Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 259: Ghostly Aura in the Underground Cave


Geng Gui appeared in a daze, looked at Akimoto, and then pointed at himself.

"Woo-ha-woo-ha? (Are you calling me?)"

"Take out the Poké Balls of Magna, it's time for them to make up for their mistakes."

Geng Gui reached into his magical pocket and fumbled for a long time, and finally took out five Poké Balls.

Akimoto only planned to take out two, so he would use two level 47 Magna. If he put too many, it would be difficult to control them later, and it would be difficult to deal with them if they ran away.

Akimoto pressed the button of the Poké Ball, and then the ball cover opened. A red light came out of the Poké Ball and fell to the ground, and a weak Magna appeared on the ground.

Akimoto released the second Magna, and both of them were still weak and unconscious.

After a simple treatment, plus Gengar's special wake-up service, Magna successfully stood up, and began to tremble as soon as he woke up.

"Get out of the way, don't block it."

Akimoto moved Gengar's big face away from Ma-Yun-La, and then showed a malicious smile.

Ma-Yun-La retreated in fear.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you, I just... need you to do me a simple favor." Akimoto pointed to the metal cabin that was constantly emitting heat, "Just lower the temperature of this big guy, it's very simple."

Ma-Yun-La was stunned at first, and then became even more scared.

Akimoto looked at Ma-Yun-La in confusion, thinking that he didn't threaten them, he just wanted them to help him normally.

On the contrary, Gengar couldn't stand it anymore, rubbing his hands and laughing, flew in front of Ma-Yun-La, and slowly approached.

This alone was enough to scare Ma-Yun-La to tremble all over, not to mention that Gengar also secretly used some tricks to affect Ma-Yun-La's mental state.


Ma-la nodded quickly, fearing that Gengar would be unhappy again and curse them.

Although Akimoto and Gardevoir helped Ma-la with simple treatment, the mental torture of the curse had not subsided, and now Ma-la was still a little depressed.

However, Akimoto did not want them to do any strenuous exercise, just use the freezing wind on the metal cabin.

Poor Ma-la, as a fierce and cunning predator, now became Akimoto's flesh air conditioner to cool the metal cabin.

They can only blame their bad luck. They originally planned to pick up the dead skin, but they saw Gengar who had a lot of feelings for the skin clan, and they even dared to fight back with Gengar!

Finally, it was conquered by Akimoto and became a working Pokémon. Later, it will be sent to Professor Oak by Akimoto to face the group of champion and semi-champion Pokémon in Professor Oak's yard...

When Magna took turns to cool down the metal cabin, Akimoto and Gardevoir went to find other Pokémon nearby.

As for the temperature of the metal cabin, Magna couldn't lower it for a while, so Akimoto left Gengar to guard them and continued to look for meteorites.

I just don't know if Gengar will play with Magna again.

Gengar: That's right!

Poor Magna...


"Is it this way?"

Akimoto compared it with the electronic map, and then pointed to a small hole on the ground and asked.

Gardevoir closed his eyes and felt the fluctuations of the meteorite again. Soon after, he opened his eyes again and nodded.


If Akimoto hadn't had good eyesight, the goat would have stepped into the small hole that suddenly appeared on the ground while running.

The width was just enough for one person to pass through. From the outside, the hole was pitch black and nothing could be seen. The sunlight was also blocked by the leaves and could not shine into the hole.

Xanaduo said that he felt the fluctuation of the meteorite under the ground, but Akimoto searched for a long time nearby and found no meteorite craters or lakes and sands that could bury meteorites.

There was only this small hole that appeared on the ground.

It couldn't be so accurate, right? The meteorite fell from the sky and passed through this hole and fell into the ground?

The sharpshooter didn't dare to make such a joke.

However, Xanaduo repeatedly confirmed that the fluctuation of the meteorite came from the ground, and Akimoto could only go down from here.

Because it was just wide enough for one person to pass through, the goat would definitely not be able to go down, so Akimoto collected it with a Pokémon Ball and let Xanaduo take him down slowly.

