Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 272 The Legendary Gift: Goodbye Sword and Shield Heroes (2-in-1)

Xia Ye returned to the entrance of Weimei Forest. He planned to complete what he was supposed to do. With this experience of time and space distortion, he must be able to get their help smoothly, right?

As soon as he took a step forward, the ranger's assistant's voice sounded in his mind. It was time for routine settlement again.

[Complete the ninth time and space distortion and obtain the prop move learning machine Iron Shoe Light (once). Iron Hoof Beam: A steel-type move that gathers the steel in the body into a beam and then fires it violently. It is very destructive, but it will also be damaged. 】

[Obtain the item Galarian Green Onion Seeds. Galar green onions: A unique variety of green onions that grow in the Galar region. They are thicker and longer than ordinary green onions. According to research, they are the main cause of the morphological changes in the green onion duck region.

Because of its unique taste and texture, Galar green onions have been warmly welcomed in other regions. Local people like to roll them in pancakes and eat them, and have successfully cultivated them locally. It is said that Galar green onions have appeared in the local area. . 】

Galar green onion seeds? Doesn’t this mean that green onions can be planted in Sunset Forest?

Mr. Gade had complained before that due to changes in restaurant business, the demand for fresh ingredients has also increased, and he always has to go to Quanguan City to purchase supplies.

At that time, Xia Ye had come up with the idea of ​​growing vegetables. If the Sunset Forest could grow good fruits and vegetables, it would definitely be able to grow good vegetables.

However, due to a series of recent events, he always put this idea on hold.

Now with the reminder from the forest ranger assistant, Xia Ye plans to find time to put it into practice. It just so happens that the vegetable garden behind the wooden house has been in a state of neglect. Huh?

Speaking of which, the bright fruit that seems to be part of the Leleite stone must still be in the vegetable garden. I always feel that it is pitiful that it was forgotten.

[Get props and move learning machine quickly. Divine Speed: Attacks at lightning speed. It is said that only fast Pokémon can learn it. 】

This is probably an item related to the evolution of the Wind Speed ​​Dog. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be divine speed.

However, there is no one to learn such a powerful move in Sunset Forest. After all, those who can learn it quickly are legendary Pokémon. (A certain Pokémon that can be seen everywhere in the Chengdu area expressed dissatisfaction.)

[Obtain the item Legendary Onion Shield. Legendary Onion Shield: It is said to be a weapon left behind by a Pokémon who fought alongside the hero. It was blessed by the Shield King and remains green and extremely strong even after a thousand years.

If it comes into contact with the Galar Green Onion Duck, it can evolve immediately. Note that the holder can release wide-area defense. 】

[Obtain the item Legendary Broken Sword, Legendary Broken Sword: It is said to be a part left behind by a Pokémon that fought alongside the hero. It was blessed by the King of Swords and contains a terrifying curse.

It is said that this part of the Pokémon left behind after the fall of the Kingdom of Galar will be cursed and devoured by unapproved people who come into contact with it. Note that those who are approved can release the Holy Sword. 】


Xia Ye was silent. He had mixed feelings in his heart, and he felt like he suddenly learned the fate of his old friend.

With the blessings of the King of Swords and the King of Shields, and the strong directivity of the two props, there is no need to think too much. It is definitely related to Hilde's Green Ranger and Soder's Shield Sword Monster.

Due to the longevity of the Onion Ranger, only the Onion Shield was left, while the Shield Swordsman, as a ghost Pokémon with almost no lifespan, accompanied the rise and fall of the entire kingdom.

After the fall of the kingdom, it took the initiative to destroy its own body, probably thinking that it would have nothing to worry about after the last bond left by Soder disappeared.

However, leaving a curse behind is really in line with the characteristics of a ghost-type Pokémon. Compared with releasing the holy sword, throwing it directly may be more lethal.

Wait, release moves, can humans also use them to release moves?

Could this be my first step towards becoming a Super Galarian?

Then Xia Ye shook his head and quickly rejected his idea. He would definitely not use this kind of relic unless absolutely necessary.

[Complete the ninth time and space distortion and obtain the prop steel slate. Steel Slate: A fragment of a huge stone slab, containing powerful steel energy, which can enhance the power of the bearer's steel-based moves. 】

[Complete the ninth time and space distortion and obtain the prop Taijing Steel Crystal (Faith). A steel-based Taijing crystal that contains a strong belief. 】

Xia Ye was not surprised by the reward of the steel slate. It would be better to say that every time the time and space distortion slate was included in the reward, he was used to it.

