Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 65 The Machine Arrives

The next morning, Akimoto, who was researching the food of the frog in the studio, received a call from Sachi, saying that Akimoto's batch of equipment had arrived and asked him to pick it up. By the way, she also invited him to have lunch together.

The speed of the Alliance Express is still unbeatable. The goods arrived in one day, awesome!

Akimoto ran into the forest with his mount lamb, and the mount lamb found the home of the transporter with ease.

After explaining the purpose to the three transporters, they happily agreed to Akimoto and went to Sachi's house with him to move the machines.

This batch of machines includes a move learning device, a special machine for making Pokémon food, an energy block making machine, a small therapeutic device, a small Pokémon transmission device, an intelligent ecological park climate control device, a Pokémon scanner, and a material analyzer.

The move learning device is used to let Pokémon learn the skills in the skill disc. As long as the skill disc and Pokémon ball are placed in the move learning device, the Pokémon can learn the skills in the disc.

At the same time, it also has the function of burning skills, but if you want to use this function, you must have a carrier that can store moves, and the most common carrier is the official blank skill disc of the alliance or the skill disc produced by some well-known technology companies.

This kind of disc is usually very expensive, and because of technical limitations, the more powerful the skills, the higher the quality of the disc.

Generally speaking, only the alliance trainers who have reached the master level and have a large number of points can exchange this kind of advanced disc in the alliance, and the advanced discs produced by technology companies are generally sold to some large institutions or big figures. The skill discs circulating on the market are low-level discs that can only burn small tricks.

The climate adjustment device of the intelligent ecological park is a very valuable thing. It can automatically adjust the climate within a certain range to achieve the most suitable climate conditions for Pokémon to live. However, Akimoto's system ecological park has this function, and it can only be temporarily put in the warehouse to eat dust.

The Pokémon scanner is an instrument for detecting the physical state of Pokémon, and the material analyzer is an instrument for scanning and analyzing the composition of items. Both are highly professional instruments. Akimoto did not expect Qiao Yijing to give these two things to himself.

But it's good this way, it will be more convenient for me to study some special Pokémon props in the future.

In the system store, both instruments are of green quality, so this way, I can save a lot of points in disguise.

When Qiu Yuan finished his work in the ecological park and took his mount lamb and the porter to Saqi's house, it was already past eleven o'clock.

Before going to Saqi's house, Qiu Yuan first went to the ecological park to make a special thing for Pokémon food and placed it under the ancient tree.

More than a dozen small food troughs were classified according to different food tastes, which made it easier for Qiu Yuan to add food to them and for Pokémon to eat.

Before leaving, Qiu Yuan specially gathered them under the ancient tree so that they could recognize the food troughs of their own tastes. When there was not enough food in the food troughs, Qiu Yuan would add it.


"Excuse me--" Qiu Yuan took off his shoes and changed into slippers in the entrance.

"Akimoto is here. I'm just about to cook." Sachi's voice came from the kitchen, "Please go upstairs and call Serena!"


When Akimoto passed the living room, he saw Norus who was watching the porter in the backyard gesturing with the cargo box.

"Brother Norus."

Norus turned around and saw Akimoto, and asked with a smile: "Akimoto, how are the preparations for the opening of the breeding house going?"

"It's ready. In fact, it's already opened, but it hasn't been officially announced yet."

"Really? Then remember to leave a better Pokémon for Serena!" Norus put down the tea in his hand and said to Akimoto, "Since this child came back from Professor Oak's summer camp, he has been staying in the room every day to learn Pokémon training knowledge."

"That will definitely happen. Maybe you will be my first customer." Akimoto replied with a smile.

To start selling young Pokémon or Pokémon eggs, judging from the progress of Akimoto's breeding house, it may take about one or two months.

And this is the situation that the forest lizard and the frog are working hard to create in the breeding house. If they are not greedy, then Akimoto can only rely on Jigglypuff.

There are too many monks and too little meat. A nest of Jigglypuffs is all female. The only one who can lay eggs with them is Togepi, who is also from the fairy egg group, but Togepi must evolve into Togekigu before laying eggs with Jigglypuff.

Akimoto couldn't help but think about whether to catch a few Pokémon from the fairy egg group and bring them back.

There are really too many females in the fairy spirit Pokémon. Akimoto doesn't know who the parent male Pokémon of this nest of Jigglypuffs is. It may be some Pokémon from the starting place...

If I had known earlier, I would have abducted a few happy male fairy group Pokémon from the starting place. The Pokémon in the starting place are not bad in terms of qualifications.

If I go there now, I always feel a little inappropriate, as if I went there specifically to abduct and sell people.

While Akimoto was thinking about it, Norus laughed heartily: "Haha, then you must give me a discount. Even if you don't consider my face, you have to give me a discount because Serena is your niece."

"Of course, of course, hahaha." Akimoto was also amused by Norus, and then remembered that Sachi asked him to call Serena downstairs, "I'll go call Serena first."

Norus nodded, and then looked at the sheep playing and fighting in the backyard with interest.

The one-horned rhino was lifted high by the sheep and the porter, and its limbs were waving in the air in panic.

Akimoto stepped on the stairs, making a clattering sound.

From the outside, Saki's house looked like a Western-style villa, but the interior layout was still a more traditional Japanese layout, which was also quite interesting.

Dong Dong Dong.

Akimoto knocked on Serena's door.

When he was about to speak, the door was opened.

Serena saw that it was Akimoto, and was surprised: "It's Brother Akimoto, is the breeding house open!"

Akimoto smiled when he heard it: "Are you in such a hurry to work in the breeding house?"

"No..." Serena blushed.

"I heard from Brother Norus that you have been learning about Pokémon training. Do you want to become a trainer?"

"Not a battle trainer, but a Pokémon performer and coordination trainer!"

"Oh haha, then you have to work hard." Akimoto encouraged, "But we should go downstairs to eat now!"


Hearing this, Serena remembered that she had not changed her clothes yet. She was standing in front of Akimoto in a cartoon pajamas and quickly closed the door.

"Brother Akimoto, go downstairs first, I'll be down later!"

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