Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 48 Xerneas escapes

While Akimoto was chatting with the system, a big change happened in the altar.

The altar opened by Pokkiss, the four stone pillars surrounding it slowly sank, and a stone statue of Xerneas slowly rose.

The mysterious and holy light enveloped the stone statue of Xerneas, and Pokkiss's eyes were full of reverence.

"Is this Xerneas..."

Watching Xerneas so closely, even though it was a stone statue, Akimoto was also very shocked.

The three-meter-high stone statue was solemn and majestic.

The powerful aura faintly emanating from the stone statue made the Pokémon present feel irresistible, but they did not have any fear.

On the contrary, when the stone statue rose from the ground, a more concentrated and pure energy than the fairy elements in the air filled the entire altar space.

Akimoto keenly discovered that the source of this energy was the inverted V-shaped pattern on Xerneas's chest. It was supposed to be yellow and white, but now it was a transparent bright pink, and the black color wrapped in it could be vaguely seen.

Presumably, the origin core of Xerneas in the story is where the inverted V-shaped pattern on the chest is located, and the faint black is the evil origin core of Yveltal that was sealed by Xerneas.

"What should I do?" Akimoto looked at Pokkiss and said.

Pokkiss was very excited at the moment, and the hope of completing the mission of the three generations of the Pok family was right in front of him.

"Pokkis! Pokki Pokkis! (Please use your power to infuse into the origin core of Master Xerneas! Master Xerneas's consciousness will guide your power to expel the evil energy and restore himself!)"

"Okay!" Akimoto nodded, calmed down, and hit all the life force in his body on the palm of his right hand, and then aimed his palm at the origin core of Xerneas.

"Like this, right!"

Akimoto felt a little distressed when he felt the life force disappearing as soon as it touched the origin core.

"Pokkis! Pokkis!"

Pokkis looked at Akimoto eagerly.

As the life force continued to be input, Xerneas's instinctive consciousness guided the life force, taking over the position of the fairy energy in the origin core and wrapping the evil energy layer by layer.

Then the evil energy formed an energy conductor like being pulled out of a cocoon, gradually gathered together outside Xerneas' body, and finally became a thumb-sized crystal.

At this time, Akimoto's life force that had been accumulated for a long time was also infused into Xerneas, and he suddenly felt that his physical strength was exhausted, and he sat down on the ground without being able to support himself.

Xerneas guided the remaining life force and assimilated it into his own fairy elemental energy to complete the origin core.

Under the gaze of Akimoto and Pokkis, the core of the Xerneas statue began to shed its stone shell, and then, like an avalanche, the stone shell of the whole body broke and fell off!

After the seal was lifted and the freedom was regained, Xerneas did not show any excitement, but calmly looked at Akimoto and Pokkis, as well as Kirlia and Jigglypuff who were very curious on the side.

Akimoto did not know what to say, and Pokkis was too excited to see the legendary Xerneas, and could not say anything.

For a while, the altar space was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Finally, it was Xerneas that broke the silence.

Its voice appeared directly in the minds of the three Pokkis present, and pure fairy energy enveloped Akimoto and the others.

"What's your name?"

Akimoto looked at Pokkis, and then at Xerneas.

"Are you talking about me?"

Xerneas nodded slightly.

"My name is Akimoto."

"Akimoto..." Xerneas was silent for a while, "Do you know what consequences you just did?"

"Huh? What other consequences?" Akimoto was shocked. Xerneas said it so seriously, wouldn't it cause the world to collapse? ? ?

"You will lose the power you have, and I don't know how to let you have it again..."

After Xerneas finished speaking, he looked a little guilty.

This is the fairy beast with a pure and kind heart. Xerneas always thinks of others.

"Oh, I thought it was a big deal, so I lost it." Akimoto pouted and said indifferently.

Anyway, it's temporary. Who knows if I can get the life core one day and reactivate it, and it will be even more awesome.

Akimoto said silently in his heart.

But Xerneas didn't know this, and felt even more guilty.

"Do you know where your power comes from?"

Arzeus, it's not like I don't know, hehehe.

But even though he knew, Akimoto still pretended to ask for advice.

"I don't know."

"Your power comes from Arceus, the creator of this world." Xerneas said quietly, "You have Arceus's life source, although I don't know why it has become so weak."

"There is actually a story about it."

"The life source was originally given by Arceus to the leader of the Celebi clan, but due to a battle between Rayquaza and Deoxys, a large number of asteroids fell, causing the death and injury of many Pokémon, and the leader of the Celebi clan happened to witness it all."

"In order to save the dead and injured Pokémon and restore the destroyed world, Chief Celebi used the source of life."

"My friend Celebi and I both have the power of life, but it is not the power of the origin of life. The power of the origin of life is the power of the patriarch of the Celebi clan."

"Unlike the destruction caused by Yveltal, the battle between Deoxys and Rayquaza indirectly led to the destruction of nearly half of the region."

"Clan Chief Celebi exhausted his life source for this, and at the same time his own life ended because of this, instead of being sealed like me."

"When the source of life was exhausted by Patriarch Celebi, the source of life returned to Arceus, so Arceus learned about the death of Patriarch Celebi."

"Arceus and Rayquaza teamed up to drive away Deoxys due to serious injuries. However, because the life source that returned to Arceus was too weak, the life of Chief Celebi was irreparable."

When Xerneas said this, he stopped and looked at Qiu Yuan with burning eyes.

Akimoto was stared at by Xerneas like this. He didn't understand what it meant. He just felt that it was a bit unbearable. He couldn't help but take the initiative to say: "So you did not hesitate to save the starting place. It was because of the influence of Patriarch Celebi." influence?”

Xerneas was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "Yes, the Celebi family and I have a firm belief in maintaining the peace and beauty of this world."

"This is really a great and difficult belief..."

Akimoto sighed.

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