Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 60: Ni Dayede

Akimoto, in a good mood, released all the Pokémon and recharged the remaining 60,000 yuan into the system store, so that he could easily buy some necessary furniture and so on in the system store.

After spending all the money in the store and buying furniture and supplies, Akimoto was ready to go to the Pokémon Center in Mingshui Town to collect his breeder assessment reward.

But before that, let's see which piece of land everyone has chosen as their home.

Jigglypuff and Togepi used to live in a flower garden. Maybe Akimoto didn't expect that the large flower sea he designed earlier was just suitable for Jigglypuff and Togepi to live.

Before going to the League, Akimoto didn't think that he could enter such a magical place as the starting point.

Gardevoir was also very satisfied with this flower sea, and lived in the flower sea with Jigglypuff, and Gengar naturally slipped over.

But Ninetail seemed to prefer the mountains and forests in the northwest area. Seeing her like this, Jigglypuff also lived in the mountains and forests with Ninetail.

Akimoto named the five areas in the ecological park as grassland, forest, flower sea, shallow sea, and ancient tree.

When the Pokémon chose their own places to settle down, Akimoto counted them.

The Eevee family and the lamb lived in the grassland.

The Axetooth, Gengar, Squirtle, Ninetales, and Glitter lived in the forest.

There were nine Jigglypuffs (including the purple one), two Padmeats, a Togepi, and Gardevoir living in the flower sea.

Gengar didn't seem to stay in the sun for a long time, so he ran to the forest and found a deeper cave. If it hadn't seen that there was no space in the ancient tree, he would have wanted to live in the ancient tree.

But the most surprising thing for him was that his secret power didn't work on the ancient tree. He opened the hole, but he still hit the hard wood.

The shallow sea was the smallest area, and Akimoto only left it to prevent the problem of having no place to put the highly qualified sea Pokémon when he went out to sea in the future.

After solving these problems, Akimoto prepared to go to the Pokémon Center in Mingshui Town to receive the ten starter Pokémons awarded by the alliance.

It seemed that everyone was very satisfied with the new home, so Akimoto only asked his mount Lamb and Gardevoir to accompany him to Mingshui Town.

The reason why he brought Lamb was because it liked to run outside the most, so he simply took it out to play.

In order to prevent any unexpected events, Akimoto brought Gardevoir.

Anyway, bringing Gardevoir was equivalent to bringing Gengar, a quasi-king, and this licking ghost would definitely catch up.

Look, Gengar kept flying around Gardevoir and giggled, so that Gardevoir could only hide in the Pokémon Ball.

On the way to Mingshui Town, Akimoto remembered that he had not signed in today, so he opened the system store.

"Sign in, sign in, sign in, come get some good stuff!"

[Sign in successfully, reward points +12, one chance to enter the primary lottery]

"Eh? Why didn't you make a 'ding' sound today?"

Akimoto seemed to have discovered something new and was quite bored.

The system obviously didn't want to answer his childish questions, so it didn't say anything.

Akimoto, who was bored, looked at the "22" in the points balance and clicked on the points store.

"Let's see what good stuff there is..." Akimoto opened the blue store in the points store.

There are really a lot of good stuff! There are all kinds of blue props, even potions that can directly improve the qualifications of adult Pokémon.

And there is also a very interesting prop called the designated Pokémon food formula (blue). After purchasing it, you can choose the type of Pokémon and get the exclusive food formula for the corresponding Pokémon, or you can directly choose the attribute to make the formula.

Similarly, there is the energy block formula, which is also very powerful.

Akimoto was so excited that he wanted to buy everything in the store immediately with a big hand, but when he noticed the price, his face suddenly fell.

"Blue food formula costs 10,000 points... Good buddy, go grab it..."

The system store adds 2 points every day based on the previous day if you sign in continuously. According to this calculation, how many days will it take to collect a Pokémon food formula...

Akimoto, who failed the math test, couldn't figure it out after a long time. Anyway, it was a number that he couldn't handle.

If we can't stand the blue store, let's go to the green store.

Thinking like this, Akimoto clicked on the green store.

As a result, he looked closely and found that Akimoto couldn't even afford the items in the green store...

The lowest-priced green item was a special soothing bell, which cost 300 points...

"I'm sick of it. It looks good but is useless."

Akimoto complained, silently closed the store interface, and planned to draw the primary lottery.

Rubbing his hands and muttering something, Akimoto started praying again. Although the Buddhas in the sky did not bless him yesterday, he believed that sincerity would work.

Metaphysics is a very mysterious thing. Maybe one day it will be my turn to be the lucky fish.

By then, the whole Pokémon network will be popular: forward this Akimoto, and you will get super good news in the next xx days.

I started the lottery silently, and the turntable slowly started to turn.

As the turntable speed gradually increased, Akimoto's heart was also lifted. He looked at the turntable nervously and read it out loud at the same time.

"Blue, blue, blue, this wave must be blue, if it is, I tell you, Lord Buddha, I will build you a supreme golden body in the Pokémon world."

Geng Gui floated out from Akimoto's shadow, and looked at Akimoto who was walking and muttering with a caring look like his mount lamb.

What blue is not blue, what is Buddha, a new cuisine?

Seeing that Akimoto was still nervous, Gengar shook his head, could this child be stupid? If he was really stupid, the uncle would have to take him to see Lord Xerneas for treatment.

At this moment, the speed of the big turntable in front of Akimoto began to slow down. Akimoto estimated that if it slowed down at this acceleration, it might really fall into the blue area as thin as a needle.

Akimoto was ecstatic and excitedly looked at the turntable, thinking that if it really worked, he would sell some pineapple balls to Mikoli tomorrow to exchange some money and buy some gold to make a Buddha statue for offering.

As a result, the wheel seemed to be against him. The acceleration that had stabilized suddenly changed, and the deceleration trend was slowed down. Then it passed the blue that Akimoto had been thinking about...

"Damn it."

I couldn't help it. I either exploded in silence or died of anger in silence.

Akimoto simply closed the wheel interface and waited for the lottery results.

"I swear, if I believe this wheel again, I will be a dog, even more dog than a coyote."

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