Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 303 Chatting in the Blizzard

In the early morning of the next day, Xia Ye woke up from bed. Yesterday, he and Ruiko went to the Ruins of Decision and conquered Reggie Ellechi.

Riko decided to stay in the Crown Snowfield for a few more days to continue training her Pokémon.

Based on two months of experience, she said that the wild Pokémon here are much stronger than ordinary Pokémon and are very suitable for improving their own strength.

Xia Ye got up, washed briefly, and enjoyed breakfast with the Pokémon.

Drinking the black tea presented by Ruiko, Xia Ye looked at the map of Crown Snowfield on the table. He planned to continue his plan to find the missing Dr. Moen.

"It is certain that Morn does not live near Freezing Village."

Xia Ye used a pen to circle the frozen village. He once asked Brimwen to sense the surroundings. No one settled nearby, which meant that Dr. Morn was not nearby either.

Then, he surrounded the mountains on the north side. The environment in this area was harsh and the terrain was steep. Few people would choose to settle nearby, so they could be eliminated first.

"Well, does that mean there are still valleys in the middle and snowfields in the west?"

Xia Ye put down his pen and decided to investigate the central valley first. This valley is located in the center of two mountain ranges. It can lead to the depths of the mountains and is also connected to the central wilderness. It is the most convenient area for transportation.

"Now that we've decided, let's go."

He put away the map, drank the black tea in one gulp, put on his cold-proof clothes, and pushed out the door.

Xia Ye looked into the sky. Today's weather was still very good, but the villagers did not go out to bask in the sun like they had done in the past few days. Xia Ye didn't pay much attention, threw out the elf ball and left the Dongning Village on the Steel Armor Crow.

It had been a few days since he left the Sunset Forest, and he planned to complete the designated plan quickly. As expected, he still preferred the vibrant forest to the cold snowfield.

"This was a miscalculation. I didn't think about the possibility of a snowstorm."

Xia Ye looked embarrassed, rubbing her hands and looking at the swaying fire in front of her. As long as she had it, there was no need to be afraid of the howling snow and cold air.

He breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he found a cave to hide from the wind and snow. This was thanks to Blimwen's perception.


The Egui Clan on the side screamed, waving the burning thorn stick, indicating that it had done a lot of credit, and it was thanks to the Clan that everyone was warm.

"Of course I haven't forgotten you, Ergui, you are also a great contributor. However, this experience now reminds me of the last time I encountered a snowstorm." Xia Ye smiled and fell into memories.

"Ergui and Blimwen should remember that the snowstorm at that time was more severe than now, and the terrain was more dangerous. It was thanks to your ability that we were able to escape the danger.

Yes, it's the same this time. It's because of you by my side that I'm not afraid of all dangers. "

Several Pokémon looked at each other and smiled, "What are you talking about? Xia Ye, aren't you more helpful to us?" This is all as it should be.

Only Reggie Ellechi was a little uncomfortable. This was the first time it had formed a team with other Pokémon, and it didn't know how to react.

In the past, it always obeyed orders unconditionally and had no independent opinions. Seeing everyone enjoying themselves, it was very envious.

"Bonnie!" (The big electric ball is also thanks to you!)

At this time, Ergui noticed its embarrassment and took the initiative to act as the glue of the team.

"Zizi?" (Me? Can I help you too?)

Reggie Elleki swung his arms, the dots flickering on and off. He couldn't believe that he clearly didn't do anything right.

The Banglui Diamond Ape provided burning wood, Ergui Pulun lit the fire, Blimwen found shelter, and the Steel Armored Crow quickly arrived here with Xia Ye.

I just stood there stupidly and didn't help at all?

Seeing that the other party didn't believe it, Ergui raised his waist, hummed softly, then raised his arms and looked around, and finally pointed at Reggie Ellechi:

"Bonnie!" (Don't you understand, big electric ball? Your sparkle makes this dark cave look like daytime, so reassuring!)

"Chizizzi?" (Just because I gave off light?)

"Reggie Ellechi, every Pokémon has its own strengths, and so do you, so just accept Ergui's praise with peace of mind." Xia Ye said softly.

The other Pokémon also nodded. Since you have become Xia Ye's Pokémon, then we are companions. There is no need to be so restrictive.

