Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 142 Inheritance, Inheritance, Master and Disciple on the Journey

"Huh, it's a sunny day after all. Then it's time to go back after the things are done." Yaxian opened his arms and stretched his stiff body, looking at the sun hanging high in the sky.

"Yes." Xia Ye touched the head of Egui Pun beside him, and Brimwen and Yueyue Xiong slowly walked towards him.

"That." A cold voice sounded in their ears.

A girl who looks similar to Cypripedium is floating on the snow, holding lavender flowers in her hands. Her lower body is ethereal, and behind her are a group of equally illusory figures and Pokémon.

"This is it. Didn't you transform into Pokémon?" Yaxian was a little surprised.

"No, to be precise, they were born from our resentment and will. Our remaining will will guide their actions, but as time goes by, we will eventually disappear."

"So, thank you very much for allowing us to see this snowstorm stop before it disappears!" The girl bowed with gratitude.

A tall, muscular man and a slightly rounded woman appeared behind her, put their hands on her shoulders, and bowed with gratitude as well.

The old man on crutches, the smiling child, the Pokémon imitating human gratitude, and all kinds of people showed relieved expressions. Their figures gradually blurred and disappeared in place.

The ghost Pokémon that had fallen on the snow suddenly woke up, their eyes full of confusion.

They felt the warm sunshine, and then headed towards the white snow without looking back. Yes, ghost-type Pokémon don't like the sun.

"And, thank you for saving Piao Lan, Xia Ye." The girl bowed twice in succession, "Thank you for being willing to take care of Piao Lan, Yaxian."

The figures of the man and woman disappeared, and the figure of the girl gradually became transparent.

"Huh, it seems I don't have much time. I hope you can tell her that whether it's mom, dad, or sister, we will always love you, and we must live a healthy life."

"We will." Xia Ye nodded and said.

"She will definitely be healthy, and I will teach her to do meaningful things, so don't worry." Yaxian assured her, patting her chest.

The girl showed a smile like the sun shining on the frost-covered mountain, and said softly: "Please forgive me for having another willful request. Can you give this flower to Cypripedium orchid?"

"This is a flower like her name, a flower that can bloom even on the harsh frost-smeared mountains."

The girl's figure disappeared completely, and the purple orchid floated gently in the air, wrapped in blue light, and flew into Yaxian's hands.

"Haha, it's a rare experience to be thanked by a dead person. Don't you think so, Xia Ye?" Yaxian clenched the flowers in her hands.

"Ah, yes." Xia Ye said as he watched the Snow Demon Girl go away.

"Human beings will give birth to disasters like the Treasure of Disaster, and there will also be nosy waveguide messengers like old men." Yaxian kicked away the snow on the ground.

Then, he suddenly asked: "Now, will the good things we do be remembered?"

"Who knows. But it's enough that I want to do something that I think is meaningful." Xia Ye said, and it was precisely because of this idea that he took the risk to defeat the disaster.

"When you go back and search for information about the Treasure of Disaster, I will prepare a genius-like seal." Yaxian looked at Xia Ye and said, "It's probably someone like you who can unlock the seal and give it to the new generation." their correct guidance.”

"I remember you said you should live in the present. Why do you suddenly care about the future?" Xia Ye joked with a smile.

"Really Xia Ye, why do you have such a good memory?" Yaxian suddenly looked a little nervous after retorting, saying: "This is the first lesson I teach my disciples, it must be perfect!"

"Well, it's really time to go back this time. Well, at least in the era I lived in, Padia was peaceful."

After Xia Ye said that, he led the Pokémon towards the foot of the mountain. Yaxian showed a thoughtful expression. Is this a disguised way of saying that the seal is excellent?

At the victims' camp, everyone showed joy when they heard the news that the disaster had been successfully defeated and the blizzard had stopped. Except for Cypripedium, she clenched the flowers in her hands, and her big tears couldn't stop falling.

"I know what my father, mother and sister are"

With blurred eyes and clear memories, the gentle sister smiled and danced on the snow, telling her wishes.

