Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 137 Disasters and Man-made Disasters

Faced with Piao Lan's confession of resentment, Xia Ye expressed sadness but also felt strange that the snowstorm that lasted for three months and this extremely abnormal weather could not have been caused by Pokémon.

And it was caused by a Pokémon with powerful power, a legendary existence.

Speaking of which, where exactly the Shuangmo Mountain mentioned by Piao Lan is located? Damn it, it's an unknown place.

"We can't sit still and wait for death. It's unreasonable to force a breakthrough. What about other methods?" Xia Ye lowered his head and thought. It was a wise decision to escape from the raging snowstorm first.

"Xia Ye. I remember my father once said that there is a passage that runs through the entire mountain in Shuangmo Mountain, and it is also connected to many caves." Piao Lan also wanted to do her meager part.

"Yeah." Xia Ye closed his eyes and listened carefully. He could indeed hear the faint sound of wind further into the cave, which meant that there was another exit to the cave.

Entering the labyrinth of caves is equally dangerous, but now you can only decide between these two options.

"I understand, let's go find the passage through Shuangmo Mountain," Xia Ye then looked at Qiao Lan and said softly: "Qiao Lan, you can come with us too."

"Doesn't it matter, you are taking me as a burden?" Qiao Lan lowered her head and clutched the rag tightly, first her father, then her mother, and finally her sister. If it weren't for herself, everyone might have survived.

"Ciao Lan, I think your family must hope that you survive, and their life and death have not been determined yet. Only if they are alive can they have a chance to meet again." Xia Ye patted her head.

"And if it weren't for your intelligence, we wouldn't have known about a way to survive, so don't call yourself a burden."

Qiao Lan sobbed softly and nodded her head vigorously. She wanted to live. She remembered the agreement she made with her sister.

"Very good, that's right," Xia Ye turned to look at the apple tree and put her hand on its trunk, "Well, let's sort out the survival materials."

Apples wrapped in rags and apple branches needed to make a fire were prepared. After preparing the supplies, Xia Ye and his party headed deeper into the cave.

After calming down, Qi Lan discovered why there was a fruit tree with a good harvest in the cave. Could it be that she was in a dream about dying? She secretly pinched her cheek. It hurt!

Then tears flowed down unsatisfactoryly. It was not a dream. It was so wonderful. It was not a dream.

The journey ahead was boring and boring. Xia Ye didn't see any Pokémon along the way. Perhaps he was afraid of the aura of the Pokémon next to him and escaped in advance.

After an unknown amount of time, the dim cave finally changed. The thorn sticks of Ergui Chu were emitting a faint light of fire. A fork in the road appeared in front of Xia Ye. He looked at Brim Wen and Yueyue Xiong.

Sensing and smell allow them to make judgments, which is the left side.

Xia Ye chose to trust their judgment and stepped into the cave on the left. He suddenly discovered that there was a thin layer of frost left on the rock wall, just like the frost near where Piao Lan lay down before.

Keep moving forward, making judgments, and discovering the frost.

If two times are coincidences, then multiple coincidences in a row cannot be called coincidences. A certain existence is guiding them, which also confirms that Xia Ye's method is correct.

A suspicion emerged in Xia Ye's mind, but looking at Qiao Lan beside him, he decided to hide the suspicion for the time being.

"It's snow."

After a long walk, Xia Ye and his party finally saw hope. He reached out to touch the snow wall in front of him. This was probably caused by the collapsed snow accumulated at the entrance of the cave.

"Is it the exit?" Xia Ye motioned for everyone to retreat to prevent the unsupported snow from pouring into the cave. At this time, he suddenly heard a faint sound, which was human language!

“Hand over your valuables or they will be reduced to ashes.”

"Ah. We don't have anything valuable. You also know the heavy snowfall in Shuangmo Mountain. If we hadn't lived down there, we would have been buried in the snow by now!"

"Huh, if you have time to escape, you will definitely have time to pack up your belongings and give me some perspective. Now that the entire empire has been in such a mess, do you expect anyone to take care of you?"

"Besides, the blizzard in Shuangmo Mountain is so fierce, I think that arbitrary king must regard you as dead people, haha!"

"I know, I know, give it all to you, give it all to you!"

"Hehe, it's not enough. Food, water, women. It's not enough. Ha, everything you have belongs to me, feel honored to become my slave!"

boom! The snow at the entrance of the cave was washed away by Moon Bear's huge body, and the arrogant man's expression froze. This was the first time he had seen such a terrifying Pokémon!

The victims did not show joy, but were extremely frightened. Now they could not even save their lives, and we were all going to be killed by a bear.

"I'm pretty sure you are a villain."

Xia Ye slowly walked out of the cave entrance, with Brímwen and Erguipun following behind him.

A witch that exudes terrifying coercion and a ferocious-looking monster. Not one Pokémon, but three Pokémon!

"Is the capital of your evil deeds the Heiluga beside you?" Xia Ye asked indifferently.

The man gasped violently and showed fear in his eyes. It's over, I'm going to be killed!

He put his own ideas into Xia Ye. If he had the assistance of three Pokémon, he would even dare to rob the town and decide the life and death of others at will!

The strong desire to survive drove the man to escape. He pushed the young man beside him and ran for the road regardless of the scattered copper coins.

Upon seeing this, Hei Lujia also ran away after the man. He turned back while running. Seeing that Xia Ye had no intention of chasing but ran faster, he shouted wildly:

"I shouldn't die, hahaha!"

The most taboo thing in the snowy mountains is shouting, because people's shouts will cause air vibrations and easily lead to avalanches.

And he was so unlucky that the snow poured down the hillside like a waterfall. In just a moment, the man and Heiluga disappeared into the vast snow, and there was no trace of them again.

The victims watched what happened and cursed in their hearts, but then fear surged in their hearts as to how this person would treat them.

The young man who was pushed down just now hurriedly collected the copper coins scattered on the ground, then approached Xia Ye with admiration mixed with fear, and whispered: "Thank you for saving us, please accept it."

Xia Ye frowned slightly, what use did he need the money for, did he look like a bad guy?

Then he said calmly: "I don't want money."

Wow, the copper coins in the young man's hands were scattered all over the place again. If you don't want money, are you going to kill us! ?

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

As soon as Xia Ye said these words, the victims dared to feel relieved. Some of the timid people even collapsed to the ground, sluggishly celebrating the joy of surviving the disaster.

"Then please tell me, what exactly is the disaster?" Xia Ye asked. What he needs most now is information.

"Let me explain it!" The young man shouted slightly nervously, "All of this comes from the king of the empire."

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