Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 273 Alchemy Emperor: You really hide your secrets (two in one)

In the Sunset Forest, the wooden house welcomed a guest today. The expression on his face was quite proud, as if he had accomplished some amazing feat.

"Matcha, black tea, coffee and juice, which drink should I drink?"

Xia Ye stood next to the shelf and asked, except for coffee, the rest of the drinks are produced in the Sunset Forest, and are inseparable from the contributions of Lai Sad Tea and Weisi Pot.

If you want to ask why he can return to Sunset Forest so quickly, the reason is simple.

The singularity located at the lake in the center of Weimei Forest was just like his guess. It was a portal connecting the two forests. The journey that originally took a day could now be completed in less than a minute.

"Please give me a glass of juice. The fruits from the Sunset Forest are now recognized as the best quality fruits in the Galar region. Being able to drink freshly squeezed juice is a kind of enjoyment."

Dandi smiled and stroked the beard on his chin. He was in a good mood today. Except for relying on flying taxis all the way from Gongmen City to Sunset Forest, he actually didn't get lost in Sunset Forest.

This is a huge improvement for me who has been troubled by road addiction for a long time.


Xia Ye pushed the cup filled with juice in front of Dan Emperor. He drank it down in one gulp and then showed an expression of praise.

"Phew, it tastes good. It's actually cold, but there's no refrigerator in the house. Is it made by Pokémon? Or is it because of the props?"

Emperor Dan glanced around curiously, remained silent for a moment, and said in a pleased tone:

"Xia Ye, actually without your invitation, I originally planned to come to your place once. Thank you so much for the Hepu matter. Sure enough, some words are better when spoken by others.

Well, especially coming from someone Hupp respected. "

There was sincere gratitude in his words. Emperor Dan was a very responsible person, especially for his younger brother. It can be said that a brother acts as a father.

Now Emperor Dan could not be happier to see that his brother had untied his knot and was much more mature than before.

These achievements were all thanks to Xia Ye, and he would definitely come to express his gratitude in person.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to him successfully completing his revenge at the Quanguan Gym." Xia Ye nodded.

"Me too. Speaking of which, Xia Ye, you said you wanted to discuss something with me in person. Could it be that you agreed to my transformation of Sunset Forest into a facility similar to a battle factory?"

I won’t change it. Xia Ye didn’t say this. He coughed lightly and said:

"No, first of all, Dan Emperor, I would like to ask you what you think of the current alliance president Rozi?"

"President Roz, he has the potential to discover talents. The development of Malokomon Group to its current scale is indispensable for his arrangement of talents."

"Actually, I was one of the talents he discovered. He sponsored me to train at Master Ma's martial arts gym."

Dandi fell into memories. He was probably discovered by Roz when he challenged the second gymnasium and sponsored him to go to Master Ma's martial arts gym on the Island of Armor.

There his fighting talent was quickly awakened, and his most important partner, Charizard, was also a gift from the martial arts master's wife.

It can be said that Master Ma's martial arts school is the starting point of Dan Emperor, and President Roz is the Bole who discovered him.

"Business wizard, energy tycoon, and president of the alliance, he has made indelible contributions to the development of Galar. I can feel that he loves this land.

In fact, his own fighting ability is not weak, and he once won the runner-up. "

"It seems that Emperor Dan has a high opinion of President Roz."

Xia Ye crossed his hands together and stood with his elbows on the table, with an unspeakable meaning in his eyes.

"Maybe, but President Roz also has shortcomings. He is impatient, likes to get into trouble, and is full of ambition. Well, I think he is the reason why you came to me."

Emperor Dan is not stupid. Xia Ye's character seems to him to be very straightforward. Mentioning President Roz is not just for small talk.

In fact, Dan Emperor has now realized that President Roz is hiding something. He once approached President Roz after dealing with the incident where the Gigantamax Pokémon went out of control.

But his secretary refused because the president was busy preparing for the competition and had no time to meet.

Dandi knew that the Gigantamaxed Pokémon were beginning to appear near Quanguan City, so he made a request to inspect the underground energy plant in Quanguan Arena.

The reason is simple. Maximization is caused by the accumulation of Galar particles, and the energy factory is the area where Galar particles are most concentrated.

Upon hearing his request, the secretary's expression became visibly unhappy, and he refused again because the energy plant was not under the jurisdiction of the champion and belonged to the company's property.

