Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 96: Look at the PS, my friends! The child is crying!

"Gami gami gami!"

Looking at the frog that suddenly appeared in front of it, the sun coral was so scared that it shrank back into the coral pile, but then it was blocked by the frog.

Seeing their companions blocked, the other sun corals rushed here and surrounded the frog.


The frog looked at Qiu Yuan, and after receiving Qiu Yuan's instructions, it quickly rushed to the side of the sun coral with a few lightning moves, and then it took no time to get rid of these sun corals.

Although the sun corals are temporarily higher than the frog in terms of race value, because they are only a dozen levels strong, they only have two attack moves: collision and water gun.

Although they have rock attributes and are relatively resistant to attacks, the gap in strength is too large, and several sun corals were knocked unconscious by the frog.

Qiu Yuan counted them. In addition to the sun corals he just saw, there are three sun corals that have not been discovered. There are now a total of 11.

Jiang Liye just thought the sun corals were cute, so she wanted to capture them, but she didn't need to capture too many, unlike Akimoto, who would definitely invest in the management of the breeding house after capturing the sun corals.

So in the end, she only captured one sun coral that she thought was the best-looking, and then the remaining ten were all captured by Akimoto.

But just as Akimoto put the Pokémon ball with the sun corals handed over by the frog into the ball bag, there was a very loud noise behind him.

Looking back, something was rushing towards them from the dark cave entrance. Before they had time to think about it, the person opened his bloody mouth and showed his cold teeth and rushed towards them.

After seeing the face of the person, Akimoto immediately asked Jiang Liye to tell Laplace to run away. There was no other way, because there was a quasi-king Megalodon chasing behind him.

The Megalodon is different from other Pokémon. It is fierce and aggressive. It is a tyrant in the ocean. Even Megalodons of the same species will fight each other until one of them is seriously injured.

Who knows why this quasi-king Megalodon is chasing me? It may be that it wants to fight with me, or it may be hungry and want to eat people!

Most of the Pokémon deaths in the ocean are related to this ferocious Pokémon. Although the Megalodon is powerful, if the trainer cannot crush it with absolute power in one fell swoop, the Megalodon will not obey the orders of the trainer who subdues it.

So Akimoto didn't want to get entangled with this Megalodon at all. When he saw it rushing towards him, he immediately told Lapras to run away.

Akimoto brought three Pokémon on this trip, and the most powerful Pokémon Gengar could not appear in the water.

I don't know what happened, after Gengar hid in the shadow of Gardevoir, he could be collected into Akimoto's Poké Ball with Gardevoir, but Akimoto's Poké Ball did not have any constraints on him.

So now Gengar is actually staying in Akimoto's Poké Ball, but he is very afraid of water. When he was in the ecological park, he didn't dare to go into the water and only dared to stay on the beach.

Gardevoir might be able to deal with this situation, but it is still a big burden for Gardevoir to temporarily maintain a thin wall like Lapras underwater, and even worry about being hit by the Megalodon.

So Akimoto still let Gardevoir out.

As soon as Gardevoir appeared, it just occupied the remaining position in the thin wall. For a while, the thin wall seemed very crowded, and Akimoto had to take back the Frog.

Although Gardevoir can't directly fight Megalodon, it can still hinder the pursuit of Megalodon and help Lapras escape.

Although the Psychic type is ineffective against Megalodon, the Fairy type can cause additional damage.

"Gardevo, stop it from catching up, and attack it with Magic Flash!"


Gardevo nodded, then waved her hands, and a magic light ball condensed outside the thin wall.

Although it is impossible to effectively condense the fairy elements in the environment underwater, Gardevoir, who is often strengthened and trained by Akimoto with the Fairy Essence, has preserved a lot of fairy elemental power in its body, which is enough to at least stop Megalodon from chasing.

Megalodon is chasing Laplace from a distance, and the distance between them is constantly shrinking. It will catch up soon.

At this time, Megalodon suddenly felt a disgusting breath, and saw the pink magic light ball filled with the fairy elements that it hated right in front of it.

At this time, the magic light ball condensed by Gardevoir has also reached the level of release. She pushed with both hands, and a stream of energy broke through the water barrier and hit the Megalodon's nose extremely quickly.

