Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 260 Moonlight Orb (Subscription Request)

Akimoto patted the door, and a heavy muffled sound was heard.

There were no complicated instruments inside the metal cabin, only a simple control panel with three buttons on it, in red, green and blue. Akimoto didn't know what functions it had.

However, it seemed that this metal cabin should not be Pipi's aircraft, but a device similar to the return capsule of an aircraft.

Akimoto crawled under a baffle and passed through it, and then he saw the area he had not seen before.

This place was simpler than the front cabin. The circular walls were all paved with elastic materials. In the corner of the cabin, a sleeping Picosi lay.

The cabin was not high, and Akimoto would hit his head if he stood up, so he was now squatting slowly to get closer to Picosi.

As soon as he walked towards Picosi, the metal cabin suddenly trembled and tilted towards Picosi's end. Akimoto suddenly lost his balance, his elbows directly rested on the ground, and the whole person rolled to the other end.

Fortunately, the material in the rear cabin was elastic, which could effectively prevent collision damage, so Akimoto was not hit.

He adjusted his aptitude and tried to get up, but he gasped in pain.

Just now, due to the sharp tilt of the metal cabin, Akimoto's ankle was sprained, and now he can only move by rubbing his knees on the ground...


Pixi wiped his eyes. Due to the violent vibration just now, its current position has become the corner of the ceiling of the rear cabin.

Just when Akimoto thought that Pixi was about to wake up, it yawned, opened its eyes and looked at Akimoto, showing a puzzled look, and fell asleep again...


Is it so powerful?

After being knocked down from the sky by the alpacas, it can still sleep, and now after another violent vibration, it can still sleep.

And when Akimoto crawled in front of it, shook Pixi's body, and pinched its fluffy ears, there was still no response.

"You little guy..."

Akimoto shook his head helplessly and smiled. Just when he was about to pick up Pixi, his face froze and he let go of one hand.


It's so heavy!

This Pico must weigh at least 30 or 40 kilograms.

Why is Jigglypuff so light and Pico so heavy, even though they are both pink demons?

Pico and the others are obviously more rare, but Jigglypuff is more popular with girls, and there is a reason for that.

After all, who wants a pet that can't even be held?

There is no way, Pico must be taken out.

Akimoto can only use the Pokémon Ball to collect Pico, and there are no accidents during the whole process. Even if it is collected by the Pokémon Ball, Pico is probably still sleeping soundly.

It is probably dreaming of a round moon.

Looking around, it is empty.

The emergency light illuminates the entire rear cabin, and the matte wall material makes the interior look even more empty.

Although it took so much effort to find only one Pico, it has nothing to do with Akimoto, because the two Mamoros are doing the hard work.

Akimoto crawled slowly on the ground, because he knew that once he climbed over that balance point, the metal cabin would tilt again and fall to the other side.

As expected, when Akimoto passed the previous point, the metal cabin began to vibrate violently again, and then Akimoto was rolled forward.

But this time he was well prepared and chose a better posture to protect himself from injury.

Rubbing his ankle, Akimoto was about to crawl through the partition when he found a crack in the wall next to him.

Akimoto curiously scratched the crack and unexpectedly found that there was a secret compartment inside!

"What the hell, there is a secret compartment in the escape pod, is it for snacks?"

Akimoto muttered to himself, but his hands were not slow. He grabbed the wall and pulled it to the left, and a piece of moonstone fell out of the secret compartment.

Akimoto picked up the moonstone and lowered his head to look at the secret compartment. He reached in and fumbled for a while and found that there was nothing left.

This moonstone is also of very good quality, but it is only green quality, and its quality level is just a little bit short of blue quality, which is a pity.

Akimoto put away the Moonstone and looked at the bare wall.


After touching the wall inside and out, Akimoto knocked on every place for a long time, trying to find another secret compartment, and even tilted the metal cabin twice.

In the end, his hard work paid off, and he found another secret compartment containing a white round bead.

Not knowing what this round bead is, Akimoto tried to check it with the exploration skill to see if it could display its information.

Unexpectedly, this unintentional move was really useful. The white round bead in the secret compartment was really a prop in the system record.

