Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 97 Son of Poseidon

The reason why the Wulang Sea is called Wulang Sea is because of its special geographical environment. But there are reasons for the formation of this special geographical environment.

However, this reason is not the exact conclusion drawn by people after exploration, but comes from a local legend in Baichao Village.

According to the legend, the first village chief of Baichao Village was actually the offspring of Lugia. He came from the Kanto region and was regarded as a taboo by the ancient humans at that time, calling him the son of the monster.

In the eyes of the people at that time, Lugia was no different from the monster that ravaged their village, so naturally the children born by Lugia and humans were even more unacceptable.

On the one hand, he had the bloodline of the monster, and on the other hand, he touched the taboo of ethics.

Although he was the son of the mythical beast Lugia at that time, he did not have the origin of the ocean, so he could not have the ability of the mythical beast like Lugia. He could only control the sea water in a small range, and he could also move and breathe freely in the water.

Although he was in the endless cold eyes and people avoided him like poison, he still kept his kind heart and often saved people who were in distress in the sea.

Repaying evil with kindness did not earn him recognition and gratitude from people. After learning that he was saved by the Son of Warcraft, people even felt that they were contaminated by the breath of the Warcraft. They held sacrifices for themselves in a panic in an attempt to let the gods wash away the filth on their bodies, and even went to his house to throw some filthy things at him from a distance.

Little did they know that people treated the real Son of God in this way, but they just called him the Son of Warcraft.

All tragedies come from prejudice, suspicion, and unwarranted discrimination between people.

In the end, the offspring of Lugia and humans left Kanto across countless seas in disappointment, came to Kalos, and settled in Shiratide Village.

He used his ability to tame many Warcraft, allowing them to help people who went out to sea to fish and navigate, and protect people's safety.

He did not have a heretic background. Although people had certain doubts about the source of his ability, he was worthy of people's trust in the chaotic world where Warcraft was rampant, as he could tame Warcraft and protect people's lives.

Finally, he won the support of the locals. Under the call of the people, he established Baichao Village and developed Baichao Village into a peaceful and safe place that was not invaded by monsters.

But he was not Lugia after all. He would grow old and die.

After his death, his fourth-generation descendants scattered his ashes in the sea according to his will, hoping that his soul could protect Baichao Village for generations and that he could see his father again.

Hundreds of years passed, and those who witnessed the legend also fell asleep. The generations left regarded it as a myth and passed it on by word of mouth.

Everyone who came to the Waveless Sea could always feel the broad mind of the sea here, the kind of empty tranquility. No matter how restless they were in their hearts, they would become safe and calm when they came to the Waveless Sea. Therefore, the legend of the son of the sea god has always been firmly believed by the people of Baichao Village.

Maybe Akimoto and Jiang Liye didn't know this, but the villagers of Shirashio Village and Laplace knew that there was an ancient Vaporeon in the Waveless Sea. It guarded the peace of the Waveless Sea and would not allow anyone to destroy the sleep of the Son of the Sea God.

There was once a Megalodon chasing a small ball flying fish all the way to the Waveless Sea. When the Megalodon caught up with the small ball flying fish, it killed it without hesitation, and the blood dyed the sea water a terrifying color.

The smell of blood awakened the sleeping Vaporeon. The ancient and huge Vaporeon completely crushed the Megalodon that destroyed the tranquility of the Waveless Sea, turning it into stars all over the sky, and the original constituent elements finally returned to the sea.

Although people have not seen Vaporeon appear with their own eyes, they often find traces of Vaporeon in the Waveless Sea, so they believe in the legend of the Son of the Sea God even more.

You can find out these things by just asking a local villager in Baichao Village. If Akimoto knew this legend, he would definitely connect it with the water stone that is abundant in the local area.

As for the authenticity of the legend, it is actually credible to a certain extent.

Since ancient times, there have been countless examples of Pokémon and humans falling in love and having children. If the mother is a human, then the offspring is born alive, and if the mother is a Pokémon, the offspring is born from eggs.

The offspring born alive are purely human, but they can have the abilities of Pokémon, absorb elemental power and use it.

The offspring born from eggs appear as Pokémon in the larval stage. After the larval stage, they will have the ability to change between Pokémon and human forms. Of course, their abilities as Pokémon will also be retained.

It can be said that the offspring born from the combination of humans and Pokémon have both the transcendent abilities of Pokémon and the high intelligence of humans, which is a very ideal way of evolution.

Of course, the risk of Pokémon and humans breeding offspring is still very high. The above two situations are both good situations. There are also cases where the offspring born from Pokémon and humans grow up to be deformed.

If someone really wants to do that with Pokémon, it is recommended to do it with humanoid Pokémon.

For example, N, the boss behind Team Plasma, is rumored to be the offspring of a human woman and a tropical dragon, and he also has abilities that ordinary humans don't have.

As for how the tropical dragon made a human woman pregnant, this needs to be studied, so let's leave this question to the researchers of the Alliance.

After explaining that Pokémon and humans can give birth to offspring, Lugia is mentioned again. It is not an ordinary Pokémon, but a legendary beast, so it cannot be treated as an ordinary Pokémon.

Some legendary beasts can transform into human forms, among which Latias is a representative. It once transformed into a cute human girl, which also solved the problem that humans have not discovered the egg group of legendary beasts.

In fact, the reason why humans have not discovered the egg group of legendary beasts is that humans have not seen legendary beasts breed offspring, so they cannot determine their egg group.

Unable to determine does not mean that there is no egg group, so legendary beasts actually have specific egg groups, but they have not been discovered.

Combining the above, the final conclusion is that Lugia is likely to have the ability to transform into a human body. In this case, he combined with a human woman and gave birth to the legendary son of the sea god.

Then the legend of the son of the sea god is actually very credible.

Take Akimoto himself, he is now a living person with both Pokémon and human abilities.

There are many people like Akimoto. The most common one is the psychic. The second is the special abilities such as the power of the living and the power of the wave, which are all proofs of the combination of the abilities of Pokémon and humans.

In particular, there are still many secrets of Pokémon that humans have not yet discovered. Perhaps one day, humans will find that when Pokémon reaches a certain condition, they can have the ability to change into human form.

After all, Pokémon and humans are both creations of the God of Creation in terms of origin.

Of course, the risk of Pokémon and humans breeding offspring is still very high. The above two situations are both good situations. There are also cases where the offspring born by Pokémon and humans grow up to be deformed.

If someone really wants to do something with Pokémon, it is recommended to do it with human-shaped Pokémon.


PS: I am here to PS again. This chapter mainly uses legends to introduce this relatively interesting theory, which is regarded as sharing with all the elf fans that humans can do something with Pokémon.

This theory is not made up by me. It really has a basis, which I also explained in the article.

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