As it was not clear what Pokémon would be underground, Gardevoir had already used his mental power to sense the Pokémon around him when Akimoto turned on the searchlight.

After descending about 20 meters, Akimoto finally landed.

Unlike the narrowness of the cave entrance, as soon as he passed through the cave entrance, Akimoto saw the whole picture of the large and empty underground cave under the illumination of the searchlight, the smooth cave wall, the cave chamber like a vertical semi-ellipsoid, and the shining meteorite in front of Akimoto.

It was like an underground ritual altar of a mysterious religion, with a very mysterious beauty.

Akimoto's footsteps echoed in the cave, emitting from the ground contact point, radiating around the cave, echoing along the cave wall, and gathering in Akimoto's ears again.

Akimoto suddenly had an idea, what would it be like if Jigglypuff and the others sang together here?

"Gardevoir, Gardevoir?"

Gardevoir asked Akimoto if he wanted to put the meteorite away.

Akimoto broke away from admiring the structure of this natural cave and handed the meteorite container to Gardevoir, asking her to control the meteorite with her mind and store it.

Including this meteorite, Akimoto has found a total of three complete meteorites and several meteorite fragments, using a total of five meteorite containers.

50 points is not expensive.

I just don’t know what good things can be found in these meteorites.

The meteorite Akimoto discovered now is different from other meteorites. It exudes silvery white light. Although the overall shape is not very regular, the material surface is extremely smooth, like a natural work of art.

Through the glass wall of the meteorite container, Qiu Yuan secretly guessed what would be in the three complete meteorites he found.

One is a silver-white smooth meteorite, one is a dark purple star-like rough meteorite, and the other is a dark golden flake meteorite...

Each has its own characteristics, and you may be able to get something very interesting.

It was still early, and Akimoto discovered that this cave was not just a single cave, but it also had passages leading to the east and west.

This time Qiu Yuan learned a lesson and would not rush forward in an unfamiliar environment rashly.

He asked Gardevoir to walk with him and dim the light of the search rod so as not to alarm the Pokémon living in the cave.

Pokémon living in caves are generally sensitive to light sources and are also sensitive to sound.

Akimoto needs to step lightly and control the light at a level that allows him to see the way ahead without alerting the Pokémon.

Not long after walking, Gardevoir suddenly stopped and looked at the front of the cave passage with some vigilance.

"What's the matter?"

Qiu Yuan whispered.

Gardevoir shook her head. She didn't know what was in front of her, but she felt a trace of unease.

Qiu Yuan's expression became more serious, he concentrated more, and his steps became slower.

It would be difficult to deal with a dragon king scorpion or something sleeping in the cave!

After all, in addition to being widely distributed in desert areas, dragon king scorpions are most widely distributed in underground caves, and they live in groups.

Whatever you say comes, Qiu Yuan just said not to encounter the Dragon King Scorpion, but the next time he saw a nest of Dragon King Scorpions hatching eggs...

Akimoto's search rod attracted the attention of the Dragon King Scorpions. They looked very nervous. Two Pincer-tailed Scorpions protected the eggs and backed away. The other four Dragon King Scorpions waved their pincers without saying anything after hesitating for a while. Rush towards Qiu Yuan.

"Don't! I don't mean any harm, really...fuck, I'm really doing this!"

Seeing the Dragon King Scorpion rushing towards Qiu Yuan, in order to prevent the Dragon King Scorpion from using its venom attack to harm Qiu Yuan, Gardevoir could only strike back and use magic flash to repel them and forcefully knock them out.

The damage caused by Gardevoir to the Dragon King Scorpion is normal damage in terms of attributes, but it can only use fairy skills, and superpower skills are ineffective against the Dragon King Scorpion.

These Dragon King Scorpions are all in their early forties, so with Gardevoir's ability, they can be easily dealt with.

Akimoto didn't want Gardevoir to do anything, but they didn't listen to what Akimoto said at all, so there was nothing he could do.

If he fights too much with Dragon King Scorpion, the momentum created may attract more Pokémon, so Akimoto can only do this.