[Item Information]

Name: Moonlight Orb

Quality: Blue

Use: Increase the concentration of moon power within the range

Introduction: Made by the ancient Pipi tribe through a special method, it has a history of 700 years. It can absorb the power of the moon at night, store and refine it, and increase the concentration of elemental power within the range. The Moonlight Orb can be worn by all Pokémon that need Moonstone to evolve, so that they can evolve without Moonstone.

After reading the introduction, Akimoto was stunned for a while.

What the hell?

I didn't understand.

Read it again!

Gardevoir and Gengar watched the metal cabin tilting left and right and turning upside down, and finally saw Akimoto hunched over and coming out of the cabin, but his standing and walking posture was a bit strange.

Akimoto limped to the goat mount and took a lot of effort to ride on it.

"Huh... it hurts so much."

"Garnai, Garnai? (What happened to you?)"

Garnaiduo saw that Akimoto was walking in a strange way and now he was in some pain, so he stepped forward to ask.

Akimoto pointed to his ankle and said, "I just twisted my ankle. But I found a moon stone and a Pixie sleeping like a Snorlax."

"Garnai, Garnai, Garnai."

Garnaiduo couldn't help laughing at Akimoto's wonderful metaphor, but then said seriously, "Garnai, Garnai? Garnai, Garnai. (Are we still looking for meteorites? We have seen many people just now.)"

"Many people?"

Akimoto thought to himself: Could it be that a large number of explorers have already arrived in the southern forest?

Then Akimoto asked Garnaiduo where she saw the others and what their characteristics were.

By the way, he glanced at the time.

He didn't feel anything, but it was already two o'clock in the afternoon without even having lunch.

During the time when Akimoto entered the metal cabin, Gardevoir went around the valley twice and came back. He had already seen four explorers carrying large and small bags and mountaineering pickaxes.

And the most important thing is that Akimoto is now in a relatively close area to the interior.

In just one morning, four people have arrived at the central area near Akimoto. I am afraid that by four or five o'clock, this place will be occupied by explorers.

Experienced explorers can easily pass through the habitats of various Pokémon to the central area without a map.

Although there is no such thing as a satellite in the Pokémon world...

(Because it will be blown up by Mr. Mega Caterpillar)

But Akimoto is not sure whether anyone can quickly confirm the landing point of the meteorite with rich experience.

And you have to know that there are many Pokémon that are more suitable for detecting the location of meteorites than Gardevoir.

"Have you found other meteorites? Gardevoir."

"Garde..." Gardevoir shook his head.

"Is that so..." Akimoto pondered for a moment, then said, "Then let's continue looking for a while, and go back to the breeding house before the sun sets, and try to find a few more meteorites."

Although the meteor shower last night was large in scale, there are actually very few meteorites that can be preserved in the heat of air friction. It is not easy for Akimoto to find three complete ones now.

The remaining meteorites are either well hidden or too far away from here, so Akimoto didn't find them.

Akimoto can't go to the deep interior area now. He has already met a quasi-king Pokémon in the area close to the interior. If he enters the interior, he may be blocked by a king-level Pokémon as soon as he enters.


Next, Akimoto rode his mount goat and searched for meteorites in unexplored places with Gardevoir. Along the way, he has met three explorers one after another.

One of the explorers secretly released a Pokémon to attack Akimoto and rob his backpack when he greeted Akimoto.

However, Gardevoir had been looking for meteorites near Akimoto. After receiving Akimoto's mental signal, it immediately flew back, subdued the explorer's Pokémon, and beat him up.

In the face of the huge benefits of meteorites, these explorers are likely to disregard morality and attack others.

For example, the explorer who just wanted to attack Akimoto, he thought that the combat power of the goat he rode on was not important at all, it was just a Pokémon for transportation, so he wanted to let the Crossbat hiding behind it to attack Akimoto.

Unfortunately, Gardevoir did not break away from the effective range of the mental connection with Akimoto, and could come back to protect Akimoto at any time.

And there was a Gengar hiding in Akimoto's shadow!

It was a foolish dream to want to attack with a Crossbat with only the middle strength of the master level.

