Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 58 The Abandoned Explosive Monkey

"Lai Lai~"

Lucky Egg walked back to the bonfire with Qiu Yuan, and then looked around as if he was looking for something.

Then, after asking Kyuubi some questions, she walked towards the small forest behind the wooden house and pulled out a scented monkey from behind a tree.

At first, the Explosive Monkey seemed a little timid and scared, but after the gentle words of encouragement from Geely Egg, he still followed her out.

"Is it your new friend?" Qiu Yuan looked at the Xiangxiang Monkey in surprise.

"Lai~Lai, lai lai!"

Geely Egg took the hand of Fragrance Monkey and walked among the Pokémon.

The mount lambs and the others seemed to be familiar with the appearance of the monkey, and they formed a circle around the monkey affectionately.

From the description of the auspicious egg, Qiu Yuan learned that this fragrant monkey seemed to be timid and could not achieve the desired effect in battle, which made its trainer disappointed with it and finally abandoned it.

Later, Geely Dan and the others went to the forest to find the porter. They met the lost Xiangxiang monkey while playing. The kind and enthusiastic Geely Dan took the initiative to comfort it and expressed its hope to become friends with it.

So during the few days that Akimoto was out, the Spicy Monkey became good friends with the enthusiastic Geely Egg and Eevee in their company.

But because it was abandoned by its trainer, it was very afraid of humans, so it hid behind a tree when Akimoto appeared just now.

In the end, it was trust in friends that gave him the courage to come out.

Explosive Monkey is a Pokémon with a hot temper. It is usually very bold and aggressive, but this Explosive Monkey seems to be afraid of fighting other Pokémon.

The reason why its initial trainer chose it must be because of the character and ability of the Pokémon. After seeing the performance of the Pokémon, he would be extremely disappointed and choose to abandon it.

But trainers who abandon Pokémon should be damned!

Although this approach is understandable, Akimoto definitely does not agree with such behavior.

"Hello, Fragrant Monkey, I am the owner of the auspicious eggs, nice to meet you." Qiu Yuan squatted down so that the Fragrant Monkey could look at him, "If you are willing, we can also be friends, no. If you like fighting, don’t force yourself.”

"Ho ho ho..."

The incense monkey looked at Qiu Yuan's outstretched hand hesitantly. It had lost confidence in humans.

"Lai lai!"


"Ibrahimovic! Ibrahimovic~"


Just when the Fragrant Monkey was afraid and hesitant, Akimoto's Pokémon encouraged the Fragrant Monkey to bravely accept the kindness from Akimoto.

Qiu Yuan said nothing, just looked at it with a gentle smile.

Although the power of life has fallen silent, the gentle temperament left by the power of life to Qiu Yuan still remains.

As for Qiu Yuan's normal appearance, no matter how you look at it, it has nothing to do with gentleness.

He jumped out and became casual, even causing Mi Keli to abandon his image and start a fight with him.

Only when facing Pokémon would his heart calm down, become gentle and calm.

Qiu Yuan was really sad and sympathetic to what happened to the Fragrant Monkey, so he wanted to help the Fragrant Monkey regain its confidence in people. There are always a few scum, and the garden cannot be abandoned because of a few bed bugs.

"Ho ho, ho ho... ho ho!"

The incense monkey still hesitated, but in the end it believed the breath coming from Qiu Yuan that made it feel very comfortable, a gentle and friendly breath at that time.

Qiu Yuan smiled and squeezed the hand of the spicy monkey, and then the lucky egg squeezed over and put his hand on it.

Kyuubi thought for a while and gently put his paw up.

Togepi, who was nestled in the pocket of the auspicious eggs, saw their appearance and struggled to take his little hands out of the pocket and put them on them.

The other four Eevee also found their own positions, and everyone held hands.

It's just that the mount lamb is a bit awkward. It can't lift its front hooves so high, so it has to put its horns up.

But in this case, the little Jigglypuff was not happy. They thought about it and jumped into the net held up hand in hand one by one.

Akimoto smiled and said with a smile: "Welcome our new partners, Spicy Monkey, Togepi, Jigglypuff, and of course, the dark Gengar over there. Let's all be happy together!"

"Uuhahaha, hehehehe~" Gengar laughed as he floated in the air and touched his ears.

Gardevoir floated gracefully next to Qiu Yuan, watching quietly.

Qiu Yuan then counted: "One, two, three! Be happy!"

"Lai lai!"


"Ho ho ho!"

Everyone swung their hands into the air with all their strength, and Jigglypuffs flew into the air in panic.

"卍卟卍,卍婷!!! (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm afraid of heights!!)"

Gardevoir covered his mouth and smiled, caught them, and gently placed them on the ground.

“To celebrate, let’s have a food party!”

Akimoto's suggestion was cheered by all the Pokémon present, except for the Fragrance Monkey who looked confused.

Although our little gourmet taught Qiu Yuan one or two dishes before he left, he still didn't have a good grasp of the heat, so he could only cook it reluctantly.

The Spicy Monkey, who has been playing around with Geely Dan and the others these days, has often been pulled by Geely Egg to test the poison, but as long as it can eat sweets, it will eat anything.

After Akimoto had arranged the kitchen utensils, the Jigglypuffs neatly ran to Akimoto and asked to learn how to cook, including Jigglypuff, but Jigglypuff was already an entry-level apprentice compared to them.

"Okay, let's do it together, hahaha."

Then Jigglypuff was seen helping Akimoto in the kitchen, while the Jigglypuffs were busy washing dishes, washing vegetables, cutting vegetables, and kneading dough, and they seemed to be having a lot of fun.

Akimoto took a look at the information of the Explosive Monkey when he was free, and found that it was still a rare female Explosive Monkey. The green qualification was also good, but the character was timid and it was still difficult to fight.

But it didn't matter, anyway, the breeding house was so big, it was no problem for it to live with its Pokémon like this.

Considering the taste of the Explosive Monkey, Akimoto specially used currency to buy some ingredients in the system store, and made a big bowl of sweet and sour spare ribs, and also made a bowl of braised pork with sugar.

(Don't argue about whether they are vegetarian or not. As long as they are not like the lamb on the mount, they are all omnivores.)

Due to the emergence of the system store, many dishes that could not be cooked before can be cooked. Qiu Yuan indulged in it all at once and used all the 1,000 yuan in the system to buy a table full of ingredients and finally cooked a table full of dishes.

How can you cook without chili?

In order to reward himself for working hard to cook so many dishes for his Pokémon, Qiu Yuan cooked a pot of spicy crayfish for himself and ate it directly with the pot in his arms.

After cooking for a long time, Ji Li Dan thought that his eggs should be cooked, so he wanted to give them to Qiu Yuan to eat. As a result, he couldn't find Qiu Yuan after searching for a long time. Finally, he found Qiu Yuan in the corner eating and talking to himself.

Out of curiosity, Ji Li Dan imitated Qiu Yuan's appearance and peeled the crayfish and ate it.

After eating it, he couldn't stop, until the whole pot of crayfish cooked by Qiu Yuan was eaten by the two of them.

Later, the egg could no longer be eaten, so Jellyfish covered his mouth, which was red from the spiciness, and shared the egg with Jigglypuff and the others.

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