Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 57: Green Arrow Sugar-Free Chewing Gum (Please vote for recommendation!)

The system disappeared after saying this, and Qiu Yuan didn't care. He checked the newly added system store.

He silently said "store" in his heart, and a panel similar to the interface of an online game store appeared in front of Qiu Yuan.

Qiu Yuan found that this store was divided into several sections, classified by the quality of the items.

There are two small boxes on the lower left, one is the system points, and the other actually shows the currency style circulating in the market!

Regardless of what the system points are, Qiu Yuan clicked on the currency column, and then the system prompted.

[Currency: 0, rechargeable]

"You're doing it a bit like a horse server. There is a saying that you create happiness with your heart. If you don't have money to play, you're numb. Recharge a thousand first."

Qiu Yuan chose to recharge with interest, and silently said "recharge one thousand yuan".

[1,000 yuan has been deducted, current currency: 1,000]

"Recharge completed?"

Hearing the system prompt, Qiu Yuan flipped through his wallet and found that he was really missing a thousand yuan.

Looking at the store, wow, props above green cannot be purchased with currency, only white and yellow props can be purchased with currency.

Akimoto saw a more interesting thing here, an off-road bicycle.

A small high-tech bicycle that sells for one million outside is only 700,000 in the system store, which makes Akimoto very envious.

Those various special Pokémon balls can also be found in the yellow section of the system store, and the prices are 20% to 30% cheaper than those outside. Akimoto exclaimed that it is affordable!

The white section is full of ordinary props, tree fruits and other things. Akimoto also saw some more interesting ones.

Things that do not exist in the Pokémon world at all, but only on Earth, appear in large quantities in the white section, and the prices are very cheap.

Akimoto couldn't help thinking that if he bought these things and sold them to others, wouldn't he make a fortune!

[Please don't daydream. Any items purchased from the system store are not allowed to be sold to others in any form.]

[But if the results of secondary value creation can be handled by yourself, for example, if you buy the materials for culture medium in the store and then make it into culture medium, then you can sell the culture medium at will.]

"Okay, I know, stingy!"

Pouting, another way to make money was cut off.

Looking at the system points again, it was still a bare 0.

There happened to be a sign-in grid in the upper right corner of the store panel, and Akimoto curiously clicked on the sign-in.

[Successful sign-in, system points +10, one primary lottery reward]

"Primary lottery? You mean there are also intermediate and advanced ones?"

[Yes, the lottery levels are divided into four levels: primary, intermediate, advanced, and super]

[Primary lottery can randomly draw white to blue quality items, and the intermediate lottery will increase the probability of high-quality items on the basis of the primary]

[Advanced lottery randomly draws yellow to purple quality items, and the super lottery will increase the probability of high-quality items on the basis of the advanced lottery, and there is a one in ten thousand chance of getting colorful quality items]

Akimoto felt pretty good when he heard it.

He hurriedly found the primary lottery opportunity that had just been rewarded in the lottery opportunity storage on the left side of the sign-in interface, and Akimoto used the lottery directly.

For a moment, a large turntable appeared, with white, yellow, green, and blue areas distributed in proportion.

When he saw this turntable, Akimoto's heart seemed to be hit directly by absolute zero, and it was the kind of damage that hit the vital point.

At first glance, it was a piece of white, with a slightly larger piece of yellow, followed by green, which occupied about one-tenth of the area, and the blue was almost invisible if you didn't look carefully.

"I knew it! System! It's true!"

Qiu Yuan burst into tears.

At this time, the turntable had already started to turn, and Qiu Yuan had to pray. The first draw always had to be encouraged by the first draw. Lao Ma's games were like this. You always have to give me a desire to draw in the future!

"Tathagata Buddha, Jade Emperor, Queen Mother, Guanyin Bodhisattva, World Honored One, Ksitigarbha, Gods and Demons, Jesus, Zeus, Apollo, Arceus, Zerneas, bless, bless, bless!!"

The turntable kept turning and slowly slowed down. When the final moving speed was almost imperceptible, the pointer happened to be on a very small blue area.

Qiu Yuan said excitedly: "It seems that prayer is still useful. I just don't know which great god has done it. Sure enough, the first draw always gives something good!"

Just as Qiu Yuan was excited, the turntable suddenly had strength as if it was back to life, and turned slightly again.

Looking at the pointer falling on the white area and hearing the system prompt that the lottery was successful, Akimoto gritted his teeth and called out to the system.

"System, come out!"

[What's the matter? ]

"Can you go to hell!"


A depressed Akimoto took Gengar on the way back to Chaoxiang Town, chewing something in his mouth.

Yes, this is the reward of the system lottery.

Green Arrow sugar-free chewing gum, or lemon flavor.

Something that can be bought for five dollars in the system store, this is the result of the lottery.

When Akimoto extracted this five-pack of Green Arrow, his heart was crying, and it was almost full of his stomach.

(It rhymes, skr~)

Geng Gui liked it very much, and ate all the remaining four directly, and learned to blow bubbles without any teacher.

So the man and the ghost chewed gum and blew bubbles, and returned to the small basin where the breeding house was built at half past nine.

From a distance, they saw the small wooden house built with their Pokémon, and a fire next to the wooden house.

"Wow, it's quite lively!"

Akimoto walked over with a smile. Jigglypuff, who was cooking eggs for other friends on the fire, turned around and saw Akimoto, and ran towards him excitedly.

"Lai Yi Lai Yi~"

Jigglepuff didn't care whether Akimoto could catch it with his current size. When he ran to Akimoto, he jumped on Akimoto.

Fortunately, Akimoto was prepared to be knocked down by her, and he caught her quickly, but he still fell on the grass due to the impact.


Jilin excitedly rubbed against Akimoto's arms. Akimoto touched her head lovingly and said, "Get up first. Let me introduce you to some new companions!"

After that, Akimoto took out the eleven Pokémon Balls in the system warehouse and the Pokémon Balls of Axefang and Gardevoir, and released Togepi, Jigglypuff, Axefang and Gardevoir.

When she saw Togepi, Jigglypuff's eyes lit up immediately, and she picked up Togepi and put him in her pocket for eggs.

"Poko-Poko!! (Ahhhh I can't breathe!)"

Akimoto laughed and raised its head a little from Jigglypuff's pocket.

"Were you having a party just now?"

"Lailaila! Laila~"

Jilin nodded, then took Akimoto's hand and walked to the fire.

In fact, Eevee, the mount Lamb, and Ninetales were also very excited, but Jigglypuff rushed over first, so they had to wait where they were.

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