Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 153 New Gatekeeper, let’s make a mask



"Geng Ga?"


Faced with Giratina's cheerful response, everyone present raised questions, except for Ergui, who just thought it was fun to follow everyone.

"Why be surprised, human, you have a very good reason," Giratina stared at the slate in Xia Ye's hand.

"However, you have something very interesting with you. Can you give it to me?"

Giratina's tone was like that of a profound and elegant scholar, which made Xia Ye a little confused, but he still responded immediately.

"Of course, but I have a request. I want you to appoint this rotten wood demon to be the new gatekeeper."

Just by being glanced at by Giratina, the deadwood demon felt a heavy pressure, which was the fear from the depths of its soul, but it still tried its best to look calm and not let down Xia Ye's efforts.

"It's a small matter, I agree with this deal."

The thick black mist that had originally dissipated reappeared, and under the guidance of Giratina, it poured crazily into the body of the dead wood demon. It felt that its whole body was full of power, and its soul was tempered at the same time.

The black mist also caused the dead wood demon's body to expand several times. Now it looks like a towering tree, full of oppression.

The slate in Xia Ye's hand flew into the air under the control of Giratina. It glanced at the monster slate, a trace of joy flashed in its eyes, and said:

"Human, the value of what you provide exceeds your request, so I will give you another small gift."

A bright red jade slowly descended from the sky and fell into Xia Ye's hands. It exuded a moving luster and seemed to possess magical power.

"The Orb of Life exchanges life for power. You humans seem to think so, but in fact it only consumes physical strength, so use it reasonably."

Giratina, who left these words behind, flew back into the dark crack and disappeared into the spirit world, but the pressure it left behind still made other ghost-type Pokémon dare not move.

"Huh, ha, I will probably never forget today in my whole life." Onio lost all his strength and fell to his knees, panting and muttering to himself.

Xia Ye put away the props given by Giratina, then walked to Onio and helped him up, asking with concern: "Are you okay?"

"Ha, it probably doesn't matter. I didn't expect the Lord of Destruction to be so oppressive, but it is surprisingly reasonable?"

Geng Gui also looked puzzled. When he dismissed me, I didn't think the boss was so easy to talk to.

"Well, now that the problem of the spiritual world gate has been solved, it's time for us to return to our original world."

Xia Ye looked up at the Deadwood Demon, and then shouted: "Deadwood Demon, can you come back to the Sunset Forest with us?"

The dead wood demon nodded in response. It found that it had not only increased its strength and size, but also gained a brand new power.

It slowly lowered its huge arm, and a passage similar to the spiritual world door appeared in its palm. The current rotten wood demon was the spiritual world door of Sunset Forest itself.

"It seems that the Lord of Destruction has taken care of everything." Xia Ye sighed.

"Well, the props it gave to Mr. Xia Ye are also very precious. The techniques for making the Life Orbs have long been lost, and traces of them can only be found in ancient ruins." Ounio said slowly.

Then, he closed his eyes and lowered his head, swinging his hands feebly, looking very tired.

Oonio just wants to have a good rest now. Taking risks is really not suitable for him. Going to the ancient cemetery once a week is enough.

"Then let's go in." Xia Ye took the first step, followed closely by Er Gui Chu and Hong Lei King Kong. Being with Xia Ye was full of surprises, and every day was never boring.

"Help me a little, Gengar." Onio whispered.

"Geng Ga!"

Geng Gui picked up Oonio and flew into the gate of the spirit world. Perhaps because he was too tired, Oonio didn't notice that the mask fell into the spirit world.

In the Sunset Forest, as everyone returned, a shrunken version of the Deadwood Demon also walked out from behind the door. With a wave of its hand, the door to the spiritual world closed.

Xia Ye was a little surprised and said: "Kuchiki Demon, can you control your size?"

"No, this is part of the Kuchiki Demon. Mr. Xia Ye, you can understand it as a clone."

The black-haired boy looked serious, then he showed an apologetic expression and said: "Sorry, I thought it could return to the real world."

The Kuchiki Demon on the side shook his head and made the sound of shaking leaves.

"Hey, I'm scared."

"It doesn't matter. The avatar is stronger than me before. I just have one more job. I can still protect the Sunset Forest. Deadwood Demon, you are amazing!" Onio showed an moved expression.

"Ah, I also want to thank you for your efforts, Kuchiki Demon. But, Oonio, you"

"Mr. Xia Ye, why do you show a surprised expression?" Ounio looked questioning.

"I was just wondering, your expression is unexpectedly rich?"

"Haha, I have a mask, Mr. Xia Ye, how can you..." O'Niao stretched out his hand to touch his cheek, his smile froze instantly, he covered his face in panic, then quickly turned his back, whispering in a low voice :

"Ah, ah, I saw it. Sure enough, I will act like this when I take off my mask. Sure enough, I am just a cowardly and timid guy."

Geng Gui looked helpless. Even though he had good intentions, he still couldn't help Onio get rid of this problem.

Seeing how pitiful he was, Ergui ran quickly to Oonio, and then lent him his mask, which relieved Oonio's uneasy mood.

"Weren't you able to communicate normally just now? I think it doesn't matter whether you have a mask or not." Xia Ye said.

"." Behind the maniacally laughing green mask was a bitter smile, "I am very afraid of contact with others. Just hearing them talk makes me extremely nervous."

"But the communication with me is getting smoother, isn't it?" Xia Ye asked.

"That's because you are not afraid of ghost Pokémon and are always thinking about them. Maybe I regard Mr. Xia Ye as the same kind."

Moreover, acting decisively, being gentle to others, and having courage are also what I want to be.

"Well, I understand," Xia Ye didn't say any more, "Your mask may have fallen into the spirit world. If we go back now, we will trouble the Kuchiki Demon. The mask you are wearing is a precious treasure of Ergui, so. "


"So as an alternative, let's make a mask. You'll need it on your way back, right?" Xia Ye then encouraged: "Although you can't take it off voluntarily now, I think you will be able to one day in the future."

"Bo Ni!" Ergui looked full of energy, yeah, make a mask.

"I" Hesitant Oonio suddenly felt someone pushing him from behind. Gengar smiled and waved to urge him.

"Geng Ga!"

This mask is Ergui's treasure. You don't want to take it back, do you? So go ahead, Onio!

"Gengar, I understand. Mr. Xia Ye, I want to make a mask myself. Can you help me?" Onio made up his mind.

Xia Ye smiled and said: "Oh, of course there is no problem. Besides, you and Geng Gui are indispensable for solving the problem of the spiritual world gate. I am still worried about how to thank you."

"Welcome back, little Onio, ah, your mask?" The smiling Yuko looked curious when she saw the wooden mask on Onio's face.

"Well, I accidentally lost my previous mask, so my friend helped me make one."


"Human, a very good person." With that said, Onio walked into the arena. He wanted to keep this mask well.

Yuko looked surprised, then smiled sincerely: "You have grown up, little Onio, well, let's make a more sumptuous dinner today!"

The world was destroyed, and on the floating rock, pieces of monster slates were neatly placed on it like puzzle pieces.

Giratina carefully placed the monster slate in the center, and it quickly connected with the surrounding slates. It would be better to say that they existed as one body from the very beginning.

There are only a few missing pieces of this huge dark purple puzzle. Giratina showed a satisfied expression. It won't be long before he can assemble the original stone slab. By then, he will definitely be able to give the arrogant God of Creation a little surprise. .

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