"Yes, it will take some time before the snowstorm subsides. Taking this opportunity, why not share your daily life so that Reggie Ellechi can get to know you faster."

"Gah!" (Let me come first!)

The steel-armored crow was the first to call, and it couldn't wait to share its story.

Although this newcomer's attributes are very difficult for me to deal with, once he learns about his deeds, he will definitely respect me!

It cleared its throat and talked about its daily training with an emotional look on its face. It vividly described the process of training through Morubek.

After finishing speaking in one breath, the steel-armored crow opened his eyes and observed everyone's reactions with his bright red pupils.

Xia Ye chose to applaud the Steel Armored Crow, and the Banglei Diamond Ape followed suit. It knew that if the Steel Armored Crow was not satisfied now, the story would be over.

Brímwen held her forehead. Although she had long been used to it, the steel-armored crow had too many mental activities, and one sentence could have ten changes.

Reggie Ellechi had listened to the story of the Steel-Armored Crow and labeled it as confident and good at talking. However, what it didn't know was why it wanted to take the initiative to challenge an Electric Pokémon?

"Bonnie?" (Uncle Crow in Steel Armor, you always like to be beaten. Are you a masochist?)

Ergui asked an innocent question, raising the question for Reggie Ellechi.

"Uh, cough!" (Little boy, don't talk nonsense, this is called special weakness training. You also have attributes that are difficult to deal with, so you have to take the initiative to accept attacks and strengthen your patience. Xia Ye, you must understand, right?!)

The steel-armored crow panicked and explained that it looked towards Xia Ye for help. I don't want to be misunderstood by Ergui.

"Well, what the Steel Armored Crow said makes sense." Xia Ye nodded. It would be too pitiful for the Steel Armored Crow to be misunderstood by the beloved Ergui Chu, and what it said did make sense.


At this time, Ergui showed a proud expression. It kept taking out its mask and switching back and forth, as if it was performing a face change.

However, its original intention should be to show the changes in attributes, to tell the steel-armored crow that he is not afraid of any attribute restraints. There are so many masks~

The steel-armored crow shed tears of envy. When the time comes, if the little boy has collected eighteen kinds of masks, won't he be invincible?

Then, Ergui stopped displaying the mask. It imitated the appearance of the steel-armored crow, cleared its throat, and talked about its daily life.

Erguifen said that it has been practicing carpentry skills recently, and it also wants to be as ingenious as Xia Ye. When one day it can make exquisite wood carvings, it will give it to Xia Ye as a thank you gift.

It also displays a somewhat ugly wood carving, but it can be seen that a lot of effort has been spent on it, and it can be vaguely seen as a human figure.

The other Pokémon praised Ergui's thoughtfulness, and Xia Ye was also very moved and said:

"Then I will wait with great anticipation until that day comes. Well, then let's make masks together."


Ekuei's eyes were shining, full of expectation. He waved his arms to cheer himself up. Since Xia Ye said so, he should work harder, because he was also looking forward to that day!

Reggie Ellechi silently labeled Ergui, a caring and energetic little guy.


Following this lively atmosphere, Blimwen's interest became high, and it also wanted to tell about its daily life.

Brimwen talks about his daily life as a lord. Although everyone in the Dream Forest is usually harmonious, conflicts sometimes arise.

At this time, it is Blimwen's turn to appear. It will not rely on the pressure of the lord to forcefully resolve the conflict, but will hold a tea party.

Let the conflicting parties sit together and enjoy delicious tree fruits, sweet cream and unique black tea. In a peaceful atmosphere, they can calm their restless hearts and let both parties calm down and have a good talk.

According to Blimwen, the success rate of this method is as high as ninety-nine percent. After all, everyone has never had any deep hatred, and they are all part of the Sunset Forest.

However, there was a conflict between Lai Sad Tea and no one provided the black tea that was the protagonist of the tea party. In desperation, Brimwen had to find the Lai Smo Tea family and use the matcha provided by them instead.

When Lai Sad Tea saw Matcha, they immediately resolved their conflicts and angrily ran to fight with Smo Tea. Brimwen was very puzzled by this. They were all tea, shouldn't they get along well with each other? ?

