Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 161 Celebi: Your name is Xia Ye

Celebi, the legendary fantasy Pokémon, has the ability to heal injuries and make vegetation lush, and their most powerful power is the ability to travel through time and space.

Traveling to the past time means being able to change the original history.

Therefore, Celebi has always been the target of careerists who try to use Celebi's power to tamper with history and make the world move forward according to their own ideas.

However, in the course of history, there seems to be no recorded successful event.

Some people say this is because history has been changed, and we who live in history cannot detect the changes.

It sounds reasonable, but Celebi's ability is more magical than they imagined. Relying on time ripples, they can predict what will happen in the future and turn disaster into good fortune.

Whenever history moves in a dark direction, Rabbi Rabbi appears to guide history toward a bright future.

This mission has been with them since they were born. As for why they were entrusted with this mission, it may be the incarnation of time for its own continuation to prevent the future from falling into nothingness, or it may be the long-cherished wish of the Creator God to protect the world it created. .

The reason why Celebi has the ability to live is probably because they expect a bright future.

In the Chengdu area, Celebi, who was wandering in the oak forest, took a short rest among the trees. Because of its appearance, the forest was much more lush than before.

Suddenly, time fluctuations trembled around it, and images poured into its mind. It would be captured by a man in the future, and he would use his ability to change history and resurrect a huge evil organization.

This organization developed rapidly and ruled the world, but the leader's ambition was still not fulfilled. He set his sights on other worlds and brought havoc to other worlds.

After waking up, Celebi immediately activated his abilities. Its mission did not allow such a world to appear. It began to travel through time non-stop, looking for the timeline that would turn things around.

Then, it came to a strange forest, which was filled with strong life force. Forests of various colors appeared together. Celebi's light blue pupils swayed. It saw that the turning point was in this forest.

"Tsk, let it run away again, you cunning guy!"

The tall and burly man looked at the instrument in his hand, his face distorted, and the time ripples were disappearing rapidly, which meant that Celebi had disappeared from the forest.

"Your Excellency Zuo Long, have you lost your target again?" A green-haired man wearing a black suit and a beret approached him.

The man named Zuo Long had a deep scar on his right eye, which gave people a vicious feeling. Looking at the man in front of him who seemed to be smiling but not smiling, he became even more annoyed and called him by his name:


"Well, well, don't take your anger out on me. This is the third time. Even I am impatient. Does the machine provided by your partner really work?"

He showed a helpless expression. The Dawn Team that Zuo Long is currently joining is indeed the most powerful black organization at present, but with this guy who is always thinking about the boss, he is probably regarded as a useful prop by them.

"Damn it, no matter what, I have to find Boss Sakaki and re-form Team Rocket. Do you have a better way?!" Zuo Long punched the tree trunk hard, shaking off the leaves.

"Apollo gathered the remnants of Team Rocket, waiting for the return of Boss Sakaki. Athena joined the experimental organization, and like you, intends to use time to change the world."

"To be honest, I don't know where that guy Lambda has gone. Maybe he is pretending to be someone and enjoying himself somewhere in the world."

"What do you mean?" Zuo Long asked. This guy always likes to beat around the bush, and is as twisted as his character. He is friendly on the surface but cruel and ruthless in nature.

"I can contact all the people I just mentioned," Lance smiled coldly, "Although I have never liked guys like you, huh."

"Your plan is actually the most reliable." His tone was very reluctant.

Zuo Long withdrew his arm and said: "You can't do it in vain, tell me your conditions."

"Haha, it's rare for you to be smarter. Listen, I need the contact information of the researcher in the Dawn Team Council. I want to make a deal with him."

"If my guess is correct, the real leader of the Dawn Team intends to limit your goals. After all, the entire Dawn Team is like a mercenary group without any loyalty. Do you think he will hand you a machine that can really work? ?"

"I will offer a chip that satisfies the researcher and let him build a machine that actually works."

"If you can't even do this, we don't need to contact you anymore. Just work for your Dawn Team." Lance lowered his beret and prepared to leave.

Zuo Long was silent for a moment. He was more willing to believe his teammates in Team Rocket. Then he said, "I will, but you have to tell me the information about the chips. The researcher only receives information that he is interested in."

Lance then smiled, clapped his hands, and said, "Of course it's no problem, you just need to tell him, Mewtwo, that's it."

Rumor has it that Celebi will appear in beautiful forests, and the current sunset forest just suits his preferences.

Celebi shuttled through the forest. The vegetation in this forest was full of life energy, and it didn't need to be shared at all. It didn't know where to turn, so it could only keep flying.

When Bilibili discharged the wooden pole, Celebi looked curiously at Morubeko who was enjoying the electric shock. There was such a plant!

On the warm lawn, Celebi sat on a branch and watched the ladies in skirts dancing gracefully, and then clapped his hands. He liked the energetic dance very much.

The sharp cry attracted Celebi's attention. When he looked up, he saw a big black bird flying through the sky, looking very majestic.

On the vast lake, the Pokémon living here looked happy. Celebi flew close to the lake and suddenly felt a sense of oppression and ran away.

Like a dreamlike forest, the dark forest was covered with glowing mushrooms. Celebi poked it with his finger and sprayed it with glowing powder.

The lush rain forest, the air is humid, the water vapor is rich, and there is still a lot of water on the ground, as if it had just rained heavily.

Celebi witnessed a Sweet Dancer practicing trampling for some unknown reason. Suddenly it was wrapped in light and evolved into the Sweet Queen.

In the permanent forest, it was the first time Celebi saw the Bear Pokémon and Three Bees coexisting peacefully.

The ice and snow forest, even though it was summer, was covered with snow. We stopped briefly to admire the three exquisite snowmen, and then continued our tour.

Then, Celebi finally came to the wooden house. He saw an inexplicably kind human being, and his face was shocked. The Karma he had added before was actually here!

So, your name is Xia Ye? When did I have this magical ability? You have to explain it to me!

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