Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 160 The Encirclement and Suppression of Philo Mantis

In front of the wooden house, Xia Ye was sitting on a wooden bench. There were two Pokémon beside him, namely Blimwin and Queen Bee.

"So that's it, that Philometella is really looking for something. Is the shining crystal the Z pure crystal?" Xia Ye analyzed the information brought back by the three bees.

Due to the characteristics of their race, the three bees can only receive pheromones from the queen bee, which is why they can return from gathering honey uncontrollably.

Because of this, they are the best scouts to explore the tropical rainforest, so Xia Ye asked the Queen Bee to direct the three bees to investigate.

When she heard that the other party was a beautiful bug Pokémon, Queen Bee immediately responded. There was no reason, she was simply unhappy with the other party.

"If it is a Z pure crystal, then the bait can be determined." Xia Ye nodded, and the ultimate hole appeared. It would not be surprising if the Z pure crystal with Alola's characteristics appeared again.

Then, Xia Ye closed her palms, looked in the direction of the tropical rain forest, and whispered: "Now that you have arrived at the Sunset Forest, come and practice with us. Don't think about leaving so easily, Philomeni."

In the tropical rain forest, Ergui held the Z Pure Crystal that Xia Ye gave to it. The task assigned by Xia Ye was very simple, to lure the controlled Pokémon and then gather them together to avoid accidentally hurting them later.

"Let's do it, Eguifen."

Blimwen's voice came to Ergui's ears. It served as the herald for this siege. Blimwen's powerful mental power could notify all Pokémon in the Sunset Forest.

The reason why Brimwen didn't notice any abnormalities before was very simple. The emotional fluctuations caused by the concert were too strong, and it directly chose to enter a dormant state. If it hadn't done so, I'm afraid most of the Dream Forest would have been destroyed by now.


Ergui ran into the tropical rainforest, holding the Z-Crystal high, and shuttled among the controlled Pokémon. When they saw the Z-Crystal, they immediately chased Ergui like crazy.

And Ergui Peng relied on his agile skills to jump back and forth on the tall tree trunks, playing with the Pokémon behind him.

"Bonnie!" The ghost hunting game is so fun!

On the other side, at the entrance of the tropical rain forest, Menus swung his tail and silently waited for Xia Ye's instructions. His mission was to block the Philomenia. The tropical rain forest was surrounded by tall trees, and only this position was unprotected. Blocked escape exit.

To be on the safe side, it also releases a thick layer of fog around the tropical rainforest, which can be sensed by any Pokémon passing through it.

"Let it rain, Nana!"

Menas sighed helplessly. Now it could no longer shake off this nickname. It hummed softly, and the water vapor in the air became thicker. Thick dark clouds enveloped the tropical rain forest, and in an instant, it rained heavily.

The hypnotic control of the pheromone beetle relies on two conditions, one is its beauty, and the other is the unique pheromones it releases in the air.

This is the reason why Xia Ye asked Menas to use the method of praying for rain. The rain all over the sky can greatly weaken the control power of Philomena.

In the center of the rainforest, the Philomenius sitting on the fruit throne looked at the gloomy sky with a bored expression. In the world where it originally lived, there was only dry desert.

The rain wet the white body of the Philometrium, which made it even more irritated and wet, and also affected its actions. Thinking of this, it wanted to take it out on the two Pokémon next to it.

The way it vents its anger is very simple, that is to trample the opponent hard with its feet.

Philo Mantis reached out to greet the dog and the lucky pheasant, but found hesitation in the lucky pheasant's eyes. Is there something wrong with the control?

Philometella was about to go completely crazy, but he still endured it and let them look at him to enhance the hypnotic effect.

These two guys were rough-skinned and thick-bodied, and their strength was pretty good, so the Philometrium kept them by their sides. They didn't expect it would be so troublesome to vent their anger now.

"Let's do it, Deadwood Demon, Ergui has already led the target to the designated location."

In an instant, all the Pokémon chasing behind Ergui Pun stopped moving. Their feet were tightly bound by tree roots and they were unable to move.

At the same time, the rain also made them wake up a lot. Ergui turned around and looked at them, with his hands on his waist and a proud expression. This game is his victory!

Kuchiki looked at the tropical rain forest in the distance. A few days ago, for some unknown reason, the Pokémon in the spirit world suddenly became restless and rushed towards the door to the spirit world.

It could only focus on the spiritual world, so it ignored the Sunset Forest. I hope this action can make up for it.


In the heavy rain, the tall Yueyue Bear slowly appeared in front of the Philometrium. It held the Z pure crystal high in its hand, which finally gave the originally irritable Philometrium a hint of joy.

It waved its arms to signal Yueyue Xiong to send the Z Pure Crystal, but Yueyue Xiong sneered and looked provocative. You are such a stupid guy. You are not as good as a drop of honey in my eyes.


After traveling to the Sunset Forest, the Philo Mantis had never been so angry. Now it wanted to crush the bear under its feet, but due to the annoying rain, it waved its finger and sent the Gozan Dog and the Lucky Pheasant to attack.

Then, the Yueyue Bear simply slipped away, because its mission was to leave the Philomeni Mantis alone.

Looking at the three Pokémon walking away, Philomena could only feel the endless anger and the irritable sound of the rain. For a moment, it even thought that the entire forest was against itself.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Rhythmic sounds sounded around it, and the Philo Mantis stepped off the throne in confusion. Suddenly, it realized something was wrong, and three thick vines sprouted from the ground.


I’m here too! There was an irritating cry in the sky, and the Philomelis looked up and saw a big black bird falling from the sky, with a black ape riding on it.

"Nuan Zhi Zhi!"

Look what I have in my hand! Wish Zeng Ape raised the Z pure crystal in his hand high. Philo Mei Mantis's eyes were attracted by the beautiful crystal in his hand, and he forgot the crisis around him for a moment.

Speed ​​is the strongest advantage of the Philo Mantis, and now, three vines tightly bind it in place and cannot move. The outcome can be imagined.


Finally let me be the decisive general, eat my storm!

Philomeni's attributes are insect and fighting. When faced with flying-type moves, it is restrained four times, and there is no way to easily avoid the storm on a rainy day.

"Nuan Zhi Zhi!"

This time, I will avenge my shame! Wish Zeng Ape's super-power move also restrains Philo Mantis, this time it takes on the task of last-hitting.

The storm and strong mental thoughts were released at the same time. In the thick dark clouds, a pink-purple tornado suddenly descended and attacked the Philometella. It wanted to break free but found that there were new vines restraining itself.

Thick water vapor slapped on its body, and the razor-sharp wind blades cut its body, enveloping its spiritual energy and destroying its spirit. The Philomenia no longer had the same air as before, and it whined unwillingly and lay down. On the ground.

The heavy rain slowly stopped. For the tropical rainforest, this was just an ordinary rain. The Philo Mantis, which was wrapped in rattan like a rice dumpling, threw a Poké Ball in front of it.

Full of unwillingness, Xia Ye threw five balls in a row before successfully conquering the Philo Mantis.

"What a stubborn guy, but thanks to you, this drill was a success. So, when the ultimate hole opens next time, you can just lie here obediently."

Xia Ye lowered his body and picked up the elf ball. He had no intention of keeping the Philometris. After all, it was a Pokémon that did not belong to this world and was too dangerous.

"Well, have you collected two in total?"

Two pure Z crystals lay quietly in his other hand, exuding the aura of earth and rocks. It always felt like a piece of equipment that would explode after defeating the boss.

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