Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 152 Spirit World Team Battle Giratina Arrives

In front of the gate of the spirit world, the deadwood demon's bright red single eye stared straight at the monster slate in Xia Ye's hand. The powerful soul fluctuation he felt just now actually came from Xia Ye.

"Hey, it's the Deadwood Demon." Onio nodded, with excitement in his words. When talking about the forest, the Deadwood Demon must be mentioned. It is the protector of the forest.

"Yes, it helped me a lot in the process of recovering the soul of the Huayan Monster." Xia Ye said.

"Well, I understand, because it can easily control the entire forest."

The rotten wood demon embarrassedly scratched the horn of the wood on its head with its claws. It was born in the Sunset Forest, so naturally it must protect this place well.

"Actually, I have something to tell you, Kuchiki Demon," Xia Ye's tone became serious, "Are you willing to become the gatekeeper of the spirit world?"

Immediately afterwards, Xia Ye told the Kuchiki Demon everything about the gatekeepers of the spirit world. While gaining strength, he also gained corresponding responsibilities.

To tell everything is to respect the choice it made. The choice made in this way is its true idea.

The Kuchiki Demon's eyes narrowed to a slit, guarding the gate to the spiritual world in the Sunset Forest was not the same as guarding the Sunset Forest.


"It agreed, Xia Ye." Onio felt the firmness in the Deadwood Demon's response. Its decision stemmed from its love for the Sunset Forest.

"Thank you, rotten wood demon, then let's get ready to go in." Xia Ye moved the wood carving away and tore off the talisman attached to the tree trunk. The unbound spirit world door immediately expanded and erupted with a strange light.

Xia Ye took the first step and jumped into it, followed by the Ergui Clan, the Bang Bang King Kong Ape and the Deadwood Demon followed Xia Ye into the gate of the spirit world.

"Oh, I wish I could be as decisive as Mr. Xia Ye, huh?" Suddenly Oonio found himself floating up, Gengar smiled and led him to fly into the door of the spirit world, "Gengar, fly slower, Mask, the mask is going to fall off."

In the spirit world, Xia Ye and Pokémon stood in the familiar thick black mist. Although he looked confident, he was still a little panicked inside because the other party was Giratina.

Xia Ye looked at the elf ball in his hand, so he brought the strongest combat power Menas with him, and by the way, he also sent the flower rock monster suppressed in the misty lake back to the spirit world.

Immediately afterwards, Gengar brought Onio to his side. He clutched the mask tightly and looked around curiously.

"Oh, this is the spirit world," Oonio was surprised when he felt many ghost Pokémon coming towards them, and immediately warned: "Be careful, we have invaded their territory, they must be in danger now. .”

they? Xia Ye quickly realized that it was a ghost Pokémon. Oh, it seems that the monster slate has a good effect. I hope it can attract Giratina.

"Then what should we do, fight?" Xia Ye asked.

"Well, this is the only way, but don't kill yourself, Mr. Xia Ye, although everyone would have died long ago." Ounio responded, "However, everyone seems to be powerful Pokémon, so they shouldn't be so fragile. .”

"I understand, make protecting yourself your first goal, everyone!"

Although Xia Ye said this, the three Pokémon still surrounded Xia Ye tightly and were wary of the surroundings.

"Gengar, right side!" Onio suddenly ordered.

"Geng Ga!"

Gengar flew into the air, opened his arms, and a dark and cold shadow condensed in his hands. It rotated its body and threw it violently. For a moment, the sound of metal collision came from the black mist, and a strong shield sword monster fell to the ground.

boom! The giant clay doll that fell from the sky did not hide in the black mist like ordinary ghost Pokémon. Its choice was to rob it head-on!

The giant clay puppet mechanically raised its giant fist, and its head slowly rotated as if stuck. Its eyes emitted a strange light, and it stared straight at the stone slab in Xia Ye's hand.

"Do you want to compare your strength? Please, let's beat the King Kong Ape!"


The Banglui King Kong Ape also raised his arm, erupting with emerald green light, and faced the dark and cold giant fist of the clay puppet giant head-on.

The powerful fists collided with each other, setting off violent air waves and blowing away the thick black fog that filled the surroundings. Obviously, it was better to blast the King Kong Ape.

The giant clay puppet's arm suddenly swung back, and it fell backwards with its huge body. The Bang Bang King Kong Ape jumped up, and its mallet did not only have one shot.

Another heavy green hammer hit the giant clay doll's chest, accelerating its fall to the ground. Its body was deeply embedded in the soft soil and could not move for a long time.

All the ghost Pokémon that were originally hiding in the black mist were exposed to the eyes of Xia Ye and his party. They all cursed the giant clay doll in their hearts, "You are such a reckless man, you are causing us so much trouble!"

It can't be like a ghost Pokémon, hiding in the dark and waiting for opportunities to act!

The black mist dissipated, and after seeing the opponent's strength, many ghost Pokémon began to want to retreat. Then, they suddenly found that they could not move, and the vines wrapped with black energy tightly bound them in place.

Unfortunately, the opponent also has ghost-type Pokémon to help!

"Come on, Ergui, don't worry about me, I still have Menas here." Xia Ye shook the elf ball in his hand.


Ergui was very excited, and then a group of ghost Pokémon saw Pokémon that were scarier than ghosts rushing towards them waving sticks full of spikes.

One stick smashed the body of the Horisi pot, and another stick smashed the crystal lantern's lampshade. Sui Fengqiu didn't miss it either, knocking the air out with one stick.

"Is this, this Pokémon, evil-type?" Onio whispered to himself. Gengar on the side had already begun to fish, firstly because it was no longer needed, and secondly because of that... coming.

Suddenly, the entire spiritual world seemed to be trembling. Dark cracks appeared in the already dark sky. A cold chill penetrated into the depths of the soul. The low dragon roar made all the ghost Pokémon present freeze in place. Dare to move even a little bit.

The Lord of Destruction, the administrator of the spiritual world, has come here.

Giratina waved the nightmarish ghost wings. The gold half-ring decoration highlighted his noble status. The gray skin color showed death. There was an aura of destruction hidden behind the dark red pupils. The things it had been looking at for a long time included the soul. All will be annihilated.

"Why do humans appear in the spiritual world?"

As an apex existence, human language couldn't be easier for Giratina. Unlike his brothers who were either sleeping or fighting, learning could be said to be the only way to pass the time while destroying the world.

The memory carried by the soul in the afterlife is like a huge library, bringing it countless human knowledge achievements. After all, no matter who it is, they will always encounter it.

Unexpectedly, the interest that awakened one day made it gradually become calm and intellectual, and lost its irritable character. Fighting is too stupid, I will not be like a human being.

And this matter, I am afraid even Arceus has not thought of it.

"Because a new gate to the spiritual world has appeared, a new gatekeeper is needed!" Xia Ye responded loudly without fear of the other party's pressure.

Ounio, who was so shocked that he couldn't breathe, finally recovered and gasped for air. What courage, Mr. Xia Ye!


Giratina responded slowly. What no one knows is that it may be one of the most talkative legendary beings now. He answered so simply because he wanted to go back to study.

Learning makes me happy.

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