Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 10 Special Training Wood Branch Thorns

In the open space next to the forest cabin, Xia Ye looked at the energetic monkey and said:

"Tone Monkey, are you ready?"


The knocking monkey held up the wooden stick to indicate that he was ready to start at any time.

"Very good." Xia Ye nodded, "Let's start with special training on moves today."

He planned to train the Knocker Monkey's moves first, because one of the conditions for obtaining the Grass Maker trait was to be proficient in a grass-type move.

[Knocker Monkey, a grass-type Pokémon, masters moves: grab, cry, stick thrust, provocation, flying leaf sharp knife, acrobatics. 】

The forest ranger's assistant showed off the moves learned by the tone-tapping monkey. To Xia Ye's surprise, it also learned acrobatics in addition to regular moves. The move will cause higher damage when it is not carrying items.

However, the displayed moves did not show proficiency-related values. Xia Ye speculated that the moves would change after reaching proficiency.

The same move will show different damage and effects depending on the proficiency. A certain yellow electric mouse can flash the lightning to produce amazing effects. This is a display of ultimate proficiency.

"The knocking monkey, stab it with a wooden branch."

Xia Ye placed a wooden board in the open space. He wanted to test the sound-tapping monkey's proficiency.


The knocking monkey clenched the wooden stick tightly, and a faint green light glowed on the wooden stick. It thrust forward fiercely, and the wooden board was knocked out. Xia Ye ran over and took a look, leaving small cracks on it.

"Well, it seems that the sound-tapping monkey is quite proficient in this trick."

Since it's a grass-type move, it's pretty good to be able to make cracks appear on the board.

To put it bluntly, the stick thrust is the most basic move like the spark and water gun, and it is a move that even a newborn Pokémon can master.

The spark can have the effect of spraying flames after being proficient in it, and the water gun can have the effect of water cannon after being proficient in it. What about the thorns from the wooden branches?

The Knocker Monkey's attacks are closely related to the wooden stick in its hand. The exclusive move of drumming learned after evolving into the Thunder King Kong is a test of its mastery of the wooden stick.

Proficient use of wood stick thrusts improves the monkey's control over the stick, which plays an important role in its subsequent growth.

Xia Ye placed the wooden board on the ground again and asked the tone-tapping monkey:

"Knocker monkey, if you use a wooden stick to thrust again, where will you attack?"

The knocking monkey trotted over and touched the crack left with the wooden stick, then looked at Xia Ye, this was its answer.

"Well, yes, leaving a wound before attacking is the right decision, but if the opponent is not injured, where will you choose to attack?"

Regarding Xia Ye's question, the tone-tapping monkey thought for a while. It first pointed to its belly with its little finger, then to its neck, eyes, and the entire body was a vulnerable place.

"very good!"

Xia Ye smiled and touched the sound monkey's head and said:

"It's the weak point. The wooden stick thrust concentrates the power on one point, and attacking the weak point can bring out the greatest advantage of this move!"

"Quick, accurate, and ruthless. As long as you can use these three words to the extreme, ordinary wooden branch thrusts can also defeat your opponent in one move." Xia Ye stretched out three fingers, "So let's start with accuracy first. ."

Hit rate is the most important thing. If you can't hit, all your efforts will be in vain. Xia Ye knows this well in the battle.

Xia Ye opened the bag next to him, which was filled with melon fruits. This kind of fruit is light and hard, making it a good target. He picked up one and threw it to the sound monkey.

"Try to hit the flying fruit with the thrust of the branch."

The knocking monkey accumulated strength, then jumped into the air and thrust the wooden stick forward. Unfortunately, the wooden stick missed the fruit and fell to the ground.

It looked at the fruit on the ground with a guilty expression. It had failed. Would it live up to Xia Ye's expectations?

"Don't look like that, knocker monkey, look."

Xia Ye picked up the melon fruit and put it in front of it. The hard melon fruit left a mark.

"It's because we're not proficient that we need special training. Besides, we can't hit it now. If we focus more on it next time, we'll definitely hit it."

The knocking monkey was in a trance. It turns out that special training does not require failure. This is the first time it has experienced this feeling. Well, it will decide to hit it next time!

"Tone-tapping monkey, I'm going to throw it away."

Xia Ye threw the prune fruit into the air again. The knocking monkey's eyes became more serious. It caught the movement track of the prune fruit and jumped into the air. This time it didn't accumulate much strength. Boom, the wooden stick and the prune fruit The collision makes a sound, which means it was successful.

"Look, isn't this a success? Let's consolidate it a little more."

Xia Ye's throwing methods became more and more varied, and the rules of the movement of the melon fruit became more and more difficult to predict. However, in the following special training, the monkey hit the melon fruit with every thrust of the wooden branch, and it gradually mastered it. skills.

There was a bystander to this special training. It was the blue jay that landed on the wooden roof. At first, it was dissatisfied with using food as a training prop. However, this attitude changed while watching. The knocker monkey really As it progressed, it had no chance of eating the melon fruit thrown from behind by Xia Ye.

"Very good, let's take a rest first." Xia Ye was very satisfied with the sound-tapping monkey.

The knocking monkey held up the wooden stick to indicate that he could continue training.

"Tone-tapping monkey, training must be a combination of work and rest. If you overstress yourself, you will get half the result with twice the result."

At Xia Ye's request, the sound monkey gave up training. He took out a bag of bread from the bottom of the bag, tore it open and gave it to the sound monkey.

"Here, tone-tapping monkey, you must have sufficient physical strength to train well."

Grass-type Pokémon are the Pokémon that least need food. Most of them can use their bodies to absorb sunlight to generate energy, but this does not mean that they do not like to enjoy delicious food.

The knocking monkey smiled and took the bread, which is now its favorite food. Seeing the knocking monkey enjoying the food happily, Xia Ye turned his eyes to the roof, waved his hands and shouted loudly:

"Blue Jay, I have something to ask of you."

The blue jay looked disdainful. He was a noble blue jay, how could he be trusted by humans so easily?

"There are ridged melon fruits to eat."

It is my duty to help mankind!

The blue jay flew down from the roof. Now there are many melon fruit trees in the Sunset Forest, but it chose to give them to other bird Pokémon. As the leader, he must know how to give, just like his mother.

"Well, then let's start the second stage, hurry up!" Xia Ye picked up a melon fruit.

"Blue Jay, use your fastest speed to grab the prune fruit in the air. What you have to do, Monkey, is to hit the prune fruit with a wooden branch before the blue jay."

Blue Jay is full of confidence. The most proud talent of our bird Pokémon is its fast flight speed. This is no different from putting a prune fruit near its mouth.

"It seems you understand, then I'm going to throw it away."

Xia Ye threw it fiercely, and the knocking monkey and the blue crow jumped into the air at the same time. One waved the wooden stick and the other flapped its wings. Then, a blue shadow flashed and the melon fruit in the air disappeared instantly.

The blue jay fell to the ground, his eyes narrowed, and he made a squawking sound. His attitude was very arrogant. You see, this is the strength of our bird Pokémon!

This undoubtedly arouses the fighting spirit of the tone-tapping monkey, and he will definitely not let you eat it next time!

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