Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 277 Escape

Akimoto and Kongwu were running at almost full speed, and even the speed behind them was not fast enough, and it was Gengar and Gardevoir that pulled them to run.

Finally, when they escaped from the backup passage and ran out of a small cave full of water, there was a rumbling sound behind them, and the ground shook suddenly. Kongwu was almost hit by the rocks that fell due to a slight earthquake.

"Huh... It's really thrilling. Why is this passage so long..."

"How do I know why the passage is so long? I have to ask the people who trimmed the underground base." Akimoto rolled his eyes in annoyance and reached into his trouser pocket, ready to take out the communicator to contact Jun Shaimi.

It turned out that the communicator seemed to have fallen on the road.

Akimoto quickly reached out to touch another trouser pocket, huh... Fortunately, the pager didn't fall.

"Officer Imi, we have escaped from the passage, the location... uh..."

Just when he was about to ask Junsha Imi to use the positioning device of the communicator to call someone to pick them up, Akimoto found that the communicator that Junsha Imi gave him fell into the passage, and it might have been blown to pieces at this moment.

"Wooha! Hehehe."

Geng Gui suddenly jumped out, threw the old doctor in his left hand to the ground, and took out a communicator from his mysterious pocket.

Akimoto was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that Hochas had also given Gengar a communicator before.

"Let me see..." Akimoto took the communicator and found the number on the back of it, "It's C27, um, thank you, Officer Imi."

"Okay, no problem. But you can wait there first to see if there are any fish that have slipped through the net."

"Got it!"


The old doctor, who had regained consciousness, opened his eyes in a daze, and when he looked up, he saw Akimoto sitting on the ground and Gardevoir next to him.

Seeing that Akimoto had his back to him, the old doctor immediately wanted to escape, and his hands began to reach into his pockets.

But before he could get his Pokémon Ball, Gengar snatched it away, threw it in his hand, and grinned at the old doctor in a mocking manner.

Akimoto also noticed that the old doctor had woken up at this time, and gave Gengar a look, and then Gengar nodded in understanding, and hit the old doctor in the face with his chubby fist without hesitation.

I told you to do something inhuman!

The old doctor pouted his head and fainted again, and turned around on the ground, with his bloody butt facing the ink-colored sky.

Akimoto found out in the moonlight that there was actually a long wound on the old man's butt, but it seemed that it was no longer bleeding.

What happened to this man, when did he have such a long cut on his butt?

Akimoto was wondering, and a young man in a police uniform holding a radar in one hand and a flashlight in the other hand suddenly found Akimoto and them.

"Mr. Akimoto! Is that you?"

"Ah?! Yes, it's me!"

"Finally found you, come back with me to join the main force!"

Akimoto nodded, and went back to the temporary camp where Junsaimei and the others were with the police officer.


When Akimoto arrived, only Junsaimei and other logistics personnel were left here, responsible for communicating and commanding the combatants.

"I'll leave this person to you. He is the old doctor. The experimental data will also be handed over to you, the police." Akimoto was furious when he mentioned the experiment.

But he still controlled himself and couldn't beat the criminal in front of the police officers.

"Okay! We will keep a close eye on him. Won't you stay and act with us?"

"No, I have to get back to the Pokémon Center as soon as possible. There are still many Pokémon that need treatment. Gengar, I'll stay to assist you. That's it, I'm leaving first!"

Akimoto released the mount goat and told Gengar to follow Junsaimei's arrangements. Then he said goodbye and immediately rode the mount goat to the town.

It was past eleven o'clock in the evening. Akimoto and Kongwu rode their goats back to Gumu Town. After looking at the map, they went straight to the Pokémon Center.

"Ms. Joy! There are many Pokémon here that need your treatment, please!"

As soon as he entered the door, Akimoto immediately took out all the Pokémon balls and said to Miss Joy who had been waiting at the front desk.

"You are Akimoto, right? Miss Yimei has already greeted us. Please give us the Pokémon balls."

"Well, these are all. Thank you for your help."

Akimoto handed all the balls containing the Pokémon rescued in the laboratory to Miss Joy, and then she hurried to the treatment room with the Pokémon ball box, where a doctor transferred from the Pokémon clinic in the town was already helping.

The Pokémon Center basically represents the highest local Pokémon medical technology and the best treatment effect, so basically when Pokémon is injured and needs treatment, everyone will think of the Pokémon Center.

However, for non-elite and above trainers, except for the small trainers of the alliance, it costs a lot to treat Pokémon in the Pokémon Center.

At this time, there is a better choice - Pokémon Clinic. Pokémon doctors are a relatively special profession. They are a profession separated from breeders, specializing in dealing with various injuries of Pokémon, and they also need to go to the alliance for assessment.

Different levels of certificates can sell different drugs, some of which are like the medical qualification certificates that Akimoto has seen before.

The most important thing is that although the efficiency of the Pokémon Clinic is average when treating major injuries, it is the most cost-effective choice for treating minor injuries.

Because there are too many Pokémon and it is late, Miss Joy is ready to close the Pokémon Center after returning to the front desk.

"Well, Miss Joy, I can also help treat Pokémon."

"Uh, sorry, Mr. Akimoto. Treating Pokémon is not an easy task, so it is better to leave it to us."

Miss Joy apologized to Akimoto with a slightly embarrassed expression on her face.

Akimoto moved his lips, but finally did not insist on helping. He found a place to sit down with Kongwu next to him.

Although he and Gardevoir can speed up the progress of treatment, it is possible that something will be exposed. It is better not to expose important things in front of outsiders.

"Boss, thank you for saving me."

Kongwu looked at Akimoto sincerely, stood up, and bowed deeply to Akimoto.

"Fuck, what are you doing? You can call me boss yourself. I just don't want to lose the first employee of the Breeding House. No need to bow."

Akimoto probably couldn't get Kongwu to change the title of boss, so he didn't dwell on the title. But for such a thing, Akimoto felt a little bit overwhelmed by bowing to express gratitude.

After all, Kongwu fell into crisis for the sake of the Breeding House. He wanted to help the Breeding House capture a few rare Eevee, so he was hunted by the Flare Team.

"Don't do this kind of nonsense in the future. If you really want to thank me, then work harder to become a famous trainer and bring some real benefits to the breeding house." Akimoto pulled Kongwu to sit down, and then asked, "Where are the Eevee you mentioned?"

"Here, I treated them with the wound spray you gave me, I don't know how they are now."

"... I'll check them first, and then treat them when I find a hotel to stay in."

Miss Joy and the others were busy enough, so Akimoto decided to wait until he returned to the hotel to deal with Eevee's injuries.

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