The Megalodon was hit back before it could react, and slid for a distance in the water. At the same time, it was a little dizzy because it was hit in the nose.

The enraged Megalodon bit its upper and lower teeth hard, rushed towards Lapras angrily, and stared at Gardevoir, as if it wanted to tear this Pokémon that was full of disgusting breath into pieces.

Seeing that the attack was effective, Akimoto was overjoyed, praised Gardevoir, and asked her to continue using Magic Flash to stop the Megalodon from chasing.

When Gardevoir released the second Magic Flash, the Megalodon, who was angry but prepared, made an evasive move. Because the trajectory speed of the Magic Flash was too fast, the Megalodon was still hit by the Magic Flash on the shark's fin, and its swimming speed in the water slowed down for a while.

Being injured again made the Megalodon, who had been rampant all the time, even more angry. He lost his mind and rushed up against Gardevoir's third magic flash.

Seeing that the Megalodon was about to catch up, Laplace finally rushed out of the underwater passage with Akimoto and Jiang Liye and reached the outer area of ​​the Waveless Sea.

After reaching the outer area of ​​the Waveless Sea, Laplace can speed up and rush up. When Laplace really enters the Waveless Sea, the Megalodon will not dare to catch up again.


PS: This postscript is a small summary of this stage. The next stage is about to be put on the shelves. It is expected to be put on the shelves next Wednesday, October 14th. It should be a dismal launch without any surprises. There is no need to post a special statement for the launch, so I will post an advance statement here.

It was already half past one when I wrote this text.

Compared with the same type of fairy texts at the same development stage, my book is really too bad, and the author is a little mentally collapsed.

The last trial recommendation of the same type can basically reach 3,000 collections, but I don’t know if it’s because I wrote it too badly or there was no excitement. During the trial promotion, only 500 collections increased. Alas.

The same type of fairy texts basically have several times more collections, recommendation votes, and investment than Mu Shen’s book. There are also few active book friends in the book friend circle. There is only one book friend every two or three days (but I still appreciate your support. I have seen all the cheering posts you posted in the book friend circle. Thank you very much.)

In fact, from this point of view, Mu Shen’s active book friends are indeed very few, but the truly active book friends, the book friends who insist on voting for Mu Shen every day, in fact, I have almost memorized your IDs.

Aha, although it’s because there are relatively few people, haha.

Special thanks to the book friend 2020011044625211 who was too lazy to change his name for the 5,000 starting coins reward. This is the first time I have seen such a large reward (doge) in my life. Thank you!

Just like the chapter after signing the contract, Mu Shen would like to thank all the readers who give rewards to the book "Pokémon Breeder" every day.

In fact, I have received your kindness, whether it is one vote, two votes, seven votes or eight votes (of course, the more the better!!)

[Jaydar, Bubble Vivian, Ni Ge, Tian Yu Di, Xing Xin Xing Sun, Zi Ling Jing Xue, Zuo Xiao Kou,... 20200523191353633, Book Friends 20200605112312163, L.Y. Transform into mortals and not become immortals, 丿top丶yang|, The name is really bad, Miss or forget, I am waiting for the future, I am a devil, I am Xisuo, Sunset Color, Little Landlord 1 Fate, A Grain of Porridge, Zhang Siyi , Comparison of black and white]

Book friends!!! Change your name!!! I was really blinded by that string of numbers...

Actually, this list of thanks should not be read by many people, but I still want to write it out. I am also thanking you for your support after all this nonsense.

When I didn't write books before, I was also annoyed that the author added a PS after each chapter, but now I really hope that you can comment and reply to me after the PS of each chapter, because you don't join the water friend group, and I want to chat with you, so I can only use the form of PS to add a sentence of the author outside the main text.

I can't do this when it is put on the shelves in the future, and you will be punished for the water word count.

Sincerely thank you all! Tears, tears, the author cried alone in the middle of the night.

Come and chat in the book friend group! Please make sure to bubble up when you come, the people in the group are very friendly!

Finally, as usual, I will advertise the book friend group, QQ group: 970551403 (breeding instructor)

Book friends who can read the PS part, love you!

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