Pokemon: Dominate The Alliance From Opening The Treasure Box

Chapter 207 Champion qualification Squirtle (plus)

On this day, Aoki and Misty continued on the road, on their way to the next town.

Halfway through, Aoki suddenly stopped and didn't move on.

"Brother Aoki, what's wrong?"

Misty asked in confusion.

"It's nothing, someone made some traps on the ground."

Aoki stepped on the ground in front of him lightly, and suddenly collapsed, and a large pit appeared.

He already knew why.

Squirtle, Ash's Squirtle.

I don't know who abandoned it, but I have to admit that it was a fool.

It was because of this fool that Ash obtained the three imperial statues for no reason.

And a few days ago, Aoki also met a frog seed, the one from Ash.

Considering that he already had the Frog Seeds, Aoki did not take it.

Giving the Frog Seed to Ash will also make him strong enough, so that the rewards for future treasure chests should be very good.

"Jenny, Jenny."

Squirtle, who had been wearing sunglasses, saw that Aoki was not hit, and immediately jumped and fished.

Name: Squirtle

Strength: Advanced

Qualification: Champion

Sure enough, it is indeed the Squirtle that Ash met 610, and has the qualification of Champion.

It's a pity I don't know the reason, I don't like Evolution, otherwise the strength must be very strong.

Aoki decided to take it anyway.

He believed in his ability, Squirtle should be willing to evolve, but if he couldn't, he should be a pet.

Anyway, this Squirtle is cute.

"Ralts, use Confusion."

Ralts immediately floated into the air, an invisible Confusion that enveloped Squirtle.

Squirtle was immediately under control, and pulled to his side.

"Fantasy light."

Ralts' eyes looked like a colorful light, hitting Squirtle.

Squirtle was instantly incapacitated.

It is also inexperienced and does not know how to deal with super-powerful Pokémon.

The other Squirtles panicked when they saw their boss being subdued, not knowing what to do.

Aoki is a good guy, seeing these Squirtle tangled and ready to help them make a choice.

"Metagross, Confusion, All Control, Ralts, Hypnosis."

As soon as Metagross comes out, use his Confusion to control all the Squirtles.

(adfb) Ralts used hypnotism to hypnotize all the Squirtles.

Aoki took a look at these Squirtles, there are many, most of them are quasi-Elite qualifications.

There is no Elite qualification, but it is not bad, after all, it is the Royal Three Statues.

Eating more good energy cubes can improve your qualifications, and the Elite level is not a problem.

At most it's a matter of time.

"Misty, aren't you the Master of Water Fan Pokémon? There are so many Squirtles, you can take any of them.

Really "? That's great."

Misty also likes Aoki very much. After listening to Aoki's words, she is also polite and accepts it - only.

Aoki was not in a hurry to subdue Boss Squirtle, he was going to wait for a while and then negotiate.

After all, if you want to be with Pokémon, you must get the other party's approval.

He didn't want to subdue a disobedient Pokémon.

After waiting for a while, Boss Squirtle finally woke up.

"Squirtle, or come with me later, and I'll take good care of you, your companion, with my Pokémon.

While Aoki speaks, he cuts a delicious energy cube and uses the power of rhyme Viridian.

Although Squirtle was abandoned and hated humans, he still recognized the power of Viridian.

Coupled with the delicious food at Aoki, Squirtle was instantly smitten.

"Jenny Jenney.

Squirtle finally agreed.

It needs such good training as Aoki, and the food is delicious.

"Okay, I'll take you in now."

Aoki takes out the Pokémon Ball and touches Squirtle lightly.

Squirtle did not resist and was easily subdued.

Of the remaining Squirtles, one was captured by Misty, and the others were all passed on to the Odagaki Professor Institute.

Aoki now has Aron Clan, Trapinch Clan, Squirtle Clan.

After a few years, maybe these three ethnic groups can expand their members and become the family's support.

"Great, I've got Squirtle in.

Misty jumped up excitedly.

Aoki also counted his own Pokémon, and part of them stayed at the Odamaaki Professor Research Institute.

At present, there are Metagross, Tyrannosaurus, Frog Seed, Little Fire Dragon, Squirtle, Ralts.

A total of six, the league knows.

Among them, Boss Lairon, not long ago, just changed a weight ball, so it can not be sent to the Odagaki Professor Institute.

There are also Deoxys, Jirachi, also not counted.

Finally, the core of Zygarde, Aoki has been kept in the backpack and kept as a pet.

The other flames, Greninja, Tyrannosaurus, Dengeki Monster, and Blissey, are also in the Odagaki Professor Institute.

They are currently accumulating strength and striving to become stronger, so they don't need to fight for the time being.

Throughout the Kanto Region, the gyms here are generally poor, and these trump cards are not needed at all.

"Okay, try to get to Deadleaf City as soon as possible, I want to buy something there."

Aoki continued on the journey.

He is going to buy some more Evolutionary stone/ite, transform them into ghosts and super gems, and then let Hoopa hatch and hook.

This phantom beast is really powerful, and its punishment form is quite cute, which makes people a little fascinated.

Aoki likes Hoopa anyway.

"Understood, let's go fishing now."

Misty immediately followed Aoki and quickened his pace, not wanting to delay Aoki's progress.

Aoki trains his Pokémon as he walks.

Little Fire Dragon, Wonder Frog Seed, Squirtle, are all highly qualified and need to be cultivated well.

Ralts have eaten energy blocks for so long, and their qualifications have also reached the Elite level, which needs to be cultivated.

And after a while, Ralts will be able to evolve the experience.

Aoki began to shift focus.

As a traverser, without a team of Champion-level Pokémon, plus a bunch of alternate Elite-level ones, you are ashamed to say that you are a traverser.

There are three small fire dragons, which are currently being cultivated by Aoki and can become the main force.

Magical beasts, divine beasts, will become the trump card in the future, whoever is unhappy will immediately overturn the table and drive people away.

A few days later, Aoki and Misty crossed a town and came to a beach.

Another way to go is the city of dry leaves.

However, Aoki is not in a hurry, he intends to stay for a while.

(83000 flowers plus more.),

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