The minister was really partial to the leader.

"Our minister is really partial. He actually let Sakai Ji become the captain, but you, Nagura, who has two elite-level trainers, can't become the captain. It's really sad."

After leaving the stage, several people gathered together and whispered.

The content of the discussion was Lu Yuan's appointment of Sakai Ji. They were somewhat dissatisfied that the strength of a high-level trainer could be compared with elite-level training.

But due to Lu Yuan's previous deterrence, several people did not dare to oppose it directly, and only dared to whisper behind his back.

"This is already very good, Akahira-kun, at least he didn't specifically target us. You became the captain as you wished, and I was also arranged under your command. As for Sakai Ki, this is also human nature. I heard that this person is good at communication and has a special relationship with Lu Yuan. The same is true for Souwen. These two are the minister's old subordinates. Isn't it normal to have such an arrangement?"

Makura didn't care and felt that there was nothing wrong with this arrangement.

When he and others were disrespectful to Lu Yuan at the headquarters, he didn't do anything to them.

It shows that he still has a broad mind. As for the personnel arrangement, it is also human nature.

"Hehe, if he even targets us, this person's mind is just like that, and he can't accomplish anything big."

Akahira Tsutomu said with a hum, still a little unconvinced on his face. That day, his spirit was slack and slow to react. If the spirit hadn't been slack, hehe.

He would definitely not be so embarrassed, and he would be beaten more handsomely.

As for Lu Yuan's strength, he also recognized it.

While they were chatting over there, Lu Yuan was also busy here.

After listening to the opinions of the relevant personnel, Lu Yuan circled a circle on the map, where a new base would be built to facilitate future actions.

"Mr. Sugimoto, just keep an eye on these places. If you need anything, just tell Zongwen."

Lu Yuan looked at Sugimoto Gang and said.

"Yes, Minister."

"Well, go down."

Sugimoto Gang bowed and left the room.


"Come in."

Sugimoto Gang left and Sakai Ji came in right after him.

"Boss, aren't you roasting me on the fire?"

Sakai Ji raised his face and complained to him, then found a chair to sit down.

"Why are you roasting me on the fire? Look how good it is to be a captain."

Lu Yuan chuckled.

"Oh, forget it. I am the only captain whose strength is not as good as that of my subordinates. If they didn't see you, they probably wouldn't even bother with me."

Ji Sakai is self-aware of this.

"It's good that you know it. Why don't you roll up and improve your strength quickly?"

"I want to, too. Do you think I am you? Improving is just like eating. The speed of improving in a few months is better than others' lifetime." Ji Sakai rolled his eyes. He couldn't compare with this freak.

This is equivalent to the top student telling the poor student that getting 100 points is difficult?

It's not difficult to get a top student, but it's really difficult for a poor student.

Fortunately, Ji Sakai is not too useless and can still do some work.

"Okay, if you want to chat with me, stop it. I still have a lot of documents to read."

Lu Yuan said, holding his forehead.

The Dark City branch is equivalent to rebuilding, and the workload is huge.

"So busy? Let me see."

"Hmm?" A flash of inspiration suddenly came into his mind, and Lu Yuan's eyes lit up, staring straight at Ji Sakai.

"Ah, boss, why are you looking at me like this? It's scary." Meeting this gaze, Ji Sakai felt a chill on his back.

His intuition told him that he was going to be cheated, and this was definitely not a good thing.

"It's okay, I just want to ask you, do you feel uncomfortable as the captain? Do you want to be the minister?"

"Ah!" Ji Sakai was startled and his face turned pale, "Boss, I don't want to usurp the throne. The minister is yours, and the boss is also you."

"You may have misunderstood what I meant."

Lu Yuan laughed and put down the file.

"Ah, what does that mean?"

"What do you think?"

Lu Yuan smiled brightly.

Half an hour later, Ji Sakai was sitting in the minister's office where Lu Yuan was originally, and he was cursing and approving documents alone. Lu Yuan authorized him to manage it with full authority.

Lu Yuan was a hands-off boss again, throwing things to Sakai Ki to deal with, anyway, it was almost the same.

He, Lu Yuan, was the boss here, and no one could control him. As long as things could be done well, with Sakaki's personality,

, probably won't have a chance.

Besides, he not only ordered him to help, but also called Zong Wen to help.

Others want to, but they don't have this opportunity yet.

How great it is to experience being a minister, sit in this position, and look at problems from a new perspective.

This is also good for him, isn't it.

In a special training room in the base, this is reserved by Lu Yuan for himself. As a minister, he is also a guard in the Rocket Team system. It is not difficult to have a training room that belongs to him.

The equipment used in the training room is also the best.

At this time, Gyarados and others are in the training room, receiving training.

In a blink of an eye, the elves have made another breakthrough. The King of Leave has reached the peak of the elite level, level 50.

Gyarados followed closely behind, level 49.

The two-headed Tyrannosaurus was upgraded to level 48, and the fossil pterosaur was level 46.

And the flame chicken also reached level 40, and the progress of strength is not slow.


A breath suddenly blew past, and Lu Yuan looked over and saw that it was Blaziken who had broken through.

From high-level strength, he entered the elite level and broke through to level 41.

Blaziken also entered the elite level today.


After the breakthrough, Blaziken seemed to be very windproof, with blazing flames all over his body.

Hahaha, his Blaziken also caught up and broke through the elite level.


Dixon congratulated him, and Gyarados and other Pokémon, including the King of Leave, rarely interrupted their dormant state to congratulate it.

The once tiny Blaziken has also reached this point today, and is at the same level as them.

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