Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 150 Visitor, the quiet boy who hides his true appearance

"Alas, a bad guy has escaped from the spirit world."

In the dark arena, a black-haired boy repeated the words of Gengar floating beside him.

"It'll be bad if we don't solve it soon. Well, I have to go on a long trip."

The young man stood up unsteadily. He took the white mask floating in the air, put it on carefully and slowly walked out of the back door of the arena.

"Ah, little Onio, are you going out?" Although he was careful, he was still hit by the arena staff.

"Yeah" He nodded and left quickly.

"Be safe!" The old lady smiled and waved goodbye.

Looking at his leaving figure, a dream demon appeared next to the old lady. Then she squinted and said, "He is really a kind child. My vision is indeed right."

There are as many as ten gyms registered in Galar. As long as you are strong enough, if you successfully register a gym, the alliance can even build a new arena for you.

The Galar Alliance is backed by the Malokomon Group, and the most important thing it lacks is money.

The two arenas in Suchuan Town are located on the highlands on both sides of the town.

As a mountain city, Suchuan Town has many people who practice martial arts. The fighting gym was established by one of the best, the legendary champion Ma Shide, but in fact he was a latecomer. The ghost gym was first established in Suchuan Town. of.

The forest of ghosts, the beach of monsters, and the market full of ancient cultural relics are undoubtedly the best seedbed for nurturing ghost trainers.

Yuko, the ghost mother-in-law, seems to be an ordinary staff member now, but in fact she is the former master of the ghost gym, a legendary trainer from the Demon Ranbu era to the present.

Ma Shide ran around the world and left the successor to the Alliance to find, but Yuko had a deeper feeling for the gym, so she chose to find it herself.

Onio was her chosen successor. He had been in an accident at the age of four, escaped from hell, and gained the ability to communicate with ghost Pokémon and have psychic vision.

His talent is even more powerful, and he has already shone in national competitions at a young age, and even entered the finals to face Dan Emperor.

Compared with the lively fighting gym, the ghost gym is much deserted. The two gyms are on the same level in the challenge order. Just choose one of them to challenge.

According to statistics, only one-third of the people who challenge the ghost gym every year challenge the fighting gym.

Yuko didn't care at all about this. Doesn't this just mean that challengers are more afraid of invisible ghosts than real power duels? Moreover, when competing with fans, Onio's popularity unexpectedly exploded.

His introverted and mysterious appearance attracted a group of sympathetic fans. It is said that a league card circulating on the market showing Onio's true face has been sold for a sky-high price.

But Yuko knows that that child is stronger than you. Hmm, if a dead person wants to come back from the spirit world, he has to pass the gatekeeper first.

In the Sunset Forest, Xia Ye sat on a chair and thought about the door to the spirit world. Because most of the talismans were destroyed, the wooden sculptures driven out by oneself could not completely restrict the entry and exit of the ghost Pokémon behind the door.

Currently, he has entrusted the dead wood demon to guard the gate to the spirit world, but this is not a long-term solution, and he must find a way.

As for the Flower Rock Monster, it has now fallen into autistic state. It is placed in the Misty Lake and Menas personally suppresses it. Under the suppression of the lord's power, it cannot play any tricks.

"Oh, it would be nice if there was a professional." Xia Ye sighed.


Er Kuei suddenly screamed, and Xia Ye looked up to see a fat purple man floating on the ceiling, sticking out his tongue and making faces at him.

"Has another Pokémon escaped?" Xia Ye stood up, and then greeted: "Let's go up and beat the King Kong Ape, Ergui Pun!"

Geng Gui was startled when he saw the Bang Bang King Kong waving his arms and Ergui taking out a stick, and fled out of the house. Xia Ye quickly opened the door to chase, but found a young man wearing a mask outside the door.

His hand was hanging in the air, as if he was hesitating whether to knock on the door or not. At this moment, Gengar emerged from the shadow behind the young man.

"Professionals?" Xia Ye was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, Onio, the owner of Galar's Ghost Hall, came to the Sunset Forest in person. You know, he is notoriously introverted.

"Oh, that, this, I, I am" Oonio hesitated, and Gengar behind him silently made cheering movements.

"Don't be anxious, take your time. Also, I'm sorry, Gengar, I thought you were a bad guy just now." Xia Ye said softly.

Gengar was stunned after hearing this, and then burst into laughter.

"Well," although he couldn't see the expression behind the mask, Oonio's tone changed, "I'm Oonio, please, please give me some advice."

"Oh, I am Xia Ye, the ranger of this forest. Please give me some advice."

Ekui Chu poked his head out from behind Xia Ye. He wore a white mask, but it was not as good-looking as E Kui Chu. He seemed to be showing off, so he put the green grass mask on his face.

Ounio's eyes were immediately attracted, and he asked with some surprise: "You, do you also like masks?"


Of course, this is a precious treasure!

"Hehe. Ah, business." Onio's tone dropped, and then he asked in a low voice: "Xia Ye, um, Mr. Xia Ye, have you ever seen a Pokémon with a face emerging from a stone?"

"Well, it's the Flower Rock Monster, right?" Xia Ye didn't expect that the other party was not only a professional, but also specialized in dealing with the Flower Rock Monster.

"Have you seen it? It's not hurt. Well, it shouldn't be able to hurt you, probably."

"Oh, why can't you hurt me?" Xia Ye asked.

"Well, ghost Pokémon feed on life force, but your life force is like a burning flame. When it touches it, it will only be burned," Onio explained slowly.

Xia Ye recalled it, and it was indeed true. The will-o'-the-wisp seemed to have been hurt the moment it approached him, so he probably ran away.

"As for the Huayan Monster, it separated many souls the day before yesterday to do evil everywhere. I have recovered them all with the keystone. For now, it should stay where it is." Xia Ye said.

"Alas!" Onio suddenly shouted in surprise. He originally wanted to stop the Huayan Monster from doing evil and send it back to its destination. Who knew that the ranger in front of him actually did it himself.

In Onio's view, ghost Pokémon are not as dangerous as people think. They are actually very timid. Humans are afraid of them, and they are also afraid of humans, so they are active at night when no one is around.

However, the Huayan Monster is one of the badder ones and needs to be strictly disciplined. At the same time, it is also very difficult to deal with. It is a very difficult job to find the souls that make up it after they are scattered.

"To be honest, there is actually a more serious problem than this. Do you know how to close the door to the spiritual world?" Xia Ye said the problem that has been bothering him for a long time.

"Huh?" Oonio tightened his grip on the mask on his face and widened his eyes. Could it be that this was the new door to the spiritual world? This place did not turn into a new forest of ghosts. How did he do it? !

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