Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 11 The Blue Jays who joined the special training

Facing the arrogant Blue Jay, the Knocker Monkey thought about how to deal with it. At this time, Xia Ye threw the melon fruit in his hand violently, and the two Pokémon took action at the same time.

Move faster! The knocking monkey did not accumulate strength on the ground like before. It jumped directly into the air and used its previous experience to stab the wood branches.


Still too slow, the blue jay flapped its wings quickly, and the melon fruit in the air disappeared without a trace again.

The wooden stick passed by the blue jay, and the sound-tapping monkey fell to the ground and summed up its previous shortcomings. The speed just now was already the limit. If you want to go faster, you must find other ways.

After enjoying the melon fruit, the blue jay shook his head helplessly. The so-called racial advantage is so cruel. Little monkey, you should give up.

However, when it saw that the knocking monkey was still full of fighting spirit, it decided to fight with all its strength. It respects those who work hard.

"The third time, let's begin."

The sound-tapping monkey inserted the wooden stick back into his head, stared closely at the ridged melon fruit in Xia Ye's hand, and at the moment he threw it, the sound-tapping monkey's hands and feet were used to run quickly on the ground.

His jumping speed is much higher than that of the blue jay, but his speed in the air is far slower than it. In this way, he can regain his advantage on the ground.

Arriving at the predicted position, the knocking monkey jumped up violently. In the air, it pulled out the wooden stick above its head and swung it out quickly. Boom, the melon fruit was knocked aside. The passing blue jay found that he had taken a mouthful of air. Wide eyes.

I lost? Still at the speed it is best at. The blue jay flapped its wings lonely and landed on the ground. It turned its head and looked at the cheering monkey, which was very unpleasant. It only surpassed me twice. Am I the stupid guy?

"Very good, Sound Monkey, it seems that you have understood how to increase your speed again. Yes, you can reverse certain disadvantages by using your physical advantages." Xia Ye praised.

Then he looked at the lost Blue Jay. Although it was not his Pokémon, it was his helper in restoring the ecological balance of the forest, and he wanted to give it some advice.

"Blue Jay."


The blue jay raised his head and looked at the ranger in front of him. He had neat short black hair, a gentle face, and his own embarrassment was reflected in the brown pupils.

"Is this just one failure? You are the leader of the bird Pokémon in the Sunset Forest, guiding their existence."

Leader, Blue Jay repeated this word in his heart, I want to be like a mother, a leader who gives the tribe a sense of security.

"Have you seen the whole process of training the tone-tapping monkey? It keeps improving from failures." Xia Ye said in a low voice.

"And did you know? After you evolve into a steel-armored crow, your speed advantage will decrease."

decline? The blue jay recalled his mother. The way it flew was indeed slow, but extremely steady.

"Of course, what I mean is not that you can give up speed, but that you can gain more advantages by using your own advantages."

"The ultimate defense, sharp eyes, smart mind, and excellent flying ability are all the advantages of the Steel Armor Crow."

Xia Ye is right, mother is such an existence, so staying by her side is full of security.

"Don't be afraid of failure. You can refer to what I say later, which will help you grow." Xia Ye smiled, "After all, you have to evolve sooner or later, right?"

Yes, the reason I was looking for a place to live was to increase my strength and take revenge on those armored birds. This forest was so comfortable that I even forgot about this grudge.

The blue jay showed a determined look, I am a proud blue jay, how could I give up on myself because of failure.

"It seems you understand," Xia Ye nodded and looked at the sound-tapping monkey, "Okay, let's continue training the sound-tapping monkey. You have already trained very well, and the next step is to be ruthless."

"Gah!" The blue crow flew in front of Xia Ye.

"Blue Jay, do you also want to continue the special training? Well, of course, no problem."

Xia Ye picked up a melon fruit and placed it in front of the two Pokémon.

"You should be very aware of the ridged melon fruit. Its outer skin is very hard. Let's try to break it this time. The so-called ruthlessness means launching an attack with full momentum."

The knocking monkey landed on the ground with one hand, and the wooden stick emitted a faint green light. Then it kicked forward with both feet and stabbed out the wooden stick fiercely. The ridged melon fruit flew far away with a bang. Xia Ye chased after it and picked up the ridged melon fruit. The skin is sunken into one piece.

"Very good, Sound Monkey, just train according to this momentum," Xia Ye then picked up a stone, "Blue Jay, just change your target."

Isn't this really a distinction? Why am I a stone and it is a tree fruit? But then it thought, its strength must challenge a harder target, well, let me prove it to you.

The reason why Xia Ye did this is very simple. Grass-type moves are used against trees and fruits, and flying-type moves are used against rocks. Only when the target is still defeated despite its attribute disadvantage can this momentum be called ruthless.

At dusk, the golden light shines on the branches, and at the same time on the wooden stick in the hand of the sound-tapping monkey. It concentrates and launches a swift and violent blow. The wooden stick cuts through the air and hits the melon fruit with a whooshing sound. Bang, the whole The melon fruit split into pieces and exploded in all directions.

At the same time, the wind blade wielded by the blue jay also left deep cracks on the stone. It made a rattling sound, seeming to show off its achievements. After all, the hard melon fruit is not as hard as the rock.

"Well, everyone has worked hard today, come and eat." Xia Ye enthusiastically called the two Pokémon, Tone Monkey and Blue Crow.

Xia Ye was not idle when the knocking monkey and the blue jay were training. He went to deal with today's dinner. The curry cubes purchased in Spike Town were combined with the optimized pomelo fruits from Sunset Forest, a simple and delicious fruity dish. The curry is ready.

"Although it's not as good as the old man from Spike Town, I can definitely guarantee the taste."

They looked at each other, and immediately felt hungry after relaxing. The sweet and mellow smell seduced their nostrils. Without hesitation, the two Pokémon quickly entered the cabin.

Human food is really sinful. Blue Jay swallowed the curry and sighed sincerely. No wonder those Pokémon voluntarily followed humans. It turns out that there is such delicious food, ten or even nine times delicious!

The blue jay's taste buds were so shocked after being exposed to curry that they even started talking nonsense.

The knocking monkey also ate voraciously, and the food was the most delicious after hard work. It turned out that training was a happy thing, and this was an experience it had never had before.

Seeing the two Pokémon eating so happily, Xia Ye was very pleased. Suddenly, the voice of the ranger assistant sounded in its mind.

[The ecological balance of the Sunset Forest has basically been restored, and the props, Yanghua grass seeds, have been obtained. 】

[Yanghua grass, its smell is loved by grass-type Pokémon, and the growing area will consciously attract grass-type Pokémon to settle down. 】

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