However, this also warned Akimoto to be extra careful of others.

Maybe the next explorer he met would be a quasi-king or king-level trainer, and it would be difficult to deal with it at that time.

A meteorite is worth 700,000 or 800,000 if you are unlucky, and millions if you are lucky.

For explorers, why do they like exploration?

Isn't it because exploration can make quick money? !

People are treacherous, and we can't let down our guard even in the Pokémon world with a good environment.

Akimoto secretly decided that he couldn't stay here for too long. He would find another meteorite and run away quickly. If he didn't find it before sunset, he couldn't stay here anymore.

The explorers and trainers who can easily pass through the forest and come here, except for some lucky ones, basically have several powerful Pokémon.

Akimoto's current combat power is not enough to guarantee victory over everyone, so it is better to ensure safety.


After wandering in the forest for an unknown period of time, Akimoto saw two meteorite craters he had never been to, but there were no meteorites in them, and there were human footprints left.

It seems that some explorers have already obtained meteorites.

Akimoto thought about going home, and Gardevoir said that it sensed a meteorite that was emitting strong fluctuations.

The vibration energy of this meteorite is stronger than the previous ones found, and it is very far away from where Akimoto and Gardevoir are.

Akimoto asked Gardevoir to go there first with the meteorite container, so that he could locate the reminder on Gardevoir according to the electronic map.

Garnado was flying almost in a straight line, and there was no mountain blocking the route, so the goat could also carry Akimoto unimpeded.

Soon Garnado stopped, and Akimoto arrived with the goat two minutes later.

At this time, Garnado was holding the meteorite container, looking at the huge meteorite crater, not knowing what to do.

"What's wrong Garnado? Why not... uh..." Akimoto rode the goat slowly over and found that there were two huge meteorites lying in the crater.

The container was only half the size of a basketball, but the two meteorites exceeded the container's capacity, and Akimoto was paralyzed on the spot.

How to operate this?


"Split them?" Akimoto muttered to himself stupidly, and then quickly shook his head to deny this absurd idea, "This meteorite is really a meteorite, two of these big ones are lying here."

The larger the volume of the meteorite, the more high-temperature resistant substances it contains, and the greater its value.

In general, this rule is applicable.

[Ding! In this case, it is recommended to buy a disposable deradiation reagent.

"What is it?"

[Ding! You can buy it in the green store. 50 points can buy the right amount of reagent. Soak the meteorite in the reagent for ten minutes to eliminate the radioactivity.

"... You are trying to cheat my points again." Akimoto said aggrievedly.

Always pop up at this time and tell me that I can solve the problem with points.

But points are really expensive!

... In the end, Akimoto spent 50 points and bought a bucket of reagent.

It really is a bucket. The system sells this thing by kilogram...

The amount of reagent that Akimoto bought with 50 points is just enough to eliminate the radioactivity of two meteorites.

However, this disposable thing is still not as good as a reusable meteorite container.

Akimoto asked Gardevoir to pick up the two meteorites separately, throw them into the bucket of deradiation reagent, and carry them to a more hidden location.

In order to prevent being discovered by others, Akimoto also called Gengar out to survive these ten minutes.

After finally holding on for ten minutes, Akimoto quickly put the two meteorites that looked like small durians into the system space.

"Let's go, let's go." Akimoto walked out of the small cave he found casually, rode on his mount goat and prepared to leave the forest, "Garnado, you go ahead and take us away from those explorers, okay?"

"Garnado, Garnado."

Garnado nodded, its white skirt fluttering in the air, and flew in front of Akimoto like a gust of wind, exploring the traces of other explorers for him.

The mount goat followed Garnado, jumped up, jumped over the mountain stream, and led Akimoto to the direction of the breeding house.


On the way, Akimoto passed the territory of the Ironbone Earthman again and saw the Ironbone Earthman on patrol.

"Hehe! Hehehe!" The Ironbone Earthman waved to Akimoto from a distance and ran over excitedly.

Akimoto called the mount goat to stop, and when the Ironbone Earthman approached, he found that it was wearing a cowboy hat on its head.

