Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 141 Shining Fire of Karma, Divine Sealing Technique

The broken lake surface froze and solidified, and there was a cracking sound from the bottom of the lake. I am afraid that the Ancient Sword Leopard will escape from it in a few moments.

"Really, after chasing us for so long, now it's time to give it all back to you, Lucario!"

Yaxian's whole body erupted with blue light, his originally messy hairstyle spread out with the energy fluctuations, and the cloak behind him also floated.

Lucario beside him also emitted blue light and felt the waveguide of the substring, and his originally red pupils turned into blue.

"We are going to use our full strength, don't let it go, Xia Ye!"

"Of course, didn't we agree!"

According to Yaxian's experience in fighting other disasters, the Sword of Disaster is the most aggressive one among them and is extremely dangerous, but it also has a weakness, that is, its fragile body.

Therefore, the tactics formulated by Xia Ye and Yaxian were very simple, to fight quickly and attack with all their strength from the beginning, without giving the Sword of Disaster any chance to counterattack.

"Egui Pun, let's turn it into a crystal."


Shining crystals clustered around Ergui. The huge evil ghost mask roared and broke away from the crystals. Hot flames burned around it. The originally cold air instantly became hot, and the raging blizzard turned into ashes the moment it came into contact. White mist.

The feature of Face Reflection is activated, and the red crystals reflect the angry memories. What makes Erguifen angry now is the sword of disaster that arbitrarily desecrates life. The bad guys will burn them all!

"Hahaha, awesome!" Yaxian, who was well-informed, couldn't help but exclaimed. The heat was comparable to the volcano god in his hometown. "But that guy is coming out."

boom! Several dazzling rays of light erupted from the originally frozen ice surface, and it was neatly split into several large pieces in an instant. The ancient sword leopard broke free from its restraints and turned into a phantom running wildly on the ice, roaring and leaping into the air.

Suddenly, a bright red moonlight penetrated Ancient Sword Leopard's body, and then two more moonlights exploded on Ancient Sword Leopard's back. Three Pokémon launched attacks at the same time.

In response to Xia Ye's greeting, it instead let out a cry of joy and passed through the ice mist transformed from its own body. In just a moment, its body returned to its original state.

"Recovered! Although its defense is weak, its recovery power is extremely strong!" Xia Ye set the Z pure crystal on the bracelet.

"Xue, this guy is using Blizzard to recover his body, we must kill him at once!" Yaxian gritted his teeth, and the blue light surrounding his body became even more shining.

In the snowstorm, the speed of the ancient sword leopard reached an extremely terrifying level. In about five seconds, it had left the huge lake and ran wildly on the snow.

"Kill them! Cut them off with sharp teeth this time! I will make them become souls under the sword!"

The voice in its mind made the Ancient Sword Leopard even more excited. It wanted to speed up, but found that its body suddenly became sluggish, and countless cold eyes were staring at it.

The ghost Pokémon full of resentment used the Immobilization Technique together. They told the Ancient Sword Leopard through their actions that there would be retribution for plundering lives at will.

Dark waves erupted and spread around the Ancient Sword Leopard. The ghost-type Pokémon couldn't bear it and scattered in all directions, and some even lost their ability to fight.

The Ancient Sword Leopard roared angrily, and their efforts were not in vain, because Xia Ye and Yaxian were already ready!

"The blazing crystal, which carries our bond, turns into a flame that melts away the extreme cold, a super-powerful ultimate flame bomb!"

With ancient dance steps and words of trust, Xia Ye's wrist burst out with intense light, transmitting power to Erguichun. It felt the power of the bond, and the flame in its heart became hot.

A huge blazing fireball appeared in front of the Fire Stove Mask, instantly evaporating the surrounding snow. Erguichen clenched the thorn stick in his hand and swung it out.

"Carry my waveguide, Lucario, wave missile!"

As the waveguide poured in, Lucario's whole body was engraved with countless black marks. It raised its arms high, huge blue light balls gathered and shone in its hands, and mercilessly hit the Ancient Sword Leopard.

The Sword of Disaster felt danger for the first time. It wanted to escape, but the feeling just now appeared again! It was a snow witch staring at him with blue pupils!

The blazing super-powerful ultimate explosive bomb and the huge wave missile merged into cyan fire. The unimaginable high temperature enveloped the ancient sword leopard. With an unwilling roar, its body turned into mist.

The spherical karma fire rotated and burned fiercely, roasting the broken sword emitting black gas and burning the sins inside.

Zheng, two broken swords fell to the charred rock surface, the figure of the ancient sword leopard disappeared, and the raging snowstorm slowly stopped.

"Is it over?" Xia Ye asked breathlessly.

"Not yet, look." Yaxian, who was also panting, pointed to the nearby snow and quickly approached the broken sword regardless of the hot ground. "Don't even think about it. Please, Cresselia, let it sleep for a while. Go to sleep."

The light of the crescent moon enveloped the broken sword, and feathers as beautiful as the aurora covered it. Then the advancing snow lost control and stagnated in place.

"Huh, it's the last step." Yaxian's voice suddenly became serious. Blue light enveloped the broken sword and then it flew in his direction and landed on the ground.

He unbuttoned his shirt and took out four exquisite short ceremonial swords. One was pure white, one shone with metallic luster, one was aqua blue and the last one was pitch black and cold.

"Respect the Great Master of Sinnoh," he waved the white sword in one hand, and then waved the other three small swords, saying: "Use your power to stop time, freeze space, reverse matter, and seal it!"

Blue light erupted in Yaxian's hand, and the four small swords also emitted light, wrapping the broken swords. The dark clouds covering Shuangmo Mountain slowly dispersed, and the long-lost sunshine shone on the earth.

Xia Ye was surprised and felt an inexplicable familiarity with the ceremonial sword in his hand. Could this material be stone slab?

"Haha, it's finally over. Now it won't be able to move for a thousand years." Yaxian showed a relaxed expression, and the ceremonial sword in his hand seemed to be shorter than before.

"Yaxian, have you sealed it?" Xia Ye asked.

"That's right, an acquaintance of the old man taught me, but the prop must be activated with a waveguide. Hmm, that aunt in black is an old monster scarier than the old man." Yaxian shook her head helplessly.

Yaxian knelt down and picked up the broken sword, which was no longer a threat, and said, "As the saying goes, you have more skills than you can handle, but you still have to find a way to destroy them."


"Because this seal only lasts for a thousand years. Even if it is reinforced with another sealing technique, it can only last for two thousand years."

"Sins are soaked in them, and when they wake up and regain their strength, it's time to cause trouble again."

"It would be great if I knew the purification technique. Then at least the resurrected Pokémon would be Pokémon with bad personalities and would no longer be driven by evil thoughts."

Disasters are born out of malice, but they can also be considered life. If it were not for the sake of future peace, Yaxian would not want to destroy them.

"What if it was purifying water that could wash away all the filth in the world?" Xia Ye took out a small bottle.

"Hahaha, you are indeed a powerful person, Xia Ye, can you get this kind of thing?!" Yaxian nodded and said with a smile: "Although it's not much, it should be enough if I use secret techniques to strengthen it. "

Egui Chun on the side puffed up his chest and showed a proud expression. When he praised Xia Ye, he seemed to be praising it. Xia Ye was great, so Chun Chu was also great!

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