"You are so annoying!" Lu Yuan said calmly, gathering his strength. I spoke to you in a nice way, but you didn't listen. You had to be beaten before you would stop. Lu Yuan's move made the scene quiet. The few people who were watching and watching quietly looked at him with surprise. The few people on the ground also regained their freedom and were breathing out cold air and crying out in pain. Lu Yuan's move just now was too fast. Their elves didn't react in time. By the time they reacted, it was over. However, Lu Yuan only taught them a lesson and didn't do anything to them. At most, they only had flesh wounds. Several people slowly stood up, their eyes no longer had the previous arrogance, and they didn't dare to underestimate this young man.

Even if they were thick-skinned, they knew how terrible Lu Yuan was.

He was able to control them before their Pokémon could react, and his strength was much greater than their Pokémon.

According to this calculation, Lu Yuan's strength was also at the gym level, far exceeding theirs.

You are a gym-level psychic, just say it first, why do you have to do this?

The few people who were beaten complained in their hearts. If they knew that Lu Yuan was a gym-level psychic, their attitude just now would definitely not be so arrogant, and they would not speak wildly.

They also subconsciously used Pokémon to measure the strength of the trainer, but they didn't expect that there would be an accident this time. A guy whose trainer was more powerful than Pokémon appeared, which was really strange.

"Haha~" Seeing the eyes of the big guys change from disdain to respect, Lu Yuan smiled. It's true that a tree can't be straight without pruning, and it will be honest after being scolded.

"I, Lu Yuan, will soon be the branch chief of Dark City. Who of you still objects?"

Looking around, there was no sound.

Those who had been scolded all lowered their heads and dared not speak.

"Since you didn't say anything, I will assume that you have no objection. If you really don't want to go to Dark City, you can go and tell the organization yourself. It's useless to tell me. When you go to Dark City, you will be colleagues and share weal and woe. I hope we can work together to do a good job."

Lu Yuan continued to speak, and the people below looked like they were listening carefully.

As expected, it is convenient after the strength is revealed.

"Who among you still doesn't want to go now? You can go out and explain it to the organization yourself. For the rest, I will assume that you are willing to stay. Five minutes, five minutes. Those who are willing to stay, come up and introduce yourself, so that I can get to know you briefly, which will facilitate the next work."

After that, Lu Yuan walked down directly, found a seat below and sat down, waiting for them to go on stage.

The hall was quiet, and just like that, five minutes passed quickly, and no one walked out.

"Who's the first one?"

Lu Yuan shouted, since no one left, that means they have to stay.

"I'll do it."

A thin and tall man stood up and came to the front of the stage.

"Yamamoto Qixing, there are three elite elves, currently serving as a team leader at the headquarters, usually responsible for intelligence sorting work."

After that, he looked at Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan nodded slightly, indicating that he knew.

Then, Yamamoto Qixing came down, and another person came on stage.

Lu Yuan listened and nodded from time to time.

Everyone was relatively concise and didn't waste time. Soon, more than a hundred people finished introducing themselves.

There were ten people with elite strength, about forty people with advanced strength, and about sixty people with intermediate strength and below.

There were several people who were taught a lesson by Lu Yuan, all of whom were elite trainers. No wonder they had tempers.

"Okay, I know everyone's information. That's all for today. If you have any questions, you can contact me."

After that, Lu Yuan looked at everyone and left directly.

These hundred people are enough to build a base in a small city.

In Sakaki's office, Lu Yuan came here again to report on his work.

"Those people, are there any problems?"

Sakaki flipped through the book and said casually.

Lu Yuan naturally knew that he was talking about the trainers, so he replied, "No problem."

It turned out to be a little problem, but after showing off his muscles, it was no problem.

Sakaki looked up at him, nodded slightly, and continued to read the book.

"When to leave for the Dark City is up to you. I've said before that the time is up to you."


"If you want to get a high position in the alliance, that's up to you. If something beyond your power happens, you can ask Xia Bo of Honglian Town for help."


Mu added.

"I understand."

"That's good."

After a few more words, Lu Yuan said goodbye and left.

Two days later, Lu Yuan appeared with a group of people in a Rocket Team base east of Dark City.

The Rocket Team in Dark City suffered a heavy blow, but several bases remained.

"Hello, Minister."

The remaining Rocket Team members came to Lu Yuan and shouted respectfully. Including the two elite captains, there were a total of 23 people, plus the 100 people brought by Lu Yuan, the conference room in the base was crowded with people.

With the intelligence in hand, Lu Yuan easily contacted them, and then quickly made arrangements, which led to today's scene.

Lu Yuan sat at the top, quietly listening to the reports of the two captains and integrating the information.

Sakai Ji and Zong Wen sat next to him and listened together.

In terms of strength, they are naturally not qualified to sit here, but they are currently Lu Yuan's confidants, so they are qualified.

"Well, I understand. You two have worked hard."

Lu Yuan nodded in response, and then made arrangements for everyone.

Lu Yuan also had a plan in mind for these, and had already made arrangements.

"The current situation is special. I will temporarily divide the affairs of the construction branch into four parts, namely combat, intelligence, logistics, and construction."

Everyone listened seriously. It was related to their future positions. If they could get a good job, they would be very comfortable.

"Based on my understanding of you, I will temporarily divide you into six battalions and 18 squads. Each battalion has three squads. The six captains are Sakai Moto, Yamamoto Kisei, Feng Xin, Jing Li, Akabira Tsutomu, and Qingtian."

"There are 18 squad leaders, namely ......"

Lu Yuan listed the battalion and squad leaders one by one. Because of Sakaki's decentralization, he has the right to decide these. After the decision is made, he will report the list.

Lu Yuan was not too biased. In addition to putting Sakai Ki on the list, the other five were all comprehensively evaluated. Qingtian was one of the two elite captains who survived in Dark City and had five elite elves, so Lu Yuan continued to appoint him as the captain.

Another surviving captain only had one elite elf left, so Lu Yuan demoted him to a small captain.

Because there were many powerful characters among the 100 people he brought, it was not his turn to be the captain.

Among the remaining four, Jingli and Akabira Tsutomu had been taught a lesson by Lu Yuan, but they were indeed strong, so Lu Yuan did not care and appointed them as captains.

After deciding on the captains, Lu Yuan divided the rest of the members and built a preliminary branch system.

The Sixth Squadron was mainly responsible for combat and intelligence.

In terms of logistics, Lu Yuan handed it over to Zongwen, and in terms of construction, it was handed over to a member of the Rocket Team named Sugimoto Gang, who also made up their lineup.

The Dark City branch has been established and has basic functions. If it wants more sophisticated functions, we can only do it slowly.

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