Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 291 Cooking

Akimoto pulled Shiroyama and went up to the third floor.

It was past two in the afternoon, not business hours. Shiroyama's father was in the office on the third floor sorting out the hotel's business data and checking the bills.

It was obvious that Shiroyama was still quite afraid of his father. When he came to the door of the office, he even tidied his clothes, then slowly reached out and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

A strong voice came from the office, which made people unconsciously a little afraid.

Maybe it was because he had been a boss and father for many years, which gave Shiroyama's father a naturally formed momentum, and even integrated it into his daily speaking habits.

Akimoto walked into the office and met Shiroyama's father.

Mr. Shirogaki.

"You're here, please sit down."

Shirogaki Mitsuha put down the documents in his hand, took off his glasses, and put on a gentle smile.

But with his facial features and the momentum he usually cultivated, this smile made Akimoto and Shiroyama more nervous.

"You are Akimoto, right?"

"Yes, uncle."

"Hahaha, not bad, handsome! My son has already told me that you want him to go to the breeding house to do that..."

"Pokémon nutritionist!" Shiroyama added quickly when he saw that his father couldn't remember for a moment.

"Yes, Pokémon nutritionist. But what can you do to help him?"

The way Shirogaki Mitsuha spoke was very interesting. He didn't say that Shiroyama wanted to go to the Akiba breeding house, but that Akimoto asked Shiroyama to go to the breeding house, which made him take the initiative intentionally or unintentionally.

And he didn't say what Akimoto could give Shiroyama, but what Akimoto could help Shiroyama with. Although it means the same thing, it makes Akimoto feel more comfortable.

Akimoto smiled and said very confidently: "Uncle said that because you want Shiroyama to promote the chef industry, right?"

"Indeed." Shirogaki Mitsuha nodded.

"I have hundreds of new dishes, and I can guarantee that they are exclusive dishes. These can be taught to Shiroyama in the future. I wonder if they can help him develop the profession of chef?"

Hearing this, Shiroyama's eyes lit up.

Shiroyama had never mentioned this to him before!

What does hundreds of dishes mean? Hundreds of dishes are enough to build a new cuisine, or even more than one!

If Shiroyama can learn these, he can not only develop the profession of chef, but even become a world-class chef!

Shiroyama's dream is to make the profession of chef perfect and to make it recognized by the world. Unfortunately, he is almost fifty years old, and this dream can only be inherited by his son.

At this moment, Akimoto said that he has hundreds of new and exclusive dishes. How can Shiroyama not be happy!

But it is too early to be happy now. He doesn't know whether the dishes Akimoto mentioned exist.

"Let's go! Since you said so, then show me that you are not making up stories to trick me! As long as you can make five exclusive dishes with the ingredients in the warehouse, I will let Shiroyama go with you!"

Five dishes are not a simple matter, and they are directly made with the ready-made ingredients in the hotel warehouse, which requires Akimoto to adjust the recipe according to the ingredients.

If Akimoto can temporarily make five real "dishes" with the ingredients here, it is enough to prove that he does have the ability to master a cuisine.

In this way, Shiroyama following him will not be considered a waste of the traditional chef's profession.

After saying this, Shirogane Mitsuha walked out directly, leaving Shiroyama and Akimoto staring at each other.

"I don't understand what's going on."

"I don't understand it either."

"Oh! Let's go. My head is still buzzing. Why do I have to cook for your father?" Akimoto sighed helplessly and called Hakron to go out. "The processing fee must be calculated later!"


Following Shirogane Mitsuha to the hotel kitchen, Akimoto saw those young ladies looking at him with strange eyes when he went downstairs.

Could it be because he was too handsome?

Little did they know that in their eyes... Akimoto and Shiroyama were full of gay love.

"Okay, this is the kitchen. Let Shiroyama help you. I'll give you three hours. Can you finish it?"

Since there was no preparation in advance, Shirogane Mitsuha asked for five dishes, so he gave Akimoto three hours. It happened that after three hours, it was time for the evening business.

Akimoto thought about it and nodded in agreement.

After Shirogane Mitsuha left, Akimoto said helplessly: "Your father's character is really a bit overbearing, and people don't have a chance to refute him."

"Yeah, I think so too." Shiroyama also complained, "Every day at home, he forces me to practice knife skills, flip the pan, etc., and he calls me out to cause trouble to other hotel cafeterias whenever he has the chance..."

"Pfft, trouble? You have such a clear self-awareness?"

Shiroyama was autistic and didn't say anything.

Then the two of them got busy in the kitchen. Speaking of it, it was the first time for Akimoto to cook on the hotel stove in the Pokémon world, but he had worked in the hotel kitchen to make money before, and he saw a lot, so it wasn't difficult to get started.

But to achieve that kind of skilled flipping skill, Shiroyama still had to do it.

Even if the two of them worked together, they could cook those five dishes!

Shiroyama took Akimoto to look at the ingredients stored in the warehouse, and finally he chose a few pieces of meat with particularly tender meat, including pork belly and lean meat, and also took a lot of spices and auxiliary materials.

The most important thing is that he quietly took out a seasoning that does not exist in this world from his backpack!

More than two hours passed quickly, and during this time, Chengyuan Sanye came once, but he just took a look and left.

There were more and more staff outside, and it seemed that they were preparing for the meal. The sky was a little dim.

Akimoto sped up the progress and made five dishes twenty minutes before the agreed time.

Chengyuan Sanye sat outside waiting, and soon a beautiful waiter in uniform presented the dishes.

"Uncle, please." Akimoto sat opposite and said politely.

After opening the lid, an alluring aroma accompanied by hot air rushed straight to Chengyuan Sanye's nose, and as he slowly inhaled, it entered his nasal cavity.

Just by smelling the taste, Chengyuan Sanye could be sure that these five dishes were all top-notch delicacies.

The appearance was excellent, the fragrance was unique and rich, and there was one thing that Chengyuan Sanye had not yet felt, that is, the taste of the dishes.

"Qiu Yuan, what are the names of your five dishes?"

"Yes, yes, this dish is Emerald Cloud Dragon, this dish is White Jade Golden Flower, and this dish is... Because these are all recipes that were changed temporarily, the taste may not be perfect."

"Well, these names are all good, it depends on how they taste."

Qiu Yuan smiled in his heart, how could it be wrong! These are all the names I made up, as grand as possible!

Qidian authors are very good at updating on time! They won't post until the last few seconds.

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