Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 49: Xerneas's Gift

"It seems like you really have no regrets about losing the power of life." Xerneas said.

Qiu Yuan touched his nose: "It's still a bit regretful, but I think its effect has been reflected, isn't it?"

"He is really an interesting person." Xerneas smiled, "If that's the case, then I'm leaving?"

"Huh? Are you leaving?" Qiu Yuan looked at Xerneas in confusion.

Boss, shouldn't you give me something before leaving?

"Well... I'll give this piece of evil origin to you." Xerneas handed Yveltar's evil origin crystal to Akimoto, "This evil origin crystal has the talent to make evil Pokémon How you use the improved abilities depends on you."

Qiu Yuan carefully took the Origin Crystal and said thank you.

"But what if this evil origin crystal creates a second Yveltal?"

Hearing Akimoto's words, Xerneas couldn't help but smile.

"Most of Yveltal's original energy has been assimilated by me. The power of this original crystal is not enough to support the creation of a second Yveltal."

"Besides, I have a second thing to give you."

With that said, Xerneas once again condensed a mixture of crystal green and bright pink crystals and handed it to Akimoto.

"As compensation for your loss of life power, this is part of the life power and the origin of the fairies that I have. You can study it yourself."

"Oh oh oh, okay, thank you, Xerneas."

Akimoto took the crystal with a smile and thanked Xerneas.

"No need, you rescued me." Xerneas replied.

Then Xerneas stopped talking to Akimoto and turned his attention to Togekis.

Seeing Xerneas turn his eyes towards him, Pokkisi said excitedly and respectfully: "Lord Xerneas!"

"Alas..." Xerneas sighed, "Thank you to the Pork family for protecting the starting point for me. Thank you for your hard work..."

"Sir, you don't have to be like this. This is our responsibility and belief!" Pokkisi said quickly.

Xerneas did not speak anymore, but guided a pure and huge original power from his original core to wrap around Pokkisi's body.

Wrapped in the rich fairy element, Togekis closed his eyes comfortably, and then turned into a pink cocoon of light.

"There is also a little Jigglypuff, so why don't you come too?"

Xerneas looked at Jigglypuff who was dazed at the side, and an equally pure but less elf essence enveloped him.


Jigglypuff couldn't help but let out a cry of comfort, and then slowly fell asleep.

"What is this? Origin sauna?" Qiu Yuan looked at Togekiss and Jigglypuff in confusion.

[This is the reward for improving your qualifications]

"?? What do you mean? Why is the reward for the mission you posted given by Xerneas?"

[The system functions are not yet perfect, so the host is asked not to care about these details. Publishing tasks only allows the host to make better choices.]

Qiu Yuan was stunned: "How come I don't care about these details!? When will your functions be perfected?! Why is my system just a useless salted fish system!!"


The system knew that it was in the wrong, so it stopped arguing with Qiu Yuan and just used the water escape and diving technique to escape.

At this time Xerneas looked at Chirulian again and asked: "Chirulian? Are you the messenger of Celebi?"

"Yes." Kirulian said in a respectful tone.

Only Akimoto can treat such a top-notch beast casually.

"Where are you from?"

"Kanto region, Viridian Forest."

Xerneas nodded: "Celebi of Viridian Forest has a good relationship with me. In that case, I will give you something small."

The same process followed, and Kirulian also fell into a deep sleep.

"When will they wake up?" Akimoto asked Xerneas.

"It will take about a day. Let's go outside first and wait for them to wake up before sending them outside," Xerneas said.

Xerneas then walked towards the passage and opened the altar of return to the starting point.

Akimoto followed Xerneas and stood on the altar, waiting for the light door to open.

After passing through the light gate, Akimoto and Xerneas reappeared at the starting point.

Feeling the air of a long-lost place, Xerneas let out a long cry, flew into the air, and disappeared in front of Akimoto in the blink of an eye.

Akimoto, on the other hand, looked at Xerneas flying away strangely, like a monk of two feet.

"What's going on? What did you do?"

At this time, Xerneas, who returned to the place of origin, couldn't help but feel very excited and happy. He was flying over the place of origin, feeling everything he had not seen for a long time, and looking at the many new things.

At this time, many Pokémon with the ability to fly discovered Xerneas at once, and immediately became very excited and excited.

They rushed to tell each other, letting all the Pokémon in the starting place know one thing.

Their god, Xerneas, is back!

Upon hearing the news, many old Pokémon shed tears of excitement in their cloudy eyes, which shows their love for Xerneas.

In the absence of Togekiss, the other Togekiss of the Togeki clan organized the Pokémon from the starting point and gathered under the tall stone pillars.

This stone pillar was rebuilt by the veteran Pokémon of the Origin after Xerneas was sealed, in order to one day welcome Xerneas' return here.

Although many Pokémon from that time have died of old age...

The cheerful Xerneas has liberated his form and transformed into a colorful form.

It flew back in front of Qiu Yuan, and then a force threw Qiu Yuan up, landed on its back, and then took off again.

"Ahhhhhh wait!! Fly slower!! Brother! You are my big brother, fly slower!!"

Akimoto hurriedly hugged Xerneas' neck, feeling the strong wind caused by Xerneas' high-speed flight blowing against his cheek.

After gradually adapting to the flying rhythm of Xerneas, Akimoto couldn't help but feel happy with himself.

"Now, I have something really big to brag about when I step out." Qiu Yuan thought proudly, "I am someone who has ridden a mythical beast, and it is still such a top-notch mythical beast."

Akimoto, who was being carried flying by Xerneas, was immediately spotted by all the Pokémon gathered, and the crowd couldn't help but start talking.

"Porris? (Who is this human being? Why is he riding on Lord Xerneas?)"

"Quaa? (Isn't this the human being brought in by Gengar?)"

"Ho! Ho ho! (Where's Gengar! Come out and explain!)"

"Uh-ha? Uh-ha! (What is it? It's none of my business! It's none of my business!)"

"Porgies! (Stop making noise!)"

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