The prop that really surprised him was the Taijing Steel Crystal, and it contained the emotion of belief. To put it simply, Ergui could add a brand new mask.

Wearing a mask embedded with Taijingsteel crystals, doesn't the attribute of Ergui become grass plus steel? It sounds like the attribute of a strong person.

[Complete the ninth time-space distortion and will connect to a new area, Weimei Forest. 】


Hearing the forest ranger assistant's prompt, Xia Ye couldn't help but make a sound.

The new area is Weimei Forest? Will it still be connected to Sunset Forest?

what's going on?

If Weimei Forest is really connected to Sunset Forest, then it will still show up if I check Sunset Forest now.

In order to confirm his guess, Xia Ye brought up the overhead view of Sunset Forest.

He discovered that there were two more strange places in the Misty Lake and the Dream Forest. At the same time, the bent-over image of the Weimei Forest appeared on the side, and there were also two strange places in it.

If Xia Ye guessed correctly, these four places probably functioned as portals. As long as they passed through, they would reach from one forest to another.

Xia Ye was silent. If the increased areas of time travel in the future are the same as this time, I'm afraid it won't be long before he can travel around the world for free.

However, these can only be realized based on the premise that his guess is correct.

It just so happens that the singularity of Weimei Forest is near the central lake, which is the same as Xia Ye's destination this time, so he can check it out on the way.

After clearing his thoughts, Xia Ye shook his head, took steps and said:

"Anyway, let's go meet Cang Xiang and Zangmarante first. I also want to know the story of Soder and Hilde."

During the journey to the center, Xia Ye clearly felt the thinness of the fog around him, but the fog in the distance was still thick, as if it was done intentionally for him.

Therefore, he did not release Menas to help, and arrived at the lake in the center of Weimei Forest very smoothly.

Different from the past encounters, there is now an old and slightly broken stone altar standing at the end of the path leading to the lake. Moss has covered the stone pillars. It is unknown how many years have passed.

Xia Ye walked up the steps with indescribable emotions. He looked at the stone tablet with blurred writing. A decayed sword and a decayed shield were scattered in front of him.

He slowly squatted down and stroked the cold stone tablet. It was hard to imagine that these two weapons were two legendary weapons that everyone worked together to create.

After years of corrosion, even the legendary weapons have become dilapidated, which makes people feel sad.



At this time, a familiar wolf howl sounded from behind Xia Ye. He turned around and saw Cang Xiang and Zangmarante in the form of a warrior of hundreds of battles appearing in front of him.

"We meet again. No, for you, it must be a long time no see, right?" Xia Ye said hello calmly, he had long expected their arrival.

The two giant wolves slowly closed their eyes, wondering what they were thinking. Then Cang Xiang opened his mouth and responded:

"Yeah, I didn't expect you to be a human from the future, Xia Ye."

"Speaking directly in human language, it seems that you have changed a lot in the past three thousand years." Xia Ye nodded.

"I just learned a language, why should I be amazed? Why don't we just ask you, Xia Ye, what kind of existence are you?" Zangmarant asked.

He and his sister are the embodiment of war and faith, and their power comes from the spiritual world. As for Xia Ye, he is probably an existence related to the power of time.

He was the main promoter of the meeting with Hilde and Soder and the recasting of the sword and shield. Was he doing this because he came from the future and knew the history of the past?

Or maybe he did it to change the future. In any case, it must be confirmed that he is a guy who poses no threat to the Galar region.

".A symbol of forest and time, the spokesperson of Celebi."

"Celebi? That green elf?"

Cang Xiang showed a thoughtful expression. He had visited Weimei Forest before, brought vitality to the forest and then disappeared. Did he travel through time and space to get here?

"I understand time, but what kind of power is the forest?" Zangmarante asked in confusion.

Xia Ye didn't say much, silently walked down the altar, found an open space everywhere, and planted a seed in the curious eyes of the two giant wolves.

I saw him mumbling words, his hands emitting green light, and then a beautiful flower bloomed in front of them.

Cang Xiang and Zang Marante opened their mouths. The power of the forest, isn't this the power of life?

"It's almost this kind of power. By the way, since we are acquaintances, I will tell you straight away, the evil dragon is about to revive again." Xia Ye stood up with a serious expression.

The expressions of the two giant wolves also became serious. If the evil dragon really resurrected, it would mean that the Galar region was about to suffer another crisis.