The corners of Xia Ye's mouth twitched slightly. For Lai Bei Cha, black tea is their belief, while Smo Cha's is Matcha. To be honest, she feels lucky that they can get along relatively peacefully in the Sunset Forest.

When these guys met before, they regarded each other as heretics and even fought over it.

Speaking of which, Lai Sad Tea is very popular in Dream Forest, and Smooch Tea actually has its own loyal users in Sunset Forest, and many grass-type Pokémon are their fans.

Reggie Ellech on the side continued its labeling journey, labeling Brimwen with responsibility and kindness.

"Well, it's your turn finally, Thunder King Kong." Xia Ye looked at King Kong King Kong, which lives with him and has been together for a long time, and knows each other very well.

However, the Banglui King Kong also has its own daily life. Xia Ye will not interfere with the Banglui King Kong to do what he wants. This is how he respects it.

Sometimes it would leave alone for a period of time. To be honest, Xia Ye was quite curious.

Banglui Konggang scratched his head and said that there is nothing much to say about his daily life. Apart from training, he usually finds a place to play drums in his free time, and he has accumulated a lot of fans unknowingly.

It also summarizes the music styles that Pokémon in each region like. Misty Lake is a lullaby. The Pokémon here respect Menas and want the queen to sleep more comfortably.

The Pokémon in Yanghua Lawn like cheerful tunes, and they like to watch the ladies in skirts dancing to the rhythm of the drums.

The Pokémon in Dream Forest like ethereal tunes. Although it is difficult to achieve it with drums, Boomstick still found a way to create a similar sound, which was warmly welcomed.

Pokémon in the ice forest like fierce tunes, and they probably have a passionate heart in the ice and snow environment.

Pokémon in the rainforest welcome any tune, and the presence of music can make them very happy.

Pokémon in the Permanent Forest like peaceful tunes, and they said that the sound of the drum beating the ape even blends into the nearby environment, as if it is a melody that belongs to this area.

In addition, there are many fans with different preferences, and Banglui King Kong Ape has taken note of them all. He believes that this not only exercises his skills, but also is the quality that a performer should have.

What's more important is that everyone can feel happy because of their music, which is enough, because everyone is a resident of the Sunset Forest and an important partner.

Banglui Konggang talked a lot. At this time, everyone remembered the drums they had heard. Yes, Banglui Kongpang would play our favorite tunes every time, and we unknowingly regarded it as a daily routine.

That’s right, the sound of drums beating against the apes is the melody of the sunset forest.

Reggie Ellechi's label for Boomstick is big brother and carefulness. In his opinion, Xia Ye's Pokémon are all a good group of guys.

At this time, the Bang Bang King Kong suddenly placed the stake drum on the ground, turned the drum stick and looked at Reggie Ellechi. It decided to play a welcome song for this new partner.

This is the King Kong Ape's favorite song. It is a song of friendship between himself and Xia Ye. It is confident that Reggie Ellechi will also like this song.

The sound of drums echoed in the cave, and Reggie Ellechi swayed to the rhythm. For some reason, he enjoyed the sound of the wooden stake drum. Is this what is called liking?

In a trance, it seemed to see a weak figure chasing the light. The huge light chose to embrace the weak figure, and the figure of the little figure became strong and strong under the nourishment of the light.

It's such a good song. Reggie Ellechi thought that if he could cry, he would be filled with tears now. Bang Bang Kong definitely deserves the title of master performer.

Everyone, including Xia Ye, was immersed in the performance of the Banglai King Kong Ape. At this time, a sudden and weak moaning sound was mixed in. The Banglei King Kong Ape immediately stopped playing because it was very sensitive to sound.

Everyone opened their intoxicated eyes and looked towards the entrance of the cave with some confusion, noticing the human being lying on the ground.

Xia Ye felt something was wrong, and quickly got up and took the Pokémon to the cave entrance to check.

The man's clothes were covered with snow, his arms were curled up and shaking, his eyebrows were covered with frost, the only exposed face was red or even purple from the cold, his teeth were clenched, and his lips were opening and closing uncertainly, which was completely a sign of freezing.

Looking at his golden hair and familiar appearance, Xia Ye said his name in surprise: "Moen?!"

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