At present, Akimoto has no idea of ​​raising Dragon King Scorpion, and he does not need to snatch their Pokémon eggs.

After piling up the knocked-out Dragon King Scorpions, Qiu Yuan carefully helped them hide their eggs under their bodies. After doing all this, he relaxed a little.

The aura Gardevoir sensed was that of the Dragon King Scorpion. He was shocked before, but now he can rest assured.

"Gardevoir, Gardevoir." Sensing Qiu Yuan's thoughts, Gardevoir shook his head, "Gardevoir, Gardevoir, Gardevoir, Gardevoir! (That's not the case. The aura I sensed is very similar to Gengar!)"

"Gengar?" Qiu Yuan paused, did not move forward, and turned to look at Gardevoir.

Gardevoir nodded again.

Qiu Yuan's brows tightened at this time.

Similar to Gengar?

Does it mean it has the aura of a ghost-type Pokémon?

After all, the Dragon King Scorpion is also poisonous, but Gardevoir said it was not the Dragon King Scorpion, but it was related to the ghost type.

"Gardessa Sanae...Gardessa Sanae (what I sense is not a Pokémon...I don't know what it is...)"

"Not a Pokémon?"

"Sha'nai, Sha'nai, Sha'nai, Sha'nai..."

Akimoto nodded thoughtfully.

Gardevoir said that the breath she felt did not come from Pokémon, but somewhere in the cave passage. The breath was very weak, as if it was blocked by something.

This is a kind of breath that is the same as Gengar's ghost breath, but it is weirder and has a somewhat restless feeling.

Although this description made Akimoto even more confused, at least it was certain that it was not a ghost-type Pokémon, so Akimoto could feel a little more relieved and move on.

If Gardevoir said that what she sensed was the aura of a quasi-king ghost Pokémon that was as strong as Gengar, then Akimoto would have run away with Gardevoir without saying a word.

As he walked, Gardevoir stopped in front of a plain wall. A corner of a crystal that glowed red was revealed in the wall not far ahead.

"Does the breath you feel come from here?"

Qiu Yuan looked along the position where Gardevoir was staring, and there was nothing strange about it. It was similar to all the stone walls along the way.

Gardevoir shook his head and nodded again.

Akimoto was completely confused. He didn't know what Gardevoir wanted to say. He was about to ask, but suddenly Gardevoir asked him to feel it with his life force.

Gardevoir pointed at the lower right corner of the wall and then closed his eyes.


Akimoto put his hand against the wall, drew out the life force from his body, gathered it in his palm, and slowly penetrated into the gaps between the walls through contact with the wall.

It was still too weak. His life force was very difficult to penetrate and perceive even this wall made of mud, sand and stones.

The life force slowly penetrated and sensed the breath inside the wall.

Suddenly! Akimoto also felt a cold and gloomy breath, as if it came from a dead place without living creatures. His life force couldn't help but tremble when it came into contact with this breath.

It was roughly determined that this was an irregular object mixed with the mud and stones inside the wall, and Akimoto couldn't tell what it was.

He had never seen such a thing before. This terrifying aura made him even want to give up his life.

What he had to do now was to dig out the things inside, but Akimoto didn't know what it would be after digging it out.

After a little thought, Akimoto decided to go back to the valley first to see the situation inside the metal cabin, and then bring Gengar with him after solving the problem there.

It would be safer to have Gengar with him. If something strange appeared, Gengar could still control it.

If Gengar couldn't control it, they could still run away.

After making this decision, Akimoto was ready to leave here, but he turned around and thought of the crystal stone that he had just seen.

Akimoto fumbled around the crystal stone and found that it seemed to be a piece of fire stone of good size.

And judging from the exposed part of the fire stone on the outside, it seemed to be of good quality.

The details will have to wait until it is fully mined. It happens that the technique of mining the water stone is also applicable to the fire stone. Akimoto took out all the tools and asked Gardevoir to make an energy shield for him to slightly block the propagation of sound.

First confirm the general outline of the fire stone, and then chisel the outer stones to make it easier to clean out the outline of the fire stone.

