Pokemon Court

Chapter 974: Runner-up Xiaozhi

The book "The Profound Meaning of Fairy" was completed, and it was only circulated in a small range at the beginning. After scholars, cultivators, and trainers considered it to be the most complete system of fairies in the world, the Fangyuan Alliance immediately had the meaning of large-scale promotion. .

"Change? No need."

Facing the suggestion of an official in the Fangyuan Alliance responsible for this matter, Ting Shu said unexpectedly: "There is not much core knowledge involved."

The skills written in this book are still measured.

"It's true, but it involves some quick skills. If it spreads widely, it may be used by some speculators, or it may create a bad atmosphere among the newcomer trainers. I can understand The King of Tree Heaven hopes to let the fairy system develop rapidly, but everything needs to be step by step. There are too many techniques involved in this book that are not suitable for large-scale promotion."

"If it is widely promoted, even if this knowledge requires a second understanding, it is inevitable that there will be errors in a certain link. After all, now that the Internet is developed, the information will not be completely confidential for a long time, and it will be exposed sooner or later."

The official said painstakingly, the practice of adding a lot of private goods to a basic book like Ting Shu is really conscience, but... this is indeed not suitable for large-scale promotion.

"En..." Ting Shu thought for a while, and didn't force it. Although the hidden tricks were nothing to him, or even worth mentioning, it was an opportunity for the grassroots trainer.

If you fully comprehend and thoroughly understand the "Goblin's Secrets" plus enough resources, it is no problem to quickly become an elite trainer specializing in the goblin department. The elite trainer can also enter the first few districts. Famous trainer.

The promotion of such books, even if they are produced by the King of Heaven, is enough to make Ting Shu a thorn in the eyes of many people, because it has harmed the interests of some people.

Advanced knowledge monopoly is also a way of saving money, and Ting Shu owes it to consideration.

In addition, there are other places that the garden tree has not considered.

"That's right, the resources of the exclusive goblin system are limited after all. If a complete set of methods for cultivating the goblin system is widely spread, it will cause countless trainers to follow suit, and then cause the market to collapse." Ting Shu thought for a while and said: " I will revise "The Profound Meaning of Fairy" again."

"Thanks for your hard work."

Regarding the revision of "The Profound Meaning of Fairy", it is much easier than finishing. Tingshu completed the work in less than 3 days. At the same time, what made Tingshu care about is the silver in the city capital area. The conference is coming to an end.

During this period, Ting Shu has been paying attention to the situation there. Xiaozhi, as the top 8 of the Quartz Conference, also showed excellent strength in the Silver Conference, and entered the top 8 in one breath. Here, Xiao Zhicai gradually began to struggle.

After entering the quarterfinals, the opponent's strength is obviously better than Xiaozhi, but relying on Pikachu's explosion, Xiaozhi Leng made it to the finals.

During the period... Pikachu experienced more than one double play and triple play...

"It's a pity." However, in the finals, Pikachu was too exhausted in the first few battles, and the state of the finals was not very good. He failed to play all his strengths. As a result, Xiaozhi was quickly defeated in order to make the conference. The champion four elves lost their fighting ability and became the runner-up in this silver conference.

"Xiaozhi's opponent is very strong, plus he didn't use the power of the waveguide, it's good to be able to hit this point." Bai Cheng's voice came from the communication device, Ting Shu thought for a while, and said: "Yes. Didn't you let him use the waveguide?"

"Yeah, his foundation is too bad. Although I taught him Bird, I don’t want him to rely too much on Bird in this kind of competition. This is not a good habit. After he becomes a trainer who can be an independent trainer. , It’s not too late to use the power of the waveguide, so that he can use the power of the waveguide more perfectly, so as not to lose my reputation..."

"The last sentence is the key point." Ting Shu said helplessly, "As for whether the information you gave me on the power of the waveguide has been followed up, the progress on my side is still not much improved."

In the past month or so, Ting Shu has obtained a deeper wave of waveguide power data from Bai Cheng.

After getting it, he immediately imported it into the Rotom Illustrated Book, but in the process of fusion martial arts, he did not merge as quickly as Tatsumi imagined.

"No, I have digested the knowledge of the waveguide that Mr. Yalang left on the rod of brave and gloves. I have already told you all that I know. Even if there is a deeper application method, I cannot figure it out in a short time. Yes, you can make use of it first."

"I see." Ting Shu sighed. Although the Lottom Illustrated Book is not progressing well, compared to the first integration, Ting Shu at least sees the hope of successful integration. If it takes a little longer, maybe it will. There may be a turnaround, but it seems that we still have to wait.

With the release of a simplified version of "The Profound Truth of Fairy", Ting Shu paid close attention to the sales, and did not care too much. However, at this time, Ting Shu got upset about one thing, that is, he followed Xiaozhi and others. Rihezi and his party did not find any traces of Fat Ding.

Seeing that Xiaozhi was about to leave the city, Ting Shu couldn't help but he didn't give up. Fat Ding should still appear.



"Well, next, the schedule has been determined. During this period, if the Lava Team and the Water Fleet don't make much noise, I should be able to relax for a while."

Except for a lecture aimed at the Fairy Department that needs to be completed with Dr. Oda Maki in Suehaku Town a month later, Takaki didn't have much arrangement during this month.

He intends to take Bokbi and the quack bubble frog to the ultra-ancient pyramid to practice for a period of time, looking for opportunities for their evolution. If possible, he intends to find an elf with top-notch sound aptitude in the ultra-ancient pyramid to conquer.

In addition to the fat Ding, there is one member of the singer group. Ting Shu has encountered several elves who play sound in the ultra-ancient pyramid, but he did not observe it in depth, and it is not too late to check it out.

At present, the main players in the Tingshu team still maintain training, but when they reach the top level, they do more training to maintain their state, because no matter how hard they train, unless there is an opportunity to appear in a short time, it is difficult to have a particularly strong The promotion.

Only hunting the swallowtail butterfly. After it merges with the unique golden energy of the world's initial tree, it has a lot of skills that need to be re-developed...

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