Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 292: Haxlon? Fat!

Xuehua City, VIP room of Xuezhao Hotel.

An old man who looked to be in his 40s or 50s was burying his head in the food on the table.

There were five plates with dishes that exuded tempting aromas, but at this moment, the old man alone had eaten most of them.


Shiroyama widened his eyes and swallowed his saliva.

Akimoto glanced at him: "What are you doing?"

"I want to eat too."

"Then go and eat, no one is stopping you."

"...If you want to eat, you can eat. I'm sitting down now." Shiroyama's eyes were blurred with tears. If he wasn't so afraid of his father, he would have sat down and pushed the dish on his face.

"Uh, not really, can't you eat with your father?"

Shiroyama remained silent, staring at the dish on the table, watching his father, Shirogane Mitsuha, finish another dish.

Finally, Shirogane Sanye finished all five dishes on the table. If there were no one around, he would have wanted another bowl of white rice and poured the sauce into the rice to enjoy!

Akimoto walked up with a smile and said, "Uncle, how about my five dishes?"

Shirogane Sanye didn't say anything and looked at the table quietly.

Just when Akimoto thought he was going to say something about how he disdained these five dishes, Shirogane Sanye suddenly hiccuped.

Akimoto: "..."

Shiroyama: "..."

Waiter: "..."

Shirogane Sanye looked up at Shiroyama and Akimoto who were trying not to laugh. His old face was slightly hot, and he frowned and snorted coldly.

"That's enough! Get out of here quickly, we're about to open!"

"Ah, ah? Dad, I..."

"I told you to get out!"

Shiroyama was stunned for a moment, then ecstatic, bowed to Shirogane Sanye, pulled Akimoto up and ran away.

"Thank you, father, thank you, father! I'm leaving!"


He pulled Akimoto out of the hotel restaurant. At this time, some customers had already gone to the hotel for dinner, but Shiroyama still pulled Akimoto and laughed at the hotel entrance like a fool.

Akimoto looked at Shiroyama who was laughing wildly with some worry, wondering what was wrong with this kid, was he sick?

Not only Akimoto thought so, but also the customers who came to eat.

"Isn't this Shiroyama? Why is he crazy?"

"Who is Shiroyama?"

"He is the son of the owner of Xuezhao Hotel. I saw him a while ago. Why is he like this now?"

"Ah, let's go quickly and don't talk about him behind his back."

"Yeah, let's go."

Akimoto had a few black lines on his head, and he quickly called Hakron to pull Shiroyama away.

Shiroyama was taken to a bench for people to rest on the side of the road and sat down. Only then did Shiroyama stop laughing wildly.

Akimoto touched his forehead with the back of his hand.

Well, I guess I have a fever and my brain is burned out.

"…What does your look mean?"

"Nothing, I'll go to the drugstore across the street to buy you some antipyretics."

"Ah? I don't have a fever?"

"Then why did you laugh like that just now?" Akimoto said.

Shiroyama was stunned for a moment, then he laughed and said, "You don't understand, my dad told me to get out, and he won't ask me to practice cooking here and there in the future! You don't know, except for a few trips in these years, I have stayed in hotels or cafeterias almost every day!"

"That kind of sad experience, I can finally get rid of it now! I can finally do what I like in the future!!"

At this point, Shiroyama even wiped away the tears that didn't exist at all.

"Hey-don't come closer!" Akimoto saw Shiroyama suddenly approaching, and quickly jumped up from the chair.


Akimoto and Shiroyama stayed in Shuanglong City for three days, during which time Round Land Shark also learned the move of Meteor Shower under Xia Ka's teaching.

Yes, it's Meteor Shower.

Akimoto never thought that Shaka would actually teach Land Shark Meteor Swarm!

Although the Meteor Swarm skill in the Pokémon world is not so abnormal, it directly pulls down the planets in the sky to attack. The triggering method is actually to condense the dragon power to simulate the form of the meteor swarm.

But this condensation technique is very advanced!

Akimoto didn't know how Shaka taught Land Shark Meteor Swarm in three and a half days. It can only be attributed to the fact that the people in the Dragon Country have special skills that can let the dragon Pokémon learn powerful moves.

In fact, the Biting Land Shark that fought against Gardevoir before also knew Meteor Swarm, but considering all factors, Meteor Swarm has little effect on Gardevoir, so it was not used.

Although Land Shark has mastered Meteor Swarm at this stage, the power it uses is not as strong as Dragon's Fury, which requires long-term practice in the future.

This way of imparting skills is a bit like transferring skills into the Pokémon's mind, completing the initial mastery, and then practicing many times to reach the level of complete mastery.

"Akimoto, can we make Haxorus evolve?"

"Ah, it's OK." Akimoto came back to his senses from his thoughts. At this time, everyone was preparing to let Haxorus evolve again.

Akimoto has found the reason why Haxorus cannot evolve. In fact, it is because the elemental power contained in it is not enough to stimulate the evolution factor, which leads to repeated evolution failures.

It is not that Haxorus is not strong enough, but its cell structure is different from other Haxorus. There are many elemental power storage points, which makes the elemental power stored in each storage point become scarce.

Stimulating the evolution factor requires a one-time supply of elemental power, and if the unit elemental power is reduced, it will not succeed.

After talking with Shaka, Shaka found a fruit that can stimulate the growth of dragon Pokémon cells according to Akimoto's request.

This fruit can stimulate the growth of dragon Pokémon cells. The elemental power storage point is above the cell. Stimulating cell growth can also help expand the storage point.

However, the expanded elemental power storage point still has only a little elemental power, which requires internal elemental power to be supplemented.

When Akimoto told Shaka this, Shaka condensed a ball of deep purple energy in Akimoto's surprised eyes.

Dragon power!

It has an energy level similar to life force, lower than the original power.

The most direct way to supplement elemental power is the attribute power corresponding to each element. In addition, some tree fruit props are needed to supplement.

Akimoto didn't expect Shaka to have this ability, but after some thought, he understood.

But there is still a question lingering in his mind. If everyone in the Dragon Country has this ability, wouldn't everyone have a dragon power?

Shaka didn't know what Akimoto was thinking. After feeding Hakron the fruit that stimulated cell growth, Hakron soon felt a little itchy all over his body, which was a sign of cell growth.

Putting his hand on the top of Hakron, Shaka closed his eyes and slowly injected the dragon power into Hakron's body to replenish the dragon elemental power it needed!

Shiroyama and Akimoto held their breath and watched the scene in front of them.

As the dark purple elemental power continued to pass through Shaka's arms to Hakron, Akimoto gradually discovered that Hakron's body began to emit a faint light!

Shaka suddenly stopped. He felt that the transmission of energy became sluggish and slow. It should be that the energy absorbed by Hakron was saturated, so he opened his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Shaka found that Hakron was emitting colorful light all over his body, and then covered its whole body. It can be vaguely seen that the shape of Hakron in the light of evolution is changing!

As the dazzling light of evolution faded, everyone present removed their hands covering their eyes. When they looked again, the Haxorus had disappeared, and a fat Dragonite appeared in its place!

Akimoto exclaimed in surprise: "Fat!"

One update today, I can keep reading, friends. I will update once or twice in the future. (Helpless) The author went to learn video editing, so I don't have much time.

I am not a eunuch! Whoever is a eunuch is a dog!

Thank you for your support.

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