Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 61 Oh buy eggs!

Akimoto, with a depressed look on his face, came to the Pokémon Center with his mount, the lamb, and strode in.

The pit system couldn't give good things anyway, so this time he gave 5 Pokémon balls of special white quality made by the system.

But it was still more useful than the last time's Green Arrow gum.

"Hello~ Miss Joy, please help me apply to the Alliance for the Pokémon collection. Here is the voucher."

Akimoto walked to the counter, greeted Miss Joy, and then took out the receipt of the three major families with the seal of the Alliance and handed it to Miss Joy.

Joy took Akimoto's voucher with a smile, compared it with the order number on it, and entered the Alliance information database to check the information.

After confirming that it was correct, Miss Joy said with a smile: "The voucher is confirmed to be correct, your request has been reported to the Alliance, now please choose the Pokémon you want to collect, you can choose two Pokémon, five of each."

"Just choose the Forest Lizard and the Frog." Akimoto then replied, this is what he had thought of.

"Okay, then the request has been sent for you. It is expected that they will be transmitted in an hour. Please wait." Miss Joy tapped the keyboard with her fingers, and finally pressed Enter to send the request for the forest lizard and frog selected by Akimoto to the Alliance Breeding Center.

"By the way, Miss Joy, I have something to ask you."

"Please ask."

"Actually, I still have a purchase receipt for a Pokémon egg. I wonder where the Alliance Breeding Center is?"

Hearing Akimoto's words, Miss Joy covered her mouth and smiled.

"If you want to buy Pokémon eggs, you can only make a request to the breeding center online. The Alliance Breeding Center does not allow unrelated personnel to enter. When you choose the Pokémon egg, the breeding center will express the Pokémon egg to you."

"Express delivery?" Akimoto said in surprise.

"Yes, there is a courier service now. The alliance has opened a special courier train route, and there are courier stations in every town!"

"That's great! Thank you, Miss Joy."

"You're welcome, little brother."

Selectively ignoring Miss Joy's little brother, Akimoto ran to the public computer in the lobby of the Pokémon Center and searched for the Carlos Alliance Breeding Center.

Many related entries for "breeding center" popped up at once, all of which were advertising entries for breeding houses. The first one at the top was the website address of the Carlos Alliance Breeding Center that Akimoto was looking for.

After clicking it, he found that he needed to log in to enter. Akimoto thought about it, took out his ID, entered his ID number, and registered a new account.

Then Akimoto saw the eye-catching title in the upper right corner of the website at a glance - "Pokémon Egg Purchase", so Akimoto clicked in.

The information of various Pokémon eggs was listed in a table with pictures, so that the browser can see it at a glance, which is also very convenient.

As expected, it is the official breeding center of the alliance. The Pokémon eggs listed here are all powerful or rare Pokémon offspring. Their qualifications are randomly divided into yellow and green according to the system standards.

It is a pity that among these displayed Pokémon eggs, Akimoto did not find any fairy Pokémon eggs. Most of them are Pokémon of the three family personalities and general Pokémon, and there are some psychic Pokémon.

Akimoto has a total of 30 Pokémon eggs to choose from. He decided to choose some Pokémon that are more popular with trainers first, and then look at psychic Pokémon.

In the end, Akimoto chose 10 Pokémon eggs of Lotus Leaf Boy, mainly because they are very gentle in character and suitable for novice trainers to use as initial Pokémon in the future.

Then there are the unexpected surprises of Coldwater Monkey and Cauliflower Monkey.

There are a total of 5 Pokémon eggs, 3 Coldwater Monkey and 2 Cauliflower Monkey, which were refreshed when Akimoto was browsing the Pokémon egg list, allowing Akimoto to pick up a big bargain.

In order to prevent someone who is quicker than him from buying them first, Akimoto had to use up the remaining 15 Pokémon eggs as quickly as possible, because now he just selected them, and others still have the opportunity to buy them before he buys them.

So he sped up and chose 9 Swiftlet and 6 Good Squid Pokémon eggs from the remaining 15 Pokémon eggs.

Although Swiftlet is not very common, it can be found as long as you look carefully in the forest. Akimoto chose it because wild Swiftlet is too popular among trainers, and the good ones have been almost captured. Even if Akimoto went to the wild to capture Swiftlet himself, he would probably only find a group of white ones, and at most yellow ones.

Swiftlet, with its strong character and courage, is one of the preferred Pokémons of many trainers, but in addition to taking a chance to capture wild Swiftlet with high qualifications, the only way to get it is to buy young Swiftlet or Swiftlet Pokémon eggs in the breeding house.

The Alliance Breeding Center happened to be a place that could guarantee the quality of the Swiftlet, so Akimoto bought the remaining nine Swiftlet Pokémon eggs in one go.

As for why he chose the Good Squid, it was because the Good Squid was a Psychic Pokémon that was easier to breed.

Breeding houses still have to sell Pokémon eggs or young Pokémon to the public, and although ordinary Psychic Pokémon are popular, they are more difficult for humans to recognize than the Good Squid.

And there is another reason that there are no Pokémon in the shallow sea area... so I chose it, and I fulfilled two wishes at once.

What a good deal!

After deciding on the Pokémon to buy, Akimoto quickly chose to pay.

Before paying, you need to verify the purchase voucher, and you need to enter the voucher number and the ID number of the person who received the voucher.

In addition to obtaining a Pokémon egg purchase voucher by passing the breeder assessment, you can actually become an elite trainer of the alliance, complete a series of tasks to obtain alliance points, and then redeem the Pokémon egg purchase voucher.

After verifying the purchase voucher, Akimoto clicked on payment and chose to pay by loan...

I don’t have money, but I want to buy it.

What to do, pay by loan.

This is the answer Akimoto got after asking Qiao Yijing after receiving the purchase voucher. For the top three breeders in the breeder assessment, the alliance’s support treatment not only directly sends money, but also supports you to take out loans, the kind of ultra-low-interest loans.

Knowing this, Akimoto dared to buy Pokémon eggs when he was currently penniless.

Thirty Pokémon eggs, calculated at an average of 200,000 each, Akimoto owed the Alliance a total of 6 million. Including interest, the annual interest was only 200,000.

After confirming the payment was successful, Akimoto nodded with satisfaction when looking at the Pokémon eggs on the product information.

Akimoto chose Sachi's home as the delivery address. His own breeding house had not yet been registered, so he could not harvest.

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