Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 143 The Gift from Frostmoist Mountain

After comforting the awkward Menas, the voice of the forest ranger's assistant sounded in Xia Ye's mind.

[Complete the seventh time and space distortion and obtain the prop move learning machine Blizzard (once). Blizzard, whipping up a violent blizzard and blowing towards the opponent, will definitely hit the opponent in the snowy world. 】

Xia Ye frowned slightly when he heard the name of this prop. He didn't want to experience such a fierce snowstorm again.

[Obtain the prop Awakening Stone. Awakening Stone: A gem that emits a magical light and can evolve a certain form of Pokémon. 】

[Obtain the prop custard apple sapling. Sweet apple: loved by ice-type Pokémon, it is an excellent food to relieve the heat in hot summer. It is said that the largest grower of this tree fruit is the dragon trainer family in the Sinnoh region. 】

[Obtaining props does not melt ice. Unmeltable ice, a strange ice cube that contains extremely cold energy and will not melt for a long time, can enhance the power of the user's ice-based moves. In ancient times when technology was underdeveloped, people used it as an important means of preserving food. 】

[Obtain the prop ice stone. Ice Stone, a stone containing ice energy, can evolve certain Pokémon upon contact. 】

[Obtain the prop ice-cold rock. Icy rocks, cold rocks covered with ice crystals, can extend the duration of snow days. 】

[Get the prop move learning machine Snow Scene (once). Snow scene, heavy snowfall, the defense of ice Pokémon will be increased under the snow. 】

This is simply a big giveaway of ice items. Judging from my current situation, they are almost useless.

But Xia Ye then thought about it, it's summer now. With these props, at least this summer can be spent coolly. Well, it's actually not bad?

[Get the picture of the prop seal. Map of seals: The disasters that once raged in Padia were sealed in four ancestral halls. Only by pulling out the corresponding eight sealing pillars can their seals be unlocked. This map records the location of each pillar in detail. . 】

Xia Ye was surprised and relieved at the same time. It seemed that Yaxian and Qiaolan had successfully sealed the treasure of disaster. Having this sealing map can be said to have reduced the difficulty of unlocking the seal a lot.

However, according to Yaxian, people with evil intentions cannot pull out the pillar of seal. At this time, a choice was placed in front of Xia Ye, whether he should break the seal.

He has seen the power of Disaster with his own eyes. The Sword of Disaster is powerful enough to be called a legendary Pokémon. It has the ability to affect a mountain.

Hmm. It can’t be done. The threat posed by Roz has not been eliminated. It is too inopportune to go to Padia now, and the disaster ability. Blizzard, withered vegetation, cracked earth, high temperature

Just these words sounded very bad for the forest. To discipline them, they definitely couldn't be done in the Sunset Forest. He didn't have the energy now.

[Complete the seventh time and space distortion and obtain the prop icicle slate. Icicle Slate, a fragment of a huge stone slab, contains powerful ice energy and can enhance the power of the wearer's ice-based moves. 】

[After completing the seventh time-space distortion, a special area, the Ice and Snow Forest, will be added. Ice forest is a forest covered by ice and snow all year round. The cold climate will attract ice-type Pokémon to settle here. 】

[After completing the seventh time-space distortion, special area frozen stones will be added. Froststones, rocks covered in frost, contain magical powers. 】

"Ice and snow forest." Xia Ye repeated this word. Will the climate finally be affected?

Then he shook his head violently and said in denial: "No, no, no, it's earlier to talk about the tropical rainforest, but it seems less inconsistent."

The three Pokémon, including Ergui, felt bad when they heard the word ice and snow. They didn't want to experience that kind of terrifying snowstorm again.

Xia Ye unfolded a three-dimensional view of the sunset forest in his mind. The ice and snow forest was located close to the tropical rain forest, and the frozen stone was right in the middle of the ice and snow forest.

"That's okay, Blimwen, Yueyue Xiong, you should go back and have a good rest first. Thank you very much for your help this time."



The two Pokémon responded to Xia Ye. Indeed, this journey is really tiring, but coming back safely is the best result, and we can be regarded as heroes who defeated the disaster.

Then Xia Ye looked at Ekuei Chu and touched its head and said: "Of course, you have worked hard too, Ekuei Chu."


Er Kui Chun showed a heartfelt smile. He was miserable, but very happy, because Chui Chun was the best player on this trip. A fireball directly knocked the bad guy back to his original shape.

Xia Ye's conversation made Menas, who was originally sleepy, immediately perk up. It is now very curious about Xia Ye's experience of traveling through this time.


Feeling Menas's emotions, Brimwen raised her paws with excitement. If Nana wants to know, I can send all the memories to you!


Menas' original jewel-like eyes turned into dead fish eyes, and he pouted his mouth, feeling very helpless. Sorry, I want to hear Xia Ye's story.

Brimwen's expression changed from loss to realization, and then it showed an I-know-you smile and pulled Yueyue Bear away from the Misty Lake.

Yueyue Xiong looked confused, Blimwen, how come your face changes faster than the face of the Variety Monster.

"I see, do you want to hear about our journey this time, Menas?" Xia Ye asked.

Menas nodded, yes, it wanted to know everything that happened to Xia Ye.

"I know, it can be regarded as relieving the fatigue of the journey. I'll just sit down for a while." Xia Ye cleared her throat, "Ahem, let's start. This time we traveled through a blizzard at the beginning. It was full of dangers! "

At the beginning of the story, Menas's heart was in his throat, how could it be so dangerous!

Hearing the plight of Piao Lan, she shed tears of sympathy. Hearing the angry expressions of the robbers who took advantage of the fire. After hearing the crime of Sword of Disaster, he became even more angry, and even the entire Misty Lake became restless.

However, when it heard about Ergui's outstanding performance, it showed a pleased expression and patted Ergui's head with its shining tail to express its praise.

During the subsequent narration, its expression also changed. Xia Ye felt a little emotional, seeing a different side of Menas today.

".Then she turned around and said goodbye to us, and with exclamations we returned to the Sunset Forest. Well, it's over."

It's a good ending, Menas nodded. It really likes a happy ending, just like when it meets Xia Ye again.

"It seems it's getting late, let's say goodbye today." Xia Ye said, looking up at the dusk-stained sky.

Menas nodded, Xia Ye must be very tired from this journey, and I pulled him to tell the whole story. Thinking of this, it snorted softly.

A group of wonderful water droplets formed in the air and slowly sank into Xia Ye's body. I hope this drop of life can heal you from part of the fatigue of the journey, my hero.

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