Pokemon Court

Chapter 930: Step 3: Take control naturally

The special training content is the control of the fairy first, and then the control of the life. The former controls the fairy energy from the macro level, and the latter understands the fairy energy from the micro level. The two training processes gave Ting Shu some ideas.

According to the two special trainings, the Tanabata Jade Bird is still in the basic stage, and has not touched the most critical core of the fairy aura.

The second special training content, because of the precedent of integrating the fire of life, Tanabata Bluebird has its own experience in controlling life energy, coupled with the luminous scales of Tapu·Butterfly, Tanabata Bluebird's microscopic control of the energy of the fairy Getting stronger and stronger, this kind of microcosm has gone beyond the traditional meaning of microcosm, and has explored the essence of fairy energy.

Two completely different life energies will now only have a small conflict.

With the passage of time, Ting Shu and Lotom's Illustrated Book also discovered changes in the fairy aura, as if after the fairy aura was integrated into the life energy, the vitality in the fairy energy was also activated, leaving the Qixi blue bird to control .

This special ability made Ting Shu think of a fairy-type move.


Moonlight is the same as morning light. It is a trick to restore one's physical strength according to the weather. This trick is best for restoring physical strength when the moon's light is strongest. In the final analysis, moonlight is also an application of goblin energy. It might be the life energy in the goblin energy.

"It turns out that the main purpose of this special training is to activate all the uses of the fairy energy through life energy and let the Tanabata Blue Bird fully understand the essence of the fairy energy..."

Three hours later, the Tanabata Blue Bird has gone through dozens of fusions, and finally stabilized gradually and found the best feeling.

After dozens of fusions, the scales of tapu butterfly continue to spread. After consuming a huge amount of scales, tapu butterfly also shows fatigue like tapu and fins after this special training. Stop it.

"Da 呔~" Finally, after checking the Tanabata Jade Bird's training results, Kapu Diedie nodded with satisfaction and began to bid farewell to Ting Shu and Tanabata Jade Bird.

"Thank you Tapu Diedie." Ting Shu touched the head of the Qixi Blue Bird, and thanked Tapu Diedie with the Qixi Blue Bird.

Alora is a country of sharing. The patron saints of Boni Island and Akara Island shared their abilities to help the Tanabata Blue Bird special training, which made Tingshu feel a little bit sad. He also wanted to do something for the patron saints, but he did it. I don't know what I can do, but I can only keep this kindness in my heart.

After Tapu Diedie left, in order to better welcome the third day of special training, Ting Shu continued to consolidate the special training content of the first two days with Tanabata Blue Bird.

Ting Shu also found out that the special training content is gradual. On the third day of the special training, he guessed that it might involve the true core ability of the fairy aura.

As the largest island in the Alola region, Ula Ula has several towns and high snow peaks.

Tapu Moo is the patron saint here.

Different from the previous two patron saints, Tapu Momo is a grass type and a fairy type. Its special ability is to control nature and control the growth of vegetation.

On the third day of the special training, there was a green mountain somewhere on Ullaula Island. Kapu Momo was resting against a tree. After the Tanabata Blue Bird came here with the garden tree, it slowly opened its eyes. .

"Kapu." After seeing the arrival of the Qixi blue bird, Kapu Momo began to explain the content of the third special training, and in the process gave birth to a towering tree.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the branches and leaves of this towering tree enveloped the entire hill, extremely shocking, the branches of the tree were covered with numerous pink fruits, which looked very delicious.


After seeing the pink fruit, Ting Shu accidentally spoke.

This kind of fruit is very rare, and it can only be seen in certain areas. It is incredible that Tapu Moo can produce this kind of fruit in an instant.

Compared with the special abilities of the other two patron saints, many grass elves possess the special abilities shown by Tapu Moo, but there should be very few that can achieve the power of Tapu Moo.

"Tap! Tapu." As Tapu Moo moo explained in depth, Ting Shu understood the content of the third day's special training.

The first special training: Goblin control!

The second special training: control of life!

The third special training: natural control!

Through the first two special trainings, the Qixi Bluebird has been very good at controlling the aura of the fairy, and now they have finally come into contact with the most incredible power.

On Yantu Mountain, Zenias has the upper hand in the face of the siege of the elves of the garden tree, precisely because it can easily transform into its own power with the power of nature!

Even if Tingshu's elves are strong, they cannot compete with nature.

Many legendary elves are awed by mankind precisely because they master similar abilities.

Legendary elves like Zhernias, those special backgrounds that control them to the extreme are the root of their power, and now, the Qixi Bluebird is about to come into contact with the method by which Zhernias uses the power of nature. .

"Can Qixi Jade Bird do that too?" Ting Shu asked Tapu Moo.

"Kapu, Kapu." Kapu Momo shook his head, indicating that it doesn't know it, and said that everything depends on your own efforts.

After pointing to the fruit tree that was made, Tapu Moo directly lay on the side and fell asleep...

Just like in the rumors, Tapu Moo doesn't like to do activities, and behaves very calmly... But is it because Tapu Moo Moo has a calm personality or just because she is lazy and doesn't want to do activities, different people hold this different opinions. Now, after seeing its doze in the Tingshu and Rotom Illustrated Book, both have their own judgments on this statement...

"Okay..." Ting Shu and Tanabata Blue Bird looked at each other, helplessly looking at the fruit tree. Unlike the previous two patron saints, Kapu Momo didn't seem to want to guide the Tanabata Blue Bird, so the Qixi Blue Bird only If it can try it by itself, it can feel the rich fairy energy and life energy contained in this tree. The Tanabata Bluebird can also mobilize them, but how to convert these energy into its own power makes it difficult for Tanabata Bluebird immediately. .

If it can be done easily, what Nine-Tailed Ice Moon tactics are needed to directly integrate the power of the entire fairy legion into one!

Both Ting Shu and Rotom's Illustrated Book are thinking of ways.

The elves who are best at drawing on the power of nature are undoubtedly the grass elves.

Especially the energy ball, the essence of this trick is the life energy collected from nature.

In addition, there are some characteristics, such as ignition, water storage, electricity storage, and herbivore, which are also the use of external energy.

But these are extremely restrictive...

How the Qixi Blue Bird should use the force of nature, Ting Shu and the Rotom Illustrated Book each thought about each for less than a minute, and instantly looked at each other and locked a move.

"Nature's grace!"

Mentioning this trick, Ting Shu immediately smiled.

In the early days, this was the first time he used his cultivation skills to teach the new-born blue wool bird's trick.

The essence of this move is to gain power from the tree fruit to attack, and the attributes and power of the move will change according to the energy absorbed by the tree fruit.

Think about it from another angle. Isn't it the power of nature?

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