Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 151 How to solve the door to the spiritual world

Oonio's thoughts are quite confused now. It is good news that the opened door to the spirit world did not cause panic, but how did Mr. Xia Ye learn about this name?

No, many people in the spiritual world have actually heard of it. The passage connecting the two worlds is quite suitable to be described as a door. It’s just a coincidence.

Boom, boom, Oonio kept tapping the mask with his fingers, trying to calm himself down.

"Are you okay, Onio?" Xia Ye asked with concern.

"Huh, I'm fine. Well, Mr. Xia Ye, how long has it been since the gate to the spiritual world appeared?" Oonio asked.

Xia Ye stretched out a finger and said: "About a month ago, I took some measures, but the appearance of the flower rock monster destroyed most of them."

"One, one, month, this is quite powerful. Um, I'm curious, Mr. Xia Ye, what measures did you use?" Ounio's expression under the mask changed rapidly.

"The door to the spirit world is opened on a tree. I covered it with cleansing charms, and then placed wooden carvings of evil Pokémon in front of the door." Xia Ye answered truthfully.

"Huh?" Onio could understand the first one, but he had never heard of the latter one. "Mr. Xia Ye, why are there statues of evil Pokémon?"

"It's my hometown's way to ward off evil. You see, it's difficult for ghost-type Pokémon to deal with evil-type Pokémon. They have a natural deterrent effect and may be able to scare away Pokémon that escape from the gate to the spirit world."

"The roar seems to make sense," Ounio silently remembered this method in his heart, and then took a deep breath, "Mr. Xia Ye, the way to close the door to the spiritual world is actually very simple, as long as a new gatekeeper is born. "

"Gatekeeper?" Xia Ye lowered his head and pondered, a flash of memory flashed in his eyes. Could it be that the giant die board that blocked them in the spirit world was the gatekeeper? Its strength is indeed fierce, and it has no chance of getting out compared to ordinary ghost-type Pokémon.

"Onio, what kind of existence are gatekeepers? How were they born?"

"The Gatekeepers are a group of powerful ghost Pokémon. They are the guarantee that prevents dangerous beings in the spirit world from escaping into our world."

"Danger exists, what if it's a living person?" Xia Ye suddenly asked.

"Living person? If a living person accidentally enters the spirit world, they will definitely be more anxious, because their duty is to maintain the balance of the two worlds, and it is for this reason to block dangerous existences."

O'Niao was a little strange, why did Xia Ye ask this question? Is there a living person entering the human spirit world? !

"Well, Mr. Xia Ye, no one has entered it, right?"

"No, no, I was just curious suddenly." Xia Ye waved his hand.

The Banglei King Kong Ape was thoughtful on the side. It is true that no one has not entered it now. It is just that Xia Ye has entered the spirit world.

"That's good. As for the birth method, I actually don't know much about it," Onio said bitterly. At this time, Gengar whispered into his ear, conveying some message.

"Eh, the agent of the spirit world, the lord of destruction? Do you need it to show up to bless you? Well, but it is usually not in the spirit world. Where is it in the world of destruction?" Even wearing a mask, Onio's expression can be seen. Confuse.

Xia Ye on the side learned the identity of the other party from Onio's words. The legendary Pokémon, the son of the Creator God who has the same status as the two dragons of time and space, Giratina.

In this way, the reason why the giant Diesel is powerful can be explained, but what is the reason for its sudden attack? According to Onio, it shouldn't attack living people.

"Onio, are there any restrictions after becoming a gatekeeper?"

Ounio, who was still immersed in shock, was stunned for a while before he noticed Xia Ye's question. He slowly replied: "No, but if it destroys the balance of the two worlds by itself, it fails to fulfill its due responsibilities. If you do, you will be stripped of your power and punished depending on the situation."

Onio's answer made Xia Ye have a goal for the candidate of the gatekeeper, but how to invite Giratina out was a problem.

"So, the key to solving the problem is how to summon the Lord of Destruction."

"Well, but it is basically impossible to summon it in the real world." Onio stretched out his two palms and placed them in the upper and lower positions. "If the middle part is the spiritual world, then the upper part is reality. world, and the ruined world is at the bottom.”

"There may be a shortcut to the destroyed world, but there shouldn't be one in the Galar region."

"In other words, we are going to the spirit world?" Xia Ye came to a conclusion.

"That's true, but!" Onio's tone became urgent, "Aren't you scared, Mr. Xia Ye? That is the world after death, and most people don't dare to go there, right?"

"Maybe, but if there is Pokémon's help, I think it will be fine. Besides, isn't it the ranger's duty to solve problems in the forest?" Xia Ye answered calmly.

"Boni!" Ergui looked excited, not afraid at all.

"Hanglei." Honglei King Kong Ape nodded silently, it's just one more trip, there's no problem at all.

"Generally speaking, rangers wouldn't do this kind of thing!" Onio complained loudly.

Geng Gui chuckled at the side. Ouño may not have noticed that his communication with Xia Ye became more and more fluent.

"Ahem, cough, and besides, just entering the spirit world doesn't mean everything will be fine," Oonio touched his throat. He felt a little uncomfortable when he suddenly spoke loudly, but his mood unexpectedly felt much better. "The key is, we need bait."


"Well, it can make the Lord of Destruction who lives in the destroyed world sense the existence, strong energy fluctuations, or things that it is particularly interested in."


Xia Ye lowered his head and thought, don't mention it, it seems that there really is, that monster slate should come in handy today.

"I can prepare the bait you mentioned."

"No, how is that possible!"

"Wait for me a moment, but we have to move quickly after I take it out. It will be bad if it attracts dangerous people." Xia Ye turned around and walked into the house.

Oonio felt that he had been frightened more today than in his previous life. What kind of devilish profession is a forest ranger?

Xia Ye walked to the bed, made groping movements, and then took out the monster slate. In an instant, all the ghost-type Pokémon in the Sunset Forest felt its presence.

Gengar's eyes widened, his mouth opened wide and his tongue stuck out, and he patted his cheeks with both hands to make a shocked expression.

I saw Xia Ye walking out of the house, holding a dark purple stone slab, and then showed it to Ounio, saying: "This is it."

"Huh, forget it, let's go, Mr. Xia Ye." Ounio gave up thinking.

"Then I'll take you there, but Oonio, who taught you this knowledge?" Xia Ye stepped forward and asked curiously.

Oonio followed closely, and then replied with a smile: "It's Gengar. I can understand the words of ghost-type Pokémon. Hehe, it became my partner when it was still a ghost. It has given me a lot. help."

"Then it is really knowledgeable and considerate." Xia Ye turned to look at Gengar who was whistling behind him, with a suspicious look on his face.

Gengar took the opportunity to get into Onio's shadow, and his thoughts returned to the past. It was once a gatekeeper, but it was deprived of its responsibilities and power because it deliberately let go of a young soul.

And this reborn life, hehe, Gengar doesn't want him to understand everything he has done, because he is very satisfied with his current life.

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