Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 304: Night in the Unova Forest

Actually, Akimoto had thought about whether he would encounter Pokémon from the Galar region here.

But it was just a thought, and the possibility was still very small.

The temperature in the Unova Forest was slightly higher, and even at night, Akimoto was so hot that he took off his coat.

After checking the time, Akimoto chose a suitable place and began to prepare for camping.

Speaking of which, it has been a long time since I camped with Jigglypuff and the others.

If I have time, I must take them out for a good time, otherwise I will really treat them badly.

The bright moonlight is like a waterfall, and the night sky is full of stars.

The night scenery of the Unova Forest is more beautiful than that of the southern forest of Kalos.

Suddenly, there was a sound behind him, and then Akimoto saw the little diamond rolling past him, and the Nine-Tailed Fox followed helplessly.

This little diamond seemed to like rolling on the ground very much, and it would get its body dirty every time.

The Nine-Tailed Fox didn't like water very much, but it would still help it wash its body.

What a responsible mother, hahahahaha.

Akimoto sat on a wooden stool, holding a spoon in one hand, stirring slowly.

This time, I am learning to make Galar's curry dishes, and I don't know if it will work.

But who cares, as long as I am happy~

"Sana, Sana~~"

"What's wrong?"

"Sana~!" Sanaduo held a few very beautiful dome mushrooms in her hand and handed them to Akimoto with a smile on her face, like offering treasures.

Akimoto wrapped his palm with life force and took the mushrooms.

Wrap your palm with life force first to prevent contact poisoning or something.

After confirming it, Akimoto withdrew his life force with confidence and smiled at Sanaduo: "Thank you, I heard that this mushroom tastes good."

"Sana, Sana~~"

Hearing Akimoto's words, Sanaduo smiled even happier.

The name of the mushroom is Pokémon, a very common name.

But Pokémon represents a large mushroom race, they have different appearance characteristics, different forms, but they all have the same effect.

That is to soothe the mood of Pokémon.

And Poké mushrooms are versatile ingredients. Whether as spices and side dishes, or as main dishes, they are all great choices.

When Gardevoir brought them back, the Poké mushrooms had already been washed, so Akimoto only needed to simply process them and they could be used as ingredients.

He suddenly thought of a very interesting method.

Add Poké mushrooms to the sauce and make a special sauce for rice rolls.

To be honest, he hasn't eaten rice rolls for a long time because there are no suitable ingredients to make sauce.

He started as soon as he thought of it, and it happened that this pot of curry was also finished.

This amount of curry is definitely not enough for everyone to eat, so after a simple meal, he started to cook the sauce.

A lot of sauces can be cooked in the breeding house, so naturally this one is also simple.

After making the sauce, Akimoto bought a rice roll machine temporarily.

Don't ask why there is such a thing as a rice roll machine in the system. There is even an automatic hair washing machine in the system. What else can't there be?

The Pokémon were attracted by the aroma, and they almost drooled at the sauce in the pot.

Especially the silly round land shark, who almost wanted to run away with the pot on his back, but was watched by his uncle Axe Tooth Dragon, so he didn't dare to do it.


If my uncle wasn't here, I would have to run a marathon with this pot on my back today~!

Portions of rice rolls were made and put into the plate.

But the Pokémon were a little confused, because they smelled the rice rolls and found that they were not very fragrant.

"Don't worry, don't worry, look at you, why are you so anxious."

Akimoto chuckled, and then slapped the claws of the round land shark away from the plate.

The spoon sank into the pot, and then scooped up a spoonful of delicious sauce.

Akimoto poured the sauce evenly on the rice rolls, and after doing all this, he couldn't wait to try it first.

"Yeah! That's the taste! The sauce made with Pokémon is really delicious!"

Seeing him eating so deliciously, the Pokémons also hurriedly held the plate and used chopsticks to pick up the rice rolls in a funny way.

Gardevoir was very elegant, and the posture of tasting rice rolls was also imitated by Akimoto.

But the worst one was the round land shark.

Not only could its hands not hold the chopsticks, but they were also very short!

If it held the plate, its big head would block the plate and it would not be able to pick up the rice rolls!

The round land shark was so angry that its cell wall separated, and finally it simply ran to find Ninetails with the plate in its arms, asking it to help pour the rice rolls into its mouth.


The round land shark closed its eyes, raised its head and opened its mouth, and then Ninetails used telekinesis to control the plate, tilted it slightly, and poured the rice rolls into its mouth along with the sauce.

Diamond flew to Ninetails' shoulder curiously and looked down.

Wow! The round land shark's mouth is so big!

Diamond looked at the round land shark, and then looked at its own small body.

It was still in its infancy, and it seemed that it was only enough for the round shark to eat!

Suddenly, it felt afraid of the round shark...

"Kacha! Kacha~"

The round shark patted its belly contentedly and burped comfortably.

Then it saw the small broken diamond looking at it.

"Kacha? Kacha~"

In fact, it also likes the small broken diamond very much. Dragon Pokémon like to collect gems, and the small broken diamond with a shiny appearance is naturally very pleasing to it.

But it seems that Diamond is a little afraid of it.

Round Shark was confused and moved closer again, trying to ask Diamond to come down and play with it.

As a result, Diamond screamed in fear and hid behind Nine-Tail.

Round Shark was a little annoyed and walked around Nine-Tail, trying to ask Diamond to come down and play again.

But when it turned around, Diamond hid again.

In this way, Round Shark and Diamond played the game of King Qin around the pillar...


Became the pillar being circled? ! ...

Akimoto watched them playing with some amusement, and suddenly felt that he could also play something fun with Nine-Tail and Gardevoir.

What is fun?

Fight the Landlord!

Akimoto took out a deck of playing cards from the system warehouse, and then asked Nine-Tail and Gardevoir to come to him.

Nine-Tail and Gardevoir are very smart, and they learned it easily.

But the silly Round Shark watched from the side and also shouted that he wanted to play.

But its arms are short, so it's a problem to grab cards.

Didn't you see that the two big sisters all use telekinesis to grab cards?

Very advanced~

After trying countless times, the round land shark finally gave up the idea of ​​playing Landlord. Its dejected look attracted a lot of laughter.

The punishment of Landlord is to post white stripes. Whoever loses will have white stripes on his head. See who has the most white stripes before going to bed.

At the beginning, Akimoto relied on his proficiency and posted a lot of white stripes on Gardevoir and Ninetail.

But later, Ninetail actually joined forces with Gardevoir and deliberately targeted Akimoto.

When it was time to go to bed at the end of the game, Akimoto's face was already full of stripes...

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