"Yes, the Galar region may be in crisis because of President Roz's decision." Xia Ye's tone became serious.

"Can you let me hear the reason?"

Emperor Dan frowned unconsciously. If anyone wanted to threaten the future of Galar, he would not show mercy even to President Roz, whom he had been kind to.

"You should know the most widely circulated legend in the Galar region. Three thousand years of dark night fell in the Kingdom of Galar, causing many Pokémon to become Dynamaxed out of control, causing great destruction and almost bringing the country to its demise."

"It was two heroes armed with swords and shields who defeated Dark Night and restored peace to the Galar region."

"Emperor Dan, don't you think this is somewhat similar to recent events?" Xia Ye stood up.


Dandi clenched his fists. It was not that simple for the Gigantamax Pokémon to lose control. They were trying to hide something.

"You must have heard about the alliance's massive collection of wishing stars, Pill Emperor. What if I told you that the wishing stars are part of the dark night?"

Hearing Xia Ye's words, Emperor Dan's eyes widened, and he asked dubiously:

"Loz, do you want to revive the dark night again?!"

If the Dark Night is really resurrected, it will definitely be a major threat to the Galar region, and we must not slack off.

"Yes, and the sleeping Dark Night is currently in the underground energy factory in Quanguan City."

Emperor Dan took a deep breath, then stood up with a serious expression: "Xia Ye, I want to know the reason. How did you learn about this news?"

"Part of it comes from my investigation, and the rest of the information comes from the mouths of the people involved. Yes, they are the two heroes who defeated the dark night."

"What are you talking about, hero? That was three thousand years ago!"

"Of course humans can't live that long, but what if they were Pokémon?"

Seeing Emperor Dan's thoughtful expression, Xia Ye continued: "Emperor Dan, your hometown is Hualang Town, you must know Weimei Forest."

".Could it be!"

Dan Emperor has personally experienced the magic of Weimei Forest, and he knows that there are powerful Pokémon hidden in this forest.

Are they actually the heroes who defeated the dark night? What a shock!

Xia Ye took out his mobile phone and showed the picture and text of a news item to Emperor Dan.

"Look at this."

"This is the statue hidden behind the destroyed mural in Suizhuan Town. Two Pokémon are standing in front of two humans. And it's the sword and shield they hold!"

At this time, Dandi suddenly recalled that his childhood sweetheart Sonia had mentioned this town. She was very excited at that time and said that the latest discovery had played a key role in her project.

"This is the true face of the legendary heroes. Emperor Dan, come and meet them?" Xia Ye walked towards the door.

"But even if we want to meet, shouldn't it be in Weimei Forest?"

"For some reason, they came to Sunset Forest. Anyway, I don't need to lie to you."

The current Dan Emperor smiled unconsciously. Unexpectedly, Xia Ye was actually a hidden trainer.

I originally thought that he was just a strong, enthusiastic and straightforward person, but now it seems that my judgment was too contemptuous of others.

Before he knew it, he had already investigated the truth of the legend, President Roz's plan, and got acquainted with the legendary hero. Ah, maybe he should not be a ranger, but a mythologist.

Emperor Dan shook his head and followed Xia Ye out of the wooden house.

Even I would be excited to witness the legendary hero with my own eyes. That was the person I admired most when I was a child!

In Misty Lake, Emperor Dan returned to the area where he first came to Sunset Forest.

As soon as he stepped in here, he felt his heart beating violently. The two Pokémon in front of him were undoubtedly powerful beings.

The blue giant wolf and the saffron giant wolf are very similar to the statues in Suchuan Town, giving people a majestic feeling.

And there is endless fighting spirit and belief in their eyes, and the aura they reveal is a fact.

They are the legendary heroes, the heroes who fought off the dark night!

"Cang Xiang, Zang Marante, this is their name." Xia Ye introduced to Dan Emperor.

"Ouch~" (First meeting, human, you are the strongest person in Galar as Xia Ye said, right?)

"Barking~" (Very good temperament, seems to be a battle-hardened warrior.)

I can actually understand their words? !

Emperor Dan was very surprised, but he did not say it directly. Now that he is the champion, he cannot make such a fuss.

"Ah, this is the first time we meet. Cang Xiang and Zangmarant, the legendary heroes who once defeated the dark night. On behalf of the current Galar people, I would like to thank you for your efforts back then."

Dandi put one hand on his chest and saluted, expressing his sincere gratitude.

