Pokemon Court

Chapter 973: "The Profound Meaning of Fairy"

Ting Shu, Xiao Zhi, Xiao Gang, and Xiao Xia didn't bother for too long at the Red Lotus Gym.

After leaving the Red Lotus Gymnasium, Xiaozhi and the others also planned to leave.

In fact, Xiaozhi has probably understood the gap between himself and the top trainer through the battle between the World's First Tree and Red Lotus Island.

Ting Shu's easy battle against the legendary elves really made him envious. Now that the Silver Conference is approaching, Xiao Zhi is determined to implement the training plan made by Xiao Gang, and will not give up unless he completes it.

"Big Brother Tingshu, let's leave first."

The next day.

Xiaozhi and the others said goodbye to Ting Shu, and had already planned to go to Silver Town to prepare for the Silver Conference. At this time, it was about a month before the opening of the Silver Conference.

"Well, come on, and if you are interested, after the Silver Conference, you can travel to the Fangyuan area. I can be very welcome."

Before Xiao Zhi left, Ting Shu didn't forget to ask him to reinforce his impression that he would travel to Fangyuan area next.

"Okay!!" Xiao Zhi nodded happily when he heard the invitation.

However, Ting Shu fell behind, and Xiao Gang next to him looked weird. How could this conversation sound that Xiao Zhi could not win the Silver Championship...

Forget it... Maybe I think too much.

Xiaozhi’s departure from the garden tree is very concerned. One is that the Silver Conference will be opened soon, and Xiaozhi’s next itinerary may be related to the appearance of Gulardo and Giouka and even the appearance of the empty seat. Second, Xiaozhi’s side may also be At any time there will be that fat Ding who is favored by Ting Shu.

Somewhere in Red Lotus Island.

Hiwako was listening to Tina Shu's instructions and nodded repeatedly.

"Next, if you go to the city area, the route will be just behind Xiaozhi and the others. Secondly, prepare one or two elves with'soundproofing' characteristics, which will be used when you meet a fat man in the future."

"It's best if you can meet Fat Ding on this road. Don't be discouraged if you don't. The next thing is a chance."

After Tatsuki took over the project of the wizard singer idol, he was naturally fully responsible for the project. He had read the plan compiled by Hiyoko. In this project, the number of members of the singer group was initially estimated to be 5, and it is still 2 short. The sound qualifications of the three members are all top-notch, and the latter two members, Nishiki, did not want Hi and Ko to perfuse, but also looked for elves with top-level sound qualifications.

This is a long-term plan, and Ting Shu himself is not too impatient, and everything is going to be executed according to the original plan.

As for the part he wants to intervene, the more detailed ones can't be rushed now, he has to discuss with the Rotom Illustrated Book for a long time.

And it was just two days before Ting Shu returned to Fang Yuan. His stay in Guan Du had been long enough, and Fang Shu had a lot of things waiting for Ting Shu to deal with.



Time is fleeting.

Ningshu quickly returned to the Fangyuan area. To his surprise, perhaps he was aware of the actions of the Fangyuan Alliance, or secretly planning a major event. During this period, the activities of the Lava Team and the Water Fleet suddenly decreased.

Compared with the busyness of the previous two months, after the task of combating the Lava Team and the Water Fleet was reduced, Ting Shu began to return to his own job.

He is responsible for the popularization of basic knowledge in Fangyuan area. Fangyuan area already has a complete education system in this area. Ting Shu has just taken office, and there is no need to make major reforms, just keep the original education system. , He only needs to do some special work.

For example, after returning this time, he received a task to popularize the knowledge of the Fairy Element.

As the only fairy master in the world and the first fairy king in the elven alliance, Ting Shu's identity is a bit special and has great publicity value. After receiving this task, Ting Shu naturally did not refuse. For him, this task, It's not even a problem.

At present, in the academic world, whether it is in the field of trainers or cultivators, the knowledge of the goblin department is too scattered, and there are various opinions. Even a "magic shining" move has no less than three or four different types. analysis.

Even the attribute division of some elves is still being debated by some scholars.

Fangshu's meaning is to hope that Ting Shu can write a book about the knowledge of the fairy system to make Ting Shu a representative of the fairy family, which is good for both Ting Shu and the Fangshu alliance.

Therefore, after returning to Fangyuan, Ting Shu immediately collected all the fairy-type information in the world today, and then reorganized it with the information recorded in the Rotom Illustration Book.

This work is entrusted to Ting Shu to do it alone. It can be said that it is a big project. It can take as long as it takes. It is a long-term task, but no one thought that Ting Shu was organized very quickly.

He is taking advantage.

The Rotom Illustrated Book contains comprehensive knowledge derived from the fairy system a few years later.

At that time, the fairy system was already clear and included in the wizard illustration book, which can be said to be very complete.

What Ting Shu needs to do now is to incorporate some partial knowledge and his own insights. After that, he can easily complete an encyclopedia about the fairy system.

After half a month.

Ting Shu has finished this book.

It includes detailed or rough information on 50 goblins and more than 10 goblin moves.

In addition, there are some information about the plants, minerals and even rare treasures of the fairy family.

Among them, 60% of them were sorted out by Ting Shu through the information that is currently known. It can be regarded as removing some erroneous remarks, and then simplifying countless times. Of course, he himself also added many conclusions that have not been researched now, and more importantly Yes, in this book, Ting Shu also added a lot of private goods, all of his own experience.

Ting Shu has studied the fairy system for so long and has his own unique insights into the fairy system. Although high-end knowledge such as the essence of fairy energy cannot be written in, there are many small skills hidden in this book, which are enough for many to cultivate fairy The trainer of the elves suddenly found out.

However, these little tricks are not written very straightforwardly, or they are hidden deep. They require the reader to use their own brains. It is not a fool's strategy. If you want to sit back and enjoy it, it is simply impossible.

If someone can summarize the cultivation method of the fairy elves from this book and become his own knowledge, it can only show that he has good talents himself and is suitable to become a trainer of the special elves. The role of a guide.

After finishing the book, Ting Shu did not take it out the first time, and it took about half a month before the book began to appear.

The title of the book was decided by Ting Shu as "The Profound Meaning of Fairy".

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