Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 303: The idea of ​​taming the home bird

Sitting on the plane heading to the Unova area, Akimoto was still thinking about Serena's appearance just now.

Tsk, tsk, how miserable.

Who made her so curious that she actually let Pikachu discharge electricity at the elemental orb?

The electricity absorbed by the elemental orb was released directly along Serena's hand!

Although many parts are absorbed, the electricity released is not enough to cause harm to the human body.

But Serena was still shocked.

Her beautiful long brown hair looks like a peacock opening its tail. The picture is so beautiful...

Qiu Yuan wanted to laugh once.

Xiaoli and the others originally wanted to come out with them, but in the end they couldn't let go of the dessert shop and didn't follow.

But Kyuubi came with him this time, and brought a small diamond with him.

It was the only heterochromatic small diamond hatched from three small diamond eggs. It was very beautiful, but the color was not the orthodox heterochromatic color.

Under normal circumstances, the main body of the small diamond is dark rock color, with a white ring near the head.

But the main body of the heterochromatic diamond is black, and the scarf-like thing near the head is blue.

The one hatched in Akiba's breeding house looks a bit like the legendary Diancie, but Akimoto is certain that it is not Diancie.

The main color is very pure white. The color of the ice crystal is no longer colorless and transparent, but transparent pink. The scarf-like thing under the head shows a soft warm yellow.

The combination of colors adds a bit of mystery.

If Qiu Yuan hadn't been able to determine the qualifications of this little diamond, he might have thought it was an incomplete body of Diancie.

Scared the pigeon man to death!

If it were really Dian Xi, Qiu Yuan might not dare to raise her.

After all, he didn't know what Dianxi was eating. What if he specialized in eating gems? Then he would lose all his 200 yuan a pair of underwear.

Akimoto observed that Little Diamond was different from other Pokémon.

Although it is still a baby, it can eat Pokémon food directly, and even likes to chew various gems.

But compared to the gems, the meatballs made by Akimoto are more liked by it.

Eating gem minerals is just to maintain its body needs.

The enchanting eye also likes to eat gems and minerals, also to maintain physical needs.

Little Broken Diamond can eat any gems, so Qiu Yuan simply spent some points and bought a small bag of fairy gems and rock gems for it.

It happened to be evening when the plane arrived. Qiu Yuan went to have something to eat and then got on the train to the southwest area of ​​the Hezhong Forest.

There is an airport in Fukiyose City, located on the edge of the western area of ​​the Unova Forest, and this is where Akimoto arrived.

From Fukiyose City Train Station, you can take a sightseeing train line to the southwest area.

After Akimoto's research and consultation with several seniors, he concluded that the Xinyuan Tree Farm in the southwest area of ​​the Hezhong Forest is likely to have similar dolls.

Xinyuan Tree Farm was once an industrial site in Xinyuan Town. It produced a large amount of logs and leaf materials every year, and the profits made the entire town rich.

But later, due to the activities of an evil organization, a powerful three-headed evil dragon completely destroyed the Xinyuan Tree Farm, as if venting its anger, and even destroyed the Xinyuan Town.

It was a championship-level three-headed evil dragon. Team Plasma tried to control it and used cloning and fusion technology to fuse it with the Tyrannosaurus to create a Pokémon powerful enough to open the door to the ruins of the mythical beast.

Qiu Yuan didn't know what the Gate of Divine Beast Ruins was, but he only heard some information from Dr. Yew.

It seems to be about Reshiram.

Anyway, the evil organizations in various regions have strange appearances, and Qiu Yuan is also confused about them.

What are you doing? I'm thinking about those mythical beasts of yours every day. I don't know how many people will die and how many innocent Pokémon will be harmed.

Akimoto has never been able to understand the thoughts of evil organizations. The crazy thoughts that hope to gain powerful power and control the world are probably something Akimoto will never have in his life.

"Isn't it because I'm too salty?"

Qiu Yuan touched his nose and suddenly said this sentence.


Yuan Lusha suddenly laughed strangely, and then suffered a blow from Qiu Yuan.

"Why are you laughing? You! Then I will let you feel the power of Xinyuan Tree Farm."

Anyway, I heard from Dr. Yew that the Xinyuan Tree Farm left a lot of energy and had enough dragon-type aura, which made many Pokémon afraid to live there.

However, this phenomenon has caused the Xinyuan Tree Farm to be inhabited by many fairy Pokémon.

Because they are not afraid of dragon-type Pokémon at all, and they have no feeling for the powerful dragon-type aura.

Fairy Pokémon generally don't like to fight with other Pokémon. There happened to be no Pokémon in the Xinyuan Tree Farm, so they settled down here.

The one with the most is the dragon-slaying warrior Marilu, followed by Larulus.

However, although it is said that there are many, it is still compared with other regions.

If you really want to look for it, it is quite difficult to find it.

If everything goes well, not only can we tame almost all the dolls, but we can even tame a few Larulas and Kirulians!

I made some plans in my mind, and the train just arrived at the station.

Starting from the southwest station, you can reach several sightseeing stations on foot, where you can enjoy the beauty of nature.

But Qiu Yuan is not here for tourism, he wants to go deeper.

The reason why the timber produced in Xinyuan Town was so profitable was because the trees in Xinyuan Tree Farm were relatively old and had good wood.

Old trees are usually found in the deepest part of the forest. I don’t know how people in a small town can stay safe in the deep forest.

If there was no champion-level three-headed dragon, Xinyuan Town could definitely develop slowly with funds, attract more and more people to live there, and finally become a city.

After getting the map from the station, Akimoto walked towards the No. 3 tourist spot.

The map is not very large, and only a few tourist spots are recorded. Areas beyond the tourist spots are not within the map record range.

Although riding on a goat will not feel very bumpy, Akimoto still feels a little uncomfortable when it carries him over various small slopes and obstacles.

Looking at the Spearow flying in the sky, Akimoto suddenly wants to capture a Pokémon that can be used for traveling.

If you want to say which Pokémon is the best for traveling, it must be Steelix!

Galar's unique Pokémon, as one of the home birds of each region, is considered to be the most powerful home bird.

In Galar, there is also a special Steeljaw flight service. As long as you pay, you can take Steeljaw to where you want to go at any time.

Although it is unique to Galar, Akimoto believes that it can definitely be found in Alola.

After all, the exchanges between the Galar region and the Alola region are quite good. Akimoto plans to go to the breeding house there to buy a young Blue Jay.

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