Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 136 Time and Space Distortion in the Blizzard

Different from previous time travels, the first thing Xia Ye felt was the biting cold, the raging cold wind howling, and the snowflakes hitting his face so violently that he couldn't open his eyes.

The heat quickly drained from his body. Xia Ye hugged his chest tightly with his hands, and his whole body couldn't stop trembling. He was afraid that he would be killed by the cold soon.

Fortunately, he still had Pokémon. The blizzard in the sky was blocked by the shield made by Blimwen. Xia Ye quickly patted the snow on his body to prevent it from melting and soaking his clothes, causing his body temperature to drop.

Wearing a fire stove mask, Ergui held up the flaming thorn stick in his hand, bringing precious warmth in this bitter cold.

Yueyue Xiong hugged everyone and relied on his tall body to prevent the heat from escaping.

"Huh, that's a big help, everyone." Xia Ye rubbed her palms to express her gratitude, and then said apologetically: "Are you okay? I'm sorry for having to endure such cruel weather all of a sudden."

The three Pokémon showed expressions that it didn't matter. We all take great care of you, Xia Ye, so don't say sorry.

"I understand." Xia Ye nodded emotionally.

This time-space distortion can be said to be a murder. If it weren't for everyone, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Huh, anyway, let's go find a hiding place like a bunker or a cave first. Being exposed to the heavy snow consumes our energy too quickly. Let's wait until the snow stops before taking action."

No one had any objection. As the main force in protecting against the cold, Brimwin estimated based on his own physical strength that the protective shield could last for up to three hours, so he had to take advantage of this period to act quickly.

Xia Ye found that they were now on a mountain road. Because the heavy snow blocked the view, they had to be extra careful. If they were not careful, they would fall off the cliff.


At this time, Yueyue Bear made a cry, leaving it to find the cave. Its sensitive sense of smell is Yueyue Bear's most proud advantage, so please feel free to leave it to it.

"Well, then leave it to you, Yueyue Xiong, I believe in you."

According to Xia Ye's understanding, Yueyue Xiong has a keen sense of smell. People on the ancient Xicui land relied on them to find treasures buried in the soil.

Brímwen blocks the wind and snow, Ergui provides heat, and Moon Bear looks for the destination. The three Pokémon cooperate perfectly. After an unknown amount of time, a cave finally appears in front of everyone.

"Finally found a shelter, let's go in quickly." Xia Ye showed a joyful expression, and now everyone could finally rest for a while.

Because the snowstorm was quite fierce, the distance from the entrance to the cave was covered with snow. Xia Ye planned to move deeper. At this time, Brimwen showed a strange expression, and some kind of weak emotion appeared deep inside.

After hearing Blimwen's report, Xia Ye also showed a strange expression and whispered: "Pokémon or human? But the location of the other party is the same as our destination. We will always meet, so be careful. Bar."

The group of people entered the cave. Although the thorn stick in Ergui's hand radiated warmth, Xia Ye could feel a chill the deeper they went.

After walking for about five minutes, with the help of bright light, Xia Ye finally saw clearly the weak emotions described by Blimwen. It was a shivering little girl covered in rags.

She was clearly deep in the cave, but there was a layer of frost around her, which looked very strange.

"Eguifen, quickly bring the thorn stick over here."

Xia Ye decided to save this little girl. She was now on the verge of dying, and she was the only source of intelligence that could know her current location.

Under the firelight, the little girl gradually stopped shaking.

"The cold problem has been solved, then there is the food problem." Xia Ye thought for a moment and looked at Yueyue Xiong, and said: "Yueyue Xiong, can you help me dig a hole in the ground?"

Yueyuexiong understood that Xia Ye was going to use his magical ability.

Accompanied by a strange green light, an apple tree rose from the ground, and the branches were instantly covered with huge fruits. He showed a satisfied expression and said:

"Everyone, eat quickly."

Then Xia Ye picked an apple, approached the unconscious little girl, lifted her body up, then clenched her fists to crush the apple, and then fed the juice into her mouth.

Apple juice contains water and sugar, and the increase in temperature can increase the probability of her waking up.


Brimwen, who had eaten five apples in one breath, approached Xia Ye. Since he decided to treat this girl, he must also help.

Wonderful fluctuations bloomed in Brimwen's claws, and the light sank into the little girl's body, restoring her weak body.

The originally bruised cheeks returned to rosy, and her stiff body gradually relaxed, as if she fell into sleep.

But the expression of the little girl in her sleep was extremely painful, and sweat kept oozing out from her forehead. She began to pant violently, sat up suddenly, and shouted in a hoarse voice:

"Run quickly! Sister!"

"Are you okay?"

A gentle voice sounded in the little girl's ears. She turned her head as if she had found a savior, but her expectant expression immediately froze, and she cried helplessly:

"Ah Pokémon. Don't eat me. Sister, help me!"

She grabbed the rag covering her body, sat on the ground and retreated quickly. The cold rock wall came into close contact with her back, and her heart thumped and almost stopped beating.

Looking at the other party's expression, Xia Ye instantly understood that the current era must be in the ancient times, and people were still afraid of Pokémon.

The three Pokémon looked at each other, are we scary? He's just a little taller, has sharp claws, and wears the mask of an evil ghost.

"Don't be afraid, they are my partners and will not hurt you." Xia Ye made a reassuring gesture, and then he stretched out his hand. The red apple was quite attractive under the light of the fire.

"You must be very hungry, how about eating an apple first?" Xia Ye smiled.

"Apple." The little girl swallowed her saliva. Her hunger overcame her fear. It was rare for people living in the snow-capped mountains to see such fresh fruit. She ran over regardless of the image, hugged the apple and wolfed it down.

"It's so sweet." She shed tears while eating, sobbed and said, "Sister, I really want you to taste it too."

After waiting patiently for the little girl to calm down, Xia Ye asked, "My name is Xia Ye, can you tell me my name?"


The kindness shown by Xia Ye made the little girl lower her guard, and she understood that it was the person and Pokémon in front of her who saved her.

"Well, let my partner introduce it to you. The one wearing the mask is Ergui. Although the mask is scary, it is actually very cute."

Erguichun took off half of his mask, and then looked at Qiaolan. Yes, Qiaolan was the cutest.

"This is Brimwen, it's what healed your weakened body."

Blimwen bent down and smiled, trying to change Piaolan's impression of it.

"The last one is Yueyue Bear. It looks a little scary, but it's actually quite gentle."

Yueyue Xiong waved his paw slightly to say hello, but deliberately did not get close to Piao Lan.

"I'm sorry. It was obviously you who saved me, but I showed that expression." Piao Lan's tone was full of apology.

"It doesn't matter. After all, you just woke up from a coma." At this time, Xia Ye asked: "Piaolan, do you live nearby? How long does it take for the blizzard to stop?"

"It won't stop." The little girl's eyes were painful and resentful, and she whispered bitterly: "It has been three months in a row. My parents, my parents, and my sisters have all disappeared in the snow."

"No one can get out of this frost-smeared mountain."

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