Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 64 Egg-laying rules (PS must read!)

When Akimoto woke up, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

The party in the morning was so exciting that Jigglypuff was in high spirits. He couldn't help but take out his super marker pen as a microphone and started singing Jigglypuff's song.

Akimoto didn't notice it either, because the laughter of the Pokémon initially covered Jigglypuff's singing.


When Akimoto noticed Jigglypuff singing, he was already drowsy.

With a wry smile, he returned to the tree house to wash off the messy graffiti on his face. Akimoto took out a new towel and went to the sea of ​​flowers to wipe the faces of other Pokémon who were still sleeping.

Who would have thought that she brought a marker pen with her.

However, it seemed that when I first checked Jigglypuff's information, the prop column showed a super marker pen, but unfortunately I didn't think much about it...

After waking up, Akimoto ran all over the sea of ​​flowers and finally found Jigglypuff, who was sulking with his face puffed up by the lake.

"Puff? What are you doing here?"

"Puff!" Puff ignored him and turned his head to the side.

Akimoto looked at it with amusement and poked its chubby cheeks: "Why don't you pay attention to me?"

"Puff!" Puff glared at Akimoto.

Akimoto poked its face again and found it inexplicably funny, so he couldn't stop poking.

"Puff puff puff puff!!!"

Puff couldn't stand Akimoto's teasing and threw himself into Akimoto's arms, hugged his neck, and shook his head non-stop, launching a crazy head shaking attack.

Akimoto just hugged it with a smile, and waited until it got tired and stopped. Akimoto said: "Why don't you sing it again? I will definitely not fall asleep this time."

"Puff?" Puff looked at Akimoto doubtfully.

Akimoto patted its butt, put it on the ground, and then said, "Let's start!"

Puffy glared at Akimoto in dissatisfaction, rubbed his little butt, twisted and turned to sit on the small stone by the lake, took out the marker, used the end of the pen cap to his mouth as a microphone, and then devoted himself to singing.


As time passed, Akimoto did not fall asleep until Puffy finished singing.

"Puff!" Puffy jumped into Akimoto's arms in surprise and excitement, and jumped happily on Akimoto's legs.

"How about it, I didn't lie to you." Akimoto smiled proudly, pinched Puffy's ears and rubbed them.

"Puff, puff!" Puffy nodded, very happy.

To be honest, Akimoto didn't expect that the singing power of Jigglypuff in the real world of Pokémon was not inferior to that shown in the anime, so he was caught off guard the first time and fell asleep.

But this time Akimoto was well prepared. He deliberately blocked his ears with the power of the fairy. The fairy elemental power transmitted by Jigglypuff along with the singing could not affect him through Akimoto's ears, so he naturally would not fall asleep.

But Jigglypuff didn't know that Akimoto had played a little trick. It only knew that Akimoto was very happy that he listened to the song he sang completely and didn't fall asleep.

Akimoto smiled proudly, picked up Jigglypuff, and walked towards the sea of ​​flowers.

"Let's eat! Let's cook for you again today. You can eat meatballs by yourself in the future~"


In the afternoon, Akimoto tried to make some sleeping meatballs in the studio with the power of the fairy and the power of life, and found that the effect was better than the previous one made with the original source of life. Now Akimoto can rest assured, at least his fairy Pokémon don't need to worry about food.

Although they all showed great interest in the dishes he cooked, they were human food after all, and for Pokémon, they could only be snacks, and could not replace the meatballs that Akimoto made for them.

However, in order to cater to their tastes, Akimoto also specially prepared meatballs of different flavors according to their preferences. There were three flavors for Momo meatballs alone, sweet, spicy, and salty.

The sweet ones were the most, because most of the Jigglypuffs liked to eat sweets. When the fairy milk evolved, they would have a good time, haha.

The savory meatballs and short mustard meatballs made with the life force of Xerneas were not as good as those made with the origin of life, but the difference would not be too big, so the food for the mounts, the lamb, and the Eevee would be made with the life force for the time being.

Later, we would have to make food for the forest lizard and the frog. The forest lizard could eat short mustard meatballs, but the frog could not. We had to think about the food formula for the water Pokémon.

Actually, Akimoto released the forest lizard and frog after returning to the breeding house, but they seemed to be a little uncomfortable with the new environment, so they did not say hello to the old members in the ecological park.

Akimoto also planned to hold a large bonfire party one day to let them bond.

The forest lizard and frog are both cold on the outside and warm on the inside. As long as they are familiar with each other, they will be very good partners. I believe they can get along well with their Pokémon.

Among the forest lizards and frogs sent by Qiao Yijing, there is one female each, and the other eight are male.

For Pokémon with more masculine appearance and combat power, the male-female ratio between their groups is very different.

Fortunately, Akimoto is in the real world of Pokémon. Although the breeding and genetic laws of Pokémon here are still a mystery to the local residents, Akimoto has a system!

In the primary breeding knowledge given to Akimoto by the system, there is a detailed introduction to the breeding and genetics of Pokémon.

Basically all breeding institutions, official or private, only know the classification of Pokémon egg groups, but they don’t know what factors affect the egg-laying rules of Pokémon. It is precisely in the genetics of Pokémon that most Pokémon are of the same species as the female Pokémon in the parent generation.

Therefore, in order to breed a certain special Pokémon in these breeding institutions, they all adopt the method of controlling female Pokémon from breeding with Pokémon of other races and breeding within the race.

But Akimoto knows that the reason why most Pokémon are of the same species as the female parent is because in the genetic laws of Pokémon, when Pokémon of the same life level breed, the Pokémon eggs born have a 70% chance of being female.

However, when the life level of male Pokémon is higher than that of female Pokémon, the Pokémon eggs born from the breeding of the two have a 90% chance of being of the male Pokémon race.

This can also explain why the little nephew of Axetooth Dragon is a Round Land Shark instead of Fang, because its sister Double Axe War Dragon is only a quasi-king, while its brother-in-law Biting Land Shark is a king.


PS: To be honest, the egg-laying setting in the game is really outrageous. It’s okay when playing the game, but if you write about the real world, you can’t use that setting at all. If it really only inherits female races, Pokémon like Forest Lizard and Frog, which have a male-to-female ratio of nearly 9:1, would have been on the verge of extinction long ago.

So the author created a new breeding system here, which I think is very consistent with my setting of the life level of Pokémon, and it should be very logical in this world view.

But if there are fans of the original novel who can’t accept this setting, I have to apologize. I can’t do anything if it doesn’t suit your taste.

I have explained the explanation for the change of the setting. Don’t read PS yourself. If you go to the comment section to criticize me, don’t blame me for deleting the post.

Another point is that I said I gave it to a girl. It’s really speechless. Don’t you have eyes when reading books? Haven’t I mentioned more than once that Akimoto has no feelings for Hosono Yumo? In his eyes, she is just a 12-year-old girl.

Please, Akimoto is an earthling. Can you think about a 12-year-old girl when you are 17? Then you are probably a lolita-loving pedophile! Mental illness, please don't expose it foolishly in my comment section, okay?

I am so angry!

Finally, let me promote the group number: 970551403

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