"Why do you know, is it also because of the power of time?" Cang Xiang asked.

"The cause was Celebi's prophecy, which felt that the near future of Galar was shrouded in a red haze. This is the reason why I started investigating."

His tone was very serious, so serious that Xia Ye believed it himself. I have to say that describing it in Celebi's tone was really useful.

Cang Xiang and Zangmarante also listened very seriously and did not interrupt. After all, the matter was of great importance and they wanted to listen to Xia Ye first before talking.

"According to my investigation, the person who wants to resurrect the evil dragon is the current president of the Galar Alliance, Roz. He calls the evil dragon Wujitana, but I don't know the reason."

Xia Ye sighed in his heart. Even if he knew, it would be inconvenient to tell him. After all, he and Roz only met once. For the sake of energy depletion in a thousand years, who would believe this reason.

"Human beings are really a strange life. They can give birth to heroes, but they can also give birth to people with evil intentions. The evil dragon resurrected three thousand years ago because the king at that time was seeking power."

Cang Xiang's tone was quite helpless. It and Zangmarante were born because of humans. They are familiar with humans, but they don't understand them.

"Because the evil dragon has absorbed the power of the Galar land, it has become more difficult to deal with than the first time. That huge palm can even distort the surrounding time and space and imprison the power of others." Zangmarant silently told about that year past events.

"For being able to defeat it, we also need to thank you, Xia Ye. The sword and shield made of meteorite iron actually have the power to suppress the giant Pokémon. Relying on this power, we can put it into sleep again."

Cang Xiang's eyes were filled with gratitude. The land could prosper now because of Xia Ye's contribution.

"But that battle also exhausted our strength. We only woke up in the last fifty years. But why is this land now filled with the power of evil dragons?"

Zangmarante asked, because of this manic power, they couldn't even sleep well.

Speaking of which, Dynamaxing only became popular in Galar in the past fifty years. Xia Ye thought for a moment and then said:

"Because it is very popular to use the power of Dynamax in battles in the Galar region. It is the kind of power that makes Pokémon become huge, but it is controllable."

"Moreover, this energy is already used in daily life, and there are factories that specifically use this energy to convert it into other energy uses."

"The promotion has been so smooth, and it is indispensable to the credit of the alliance president Roz I just mentioned."

"Humans are really bold to actually use it in battle, but being able to control that kind of manic power is worthy of praise." Cang Xiang nodded, his tail shaking violently behind him.

"Converting it into other energy sources, that is, on the beneficial side, isn't the purpose of the human named Roz the pursuit of power?"

Zangmarant had doubts. If he did this to pave the way for the evil dragon's resurrection, then he would be too contradictory, because the evil dragon would destroy the entire Galar.

"Who knows, but I know very well that he loves this land, but he may not know the dangers of the evil dragon's resurrection, because it does not reveal much danger in terms of combat or energy."

Xia Ye revealed Roz's thoughts in a speculative way. It's a perfect way to describe him as having good intentions but doing bad things.

"Xia Ye, do you know where the evil dragon is?" Cang Xiang suddenly asked.

"The city of Quanguan was once the capital of the Kingdom of Galar."

"It's there again, it was there the first time, it was the same the second time, and it's still the same now. In that case, Xia Ye, you can bring the evil dragon's lair with us."

Zangmarante gave an answer that Xia Ye had not expected.

"Yes, since we know that someone wants to revive the evil dragon, why don't we stop it in advance, but Xia Ye, you are hesitant?" Cang Xiang agreed with Zangmarante's plan and expressed dissatisfaction with Xia Ye's hesitation. untie.

Xia Ye is now thinking about the possibility of the plan. Generally speaking, it is illegal to break into the underground factories in Quanguan City without permission.

But now, the legendary heroes who experienced the dark night have joined.

With their testimony, if Roz is still stubborn, beat him until he obeys.

Thinking about it this way, the things that were bothering you have become very simple?

He is indeed the local god of Galar. His temperament is exactly the same as that of the Galar people. His folk customs are simple and he does what he says.

"No, I think your plan is very feasible, but President Roz is the most powerful person in Galar now, so we need helpers with similar status." Xia Ye smiled and stretched out a finger.

It's not just Xia Ye himself who is rebellious, our Galar region champion Dan Emperor should also be aware of the president's abnormality. With his participation, things will be easier to solve.

Xia Ye even knew him and exchanged contact information, but he had to take the initiative to find him, otherwise Alchemy Emperor might not even be able to find him.

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