeners started planting flowers.

By the way, the forest lizards and frogs that helped plant trees were caught by Akimoto to serve as soldiers.

Akimoto revived the flowers that he could revive, and if he couldn't, he would have to plant other flowers.

Although there were no ready-made flower plants to buy in the system store, there were seeds, so Akimoto could plant some flowers that were not in the Pokémon world.

"Get bigger, get bigger!"

"Mommy, mommy, coax!"

Soon Akimoto put aside his anxiety and planted flowers.

Like a charlatan, he chanted a spell to the flower seeds buried in the soil, and then input life force and fairy essence to give birth to them.

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