Gardevoir stood aside to watch for other Pokémon to appear. It was quite interesting to watch Akimoto pick up the small and powerful tools to chisel the wall.

After Akimoto completed all the steps, he used a hard brush to brush away the mud and stones around the outline of the fire stone, and then took out the fire stone.

The fire stone was taken out of the wall by Akimoto intactly, leaving a pit in the original place, proving that a fire stone had been bred here.

Holding it in his hand, the beautiful light emitted by the fire stone made Akimoto unable to take his eyes away. It was not a light that hurt people's eyes, but a magical soft and bright light.

Akimoto had never seen such a transparent Fire Stone. He could even see a flame swirling in the crystal.

I found a treasure!

A top-quality Fire Stone!

Deep blue quality!

This Fire Stone was even more beautiful than the one Akimoto had used for Vulpix, which he had exchanged in the system store.

Akimoto looked at the Fire Stone and was stunned for a moment. It was Gardevoir who waved his hand in front of him for a long time before he woke up.

But what should I do with this Fire Stone...

It's really tangled...

Akimoto's eyebrows were twisted together.

If it is used for Eevee, it is absolutely possible to improve their qualifications.

This Fire Stone completely represents a Fire Pokémon with blue qualifications, and it is still a very good level among blue qualifications.

Originally, Akimoto wanted to dig up a Fire Stone. The Fire Stone in such a shallow position must be of green quality at most. Digging it up and selling it for money can just subsidize the expenses.

But the problem is that a Fire Stone appeared.

One of them wanted to evolve into Leafeon, and the other wanted to evolve into Sylveon...

Even the newborn Eevee had already chosen its favorite evolution type - Sol, like its mother.

So there was no Pokémon in the Akihabara Breeding House that could use the Fire Stone.

If it was an Ice Stone, that would be great...

But Akimoto was still very clear that Ice Stones could only be found in Alola and Galar. The special geographical environment allowed Alola and Galar to produce special evolution stones. There were no Ice Stones in the Kalos region.

Akimoto kept the Fire Stone. If a little Eevee was born in the future and liked the evolution type of Flareon, he would give it to it.

If not, he would put it aside for now. Maybe Akimoto would meet Vulpix when he went out in the future.


When Akimoto and Gardevoir returned to the valley, Gengar was using his ghost power to hang two Magna in the sky to play.

Throw it up, catch it, throw it up again...

Akimoto had no choice but to hold his head and ask Gengar to stop teasing Ma-Yun-La.

"What are you doing?"

"Woo-ha-woo-ha, woo-ha~ hehehehe."

Geng-Geng winked at Akimoto for a while, then spread his arms and made a sleeping gesture, then pointed at Ma-Yun-La, and made a crouching and running gesture.

Then Gengar quickly returned to his sleeping state, opened one eye, raised one palm, and grabbed forward.

After doing this action, Gengar quickly ran to the direction corresponding to the palm just now, and made a crouching gesture, which was as disgusting as it could be.

Geng Gui held his ear with one hand and slowly flew backwards, kicking his feet all the way.

Gardevoir covered his mouth and laughed, and Akimoto couldn't help laughing. I didn't expect this guy to have a talent for comedy performances with two roles.

"Wooha? Woohaha~"

Seeing Gardevoir laughing because of his performance, Gengar raised his non-existent eyebrows with great pride.

When Magna used the freezing wind to cool the metal cabin, it actually wanted to escape while Gengar was taking a nap, but was caught by Gengar. As a punishment, Gengar threw them in the sky like balls.

It was a very short process, and it was also easy to describe it in words.

But Gengar actually demonstrated the process to Akimoto and Gardevoir with body movements, making Akimoto and Gardevoir laugh non-stop.

Akimoto wanted to scold Gengar and said that it couldn't treat the tool Pokémon Magna like this, but they actually wanted to escape, so there was nothing he could do.


Akimoto moved closer to the metal cabin. The temperature had dropped, neither too hot nor too cold, just about the same as the ambient temperature.

Akimoto stepped on the hatch and tried to push it, but it still didn't move.

Then he had to get in.

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