"Piaolan, sister, I'm going to travel. Although I like the white snow very much, I heard a traveling businessman say that there are many beautiful places in this world. I really want to see them!"

"Perhaps I can even get to know a cute Pokémon. Then our family will leave this snowy mountain and enjoy the beauty of the world together!"

My dream is that my sister's dream can come true, but my sister is no longer here. And I, I want to inherit my sister's dream, so... I...

Piao Lan wiped away her tears, tried her best to appear stronger, and then spoke sincerely to the two of them:

"Xia Ye! Yaxian! Can you take me away with you? I will definitely not cause any trouble to you. No matter what, I will learn it!"

"I want to realize my sister's dream. I want to see the beauty of the world for her."


Qiao Lan looked in disbelief, and Ya Xian agreed to her request easily.

"But let me tell you something first. I am very strict. You have to learn a lot of knowledge from me. Can you accept it?" Yaxian asked in a serious tone.

"Of course!" Qiao Lan responded immediately with a hint of tears.

"Okay, very energetic. After all, the wave guide has the power of the spirit. Do you feel it?" Yaxian knelt down and touched Qiao Lan's forehead with his finger.

Piao Lan suddenly discovered that she was emitting a faint blue light, and the man in front of her had a shining blue light. Xia Ye was even more amazing, as his body was covered with lush green light.

The victims of the disaster showed envious expressions. Following the Pokémon Messenger who defeated the disaster, it can be said that the future is unlimited.

"Hey, you have a good talent," Yaxian smiled, and then jumped on the back of the strange-antlered deer, "Remember to call me master from now on, then come with me."

Qiao Lan was a little confused, so she left immediately? But she still quickly kept up with the pace of the deer. After walking about ten meters away, she turned around and thanked the victims for their care.

Xia Ye gently waved goodbye to the crowd. The figures of him and the Pokémon gradually blurred, and disappeared under the exclamations of everyone and Piao Lan.

"Master, Xia Ye, he...! Xia Ye, he!" Qiao Lan shouted helplessly.

"Don't worry, he's not dead, he just returned to his original time and space," Yaxian paused, "But it's a pity, because he is really a good friend!"

In the misty lake, Xia Ye opened his eyes and found the angry Menas. Because he didn't bring it with him during the time and space distortion, he showed a rare angry expression.

"I didn't mean it, Meenas. The distortion of time and space was too sudden this time." Xia Ye apologized and took out a feather that exuded the light of the moon. "Here, the feather of the new moon can let you do it." What a sweet dream.”

Menas's expression instantly changed to joy, which is great, and its sleep quality can be improved again.

Xia Ye nodded. In fact, he still had several Crescent Feathers in his arms, all of which were given by Yaxian.

"Take it, Xia Ye, you deserve to be with your sweet dreams. You won't refuse my thanks, right?"

Faced with his passionate words like this, Xia Ye couldn't refuse. I'm sorry, Cresselia, for making you suffer.

In the water city next to the desert, due to the suppression of the disaster, the market here has regained its vitality, but the streets and alleys are covered with portraits.

"Master, we are still wanted and cannot stay too long." Short-haired Piao Lan said nervously wearing a cloak.

"Tsk, that idiot still wants to control the power of disaster. I just blew up half of his palace." Yaxian said nonchalantly.

"And I also boasted to Xia Ye that no one can stop me from sealing the disaster!" As he said that, he looked at Qiao Lan and asked, "What is the principle of this sealing technique?"

"Energies are in conflict, and the natural environment suppresses the energy of disaster."

"Well, that's right. The lush forests suppress the earth, the poisonous swamps suppress the vegetation, the hard rock mountains suppress the frost, and the graceful streams suppress the fire."

As he spoke, Yaxian inserted an iron pillar into his own waveguide and said with a smile: "Okay, the seal of the Sword of Disaster is completed."

"But, Master, is it really okay to bury the seal in the city?" Qiao Lan asked.

"It doesn't matter. The only person who can break the seal is someone who has no evil thoughts and is connected with Pokémon. Guys like that idiot king, just use all your strength, haha!"

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