Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 304 The man who lost his memory and his Pokémon daughter

"Although there is no sign of waking up, his breathing has stabilized. Let him slowly recover his body temperature."

Xia Ye withdrew his fingers from Moen's nose. He did not expect to meet Moen directly, and he was glad that he chose to investigate in the valley today.

Otherwise, given the current fierce snowstorm, Moen may be in trouble.

Xia Ye placed Moen next to the fire and asked Brimwen to perform a healing wave on him, which saved Moen's life, who was about to freeze to death.

At that time, he was clutching the coarse cloth bag in his arms tightly, and he has not let go until now. It was probably something very important to him.

"Anyway, let's wait for the snowstorm to stop."

Xia Ye looked outside the cave. The blizzard was still howling crazily. It looked like it would take some more time to wait.

At the same time, in a dark room somewhere in Wangguan Snowfield, a pale shadow played an old piano. The sound was elegant and sweet, but there was an inexplicable anxiety in the music.

According to past habits, my father should be back by now, but why is there no news now?

Youying looked out the window, but the window was covered with a thick layer of cloth, so you couldn't see the scenery outside the window at all, which was why the house was dark.

Immediately afterwards, the shadow hit the piano hard and stopped playing. There was silence in the room, and the sound of the howling snow suddenly squeezed in through the crack of the door.

Youying seemed to remember that it was a snowstorm. His father once said that this was a very dangerous weather and you must not go out. However, his father happened to go out today.

With a bang, the door was violently pushed open, and the extremely cold air mixed with ice and snow poured into the house. The shadow looked solemnly at the cruel scenery outside, and resolutely entered the wind and snow.

No, I absolutely cannot let my father be in danger again.

In a luxuriously decorated room somewhere, a blond girl wearing a white dress was playing the piano seriously.

She played her father's favorite tune, which she had heard from her mother.

The girl lost her father due to an accident in the past. Since she was very young at the time, her impression of her father was very vague, so she could only understand his appearance through photos.

She only remembered that her father gave her a very reassuring feeling. If her father were still here, would her mother be as gentle as before?

The girl didn't know, she only knew that her mother was very strange now, like a paranoid control freak who kept herself out of her sight all the time.

She was afraid that like her father, she would die before her.

The girl can understand, but she does not agree with her mother's actions. In her opinion, her mother is on the verge of losing control.

Suddenly, the girl felt her heart tightening. She didn't know what happened, she just felt very panicked.

"Father, if it were you, how would you persuade mother? Please tell me."

The girl protected her chest and whispered silently, and then she left the seat. Her mother seemed to have gone to discuss things with someone today.

In other words, the opportunity is rare and I can no longer play the piano here as she asked. This is simply a waste of time.

The girl made up her mind and decided to launch her own investigation, starting from the room she had discovered before.

That is the room where my father studies. From there, I may be able to find out what my mother is planning. If it is dangerous, I must stop it, because they are family members.

"Phew, it finally stopped."

Xia Ye walked out of the cave with a cheerful expression, stepped on the thick snow with his feet, and observed the surrounding environment.


At this time, an eerie voice came from behind Xia Ye. It pulled Xia Ye's collar and motioned for him to look behind him.

"Huh? This is it, he finally woke up."

Xia Ye then walked towards the awakened Moen, intending to let him drink some hot water and eat some food to replenish his energy before talking about him.

"You finally woke up, how do you feel?"

"I, what, is this?"

Mo En pulled back the blanket on his body and saw that the things in his arms were still there, and unconsciously showed a reassuring expression.

He squinted his eyes and fell into memories. He remembered that he originally planned to give a gift to his daughter, but he suddenly encountered a snowstorm on the way back and lost his way.

Just when he was feeling desperate, he seemed to hear the sound of drums. He grabbed the only hope and exhausted all his strength to find the direction of the sound, and finally came to a cave.

Then, he seemed to fall into a coma. So, was it the man who was hiding from the wind and snow in the cave who saved him?

To a certain extent, I am really lucky to be rescued continuously. Wait, have I encountered danger before?

Moen covered his forehead and shook his head quickly. He didn't want to continue thinking about it. It was more important to say thank you now.

"It's much better. It's you who saved me. Thank you so much. My name is Moen. Can I ask for your name?"

