Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 276 Channel self-destruction starts

Qiu Yuan squatted down and looked at the old doctor writhing on the ground like a worm. He called Gengar and Gardevoir to wake him up from the curse very forcefully.

Before he could speak, Akimoto immediately asked Gardevoir to use his mental power to control the old doctor's brain, and then hypnotized him.

Time was running out, so Qiu Yuan did not ask other irrelevant questions, but directly asked the hypnotized old doctor about the password.

There were no surprises in the process of asking for the password. Qiu Yuan even felt that it was too relaxed. It was strangely relaxed. He even asked Gardevoir to check whether he was completely in a hypnotic state.

The results obtained are unproblematic.

"043576... 043576... This number has nothing to do with what's on the note."

Qiu Yuan was muttering silently, when a croaking frog suddenly ran in and shouted anxiously to Qiu Yuan twice, saying that someone outside had broken through the mental barrier.

It seems that too much energy has been consumed. The mental barrier at this time can no longer function as a shield, and Qiu Yuan also needs to move quickly.

"Gardevoir, drag this old thing with you!"

Akimoto asked Gardevoir to drag the old doctor away, while he and Gengar collected all the useful information in the laboratory. After everything was done, they exited the laboratory and went outside to find Kongwu.

"Kongwu! Let's go!"

As soon as Kong Wu turned around, he immediately called to the flying mantis who had just split the enemy's chest with a sharp blade, turned around and walked towards the laboratory.

Then he was dumbfounded and hurriedly shouted to Qiu Yuan: "Boss! Boss! Where are you going? The passage is in the laboratory!"

Qiu Yuan hurriedly turned around and called Gardevoir and Gengar back to the laboratory together. He also moved extremely quickly.

Then they were fine, but the old doctor who was dragged by Gardevoir was in a terrible situation. As soon as he stepped up to the steps of the laboratory door, his buttocks were cut open by the fragments of the iron door.

A line of scarlet blood appeared from the old doctor's buttocks, and then slowly dyed the entire doctor's uniform red.

Qiu Yuan searched for a long time in the laboratory, and finally saw a small button next to a row of shelves.

After pressing the button, the shelf slowly moved away.

When he saw the password lock, Qiu Yuan smoothly entered the opening password and pressed confirmation.

The heavy iron door slowly moved to the left. Qiu Yuan let Kong Wu go in first, while Geng Gui stayed with him at the end.

Just when Akimoto was about to retreat into the passage, a subsequent group of guards had also entered the laboratory. Seeing that Akimoto was about to escape, they immediately raised their guns.

"Wait a minute! Your doctor is here! If you shoot and hurt the doctor! You..."

At this time, Qiu Yuan asked Gengar to take over the old doctor who was being dragged by Gardevoir, held up his body to block him, and shouted to the guards behind him.

He faced the guards and backed away as he spoke.

When Akiyuan touched the closing button behind the iron door, he threw the doctor's body behind him and threw him directly into the passage. At this time, Gardevoir, who had already obeyed the order sent by Akiyuan's telepathy, came with a strong The ray of energy ball had already shot out, catching the guards by surprise.


The thirty-centimetre-thick iron door closed heavily, and Qiuyuan quickly entered the self-destruct code into the combination lock behind the iron door.

After he finished inputting the self-destruct password, he only heard a "beep" sound, and a one-hundred-and-twenty-second countdown was displayed on the password lock screen. When the countdown ended, the escape tunnel would self-destruct.

"Let's go, boss. After the self-destruction program is activated, the other end will not be able to open the channel through the password."

"Well, leave quickly!"

At this time, the forest lizards had already put away each other with Pokmon balls, leaving only one forest lizard with a Pokmon ball, which did not occupy the passage space.

After Qiu Yuan put away the remaining forest lizard, he followed Kong Wu and quickly fled to the other end of the passage.

"I heard the explosion inside! Don't wait for Yimei, it's important to go rescue people quickly!"

"Call me captain during working hours!" Junsha Yimei simply replied to Hochas, her eyes never leaving the four guards patrolling the ground.

She was also very anxious, but if she didn't wait for the news from Akimoto and blocked the members of the Flare Team's retreat before launching an attack, it would inevitably attract all the members of the Flare Team to gather in the passage, and Akimoto's situation would be even more dangerous.

"But it's been a long time since he..."

"Didi, didi, didi, didi, didi, didi..."

Just as Hochas was about to speak, Junsha Yimei's communicator suddenly rang, so she quickly connected to the other party's channel.

"Is this Miss Jun Shayimei? I'm Wu Xiong. We have arrived at Qiuwu Mountain. Where is the police officer who received us?"

Junsha Yimei thought it was news from Qiu Yuan, but she didn't expect that what she was waiting for was reinforcements. She didn't hesitate and immediately informed the other party of the location of the police officers sent out to pick him up.

After cutting off the communication, she immediately contacted the receiving police officer and asked him to get into position quickly.

After doing all this, Jun Shayimei's mental arithmetic was half settled.

If she really couldn't wait for news from Akimoto, then she could only break through the defense of Team Flare's base with the reinforcements and strive to reinforce Akimoto in the shortest possible time.

"Contact Qiu Yuan quickly!" Hochars urged anxiously from the side.

If he were the captain, he wouldn't be able to hold back at this moment, and he would have led the team to rush down to rescue Qiu Yuan.

It's a pity that he is not the captain, and because of this, he is not the captain.

Kunsha Yimei was also worried about Akimoto's situation, but was afraid that if she contacted Akimoto directly, she might encounter him hiding and destroy his plan.

As a result, before Junsha Yimei contacted Akimoto, Akimoto really contacted her this time.

"Officer Yimei, the channel self-destruction has been activated, and all the members of the Flash Team are trapped in the underground base. You can start the action! I have brought the old doctor out, and please dispatch Miss Joy and other Pokémon doctors to prepare first!"

"Okay!" Junsha Yimei's beautiful eyes suddenly flashed with a very determined look. She immediately gave an order, ordering the police to sneak away and deal with the four guards and their Pokémon who were still on the ground.

As long as she waited for the police to bring reinforcements, she could launch a full-scale attack.

Before that, she needed to apply for rescue help from the Pokémon Center. In addition to Miss Joy, she also needed to summon several local Pokémon doctors to the Pokémon Center to be on standby at any time.

Small-scale police operations usually do not bring police doctors. They all bring their own medicine and go to the hospital to treat themselves and help their Pokémon with treatment after the battle.

Several police officers who were responsible for sneak attacks, with their Pokémon, quickly dealt with several guards.

The guarding Pokémon that lost the command of their trainers did not affect the police officers at all, and were quickly dealt with by the well-trained Swimming Ring Weasel and Digging Rabbit.

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