"Ouch~" (No need to thank you, we are not fighting for the so-called glory.)

"Barking~" (We are fighting to protect Galar, and the peace we have now is the best thank you to us.)

".Well, I understand."

Emperor Dan responded that now he was almost certain of the authenticity of what Xia Ye said.

I didn’t expect President Roze. Roze was really planning such a dangerous thing. Hasn’t he considered the future of Galar? !

"Ouch~" (Now that the helpers are here, let's go to the royal capital together. We must contain the evil dragon's resurgence.)

"Barking~" (Yes, the evil dragon must not be allowed to destroy the Kingdom of Galar. This is our responsibility.)

Hearing what Cang Xiang and Zangmarant said, Emperor Dan was stunned for a moment. Did the evil dragon refer to Dark Night? It seems that Dark Night is also a Pokémon.

After a moment, he suddenly turned his head to look at Xia Ye, confirming with his eyes whether they meant to go directly to the energy plant.

Xia Ye nodded slowly, with helplessness in his eyes. He had no choice. This is our local god in the Galar region. He will do whatever he says without hesitation.

"Is everything really okay? I think it would be better to confront Roz first. With the legendary hero present, I believe he will no longer insist on the plan to revive the dark night." Emperor Dan put forward his own suggestion.

"Emperor Dan, you just said that President Lotz is impatient, likes to get into trouble, and is full of ambition. Will such a person stop because of your persuasion?

He will only change his mind if he sees the serious consequences. "

Xia Ye persuaded, Luo Zi is a paranoid guy who wants to stop the protagonist after Wuji Tai's recovery and loss of control. It is commonly known that you will never look back until you hit the wall.

".I understand what you mean, but there is only one entrance to the underground energy plant, and you need to rely on an elevator to enter."

"If Roz is really preparing for the resurrection of the dark night, his methods will never let anyone enter casually, even if I remove the title of champion."

Emperor Dan's expression was very helpless. If the fact that An Ye was located in the underground energy plant was not revealed, they would always be the party at the loss.

Moreover, forcing his way into the energy plant would be a violation of Alliance law. With Roz's methods, he would most likely have a back-up against the intruders, and he might not even be able to see the sleeping Dark Night by then.

"So you are worried about this kind of thing. You want to enter the evil dragon's sleeping place quietly, right? It's very simple."

Cang Xiang couldn't stand Dan Emperor's hesitation, so he simply spoke out directly.

Did you speak directly? !

Emperor Dan quickly calmed down. He could directly understand their roars just now. It was not surprising that they spoke human language now.

These two have lived for at least three thousand years, so it is not difficult to learn human language.

"Yes, we are Pokémon born in the spiritual world. Naturally, we can travel at will. Moreover, as long as there are people in Galar, we can reach it."

Zangmarante calmly talked about another ability he and Cang Xiang had.

Now it's Xia Ye's turn to be surprised. Why didn't you tell me about such a powerful ability earlier?

"Well, can you confirm the destination?" Xia Ye felt that he had to confirm it in advance.

"As long as you keep traveling, you will eventually reach that place."

Cang Xiang's tone was very firm, and for some reason, the words "idiot and beauty" appeared in Xia Ye's mind.

"No, your sudden appearance will cause a commotion if too many people witness it, right?" Xia Ye quickly denied.

Dan Di also echoed, if they really do this, I am afraid that he and Xia Ye will be on the headlines tomorrow. If they travel to a strange place, their reputation will be at stake.

"Human beings are making too much fuss now. Forget it, if you can identify the person, we can also track him to his location. It is best for humans with strong beliefs." Zangmarante said.

"Strong belief?" Xia Ye looked at Dan Emperor, and a candidate emerged in his mind.

"And can go to the underground factory." Emperor Dan also looked at Xia Ye, and a candidate emerged in his mind.

In Gongmen City, Olivia, who was handling official duties, suddenly felt a chill and her whole body trembled.

She reached out and touched her forehead, but did not feel any abnormal heat. Then she said to herself: "Did you catch a cold because of work? No, President Roz's plan has reached the most critical moment now, so he can't show up. Any mistakes.”

Olivia sighed and continued working. The transformation of the underground energy plant was almost completed and she needed to check the situation.

The situation last time must not happen again, and you actually attracted the attention of that annoying champion. Damn it, as long as I, Olivia, am here, I will never let you interfere with President Roz’s plan. You will never want to step foot in there. !

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