"My name is Xia Ye. By the way, how about replenishing your energy first? Although I asked the Pokémon to restore some of your physical strength, there is no way to solve the problem of starvation."

Xia Ye smiled and handed over a cup of steaming black tea and a piece of jam-smeared bread. Moen quickly stood up and took it, finishing the bread in a few seconds.

The original hunger was quickly appeased, and the sweet taste echoed in the mouth.

I don't know whether it was because of hunger or the jam, but Moen felt that this was the most delicious bread he had ever eaten.

He took a sip of black tea. The taste was mellow and fragrant. It always felt familiar, as if he would enjoy it with someone after work. Her craftsmanship was really good.

With the intake of sweetness and calories, Morn's frozen thoughts quickly became active. At this time, he noticed the Pokémon around him and couldn't help but say:

"The one who helped me recover was this Brimwen. It's really rare. Brimwen rarely heals people other than trainers, right? I should say thank you so much, Brimwen. .”

"Well, so the sound I just heard should be the drum beating against the King Kong Ape. I also want to thank you. If it weren't for you, I might have been lost in the snow."

"This steel-armored crow, oh, it's really big, maybe the largest individual, but I've never seen these two Pokémon before. It's really a lot of experience.

This fiery red Pokémon is about the same size as my daughter. They are both cute. Well, I always feel like I have seen something similar to this Pokémon, but they are not just pure lightning. They seem to be made of black cables. , it’s really weird.”

Xia Ye silently listened to Moen describing the characteristics of Pokémon. Although he lost his memory, Moen's knowledge as a Pokémon doctor has not been forgotten.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I said so much unknowingly," Moen was a little embarrassed, his eyes flashed with nostalgia, "It always feels familiar, as if someone would always listen to me talk about this knowledge with a smile on his face."

"Speaking of which, I rely on this knowledge to make a living. I will accept the commission of Pokémon researchers to investigate the Pokémon ecology in the snowfield. Their rewards are very generous."

"Yeah, I was so anxious to solve the food problem at that time. I can go hungry for a few meals, but I still have a daughter to take care of. I must not let my little princess go hungry."

Moen showed an honest smile and Xia Ye remained silent. It seemed that he really regarded Xu Wuide as his daughter now.

"Oh, I talk a lot, because my daughter is very afraid of loneliness and always wants me to be by her side. I rarely communicate with others except her. Please bear with me."

"It's okay, I'm curious about one thing. You just said your name was Moen, right?" Xia Ye decided to tell Moen the truth. This was a fact he had to face no matter what.

"Yes, my name is Mo En. How come you know me? I'm ashamed to say that my memory is a little blurry and I can't remember what happened before."

"Please wait a moment," Xia Ye took out his mobile phone and clicked on the web page that had been prepared for a long time. Because the blizzard stopped, the signal was restored, "Look, this person should be you."

Moen stroked his beard and stared at the picture on the screen. This was a missing person notice on the website of the Ether Foundation.

The picture shows a photo of Moen without a beard. Moen's name is also marked below, and it is stated that if this person is found, the Ethereum Foundation will be grateful.

"His name is also Moen? But he and I look completely different, and people will definitely not recognize him." Moen waved his hand and sounded affirmative.

Xia Ye had already anticipated Mo En's reaction. He decided to take out the trump card mirror that he had prepared long ago. He would definitely be surprised when he saw his true appearance.


At this time, the roar of Pokémon suddenly came from the entrance of the cave. Morn turned his head to look and quickly read out their names:

"Tundra Bear, Dharma Baboon, Maura, and Blizzard King? It's really strange. These Pokémon should fight on their own first. We have no reason to provoke them."

"Xia Ye, something is wrong with them, they seem to be under control."

Brimwen's words were transmitted to Xia Ye's mind, and he was controlled. In my impression, the only one with this ability is Momojilang. No, there is also a Pokémon!

A group of maharas were the first to rush into the cave. They showed their sharp claws and were full of killing intent. The Galar Damo baboons followed closely behind. They used their fists and feet at the same time, and their speed did not drop at all.

A sharp icicle condensed in the tundra bear's paw, and its whole body tensed up, preparing to throw it out.