"It's quite handsome." Qiu Yuan looked at its hat, with delicate stitching and decorations, it must be an expensive cowboy hat.

The Ironbone Man smiled shyly, a little embarrassed, but still pulled Qiu Yuan, wanting him to follow him to the territory.

Qiu Yuan didn't know what the Ironbone Man wanted to do, guessing that there might be another injured companion who needed treatment.

"Hehe! ~ Hehe, hehe~" The Ironbone Man's face was full of excitement and happiness that he couldn't hide along the way, and he introduced to Qiu Yuan the origin of the hat on his head.

After hearing this, Qiu Yuan looked a little strange.

The Ironbone Man said that its hat was taken off the head of an explorer, and the other companions shared some of the explorer's clothes and decorations.

However, they don't know how to use backpacks, so they throw the backpacks aside like garbage.

Akimoto silently felt sympathy for the explorer who was stripped naked...

Who made him want to get the meteorite in the crater because the three-eared rat found the crater in the territory of the iron-bone earthlings?

This idea is correct, but the problem is that this big brother didn't even let the three-eared rat check the situation, and injured a nearby iron-bone earthling.

This can be said to have poked the iron-bone earthlings' nest.

Before the other iron-bone earthlings came out to teach the explorer a lesson, the Charem that Akimoto encountered had already rushed over from the other side at a speed of 200 yards, kicked the explorer's three-eared rat and small rock away, and then picked him up and beat him up.

Then, all his clothes were stripped off by the iron-bone earthlings, and his backpack and ball bag were confiscated. He could only escape in disgrace under the protection of small rock and three-eared rat, and didn't even dare to look back.

Charem can use Pokémon Balls, and it is obvious that he doesn't want to return the Pokémon Ball to the poor big brother.

Akimoto took the backpack given to him by the Ironbone Earthman and said to himself: Good, good.

Anyway, this was given to him by the Ironbone Earthman, not snatched by him, so he took a look to see what was inside.

The result was shocking!

Akimoto actually found the badge of the Flash Team in this person's backpack!

"Oh my! Someone from the Flash Team came into the southern forest?"

Regardless of whether this was a solo action or a group action, Akimoto had to tell Charem and the others.

If there are members of the Flash Team scattered around the forest, there is no guarantee that there will be a captain of the king level. At that time, even Charem cannot guarantee the safety of the entire tribe.

Who knows whether the Flash Team will have the idea of ​​​​conquering these iron-bone earthmen after seeing them.

Akimoto found Charem, told it the seriousness of the matter, and asked it to let the tribe suspend the repair of the earthen fort, find some hidden mines to hide the porters and the weaker iron-bone earthmen.

When necessary, you can also use Pokémon Balls to collect the Pokémon in the tribe.

Pokémon Balls are not only for humans to use, Pokémon can also use them, and it is just a matter of pressing a button.

Akimoto gave Charem a dozen more red and white balls, plus the Pokémon Balls in the Explorer Ball Bag of the Flash Team before, which should be enough for its companions to use.

After Akimoto did all this, he hurriedly said goodbye to Charem. Now it was getting dark, and he had to leave here quickly. It would be dangerous if he really met a strong captain of the Flash Team on the way.

Chalem's eyes flickered, and it was unknown what he was thinking.

After hesitating for a while, Chalem quickly caught up and stopped the mount goat and Akimoto.

"What's wrong? Don't you have enough Poké Balls?"

"Chale..." Chalem shook his head, spread his palm, and handed the shiny yellow diamond-shaped object in his palm to Akimoto.

Akimoto took it and saw that it seemed to be a piece of vitality fragment!

Vitality fragments have the ability to revive seriously injured and dying people or Pokémon. Although they cannot heal, they can save them from life-threatening danger.

Due to the great difficulty of making vitality fragments, and the fact that the main material, resurrection grass, was once picked to the point of extinction, the production formula has been lost.

The vitality fragments that remain now were all made in the early years, and one less piece was used. I didn't expect Chalem to have one.

"Then I'll take it! Thank you, Chalem."

Chalem didn't say anything else, and he kicked his feet and disappeared on the spot.

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