Pokemon Court

Chapter 929: Step 2: Control of life

After returning to the Ether Foundation, Ting Shu and Lottom's Illustrated Book met soon.

Coming to the Arora area from the Fangyuan area, the Rotom Illustrated Book asked Ting Shu to treat him to a feast on the grounds of exhaustion.

For such a simple request, Tingshu naturally agreed...

To talk about the foods Rotom’s Illustrated Book likes, the research department of the Ether Foundation has everything, even if the Rotom’s Illustrated Book explodes the body, it may not be able to digest the electricity here.

"Are these the three stones?"

Zaobo took the "Magic Stone Fragment" from Ting Shu's hand and looked at it carefully, revealing a puzzled expression.

Although there are countless types of ore, with his knowledge of Zaobo, how could he have never heard of the "Magic Stone", and the nature of this stone is so similar to "Glowstone" and "Z Pure Crystal". Make Zaobo curious.

The moment he got the "Magic Stone Fragment", he gave birth to the idea of ​​hurrying to study it.

"In short, they will be handed over to you," Ting Shu nodded and said, "Maybe you can refer to the "Z Bracelet" to study the "Magic Stone", then Director Zaobo, I have something to do, so I will leave first~"

When the words were over, Ting Shu immediately returned to his residence, and cooperated with the Rotom Illustrated Book to start updating the Tanabata Blue Bird's data.

Shanaiduo and Nine-Tailed two elves use fairy-type tricks to attack. Tanabata Blue Bird once wanted to crack it and it took some effort, but now, it is extremely easy to crack, as if it were instinct, causing the fairy energy of the two to instantly collapse.

At this time, the Qixi Jade Bird did not rely on "cotton feathers" or "annihilation sound waves" or other attacking tricks. It was completely resisted by using the power of the fairy aura. From this point of view, the Qixi Blue Bird was against the fairy aura. Indeed, the control has improved a lot.

Around this change, Tanabata Bluebird, Nine Tails, and Shanaido re-studied other uses of the fairy aura. At the same time, Rotom's Illustrated Book also reconstructed the ice moon tactics and the fairy field based on the improvement of the Qixi Bluebird.

As Qixi Jade Bird's control over the fairy aura increases, these team battle skills may undergo unknown changes.



It's a new day. After adjusting, Ting Shu and Tanabata Blue Bird came to Akara Island.

Tapu Fin is a water system and a fairy type, and it controls the purified water, while the patron saint of Akara Island, Tapu Butterfly is a super power type and a fairy type, and has similar abilities.

Ting Shu had a lot of speculations about today's special training content, but when he saw Tapu Didie, he found that none of his guesses were close to the real training content.


Akara Island, the relics of life, Tapu Butterfly clearly told the contents of the special training of the garden tree and the Tanabata Blue Bird today.

If the first special training is to let the Tanabata Blue Bird complete the control of the fairy, then the second special training today is to let the Tanabata Blue Bird complete the control of life!

"Zernias once told me that the goblin energy and life energy are very closely related, is it around this?" Ting Shu asked curiously.

"Da 呔~" Tapu Didie nodded, looked at the Qixi Blue Bird, and then gave instructions to let the Qixi Blue Bird try to integrate the life energy into the fairy aura.

"This..." After hearing Tapu Diedie's instructions, Ting Shu and the Rotom Illustrated Book next to them were startled. Naturally they are no strangers to energy fusion, but this is not something that can be done easily, even if it is. The Fire of Life, Qixi Blue Bird also spent a long time summing up experience in conjunction with the Rotom Illustrated Book, and then entered the magma by itself, and only initially mastered it after countless heavy injuries.

Now that Tapu·Diedie made the Qixi Blue Bird merge the fairy aura and life energy, they couldn't help but worry about the consequences of the collision between the two...

"Dacha ~ dacha da da dacha~" Kapu Diedie looked serious.

Seeing the expression of Tapu Butterfly, Ting Shu and Tanabata Jade Bird can only choose to believe it. After autonomous super-evolution, Tanabata Jade Bird directly tried to fuse the fairy aura and life energy. The next moment, it seemed that something happened between the two. An extremely terrifying conflict, an explosion ignited directly, swallowing the Qixi Blue Bird.

The explosion that haunts itself is more powerful than the power of the fairy wind of the butterfly knot, and even the explosion produced when the flame energy and life energy merge with each other is not as good as this time.

One attempt directly caused the Tanabata Blue Bird to hit hard.

"Dachacha~~" Seeing the Qixi blue bird being swallowed by the explosion and engulfed in the smoke, Tapu Didie smiled, and then emitted glowing scales. The scales are magical, with a faint fragrance. , After the Tanabata Blue Bird came into contact with it, its injuries recovered directly.

"Loto Luoto Luoto!! It's scales Luoto!!" Seeing Tapu Didie's behavior, Lottom Illustrated excitedly exclaimed.

Legend has it that the glowing scales scattered from the body of Kapu Butterfly can activate the body and have the effect of healing wounds or diseases. But sometimes once a lot of these scales are touched, the body will have some terrible changes, so this is also a very dangerous thing.

In the distant past, there is a legend of Tapu Butterfly who mediates disputes between islands by spreading scale powder to heal fatigue. And the truth of the legend, it is also said that Tapu Diedie used the power of scales to make all the contenders dying...

Ting Shu also knows these legends. After seeing Tapu Butterfly spreading glowing scales, he immediately paid attention to the changes of the Qixi Bluebird. In addition to healing, the scales also played the effect of "activating the body".

The process of body activation brought about by Tapu Butterfly is like adding a catalyst to the energy fusion, which makes it easier for Tanabata Blue Bird to merge the two.

The activation process is the key to avoid ineffective fusion of energy in academia. Ting Shu also understands something. Now that Tapu Butterfly exudes his scales, Ting Shu instantly understands the intention of this special training.

With the help of scale powder, the ineffective collision between the fairy aura and the life energy is much less, and the power of the explosion gradually decreases.

According to the sequelae produced during the mutation process of Tianxi, the garden tree knew that the fairy energy contained a substance similar to life energy.

This material and life energy are the main conflict objects. With the help of Kapu Diedie, Tanabata Jade Bird takes this opportunity to gradually understand the fairy energy from the micro level, and tries to make the two life energies blend and transform each other perfectly. Because only in this way can the fairy aura and life energy be integrated to meet the special training requirements set by Tapu Didie.

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