The Blizzard King roared, and the howling blizzard invaded the cave and attacked Xia Ye and the others menacingly.

Then, their attack stopped in a flash of lightning, and it was Reggie Ellechi who launched the attack.

Just one attack caused this group of ice Pokémon to become blackened and covered in lightning. They lay on the ground twitching and lost their ability to fight.

"Oh, it's really amazingly powerful. That was an electromagnetic gun just now, and it fired very fast." Moen sighed with emotion.

Reggie Elleqi's self-confidence has recovered a little. It turns out that his strength has not declined, but the cooperation between Xia Ye and the Thunder King Kong Ape is too strong.


"Lilia, why are you here!?"

Moen looked into the air and shouted in surprise. A jellyfish-like Pokémon was floating in the air. Its translucent upper umbrella was surrounded by yellow six-pointed stars. The wavy edge of the umbrella was the same color and material as the six-pointed star. Appears like glass.

It has multiple gelatinous tentacles and looks like a girl with long hair.

Xia Ye frowned, and it turned out to be the heterochromatic Xuwuide. It controlled the group of ice Pokémon. Was the reason for coming here because he was worried about Morn?


The heterochromatic Xuwuide raised its tentacles, condensed a ball of dark purple venom, and wanted to attack Xia Ye. Apparently it misunderstood Moen's situation and thought that Xia Ye had imprisoned him.

Then, it suddenly found that it could not move and could only scream in pain.

Brimwen next to Xia Ye raised her paws, and her whole body was wrapped in blue spiritual power. Because of Xia Ye's warning, it was already prepared, but it was able to hide it from its own perception. Doesn't this Pokémon have no feelings? ?

Although Void is an extremely dangerous ultimate beast, as a poison-type Pokémon, it is naturally suppressed by the super-powered Brímwen, not to mention the gap between the two.

One is Xuwuide who has almost no combat experience and focuses on maintaining Morne's memory. The other has stimulated three potentials, Brimwen, the lord of the Dream Forest. The results can be imagined.

"Lilia! Xia Ye, why do you want Pokémon to suddenly attack Lillie!"

Regardless of his physical fatigue, Moen stood up suddenly and shouted anxiously.

"Is this your daughter Lillie? But in my opinion, it is a Pokémon and not your daughter. Think about it, how can a human being float in the air?" Xia Ye responded calmly.


Moen also realized something was wrong. He loved his daughter so much that he completely ignored this key issue. Yes, how could humans float in the air? This is completely unreasonable.

"Xia Ye, even if this is the case, can you let Lillie go first? Even if she behaves unusually, she is still my daughter!" Moen bit his lips, lowered his head and knelt on the ground with a very humble attitude.

"It was obviously the other party who attacked first, okay, listen, Lillie, we didn't hurt Morn, on the contrary, we saved him. Otherwise, how could he survive the snowstorm?"

"Yes, Lillie, it was Xia Ye who saved me. Now, please promise dad not to attack them."


Faced with Morn's plea, the heterochromatic Voidoid obviously lost its will to fight, and Brimwen also untied it and let it fall to the ground.


Moen wanted to comfort Xu Wuide, but was stopped by Xia Ye, who took out a mirror and placed it in front of Moen.

"I'm sorry, Morn, I can't let you get close to it, and look at what you look like."


When the heterochromatic Xuwuide saw the mirror in front of Morn, it became very anxious. Is the lie it has carefully maintained coming to an end?

Then, the heterochromatic Xuwuide suddenly calmed down. It had long expected this day to come, but did not expect it to come so soon. Yes, the family in Moen's memory was so happy that he should be allowed to leave.

I was the wrong party by depriving his family of their happiness without authorization. What's more, if I and Moen are not of the same race, how can they continue to live together and become a family member?

It lowered its head, intending to leave here when Morn regained his memory, but no matter what, there was one sentence it must convey.

Father, Lillie is really happy living with you.

On the other side, Moen looked at himself in the mirror, holding his forehead with trembling hands. Except for the added beard and the weathered face, he was exactly the same as the Moen in the photo just now.

Is he the missing Moen? !

Countless memories that had disappeared emerged from Morn's mind. He finally remembered the past and the reason why he appeared in the Crown Snowfield. He turned out to be Dr. Morn.

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