Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 66: Evolution of the Porter

At the dinner table, Qiu Yuan and Saqi's family were chatting and laughing.

Sa Qi suddenly said to Qiu Yuan: "Qiu Yuan, what are your plans after opening?"

"Plan? Which aspect do you mean?" Qiu Yuan was stunned.

"After all, Chaoxiang Town is located in a relatively remote location. If it doesn't have any characteristics, it will be difficult to get customers."

"Yes, in fact, there were breeders who took a fancy to the environment of Chaoxiang Town and opened a breeding house here. However, they closed down and moved because there were not many customers after a year." Norus said.

"If it's special, can I have a very good effect on raising fairy Pokémon?" Qiu Yuan said.

In fact, when it comes to features, you can also take the Yusanjia breeding qualification you obtained as an example. However, this feature cannot be added to normal business for the time being.

"Of course. In the Kalos region, beautiful and cute fairy Pokémon are very popular!" Saqi smiled, then looked at Serena, "Daughter, don't you think so?"

"Yes, Aunt Xunzi's Mary Lou is very cute!" Serena nodded repeatedly.

Norus also chimed in: "And there seems to be no breeding house in the Kalos area that is proficient in raising fairy Pokémon. As long as you can really guarantee that the breeding place for fairy Pokémon is very good, I believe there will be many Trainers who are worried about raising fairy Pokémon came here specifically."

"And moreover!" Saqi chuckled, and said mysteriously to Qiu Yuan's ear, "Many of them are young and beautiful girls! Maybe one of them will be very discerning about our young and promising people. Where is the handsome breeding house owner?”

"Hey, there's no need for this, no need..." Qiu Yuan blushed and waved his hands in embarrassment.

Although Saki spoke into Akimoto's ear, her voice was not lowered at all, so both Norus and Serena heard it.

Everyone looked at each other, then looked at Qiu Yuan and laughed.

However, this also reminded Qiu Yuan that before the origin of life has awakened, focusing on fairy Pokémon is the best business direction for the breeding house.

Everyone then chatted about other topics, laughing from time to time, very harmoniously.

After saying goodbye to Sachi's family and promising Serena to notify her to come to the breeding house when everything was on track, Akimoto took the porter and the lamb to move everything back home.

Each piece of machinery is not very big, but the mount lamb and the moving craftsman can only move one piece, leaving two large pieces and two small pieces.

Sachi specially asked his two one-horned rhinos to carry two large machines and follow Qiu Yuan back to the breeding house. Qiu Yuan tied the remaining two small healing devices and transmission devices with ropes and carried them for a while. .

After some distance away from Saqi's house, Qiu Yuan put everything into the system warehouse.

After thanking the one-horned rhino, Akimoto let them go back on their own.

However, it seemed that the moving craftsman was very dissatisfied with Qiu Yuan taking away the goods, which made them feel as if they were looked down upon by Qiu Yuan.

Qiu Yuan, who couldn't laugh or cry, had no choice but to take out the goods and let them continue to move. Only then were they satisfied.

"Hey hoo, hey hoo, hey hoo!"

The three porters shouted slogans rhythmically, one carrying a large box in front, while Qiu Yuan and his horse lamb followed leisurely behind.

When we finally arrived at the gate of the breeding house, the porter was already panting from exhaustion.


The cargo box fell to the ground, throwing up dust.

The porter kept panting, and when he saw Qiu Yuan looking at them, he forced himself to show off his muscles.

Qiu Yuan was about to reward them with some delicious food, but found that the three brothers turned on the light of evolution almost in no particular order.

"What an unexpected surprise, congratulations to you." Qiu Yuan looked at them with a smile and said silently in his heart.

When the light of evolution dissipated, the three brothers had all successfully evolved into iron-skeletal natives.

"Hey hey hey!"

The three iron-skinned natives stood together and made powerful movements to show their strength. The fatigue of moving boxes was gone.

"Congratulations on becoming stronger! Here, here is your reward."

Qiu Yuan smiled and took out bone stick-like objects from the system warehouse and handed them to them.

Because he often interacts with them, Qiu Yuan also made some food suitable for them. Considering that they have a large appetite, he specially made it into the shape of a long bone stick.

"Hey hey hey, hey hey!"

The iron-skinned native took the food stick from Qiu Yuan's hand, thanked him, and quickly ran into the forest.

After seeing off the iron-skinned natives, Qiu Yuan turned to his mount Xiaoyang and said, "Look at you. You've been playing with Ibrahimovic and the porter all day long. Now the porters have evolved into iron-skinned natives. You Look at you, you’re still the same, are you ashamed?”


The mount lamb let out a frustrated cry.

What can I do?

In fact, the strength of the mount lamb has improved a lot compared to before, from level 18 to level 24. It also works hard on daily basis.

Akimoto has developed its own exercise program for each Pokémon in order to quickly increase their strength without harming their health.

Although the breeding house does not require the Pokmon to be very powerful, the life level of powerful Pokmon is relatively higher, and the qualifications of the offspring will be better, so Akimoto also has high requirements for them.

As for the lamb mount, in addition to the morning run every day, Akimoto also let it do intensive training with Circle and Yuanyuan.

It is normal to run with sandbags tied to the legs. Akimoto also often lets Pokémon fight each other, and the lamb mount is the one that gets beaten the most.

After being beaten, the lamb mount's injuries will be healed by Akimoto, and then it will continue to be beaten.

It not only exercises the attack ability of other Pokémon, but also improves the double defense of the lamb mount.


Akimoto happily took the lamb mount back to the ecological park. After adding food to the trough, Akimoto prepared to go to the studio to study water Pokémon food.

When passing the grassland area, Akimoto suddenly noticed that the big female Eevee seemed a little strange, so he walked over to take a closer look and found that it was pregnant.

What a happy event, the first Pokémon in the breeding house, although it is still in the process of being conceived.

Speaking of the Eevee couple, Akimoto actually didn't have any good ideas.

The female Eevee has always been weak and has no desire to grow in strength, so Akimoto does not require it to train.

However, the male Eevee, who used to be very determined and brave, has lost his fighting spirit and just hangs around the female Eevee every day. Akimoto can't do anything about it.

I'll buy two more evolution stones and let them raise their life level again to see if I can improve their qualifications.

The qualifications of the little Eevee born this way will also be higher.

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